
Qin Jiu sneered: "You can say what you want, and it doesn't matter if you tell her that she is dead. She has wasted so much money from the organization this year, but she has made no progress at all. That adult is a little angry. It just happened to be beaten by these things. Tell her not to play petty temper. As for the money, find it slowly, if you can't find it, find another way."

After speaking, he opened the door and sat in the co-pilot's seat.

Vodka is still the same, silently acting as the driver.



the other side.

Rice Flower General Hospital.

The door of the ward opened, Hanyu Baisawa looked at the person coming, and said helplessly: "Didn't I tell you when I called earlier, I don't need to come, I'll just stay here and watch over."

"I'll bring you food." Fei Yingli shook the bento in her hand, pulled a chair and sat beside him.


At this moment, Hanyu Baisawa wanted to die, but he still had to force a smile on his face, otherwise Fei Yingli would misunderstand him, but he would have to coax him for a long time to get it right.

"Is she still awake?" Fei Yingli looked at Miyano Akemi on the hospital bed.

"I don't know. The doctor said that he will wake up within a week."

Hanyu Shirasawa was very skeptical, whether Miyano Akemi had been drugged by Belmode, otherwise how could she not wake up after a whole day, it is really unreasonable.

But the doctors said there was no problem, and there was nothing he could do. After all, he was not a doctor, and he didn't know anything about it.

"That's it."

Fei Yingli nodded, and then with a smile on her face, she opened the bento in front of her, handed it to him, and said softly:

"Hungry, eat quickly."

"Hmm... I'm hungry." Hanyu Baisawa trembled when he uttered the last two words.

the next period of time.

He really bites the bullet and eats these things.

Especially Feiyingli next to him, with a smiling and happy expression on his face, he really finished eating these things with tears in his eyes.

When he swallowed the last mouthful, he felt that his whole body was about to collapse, and at the same time he was relieved, the torment finally disappeared.

"Are you full?" Fei Yingli asked while packing the box.

Hanyu Baisawa hurriedly said: "I'm full, I'm full. In fact, I can eat less next time. I'm afraid that I will gain weight and you will dislike me."

"I will not dislike you, no matter what you become."

After Fei Yingli finished speaking, she might still feel that the power of the words was too shallow, so with a slightly red face, she approached his lips and kissed him lightly.

And very coincidentally.

Just as she was kissing.

The door of the ward opened, and the two women at the door just saw this scene, and their eyes widened immediately.


The scene became quiet.

"Cough." Hanyu Baisawa was the first to come back to his senses, looked at the two women at the door, and greeted actively: "Miwako, Yumi, good evening."

"Uh...good evening." Miwako Sato and Yumi Miyamoto walked in slowly, but most of their eyes were focused on Fei Yingli, and finally they looked at Miyano Akemi who was unconscious on the hospital bed.

"Well, let me introduce you. Hieiri, my girlfriend. Miwako Sato, Yumi Miyamoto, they are all my friends. By the way, they are still the police, one is the Ministry of Communications, and the other is the criminal police. department."

Following Hanyu Shirasawa's words, he fell.

The three girls greeted each other.

Especially Fei Yingli, when Hanyu Shirasawa introduced herself as a girlfriend, she felt sweet in her heart.

"Concubine Eri..." Miwako Sato mumbled the name, and suddenly her eyes lit up: "Miss Concubine, no wonder I think your name is familiar, so last time Bai Ze asked Xiaolan, she said your name. "

"Hey, you still know 690 Xiaolan?" Fei Yingli was very surprised.

"Yeah, that's how it happened."


Miwako Sato recounted what Hanyu Shirasawa had said to Xiao Ran.

"So that's how it is..."

Fei Yingli nodded suddenly, and couldn't help but glared at Hanyu Shirasawa, but soon a smile appeared on his face again.

She was just a little angry just now. It turned out that this man knew about herself not long ago, but he didn't come to her, and he didn't confess to herself last night.

But soon she felt that those things were not important anymore, after all, now that they were together, it was meaningless to talk about these things.

