Karen: "It is true that there is a war, but this does not hinder the friendly exchanges and cooperation between our two countries, at least for this month.

If Viscount Lost has relevant ideas, I can elevate your title to earl and let you work with Philip, the manager of the magic house.

I need someone to help me with a special task. I don't know if Viscount Lauster is willing to take over this task. If it is done well, I can grant you the title of Marquis. "

Hearing Karen's words, Viscount Roster became more and more confused. He looked at his girl Winnie, and found that the other party also looked confused.

"There is only one chance. If Viscount Lauster continues to hesitate, I can only give this good thing to the Fiers family."

Seeing that the other party was still hesitating, Karen urged again.

Because the number of people who can be used is limited, there are many things that he has to constantly arrange downwards.

Compared with those unfamiliar people, he is more willing to use these families whose key points are controlled by him.

As long as he keeps Laoster's family in the royal city, he will not have a heart of rebellion. If he can really handle the things he has arranged, the benefits will easily allow him to accumulate the background of the Marquis.

Because of nervousness, Winnie subconsciously hugged Karen's arm tightly.

Experience told her Kay was all evil, but instinct told her it was a good thing.

"I...I agree!" Viscount Roster hesitated for a while before gritted his teeth and agreed.

Now that he didn't have much choice, he was more willing to take a gamble than to be beheaded.

If he becomes a glorious ancestor and a lifetime of glory, the title of marquis is a temptation he cannot refuse.

"Choose wisely, I will have someone escort you and your family back to Wangcheng in a while, and then store manager Philip will come to contact you

For now, you should prepare first. Don't worry about Winnie's safety. Although I'm not a good person, I won't hurt her. "

Karen turned her head to Winnie and asked with a smile, "Are you right, Winnie?"

"Huh? Oh, yes, that's right."

Winnie nodded after recovering, she looked at the Rosters and said, "Hurry up, I eat well, drink well, sleep well... and sleep well here, so you don't have to worry about me.

There were some misunderstandings between us before and the relationship was not very good, but now it is clear and everyone is reconciled. "

Because she was afraid that her parents would worry, Winnie explained a little more.

Although Mrs. Loust ​​was very worried about her daughter, she turned around and left after the next step of Viscount Loust's persuasion.

The next step of the plan is about to start. Karen doesn't have time to leave Mrs. Louster here to catch up with her daughter. They need a lot of time to complete the task.

A viscount's family is barely enough. After all, this is not a war but a business. What he needs is not the ability of Viscount Laust, but his status as an ordinary viscount.

As for the implementation of related work, the store manager Philip will do it for him. This person can be regarded as a genius in business.

It's just that Philip in the previous life directly changed jobs because of the change in Karen's family, which is a pity.

Looking at the backs of her parents gradually going away, Winnie took Karen's arm and said, "Is what you just said true?"

Karen shrugged: "What caused you to have the illusion that I like to lie, this needs to be changed, doubting me is not a good habit."

Winnie: "Oh..."

Getting a truth out of Karen's mouth is as difficult as a bull's milk.

"Speaking of which, your performance in recent days has been very good and deserves praise, so your treatment has been improved, and you can sleep in bed at night."

Karen rubbed Winnie's long straight black hair and laughed.

"Is there any more?" Winnie smiled for some reason.

"It's gone. If you want better treatment, you can fight for it yourself. It's already a disadvantage for me to give such a beautiful difference to your family. When I meet Phils later, she might have to scold me for being partial."

After messing with Winnie's hair, Karen headed for the moving palace.

Looking at Karen's back, Winnie followed without even thinking about it this time.

[Winnie thinks that you are still trustworthy occasionally, favorability +25, total favorability -60]

Perhaps it was because the expectations were too low, so that such small favors made Winnie a lot of goodwill.

Karen couldn't help but reflect in her heart, what kind of devil is she in Winnie's heart?

The case was solved, she slandered herself fiercely in her heart, and continued to bully her tonight.


Winnie, who was walking behind, suddenly felt a little cold, and couldn't help hugging her body tightly.

Back at the Mobile Palace, the army started again and was expected to arrive at the royal capital of Malaga in a little over two days.

Thanks to Justin's generosity, he can reach the destination faster without the resistance in the middle.

Karen can roughly guess what the other party is thinking. One is to concentrate on defending, the other is to wait for the support of the Holy Son and Kelsen, and the third is to lengthen his front and cut off the follow-up supplies.

This is the most likely situation and the one that Karen doesn't care about the most. It's not a joke to win the king's capital in three days.

He doesn't need the so-called protracted war, that kind of thing is not suitable for him, and he can't afford it.

