On the surface, he is an important cadre of a terrorist organization, but when he is free, he works all day long. If some colleagues find out, they will probably laugh at him in their dreams at night.


In fact, he knows what is going on. The organization has been doing some experiments, which consume a lot of money. This also leads to these cadres having little money, and sometimes they even have to blackmail some colleagues for money, and continue to work for the experiment. And dedication is really too difficult.

It can be said that the black organization is really notorious in the underground world. Not only the white people hate them, but the underworld also hate them. After all, they are too careless about the facts and often break the rules.

But if you think about it, in the first episode of Conan, gin and vodka actually went to blackmail the gang who is also a mafia gang-the Mudaohui.

What kind of despicable peers have to do this kind of thing.

"Mr. Amuro, if it's okay, I'll go upstairs."

Hanyu Baisawa looked at his suddenly silent face and wanted to laugh for a while. Although he didn't say what was going on, he probably knew what caused him to become like this.

"Wait, Mr. Hanyu." Amuro revealed a doggy smile on his face, "Well, Mr. Hanyu, can you..."

"Small business, no credit." Hanyu Shirasawa kept a serious face.

"Can that..."

"Minimum [-], do what you say." Hanyu Shirasawa directly predicted what he was going to say.


The smile on Toru Amuro's face could no longer be maintained, and after a while, he said with difficulty: "Mr. Hanyu, do you still need an errand runner? If possible, I can help you with a part-time job."

Hanyu Shirasawa immediately understood what he meant, and shook his head:

"Mr. Amuro, if I can afford to hire a laborer, I won't be working so hard to make money."

"I understand."

Toru Amuro nodded, took out his wallet tremblingly, counted out ten ten thousand yuan bills, and prepared to hand them over.


It's not that simple.

Hanyu Shirasawa didn't even look at it, and asked calmly: "Mr. Amuro, first tell me what kind of business you are in."

"Uh, it's very simple, find someone."

"Ordinary people or extraordinary people? This is the key point, the price is different."

"Ah?" Toru Amuro was taken aback, shaking his hand holding the money: "Well, how are these two prices calculated?"

Hanyu Shirasawa smiled and said: "Generally speaking, it is 50 for ordinary people, and [-] for non-ordinary people. There are only these two prices, and there is no extra price."

Toru Amuro didn't speak, but just opened his wallet and carefully counted how much money he had left. In the end, he could only put a stiff face, and put back the 10 yuan he had just taken out.

Hanyu Shirasawa shook his head, knowing what he chose, and when he turned to leave, he still couldn't help asking:

"Mr. Amuro, can you tell me about your business? Maybe if I am interested, I will give you a cheaper price."

"It's nothing, just looking for a woman. That, it's nothing, interrupting your time, Hanyu-san."

Toru Amuro turned around and left, he was anxious, he was embarrassed.

While walking, he muttered: "A profiteer, really a profiteer. It costs 50 yuan to find someone. I can't pay that much with a detective. Damn it!"



Hanyu Baisawa silently watched his back go away, his eyes were full of sighs, and finally gave his evaluation:

"It's miserable."

"At first I thought I was a poor man, but I didn't expect that I would be considered a rich man compared to him."

"Wait, I see."

"It's no wonder that there are so many undercover agents in the black organization, but there are not many talents. If you want the horse to run, but don't feed the horse, how can there be such a good thing in the world."

Hanyu Shirasawa suddenly began to feel a moment of silence for Gin. It is really hard work for this organization cadre. He works all day and night. It is really hard work.

He felt that it was a good thing he hadn't joined this organization. If he joined, he probably wouldn't even have a salary, and he might have to pay for himself when he encountered some things. Thinking about it makes people feel scalp numb.


What Belmode did he think of? In the original book, this woman is quite rich, so the money of the black organization should not be embezzled by this woman, right?

"Ha ha."

Hanyu Shirasawa was amused by his own thoughts, and when he thought of Toru Amuro's embarrassment just now, he calmed down, and became happy again.

Without thinking too much, he slowly went upstairs, and then he had to think about the Valentine's Day party tomorrow.

He had to think about whether he was going away empty-handed, or whether it would be more appropriate to take something with him.

Chapter 0051: New Hospital

The next day.

Hanyu Shirasawa got up early in the morning, even went out of the house, instead of staying at home idle.

Of course, he didn't go to Kobayashi Chengko's house downstairs either. He wasn't going to release the pigeons of Miwako Sato and the others, but he wanted to buy something so that he could come to the door.

The target is the Mihua Station on the side of Mihua Park, because there is a huge supermarket next to it, which sells a complete range of things.