"In that case, we are still destined." Fei Yingli looked at the two women.

"Yeah." Sato Miwako nodded, really feeling very destined.

Especially looking at Fei Yingli who is such a mature and beautiful beauty, it is somewhat inconceivable that Hanyu Shirasawa can find a girlfriend of this level.

She even wanted to ask Fei Yingli what she liked about Hanyu Shirasawa.

The three women chatted.

While chatting, the topic soon turned to Akemi Miyano.

After all, they didn't wake up after sleeping for a whole day, which made them feel a little worried. Could it be that Hanyu Shirasawa was really hit by someone?

Chapter 0078: Start copy

"Bai Ze, no matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like nothing is going to happen. Do you want to transfer to a hospital?"

Miyamoto Yumi expressed her suggestion.

"I think it's okay." Fei Eri and Sato Miwako agreed.

They also began to have doubts about the level of this hospital, otherwise how would it be possible for someone to sleep all day without waking up, this is the first time they have heard of such a thing.

The problem is that there are only abrasions all over the body. Maybe another hospital can find out the real situation.

"Let me take a look." Hanyu Shirasawa did not agree, but came in front of Miyano Akemi.

He thought of one thing.

Could it be that Miyano Akemi had already woken up a long time ago and was just pretending to be unconscious?

This is very possible.

After all, in the original book, that Rena Mizumu once pretended to be unconscious, and even the doctor who checked at that time was deceived, and she didn't realize it in the past.

He opened Miyano Akemi's eyelids and stared at her pupils. His eyes were dull and without any focus, which was a normal coma.

But because of what he just thought of, he wasn't sure if it was true or not, and he even had the idea of ​​taking off his shoes and scratching the soles of her feet.

If some people can hold back pain, it is very difficult to hold back laughter, much harder than holding back pain.

In the end he didn't.

I just thought of Belmode who left in the morning pretending to be a doctor.

After hesitating for a moment, he said to the girls:

"Well, you stay here for a while, I'll go out to do something."

"You go, I'm fine here." Fei Yingli didn't ask anything, and directly supported her man.

"Yes, we are also there." Miwako Sato and Yumi Miyamoto also spoke.


Hanyu Shirasawa came to the parking lot of the hospital.

Driving his newly bought black Mazda, he came to the bar where he met Bellmode last time - Fallen Angel Bar.

Still the same as last time.

There was no one guarding the door, so I just walked in.

The inside is the same as before, with a dark red style, and there are not too many people, only a few people in twos and threes drinking wine silently.

Regarding Hanyu Shirasawa's arrival, everyone pretended not to see it, but lowered their heads even more.

And at the bar at this time.

Belmode is drinking wine gracefully.

Hanyu Baisawa came and sat down beside her, and said to the bartender, "Have a glass of absinthe."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Belmode and said with a smile: "Miss Sharon, I wonder if you got the 10 billion yuan?"

"Hehe, I don't know what you're talking about." Belmode pretended to be confused, and he still pretended to be confused.

Obviously in the hospital parking lot in the morning, the key that was thrown was the key of the safe that contained the money, but now he is here pretending not to know.

Hanyu Baizawa said helplessly: "Miss Sharon, with such a large amount of money, you have to leave some for me, not to mention having a share for the person who sees it. I am very poor now, and I have to budget carefully even to buy a new car. "

Belmode sipped the wine in his glass slowly, and after a while he said, "If you work with me, I don't mind giving you a share. How about it, would you like to follow me?"

"Still not."

Hanyu Shirasawa shook his head.

I really miss that Sharon back then. Although she was a little cautious at that time, she was still very kind and seemed easy to deceive.

But now the other party is different, not to mention whether there is still kindness, but it has become difficult to deceive, and they still lie to themselves instead, which is really bizarre enough.

"Miss Sharon, I want to ask you something."

"I didn't do anything, I just took the key today. I didn't do anything else."


Hanyu Shirasawa really wanted to say it out loud, but you said you didn't take the money, so you slipped your tongue.

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