Calculating from the time, Steward Roden and the head of the First Knights should be able to arrive at the capital of Malaga in advance and mix in.

In fact, after yesterday's battle ended, they immediately led the team into action, just to make a time difference.

It is no exaggeration to say that they were even able to reach the royal city faster than Justin and his party. In a real fight, they were the ones responsible for opening the gate and destroying the city.

For the sake of secrecy, there are only 1000 people in this operation, belonging to the elite among the elite. At that time, they will skillfully integrate into the capital and become part of it.

One step counts as ten steps and one hundred steps. This is what a strategist should do.

It's boring to fight and kill in person, except of course, except for the situation where you can kill in seconds.

After all, as a first-level magician, Karen has always had a dream of taking the head of an enemy general with a thousand troops.

It's a pity that the inheritance of melee magicians has been cut off, otherwise there will be many magicians in the world who "step into evil ways".

"I'm hungry, can I have something to eat?"

As soon as she entered the mobile palace, Karen heard Shirley's weak voice. It turned out that someone had been tied up all night.

Karen walked to her side and loosened the rope on her body and said in a very speechless voice: "Is there a possibility that you can break free from the rope by yourself?"

Shirley was taken aback: "Huh? It seems to be really possible."

She was not put on the magic-proof collar by Karen, and her body strength was not restricted at all.

Shirley suddenly realized that since she met Karen, she had stopped thinking.

Anyway, it's useless to think about anything, it's better to just empty your brain and just be in a daze.

"So, where's your brain?!" Karen angrily tapped Shirley's smooth forehead with her fingers.

If she was smarter, she would be able to command about [-] knights, but now she can only lead the team to charge without thinking.

It's probably useless.

Sighing, Karen once again lowered her demands on Shirley in her heart. It is also a kind of wisdom not to expect too much from idiots.

"Well, can you release Her Royal Highness, she hasn't eaten for a day." Seeing that Karen was about to leave, Shirley hurried over to hold Karen's hand.


Because the movement was too big, the apple hidden in her clothes fell out directly.

Both looked at the apples on the ground, and the atmosphere became silent.

Shirley took a step to the left and covered the apple with her body.

"I'm afraid you don't know how to mention it. Apples can't satisfy your hunger. Most of the time, you will only get hungrier." Karen walked around Shirley and picked up the apples on the ground.

If it wasn't for Shirley's reminder, he would have almost forgotten that the eldest princess locked himself in the room.

From the perspective of time, the effect of the princess's medicine has passed, which is a pity.

"I'm going to see the eldest princess, you can find something to eat yourself." Karen waved to Shirley with an apple.

The latter wanted to go in with Karen, but was honest after being glared at by him.

Open the door lock with the key, and Karen locked the door after entering the room.

After he glanced around the room, he saw that Princess Hilna was lying on the bed and fell asleep.

Falling asleep is not a problem, but what about the sheets?

Glancing left and right, he finally saw the existence of the bed sheet by the small window, which seemed to have been wet and hadn't dried until now.

Sniffing carefully, there is a strange smell in the air.

It can't be said to be familiar, it can only be said to be very familiar, almost the same taste as a certain special holy water.

Karen: "..."

Reminiscent of what happened last night and the candy Sheerna ate, Karen quickly got the answer, and it turned out that she was the one who started it.

Holding the apple and sitting on the bed without the sheets, Karen looked closer and looked at Shirna.

The red hair covered most of her face, and Karen brushed it to her ear.

She has impeccable facial features, her pretty face is as white as snow, and her lips are red and attractive.

She was breathing slowly with her mouth slightly open, and she could still see the white teeth inside through the gap between her lips.

She is indeed a very beautiful woman, especially when she is quiet, she doesn't seem so annoying.

Putting the apple to her mouth and touching her red lips, Karen watched as her eyes gradually opened.

She was a little dazed when she just woke up, but she woke up instantly after seeing Karen.

Karen put the apple in front of her; "I heard that you haven't eaten all day, so I brought you an apple. If you want to sleep, eat it before going to sleep."


Hilna responded in a low voice and took the apple.

She sat up from the bed and simply tidied up her clothes and looked at Karen uneasily.

"By the way, what's the matter with the sheets?" Karen asked pretending not to understand.

Hilna lowered her head and explained: "When I was drinking water, I accidentally knocked over the cup and accidentally fell on the bed."

"Oh, so that's the case. I thought you wet the bed. I'm sorry." Karen clapped her hands.

Hearing that Hilna lowered her head even further, her fingernails almost got stuck in the apple.

"The main reason I came to you this time is to tell you good news." Karen pretended to be intimate and sat next to Hilna.

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