"Genta, hurry up, don't be so slow every time, okay? Maybe Conan is already waiting for us."

"Ayumi, slow down, it's still so early, Conan is the slowest every time, it's impossible to come so early. Isn't it, Mitsuhiko?"

"Ignore you, anyway, hurry up."

On the way, Hanyu Shirasawa walked along the side of the street for a while, when he heard a young girl's voice, which was still so familiar.

When she turned her head slightly and looked behind her, she saw a hot-tempered little girl running in front of her.


There was a scream of "ah" in his mouth, his left foot was mixed with his right foot, and he threw himself forward, preparing to perform a very difficult flat-bottomed fall.

Hanyu Shirasawa: "..."

He shook his head helplessly, and at this critical moment, he stretched out his hand and grabbed the little girl's back collar, lifted the little girl up like a chicken, and held it in front of him.

Two people, one big and one small, looked at each other.

They all saw their own reflections in each other's bright eyes.

"Hmm..." Ayumi struggled in mid-air, and smiled heartlessly: "Big brother, it's you, I remember you."

"I remember you too."

Hanyu Shirasawa burst into laughter.

The little girl in front of me, if she didn't do so many deadly things like in the original book, she would still be very cute, barely considered a little pistachio.

"Ayumi, are you okay?" At this moment, Mitsuhiko and Genta finally arrived late.

Ayumi fluttered in the air again: "Big brother, can you let me down first?"

Hearing this, Hanyu Baisawa put her down, patted her little head, and taught her a lesson: "Next time, don't run so fast on the street, and you must pay attention to whether there are vehicles around. It's very easy if something happens. dangerous."

"Yeah." Ayumi nodded happily, obviously not listening, but asked directly: "Big brother, what's your name? My name is Yoshida Ayumi."

The three little ghosts are all like social cows.

Few people know the emotion of embarrassment. One person took the lead, and the other two actively reported their names, and then looked at Hanyu Shirasawa expectantly, waiting for him to speak.

Hanyu Baisawa smiled and said, "My name is Hanyu Baisawa, it is fine for you to call Brother Baisawa. By the way, what are you going to do so early?"

"We are going to Mihua Park to play, and we have an appointment with Conan. Conan is the one who wears glasses that day." Ayumi replied.

"Well, let's go, let's go together, just on the way, I'm going to the supermarket next to Mihua Station to buy something."

Hanyu Shirasawa waved his hand and led the three little ones to Mihua Park like a king of kids.

The three little ghosts shouted, as if they also found it very interesting, and followed obediently, forming a small team, shouting as they walked, as if they were training.

With the participation of these children, it can be said to be quite lively along the way, chirping and saying something is wrong, looking here and there for a while, waiting for a traffic light is an exciting thing.

Hanyu Shirasawa can completely imagine how helpless that guy Conan must be when he is with these three brats.


They came to Mihua Park.

From far away, I saw a small figure at the entrance of [-]-chome, waiting there boredly, kicking the grass on the side of the road from time to time.

This is not Conan, who else could it be.

As soon as the three guys saw him, they couldn't wait to go up to him, surrounded him and started talking. They didn't know what they were talking about, but Conan's face, which was visible to the naked eye, turned into a bitter face.

at last.

Conan didn't know what he said to them, and told them to stay where they were, before coming to Hanyu Shirasawa.

"You bastard, you actually left yesterday." As soon as he came, he complained dissatisfiedly.

Hanyu Shirasawa shrugged: "Yesterday, I asked Miss Judy to bring you a message. I was only responsible for bringing you here, but I didn't say that I was responsible for taking you back."

"Hey, that's what you said, but we came here together anyway, isn't it normal to go back together? Should we be so realistic?"

Conan felt that it must be because he didn't pay more fees yesterday, so he left himself there alone.

"By the way, Kudo Shinichi, I'm curious."

Hanyu Baisawa bent over, stared straight at the child in front of him, and asked with a smile:

"Can you tell me what the FBI is looking for you for?"

He is really curious about this.

Obviously Kudo Shinichi and the FBI didn't meet each other at the beginning, why the other party would look for him, what is the reason behind this, it is indeed attractive.

Conan looked as usual, and said calmly: "Actually, there is nothing to do, nothing to explore. Take a look at my identity, and then think about myself, what can the FBI care about?"

"This..." Hanyu Baisawa touched his chin and said to himself: "First of all, they didn't know that you were getting smaller at the beginning, so they won't be interested in your body for the time being. As for your high school detective Even the FBI is not interested in your identity. In other words, the only thing they are interested in is probably the relationship with your father. Am I right?"

After finishing speaking, she just looked into his eyes with a playful smile on her face.

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