Suddenly, the sound of a horn came from downstairs.

"Sir upstairs, can you hear me?"

"Say." Hanyu Baisawa leaned against the wall, and responded with one word lightly.

"We have officially issued a notice to you. If you do not come down and surrender, we will bomb and destroy the entire building."

"The dog jumped over the wall in a hurry."

Hanyu Shirasawa smiled.

His face was full of disdain.

This group of guys had no choice but to use bombing to force him to surrender.

It seems that with so many people dead, the scene is out of control.

But it is a pity that during the time period of the mission, he is the least afraid of death.

"Sir, are you listening?" the voice from the trumpet continued.

"Cough, yes." Hanyu Shirasawa closed his eyes, the effect of the tear gas was still there, and tears came out of the corners of his eyes again.

"You have persisted for long enough. I believe that your deeds will definitely spread to the whole world after today. By the way, you should belong to that organization. What is your code name?"

"I... brandy."

After Hanyu Baisawa finished speaking, he ignored him no more. Thinking that there was no voice reminding him to complete the task all night, he had a wry smile on his face.

Finally, he took out his protected mobile phone and called Bellmode.



the other side.

In the villa, Belmod returned safely last night.

At this time, she was watching TV, which was broadcasting live, which happened to be the situation on Hanyu Shirasawa's side.

Suddenly she heard her mobile phone ringing, saw the phone number on it, she was silent for a while and chose to connect.

Neither of them spoke.

The atmosphere was silent.

"Ahem." Hanyu Baisawa coughed from the phone, and then said hoarsely, "Sah...Absinthe, are you back safely?"

Belmode watched the live broadcast on TV, slowly closed his eyes, and said in a low voice, "I'm back."

"Well... tell you something."


"That's right, it's really hard for you to handle it." Hanyu Baisawa's voice was full of helplessness and ridicule:

"Compared to other women, it's really difficult to deal with. By the way, I like you, and I really want to be with you all the time. Cough cough, don't laugh, this is the first time I confess to a woman in my life, You should be honored."

Belmode was silent, clenched his fists tightly, his body trembling slightly.

"By the way, be tougher in the future, and don't listen to that old man for everything. Also, don't do it when you encounter such dangerous things in the future. You must live well and stay healthy. I feel that we There is still a chance to meet."

Belmode still didn't speak.

Suddenly, she heard what seemed to be a loudspeaker on the opposite side of the phone: "Mr. Brandy, if you don't speak, you should have decided. By the way, I am the person in charge of last night's plan, John Sterling, Mr. Alan Mackenzie Let me greet you, the previous one was a double, a condemned prisoner. Goodbye, Mr. Brandy..."


She opened her eyes.

He looked at the TV in front of him.

A long flame pierced the sky, and finally smashed into the building heavily.


The building emitted flames and soaring smoke and dust, and then collapsed instantly like building blocks.

The world seems to be quiet.

A busy tone came from the mobile phone in her hand.

Belmode felt that he was going to be unable to breathe, and his heart hurt badly. He picked up the phone again, made a call, and said coldly:

"he died."

"I'm watching TV too. It's a pity, I didn't expect him to be so tenacious, to survive to this extent." The old voice was as usual, but this time the tone was full of regret.

"You could prepare one more hang glider last night, why didn't you put one more?"

"Oh?" There was surprise and surprise in the old voice: "Sharon, why didn't you hide in the crowd yesterday and let him go with the hang glider. (Zhao Zhaohao) because you were afraid, afraid of being exposed and caught. So, he was killed by you. But it doesn't matter Sharon, we are all a family, and we are always selfish in our bones, there is no need to exclude ourselves, as long as we believe in ourselves, we will always be right."

"Heh..." Belmode smiled, fell to the ground lightly, huddled tightly, his body trembling all the time, and murmured in his mouth:

"From now on, I will never listen to you again. As long as I don't want to do things, I will never help you again..."



Time is fast.

A month later.

Something big happened in the FBI.

John Stein, one of the two trump cards, was killed at home, leaving only an eight-year-old daughter.

According to his daughter, it was a mysterious woman who killed his father.

At the same time, there is a fingerprint left on John Stein's glasses, and there are no more clues.

Chapter 0099: Is Sharon not here?




Hanyu Shirasawa sat up abruptly from the bed, looked at the familiar environment around him, exhaled heavily, with an arc of his mouth, and laughed loudly:

"Cool! It's really cool!"

Thinking of the last missile explosion scene, it was really the first time for him to experience it, the first time in his life.

Although I feel scared instinctively in my heart, it is more exciting, which is something that ordinary people can't understand.

After all, no one would be able to survive the missile attack like him.

If others dare to try, it will really be death.


"My heart is beating a little fast, I have to calm down."

He got up and got out of bed, came to the living room, opened the curtains in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, stood on the balcony, took a sharp breath of the night air, and calmed down a lot.

This dungeon mission made him realize his own shortcomings successfully.

That is, it is no match for a country.

"Ha ha."

"It's gone~"

Hanyu Shirasawa shook his head amusedly, and felt that he was really too crazy. He wanted to go against a country, so he had to develop slowly and accumulate strength first.

However, what happened this time made him understand that without a large-scale weapon attack, he really seemed to be a little fierce.

Of course, it still depends on some terrain.

The reason why he was able to guard against that building for so long was purely because he blew up the elevator coming up, and there was only one escape staircase, so he was able to hold on firmly.

If he could come up from all directions, he felt that he had to run at that time.


Soon, Hanyu Shirasawa stopped thinking about these things, and looked at the apartment building opposite with lights on.

Unfortunately, there is no feeling of peeping.

Or even if there is, it may not necessarily be hiding because of the last incident.

"Aren't you here, Sharon..."

"At first, I thought the task had failed, but I didn't expect it to be completed in the end. What a proud woman."

"System, open the panel."

【Host: Hanyu Shirasawa】


[Abilities: Bullet Time, Invulnerability to Hundred Poisons, Internal Breathing]

[Equipment: Beretta M92F Unlimited Bullet Version, Smoke Bomb Unlimited Version, High Explosive Grenade Unlimited Version]

Looking at the ability of this reward, he was a little curious, and reached out his hand to click.

An introduction to this ability immediately appeared in my mind.

To put it simply, he can breathe without opening his mouth, nose, or oxygen.

If this were given to the crew and fishermen, it would definitely be a god-level ability against the sky, and they would not be afraid of falling into the water at all.

"This system seems to be strengthening me bit by bit. Bullet time can slow down everything around me, and I can have more time to react, evade, or counterattack. I am not afraid of any poison if I am not infected by a hundred poisons." .Inner breathing can be regarded as a different type of holding your breath, but the time is unlimited, so you don’t have to worry about any lack of oxygen. Which aspect will you make up for next time? Strength, speed, or physical strength and vision?”

Hanyu Shirasawa felt that his analysis was correct.

That's how it should be.

I just don't know if there will be any abnormal abilities in the future, even the kind that is not afraid of attacking missiles in a large area.

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