[Dungeon: Fei Yingli (2/3)]

[Clearance condition: capture the heart]

[Mission Reward: Bullet Time]

When Hanyu Shirasawa had just finished reading that this was a mission, he realized that something was wrong in front of him, and his eyes widened immediately.




late at night.

The primeval forest is halfway up a mountain.

A plane, broken in two, was slowly igniting fire, and it might explode at some point.

In the second half of the plane.

Fei Yingli, who was in a coma, opened her confused eyes, and it took a while before she recalled what happened.

The reason why she was in this plane was because she graduated after the senior high school exam and became a little idle. Then her good friend Fujimine Yukiko who was filming in New York invited her to play there, and she agreed after thinking about it.

Everything was normal up to here, and it was normal when I boarded the plane later.

Then, for unknown reasons, the plane bound for New York lost its direction at night and started to deviate from the course. Under the horrified eyes of everyone, it just flew into this virgin forest environment, and then crashed headlong on the mountainside.

Fortunately, something happened. The plane did not explode, but was smashed into two pieces. Of course, the huge impact force was still not something ordinary people could withstand, so Fei Yingli passed out on the spot. After waking up, she was The situation at hand.

"Cough cough..."

Fei Yingli coughed, unbuckled the seat belt on her body, turned her head and saw an unconscious woman next to her, she stretched out her hand to push her.

Just when she was about to shout, she found that the woman had lowered her head limply, and blood began to flow from the corner of her mouth.

She was startled, touched the woman's neck and found it was cold, and then realized that the woman was dead.

I looked around at the other passengers around and found that they were all in the same situation, and I had a bad premonition in my heart.

She subconsciously wanted to stand up, but fell down on the aisle with a "snap".

"What's wrong with me?"

Fei Yingli was a little confused, put her hands on the ground, and wanted to get up, but no matter how hard she tried, her legs were weak, unable to support her to stand up.

"Oops!" Fei Yingli was not an idiot, and soon understood what was going on.

Although she was not killed by the impact of the plane hitting the mountainside like others, she was not intact, and her legs had problems.

She didn't know if she couldn't feel the pain now, or because the pain passed, her nerves were a little tired and she couldn't react.

But she understood one thing, she had to get out of the plane as soon as possible, the gradually growing flames outside made her feel a little terrified.


Taking a deep breath, Feiyingli gathered all her strength and crawled out little by little.

Soon she climbed out of the broken plane, but when she saw the situation outside, her heart sank to the bottom of the valley.


There is fire all around, and it is flying towards the plane a little bit.


Fei Yingli laughed at herself, turned over, looked at the night sky above her head, and murmured:

"Sure enough, the god of death will never show mercy. Everyone is dead, so why should I survive? Hehe..."

If her legs were intact, Fei Yingli felt that she might still be able to break through the wall of fire.

But in this situation, she basically had to wait to die, because she didn't want to be burned to death like this, which made her feel very terrified.

Just when she was desperate.

The wall of fire next to it exploded violently.

A dark shadow rushed in.

Before she could be shocked, she found that the black shadow picked herself up and crashed into the sea of ​​flames next to her.

Things can be twists and turns.

When Feiyingli came back to her senses, she was already tens of meters away from the wreckage of the plane, staring blankly at the place where the flames ignited.

"Hey, are you stupid?"


Only then did Fei Yingli look at the person next to her, and under the reflection of the fire not far away, she could see the face of the man in front of her a little clearly.

For an instant.

Memories from years ago come to mind.

The bus that fell from the cliff, the fireball that exploded, and the uncomfortable emotions at that time all rushed to my heart.

"you you……"

She opened her mouth to say something, but when the words came to her lips, she had nothing to say, so she could only stare blankly at the man in front of her.

At this moment, she even wondered if this was her fantasy before dying, and she was actually going to die soon.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

Otherwise, how could there be such a coincidence that this man who had disappeared for several years appeared in this virgin forest.

