Section 30#第一卷:Chapter [-] She said I was a good person

Early the next morning Karen got up from Carol's bony chest, looked at the sleeping girl in front of him, and he stretched out his hand to mess up her hair.

Carol last night was just warming the bed and serving as a pillow, and Karen didn't do anything weird to her.

But despite this, her favorability increased by five points, which surprised Karen.

With such an innocent Carol, he could trick her into bed a hundred times!

Of course, cheating is just a description, because no one can bypass Carol's talent to deceive her.

"Get up soon. Although today is the weekend and we don't have to go to class, we still have a lot to do."

After waiting for a few more minutes, seeing that Carol did not wake up, Karen had to pinch her lovely nose to wake her up.

"...Sorry, I'll be up right away."

Carroll blinked his eyes first, but the sleepiness in his eyes had not completely faded away.

Lying on such a big soft bed, Carol felt as if he was lying on a cloud. As soon as he closed his eyes, it was the next day, and he didn't want to wake up at all.

However, she did not forget her work. She stepped on the big soft bed in a translucent tulle pajamas, leaving hollows half a palm high on it.

Carroll jumped from the bed to the floor, stepped on the blanket to find some new clothes for Karen in the closet, and returned to him in his arms.

"Master, please open your arms."

"Master, please spread your feet."

"Master please..."

Listening to Carol's "Master" and enjoying her meticulous dressing and waiting, Karen was almost addicted to it.

This is the final boss in the future, the legendary white-haired witch who will destroy the world.

Who would have thought that the future BOSS has become his own personal maid?

This unique sense of accomplishment and conquest is even more satisfying than Karen's attribute improvement.

After dressing Karen, Carol fetched water in the bathroom to wash Karen's face and mouth, and more than ten minutes had passed after all this was done.

"Is there anything else the master needs to order?"

Carroll wiped the sweat from his forehead and looked at Karen seriously.

Karen pointed to the closet on the other side and said, "Go to the closet and change into a nice set of clothes. I'll take you out to do something later."

"Is it okay?" Thinking of the beautiful dresses in the cabinet, Carol grasped the corners of the clothes excitedly.

"Otherwise, do you want to wear a maid outfit that is so short that you can see your fat, or just wear pajamas?" Karen looked at her delicate body with fiery eyes.

"...I'm going right now."

Perhaps because Karen looked shy, she hurried to the closet to find a light blue dress.

In the pile of hanging clothes, this dress looked the most plain. In order to match this dress, she found a pair of white sandals.

The light blue dress matched her pale skin, and the exposed arms and calves were eye-catching, while the little white sandals showed ten lovely toes.

Under Karen's gaze, they gripped the upper nervously, as if waiting for his judgment.

Just staring at Carroll shyly changing clothes, Karen commented honestly: "Not bad, very cute.

If you drink a little more milk and eat some papaya, maybe I will be able to use more adjectives soon. "

He pouted at Carroll, and pulled his arm a little away from his side, leaving a distance just enough to pass through the arm.

The latter thought for a while before he understood what he meant. Under Karen's gaze, she ran over with her head lowered and blushing, holding his arm.

Karen: "Let's go, let's have breakfast first, and then go to accomplish something you expect."

"What do I expect?"



After breakfast with Carol and Anna, Karen took Carol and left the manor, but when she took Carol away, Anna's meaningful eyes were more interesting.

If there were not many things to do today, otherwise he would be able to stay at home to tease her.

Leading Carroll into the traveling carriage, accompanied by the butler Roden, the manager of the magic house Philip, two coachmen and two entourages.

It is worth mentioning that the groom who hit Carroll before has been fired.

"Let's go to Xiaoyao Street next to the slum."

Opening the curtain of the carriage, Karen said something to the outside.

Hearing the name of Xiaoyao Street, Roden and Philip were both taken aback.

Because this is the junction of the slums and the main city, Xiaoyao Street is mixed with fish and dragons, not to mention there are many black markets, it is also the famous cheap red light district in Wangcheng.

The products here are all cheap. Whether it is buying or selling goods or seeking physical release, you can solve them at a low price here.

That's why they were so surprised when they heard the name from Karen's mouth, but in line with the principle of obeying orders, they didn't ask another word.

"What is Master doing on Xiaoyao Street?"

Carroll is more familiar with this street than Roden and Philip, because her mother used to sew cheap clothes in a clothing store on this street.

She still remembers her mother's work from dawn to dusk, but she can only harvest a few copper coins every day. It is a lucky time to buy a few hard black bread.

