Then she stood up, and the princess skirt covered her legs, causing her to frown again:

"Hanyu, go to the closet and help me find a shorter skirt."

It seems that girls are all the same. Some things are self-taught. As long as it is a "beautiful" thing, you will naturally know what is the right choice.

Hanyu Shirasawa came to the huge wardrobe.

Open it up and take a look.

My eyes were almost dazzled by the clothes inside.

He couldn't help but glanced at the close-fitting clothes, and finally settled on a pile of skirts on the hanger next to him.

After searching carefully for a while, I finally chose a short white skirt and handed it to Belmode.

There are not too many words.

Belmode is ready to start changing.

Hanyu Shirasawa's mouth twitched fiercely, and he turned around silently.

half an hour.

A girl's voice sounded:

"Hayu, look at me, how do I look like this?"

Hanyu Shirasawa turned his head, and saw the girl circling in front of him, she was so glamorous, it felt like a fairy descended into the mortal world.

Black stockings, shiny crystal shoes, white short skirt, curvy figure and angelic face, plus youthful breath, all of them add up, I don't know how to describe it.

"How?" Belmode tilted his head and asked.

"Very beautiful." Hanyu Shirasawa replied sincerely.

Belmod smiled.

"Okay, let's go for a walk."

It was rare for her to have a lively tone in her tone, she looked very happy, and strode out of the room.

It's just that when he was carrying Hanyu Shirasawa on his back, there was no smile on his face, instead there was a kind of worry that couldn't be resolved.

Chapter 0036: Belmode Copy: 1/3

Belmode said he was going out for a stroll.

In fact, there is nowhere to go.

In addition to countless rooms and corridors, there is only a garden like a prison.

When Hanyu Baisawa followed her here, he found many strangers wandering in the garden. Their expressions were filled with endless sadness, but when they saw Belmode, they would greet him politely.

Hanyu Shirasawa recognized these people, probably high-end talents who were trapped here like Kyosuke Sengen. After all, none of them were younger than 30 years old, and some were even old men, so it was easy to judge them identity of.

What surprised him was that this chick was able to gain their respect, she seemed to have some skills.

In other words, it doesn't necessarily mean that there are any secrets in it.

Withdrawing his thoughts, Hanyu Bai Ze saw Belmode coming in front of four people, three men and one woman, and one of them was Kyosuke Senma whom he had met yesterday.

"Miss Sharon, you are here." The four of them greeted in unison, and then looked at Hanyu Shirasawa one after another, but they didn't say anything, they just took a look and then looked away.

Belmode smiled and said, "Is there anything you are not used to recently, or do you need my help?"

Kyosuke Qianjian said: "No need Miss Sharon, you have already helped us enough, it is really not good to bother."

"Okay." Belmode nodded, looked at the woman among the four, and asked, "A new doctor, how long will it take for me to recover from my illness?"

The woman squinted her eyes, looked at the generous Belmode, then at Hanyu Shirasawa next to her, and said with a smile, "Five days... maybe not enough time."

"Is that so..."

Belmode lowered his head, his hands were nervously mixed together, and the expressions of the other four people were not good-looking.

For a while, the atmosphere was very silent.

"These people..." Hanyu Baisawa couldn't help murmuring in his heart, feeling a little funny again.

If he didn't understand what was going to happen next, he might have just thought that Belmode was really asking about his illness.

But he knows everything, and he judged it naturally. They were talking about riddles just now. As for the "five days", the most likely reason is that they still have five days to stay here. If they don't want to do something about it , may be transferred.

Then it won't be long before there will be news that the people who came to participate here have died. It's really a good hand.

"By the way, let me introduce you." Belmode smiled again: "The one next to me is my personal servant, Hanyu Shirasawa."

Senma Kyosuke smiled and said, "Actually, I met Mr. Hanyu yesterday."

"Really?" The female doctor raised her eyebrows, and then reported her name: "Hello, my name is Shinidesan. As you just heard, I am a doctor."

The two men next to him hesitated for a while, and finally did not say their names. They smiled apologetically at Hanyu Shirasawa, and then left.

