"Uh... healthy." Although Kyogoku really didn't understand why the man asked his master, he answered out of politeness.

"Ah~ I remembered." Xiaolan exclaimed at this time: "The champion of all neon karate, known as the noble son of Cuji."

There was no reaction on Kyogoku's face, he just asked: "Two rooms, do you want?"

"Yes." Hanyu Shirasawa said.

"plz follow me."

Kyogoku turned around and led the way.

Yuanzi whispered from behind: "It seems that he is not good at words."

"Probably." Xiaolan nodded.


Kyogoku really took everyone upstairs.

Came to the last two rooms in the corridor.

3.0 is right next to each other.

"Okay, let's assign it to you, and call me downstairs if you need something." After he finished speaking, he glanced at Yuanzi without any trace, then turned and went downstairs.

Hanyu Baisawa looked at the four girls and asked, "How should we distribute them?"

"Of course it's me and you." You Xizi hurriedly said.

Fei Yingli sneered, although she didn't say anything, she stood beside Hanyu Shirasawa.

Xiaolan and Yuanzi looked at each other in blank dismay. At this moment, they felt that they were so small that they couldn't speak at all.

Hanyu Baisawa said helplessly, "The four of you should share one room, and I will share one room by myself."

no way.

Feiyingli and Yuxizi are here, so they are destined to have a bad night, so they can only be separated, and they must be together, so that there will be no accidents at night.

Assign a room and drop off your luggage.

Then they went to the beach.

Chapter 0102: Bai Ze: Don't change your swimsuit?

"Tsk, there are quite a lot of people."

Hanyu Shirasawa was wearing short swimming trunks and standing shirtless by the beach, looking at the crowd playing here, he felt very lively.

"Bai Ze, here we come."

Shouts came from behind.

When he turned around to look, he was dumbfounded.


Hanyu Shirasawa's lips twitched twice, but he didn't continue speaking after all.

"Isn't it good-looking?" You Xizi walked over and turned around in front of him.

"Uh, pretty." Hanyu Shirasawa nodded, this woman looks good in anything.

It just made him helpless.

The four girls in front of them seemed to have changed their clothes as if they hadn't. They just changed into short sleeves and shorts that just covered their thighs.

If they stand together, they really look mature and lively, each with its own bright spots.


Hanyu Baisawa looked down at himself, and said angrily: "If you don't want to change your swimsuit, tell me earlier, if you knew it, I wouldn't change it. Also, Sonoko, you didn't say you were going to the beach, so why didn't you change it?" ?”

"This..." Sonoko looked embarrassed, looked at his best friend, and then looked at Feiyingli and Yuxiko.

Feiyingli smiled and said: "She, she heard what Yuxizi and I said, so she chose not to change."

Hanyu Shirasawa was curious: "What?"


Xiaolan's face blushed uncontrollably, but her eyes looked forward to what happened next.

Because she felt that it was really romantic and romantic to say what she heard in the hotel room before.

Fei Yingli stepped forward and whispered into Hanyu Baizawa's ear, "Because I said, I only want to show the person I like in the swimsuit I look like, and I don't want to take advantage of others for nothing."

"That's it."

Hanyu Shirasawa smiled.

In fact, he thought so too, he didn't want his woman to come to crowded places in a swimsuit.

The reason why I didn't say it before was because I didn't want them to feel that I was domineering, even taking care of such things.

It's just that he didn't expect that they had already thought of this, which touched him very much, and he really wanted to hug them into his arms.

It's a pity that there are too many people and there are two people, it is basically impossible.

"Eri, you're too close." Yukiko stepped forward and stared at her intently.

"Tsk tsk~" Fei Yingli curled her lips, not choosing to quarrel with her best friend.

Hanyu Baisawa said: "Looking at you, you basically can't swim, so I will go swimming by myself."

After speaking, he waved to them and plunged into the sea in front of him.

One into the sea.

He then experimented with his new ability—inner breathing.

Not to mention, even if you don't breathe, there is no discomfort.

Of course, there are still shortcomings, that is, his eyes are still in the state of ordinary people, and he can’t see anything clearly after opening them in the sea. At most, he can only swim in shallow places, and he will get lost if he swims deep direction.

5 minutes.

Feeling that it was almost done, he surfaced and looked at Feiyingli and Yuxiko.

After looking at it, they realized that they seemed to be in a little trouble.


After wiping the water from his hair, he slowly went ashore, came to the front of the four women, glanced at the young man opposite, and asked lightly:

"What happened?"

"The one who struck up a conversation." Fei Yingli said, "Ignore him and still stay here."

"Really?" Hanyu Baisawa came to the man and asked kindly: "Hi, who do you want to strike up a conversation with?"

"Uh..." The man was stunned for a moment, looking at Hanyu Baisawa's kind attitude, he thought it was easy to talk, a smile appeared on his face, and he looked at Sonoko: "Actually, I want to meet this lady wearing a headband. "


Hanyu Shirasawa was taken aback, looking at the man in front of him in disbelief.

Fei Yingli and You Xizi were also a little surprised, including Sonoko, the protagonist of this incident.

She pointed to herself and said uncertainly, "Sir, are you talking about me?"

"Yes." The man nodded with a smile.


Yuanzi instinctively took two steps back and hid behind his best friend.

Although she is usually nympho and easily confused.

But when he is awake, he is very self-aware.

And now is the time for her to wake up.

Not to mention my best friend Xiaolan, there are world-class beauties like Concubine Eri and Yukiko here at this moment, a man who suddenly approached to strike up a conversation chose to look at the least beautiful self among the four, she means I won't believe anything, there must be something wrong in it.

Hanyu Shirasawa narrowed his eyes and asked, "Sir, what's your name?"

"Sorry, let me introduce myself formally. My name is Daoxie Masahiko, please give me your advice."

"Ha ha……"

Hanyu Shirasawa laughed again.

Although I can't remember who the guy in front of me is.

But Kyogoku really knows the plot.

I remember that in the original book, when the guy and Sonoko really knew each other, it seemed to be at this beach.

And the most interesting thing is that the guy who looks honest and honest, when Yuanzi was attacked with a knife in the original plot, he took the initiative to block the knife, hurt himself, and played a hero to save the beauty.

What kind of person is Kyogoku really?

One of the force ceilings in this world.

In the face of an ordinary murderer, he was unable to snatch the sword with his bare hands, and used his own body to block the knife. He really used some small tricks to impress Yuanzi.

When I think about it. 797

He thought of who the man in front of him was.

I remember in the original book, this guy killed several women with brown hair because he was dumped by a girlfriend with this hair color.

"and many more……"

Hanyu Shirasawa suddenly looked back at Fei Yingli, and saw that her hair was also brown, and when he looked at Dokyo Masahiko again, his eyes were already looking at him as if he was looking at a dead person.


He stepped forward and said something in a low voice.

After listening, Masahiko Daoxie showed panic on his face, he didn't dare to say a word, turned around and ran away staggeringly.

"Hey, what's wrong with him?" You Xizi came over and asked.

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