If he meets a gangster again to collect money, he will probably still be hungry that day.

Perhaps it was because those people felt that Carroll's white hair and red pupils represented great ominousness, so even when collecting money, they would stay away from the mother and daughter, for fear of being contaminated with their unlucky aura.

Carroll is unknown, money is luck, they always think so.

Recalling the previous scenes, Carroll couldn't help but wet his eyes.

The warm crystals flowed down the corners of the eyes, and before they reached the ground, they were caught by a pair of warm hands.

Karen wiped away tears for Carol: "If you can't help but want to cry, come to my arms, at least I can give you a solid arm and chest.

As for why you went to Xiaoyao Street?

Of course it's for you, you little fool, have you forgotten what kind of promise I made to you when I signed the contract?

Those who have brought sorrow to themselves will all suffer cruel revenge. As the personal maid of a big villain, you should also have such awareness. "

Pulling Carol's petite body into her arms, Karen instilled her ideas in her.

Both of them are people who have been hurt by the world, and it is for this reason that Karen empathizes with Carroll.

They are all villains, but one is a pitiful little villain, and the other is the final boss who changes the world.


Carol looked up anxiously when Karen called herself the villain: "In my heart, you will always be the best person.

So please don't be sad, even if you become a bad person in the end, I am willing to accompany you. "

Feeling Karen's flash of deep sadness again, Carol, who hadn't had time to wipe away her tears, expressed her feelings anxiously.

(Because of some chapters that may be deleted and some people who can't pass the review, the fish leave a fish pond here.

New fish pond number: 751364632)

Chapter 31#第一结条:Chapter [-] Isn’t it a coincidence

Karen opened her mouth to say something, but in the end she couldn't.

He shook his head, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, and gently rubbed Carol's head.

It was originally an action he used to increase his favorability, but he didn't expect to be brushed back by this girl, and he underestimated her.

No, to be precise, it should be brushing each other.

Glancing backstage, Karen found that her favorability had reached a height of 85.

Suddenly, he felt that he was not far from 100, so does this mean that he has the opportunity to obtain the full strength of Carroll in the future?

Karen's heart was only excited for a moment and then calmed down. In his opinion, it is much more difficult for someone to like himself 100% than to make someone hate himself 100%.

These last good impressions can only be said to be heavy responsibilities and a long way to go.


Xiaoyao Street was crowded with people in the early morning. There were men with numb faces who got up early to work, thin men who walked out of the flower building with their hands on their waists, and even peddlers peddling banned potions.

Merchants pulled ox carts to replenish their goods, beggars occupied their lairs and began to beg for food, and children in tattered clothes frolicked and groped passersby's pockets secretly expecting something.

Here human life is worthless, labor force is worthless, the only valuables may be those children with magical talents or good-looking girls, other things are worthless.

In the Kingdom of Siya, the average life expectancy of ordinary people is often less than 50 years old, while the first-order magician is kept above 80 years old.

The huge gap between the rich and the poor and the gap in life expectancy have led to the growing strength of the upper and lower classes, thus forming a class barrier that the lower classes cannot cross.

In the kingdom of Xiya, everything that can gain power can be labeled as expensive, and ordinary people simply cannot obtain the stepping stone to become stronger.

Even if someone is lucky enough to get this stepping stone, they will be stuck in the next promotion channel. In order to become stronger, they can only do things under the royal family grovelingly.

This is the status quo of the world. In the previous life, Karen only came into contact with this dire world after she fell into despair.

"Is Ella's store manager opening so early?"

"Is there any new clothes for store manager Ella today? The cloth skirt I bought last year is broken, and I want to change it."

"Is the store manager Ella really not going to accept my confession? As long as you agree, I will give you three stores."

The 25-year-old mature and intellectual Ella opened the door of the clothing store early, and she faced the customers and confessors who were guarding the door with a moving smile.

Because of the good management, the cost of their store is much lower than other stores, so they have greater competitiveness. In just one year, she opened her small store into the largest clothing store on the block. shop.

In the eyes of customers, the clothes she sells are beautiful, durable and cheap, and buying one can often last a long time.

Of course, at least half of the people gathered in front of her shop came to admire her amazing beauty.

Many of them even spent money extravagantly to attract her attention, such as King City Law Enforcement Team Captain Loston who went to work fishing.

"This, this, and this are all wrapped up for me." He pointed to the clothes on a row of shelves and said loudly to the waitress.

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