Shinidesan took the initiative to explain: "Mr. Hanyu, the two of them didn't mean to look down on you. It's just that their names are a bit ugly, so I don't want to be laughed at by others, please forgive me."


The expression on Hanyu Baisawa's face remained unchanged. Looking at the well-known female doctor in front of him, thinking of her name just now, he thought of a name in the original book, which was also called "Xinchu", so he couldn't help asking come out:

"A new doctor, you should be married, and you have a son, right?"

Xinchu squinted his eyes, and the smile on his face suddenly became brighter: "Mr. Hanyu, you must have heard my name in Mihua before, right?"

"So it's really you." Hanyu Baisawa immediately understood what she meant, and now confirmed the identity of the other party, his eyes widened uncontrollably.

"Hehe." Xin Chusan was not surprised that someone recognized him. After all, the people trapped here are more or less famous, and those who are not famous at all cannot come here.

However, Hanyu Shirasawa thinks differently from her.

Because of the name "Xinchusan", he had some impressions.

I remember that in the original book, Belmode pretended to be a man and went to Didan High School to be a doctor, and that man was Shinide Chiaki.

This guy is quite popular among Conan's fans, and he seems to have thoughts about Xiaolan.

The reason why I think of this is because the name of Fang's grandmother in the original book is Shinidesan.

Hanyu Shirasawa looked at the mature beauty in front of him, compared with the 70-year-old old woman in the picture he had seen before, it was a world of difference.

Time is really a butcher's knife.

"In other words...the two guys who didn't name them just now are actually famous people, so don't dare to expose them."

Hanyu Shirasawa narrowed his eyes and thought of another thing.

After the new release three, they are living well. Thinking about what the other party said to Belmode just now, it means that they may have to take action five days later.

"So, the chick Belmode seduced me, who came in from outside, she must have a plan. The biggest possibility is to use herself as a tool for the action five days later. Tsk tsk, beauty trick, hehe……"

Hanyu Shirasawa felt that his reasoning should be correct, so his mood completely calmed down, and he used a God's perspective mode to pay attention to everything that happened in front of him.

But soon he stopped thinking about it. He came to complete the task to get rewards, not to pay attention to these things.

At this time.

Belmod spoke:

"Hanyu, go and wait for me, I have something to talk to the new doctor alone."

Hearing this, Hanyu Baisawa silently backed away seven or eight meters, watching them from a distance.

"That..." Belmode moved closer to the third ear, and quietly told his story.

After listening.

Xinchusan's expression was very tangled: "Miss Sharon, there's no need to do this to this extent, right? And you've only known this guy for two days, so you have to find out what you say."

"A new doctor, you said that we only have five days left, and there is no chance. I feel that he is different, and he has to work hard. What if it succeeds?"

"This...well, I just hope you don't regret it, Miss Sharon. At this time tomorrow morning, I will prepare what you want."

"it is good."

Belmode's eyes were full of determination.

the next day.

Hanyu Shirasawa thought that Belmode would do something wrong, but he didn't expect that nothing happened, and he just passed the day without incident.

Chapter 0037: Belmode Copy: 1/3

Day three.

This is the third day Hanyu Shirasawa has been here.

The task has not been completed, Belmode is not easy to deal with, but the other party wanted to deal with him when they first met.

Sometimes he even wondered if this chick also had some kind of system, and regarded him as the target to complete the task.


Hanyu Shirasawa put back these messy thoughts, pushed open the door in front of him and walked in.

Belmode was sitting on a chair, his legs in black silk were crossed, and he was reading a book seriously with an indescribably leisurely expression.

From time to time, her little black silk feet would be raised up, or lightly rubbed, which was very attractive.

"Hayu, have you had breakfast?"

Belmode put down the book in his hand and looked at him with a smile.

"Eat." Hanyu Shirasawa will not abuse himself, and the breakfast here is really rich and tastes very good.

"But I have no appetite today, and I haven't eaten anything."

Belmode looked at him wronged.

She gently bulged her cheeks, her water green eye mask was shining, and she was indescribably cute.

"Miss Sharon, are you sick? Do you want to see a doctor? I think the new doctor from yesterday will do."

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