"So I'm going to die...I didn't expect to think of you when I died. It seems that you left a deep impression on me."

As Fei Yingli said, she stretched out her hand to caress this face, pinching it while saying:

"It's such a real feeling, it's warm and warm."


Hanyu Shirasawa slapped her hand away: "Stay here and don't move."

After speaking, he quickly rushed into the flames.

"Ah?" Fei Yingli was stunned, looked at her aching hand, couldn't help pinching her own face again: "Hiss...it hurts so much, it's not a hallucination!"

She looked at the sea of ​​fire in shock, and then saw Hanyu Baisawa running out again, with a fire ax in one hand and a flashlight in the other.

...................... 0


Before she could finish speaking, Fei Yingli found herself being hugged arrogantly again, and hid behind a big tree in the distance.

boom! ! !

There was an explosion, and a wave of heat hit, rustling the surrounding trees.

Hanyu Shirasawa tightly protected Fei Yingli's head. After feeling that there was almost some movement behind him, he poked his head out from behind the tree to take a look, and sighed:

"It's almost there. I only found these two tools. I didn't expect it to explode so soon."

He never thought that the task this time would be so difficult, and he would play this kind of thing at the beginning.

Basically, he has already thought of the following routines. Now it is the primeval forest, and only the heroine Yingli and him are left. Needless to say, he knows that he must take her out of here successfully.

Originally, he wanted to go in to find something useful, but he just found a fire suit and a flashlight, and before he had time to get the medicine box next to it, he found that the fire had already burned into the plane, and he ran out without thinking.

It was exactly as he thought.

He just hid behind a big tree when there was a violent explosion. If he was a little slower, he would probably have failed this mission.


Letting out a breath, Hanyu Baizawa looked down at the person in his arms, and found that the person was staring at him with his head up.

The eyes of the two people just looked at each other, and they seemed very quiet for a while.

Chapter 0056: Concubine Yingli Copy: 2/3

"Why are you here?"

Fei Yingli asked out the doubts in her heart.

Hanyu Shirasawa smiled and said:

"Actually, I was going to sleep at home, and then God sent me a message, saying that you will be in danger, and only I can save you. Then I closed and opened my eyes, and came here. I met my savior , moved?"

Although there are a lot of processing in the words, the general meaning is still the same. The system has become God, and it can be tantamount to asking him to save her, or maybe this woman will really die here today.

He didn't know whether it was his arrival that changed the world, or the world was just like this, maybe even if he didn't show up, something unexpected might happen.

After all, Fei Yingli was an important role later, if she died here, then "Two Eight Three" would have a lot less plot.

But these are not important. .

Anyway, Hanyu Shirasawa is here now, all this is what he experienced, and it really exists.

Of course Fei Yingli would not believe these words, she just thought he was making herself happy, and said in a low voice: "You saved me again, the same as a few years ago, and this time is even more outrageous. Could it be that you have saved me before? It's just that I didn't see you on the plane, did I?"

Hanyu Bai Ze followed her words and said: "Of course, otherwise, why do you think I will appear here? I was terribly scared at the time, I thought you would recognize me, and I was arrested by the police, but I didn't expect you didn't recognize me. Out of me. To be honest, I'm in a bad mood."

Fei Yingli curled her lips and said, "Don't lie, you must be hiding somewhere on the plane, otherwise I would have recognized you. Am I right?"

"Hehe, whatever you say is what you say."

Hanyu Shirasawa hugged her lightly, moved out from behind the tree, and quietly admired the huge bonfire not far away, watching the light emanating from it, dispelling the surrounding darkness a lot.

Fortunately, there were no trees in the area of ​​the plane, otherwise the fire would have already spread.

The start of this time can be said to be quite tragic. Except for Fei Yingli, everyone in the plane died. Although it sounds a little outrageous, it is the truth.


Hanyu Shirasawa let out a sigh of relief, and no longer cared about these things. After all, this group of people had no contact with him, and at most they could only mourn in silence.

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