You Xizi smiled, brought over another plate of fruit, and placed it on the tea table in front of her:

"Senior, eat more fruits, so that you can supplement your body's vitamins."

"I don't need supplements, I'm healthy."

"Oh, I really feel sorry for your future girlfriend, it's really exhausting to chat with you." You Xizi said speechlessly.

After that, the two of them ate snacks and drank red wine, chatted for a while from time to time, or stared at TV programs.

Soon, the bottle of red wine was finished, and even the snacks on the table were eaten.

Yukiko was already getting drunk, (cjda) blushed, but she was still very energetic, and brought the playing cards and shogi:

"Let's play a game."

"Is there a game console? Let's play games on the TV."

"No, senior. You can only choose one of poker and shogi."

"Then... shogi."

"I knew that senior, like me, likes to play... poker."


Hanyu Shirasawa wondered if he heard it wrong, and looked at her suspiciously.

But soon he knew that this chick was doing it on purpose. She threw the shogi far away, and couldn't wait to open the poker cards, and she wanted to play this when she saw it.

He lay down behind the sofa, and said quietly: "Two people playing poker, don't you think it's deserted?"

"No, it just so happens that we can play truth or dare. Hehe~"

"So, this is your ultimate goal, right?"

"That's not it." You Xizi said nonsense while shuffling the cards: "I just think that playing shogi is a bit too brain-intensive, and it's not as easy as playing poker."

"Why bother?" Hanyu Shirasawa was speechless.

"Oh, it's playing this anyway."

Yukiko put the shuffled playing cards on the coffee table, and said with a smile:

"The rules of the game are very simple. Let's guess the punch first. Whoever wins will be the first to draw cards. Then we will compete with whoever has the highest number of cards. Whoever has the highest number of cards will win, and then get the right to ask questions. Then I will Will ask you to choose the truth or take a big risk. That's it."

"Well, it's easy. By the way, what should I do if I draw the same number?"

"Then it's a draw, keep drawing."

"Okay, let's start." Hanyu Shirasawa sat upright.

Next up is boxing.

You Xizi won, the first time she drew cards, and her number of cards was relatively high, which made her very happy:

"Okay, senior, I asked. Do you choose the truth, or take a big risk?"

"Uh, let's be honest."

"So, senior, do you think I'm pretty?"


The corner of Hanyu Shirasawa's mouth twitched: "Ask yourself, do you think you are pretty?"

"No way, senior. We have to abide by the rules of the game. If you don't want to answer me, you have to choose a big adventure."

"That's cruel. Well, you're beautiful."

"Hey, it's so comforting to hear senior praise me."

Yukiko had a narcissistic smile on her face.

Hanyu Shirasawa didn't know what to say to this chick, so he could only urge to start the second one.

In the end, he lost again.

"Oh... you can ask." Hanyu Shirasawa no longer resisted, it was just a problem, nothing serious.

"Senior, what do you think of me being your girlfriend?" When You Xizi finished asking, those beautiful eyes seemed to be shining brightly, staring straight at him.

"Uh, I won't answer, let's take a big risk." Hanyu Shirasawa felt that it would be embarrassing to answer this question, so he chose to refuse.

"Senior, that's too much." Yukiko pouted her cheeks angrily.

"Tell me, what do you want me to do?"

"Well...well, I'll punish Senior to sleep on the bed at night."

"...Okay." Hanyu Shirasawa nodded, it was just right for one person to sleep on half of such a big bed.

time flies.

Soon half an hour passed.

Hanyu Baisawa collapsed on the sofa, staring straight at the ceiling above his head, with a suspicious expression on his face.

For half an hour, for a full half hour, he didn't even win a hand, which is a bit outrageous.

"Ah, it's comfortable." You Xizi was already numb, stood up and stretched, and then threw herself on the bed next to her: "Okay, senior, let's rest, I'm sleepy."


Hanyu Shirasawa walked over slowly like a walking dead, and lay down beside her.

You Xizi sat up and drew a line in the middle with her hand: "Senior, you must not cross this line when you sleep at night, or you will be a beast."


Hanyu Baisawa responded, turned his body sideways, and left her behind.

that's it.

Another half hour.

The room was quiet.

It was so quiet that it was just the shallow breathing of the two of them, which could clearly echo in the room.


Hanyu Shirasawa felt a body approaching from behind, and at the same time whispered softly:

"Senior, I really didn't expect that you would choose beasts as inferior..."


Hanyu Shirasawa was stunned, he didn't expect to be provoked.

This time, I couldn't bear it anymore, and immediately turned around.

Chapter 0085: Yukiko Copy: 2/3

The next day.

In the room on the No.15th floor of the hotel.

Hanyu Shirasawa, who was sleeping soundly, suddenly felt his nose itchy, and opened his eyes in a daze.

What came into my eyes was a woman with a smile like an elf, and I saw that her own hair was entangled on her pale fingers.

Hanyu Shirasawa understood, no wonder he felt itchy just now, it turned out that this woman was dangling in front of his nose with her hair.

"Senior, good morning." You Xizi's tone was full of sweetness, and she just stared at him.

"Uh...good morning." Hanyu Shirasawa smiled, but it was a wry smile.

Sure enough, drinking was a mistake.

He felt that the reason why he couldn't control himself last night was because he drank too much alcohol, and then he was fooled by just such a gentle seduction.

"I'm going back today." Yukiko leaned into his arms slowly and asked, "Senior, do you want to go back to Mihua Town with me?"

Hanyu Baisawa sighed in his heart, but said calmly on his face: "I may have to wait a few more days, I still have something to do here."

"Is that so..." Yukiko's voice was very soft, and there was no extra meaning.

Hanyu Shirasawa stroked her hair, with many thoughts in his heart.

The two hugged each other like this.

Feel the warmth of this moment.


You Xizi spoke again: "Senior, I have to wash up, and you are helping me by the side."

"Okay, who made it my fault."

time flies.

two hours later.

After packing up everything and having breakfast in the hotel, Hanyu Shirasawa slowly walked towards the Kyoto train station not far away with Yukiko on his back.

You Xizi put on her hat and sunglasses again, covering most of her face, so as not to reveal her star status.

"Senior, walk a little slower, why don't you want to stay with me for a while longer?" She patted Hanyu Baizawa's shoulder dissatisfied.

"Okay. Yukiko, don't call me senior, call me Bai Ze." Hanyu Bai Ze said with a smile.

"Well, Shirasawa. Hanyu Shirasawa, Hanyu Yukiko. Hee hee, it's so nice." Yukiko hugged his neck tightly, shaking excitedly.


Hanyu Shirasawa had a wry smile on his face.

That is to say, this woman doesn't know that it will take 17 years to meet each other this time, or she might regret it.

Feeling a little unbearable, he said softly:

"Youxizi, I'd better take you back to Mihua."

"It's all right, Qian...uh, Bai Ze. You can just go about your own business, anyway, I gave you the address, and come back when you're done with your work."

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