Looking down, he looked at the hem of Ella's dress and said, "Do you know why I attacked you first instead of others?"

"I don't know, I really don't know..." Ella struggled feeling Karen's fingers on her sensitive mind.

"Of course it's because you're too weak!" The honest Karen told her the main reason: "If you were stronger, I wouldn't use this risky method. After all, my talent is too perverted."

Although Ella couldn't understand Karen's words after that, just the first half sentence was enough to make her angry.

This tone of denying everything seemed to deny everything about her, even though Karen could hear that she said it deliberately, she was still angry.

[Because you denied Ella's existence value, she hates you even more, favorability -5]

"I'm not weak, I just learned magic late, if it was a few years earlier... eh~"

Before the words were finished, Ella felt that her heart was hanging high in the air and could not fall down.

Karen looked at her wet and sticky fingers and said, "Although my mouth is stubborn, my body is quite honest. Now that you are ready, I don't have to be gentle with you."

Speaking of Karen, she held down Anna's plumpness above, and attacked Ella's heart below.


[The tearing pain makes Ella heartbroken, favorability -3]

[Continuous pain makes Ella breathless, favorability -1]

[Anna's eyes completely destroyed Ella's self-esteem, favorability -1]

[The first place - 100 favorability achieved, get all the attribute points of Ella at a special time point in the future, and at the same time live a new talent: the gift of power (you can temporarily transfer your own attribute points to others, refresh three times a day)]

[Reminder: If Ella's growth exceeds this time point in the future, the highest attribute points will be used for calculation. 】

[Spiritual pollution is successfully launched, Ella's favorability is +10, and the current total favorability is -90. 】

[Because of her desire for you, Anna's favor gradually increases. 】

[You have satisfied Anna's desire, and the favorability continues to increase, and the current total favorability is 60]

I have to say that stacking burgers is a very delicious food, which is not only beautiful but also convenient.

Different choices have different tastes, and the juicy beauty filled with the meaty package fills up all the emptiness in the stomach after one bite.

No matter how big the desire is, it can be satisfied. If one bite is not enough, then two bites, and if two bites are not enough, then three bites. If it is still not enough, try the Roujiamo placed between the two, which is also a unique taste.

It's a gluttonous feast that may last all night.


At the same time, the disheartened Paul came to Youlan Castle again. Looking at the brightly lit and beautiful buildings, his heart seemed to be dead calm.

Walking over step by step, the guard let him go directly. After all, Paul is already a famous roast goose in Youlan Castle.

As he approached the banquet hall, he heard a lot of noisy voices, like "Kneel down for me, how dare you poison..."

Because of the wall, Paul couldn't hear clearly, and could only hear a few words vaguely.

Ignoring these complicated messages, he pushed open the door of the banquet hall, opened his mouth and said, "I...I don't want to work hard anymore."

After the words fell, he found that everyone at the banquet was looking at him.

Kneeling in front of the second prince was a group of coquettish girls, their looks were much worse than last night's.

The green eyes of the nobles brought Paul back to life, and he subconsciously took a step back and said, "Sorry, I came at a bad time."

"No! You came just in time!"

The blue-clothed patriarch Harry looked at Paul excitedly, and the boy he had been dreaming about day and night finally came.

Section 62#First Volume: Chapter [-] I'm not interested in Hualou (Fourth update)

"Paul, you came just in time. You don't know how sad and insane the eldest princess is. She actually poisoned these girls again. It's absolutely abhorrent!"

Harry grabbed Paul's arm with a look of resentment to prevent him from escaping.

They had clearly changed the staff of another store, but the eldest princess still did not give up and poisoned her.

Looking at the rows of shivering coquettish girls kneeling on the ground, Harry and the second prince had two words in their hearts.


"That's right, because of the princess' despicable methods, some nobles didn't get the antidote and are still being tortured by the poison."

The second prince, Ludis, grabbed the green hair on top of his head and was extremely angry.

"It's a good thing you're here, otherwise the banquet wouldn't be able to go on." Harry patted Paul on the shoulder contentedly and said, "Since you said just now that you don't want to work hard, as long as you perform well tonight, I will I will recommend you to the interior of the Holy See of the Gods."

"No, I will die, I will definitely die."

Paul shook his head frantically, how could he cope with so many people staring at him.

"It doesn't matter, I'm good at healing magic, I can definitely heal all your wounds, let's go to the carnival together!"

Harry and Ludis didn't give Paul a chance to escape at all. They put Paul's shoulders on the left and right, and led him to the center of the banquet hall.

Not long after, Paul's screams sounded again in the banquet hall.

The same groans, but Paul's sister and aunt groaned much better, as Karen can attest.


Near midnight, the eldest princess brought people to the valley mentioned in the invitation. Looking at the sunset flowers covering the valley, she couldn't help but ask, "Are you sure Karen asked someone to lay flowers all afternoon?"

Shirley: "Yes, he didn't take people away until the sun went down."

"Shirley, do you think there is a possibility that he has hidden magic circles under these flowers?" Xierna swept her eyes towards these sunset flowers.

Shirley shook her head: "I've had someone check it carefully. All the flowers are ordinary sunset flowers. There is no magic fluctuation in the whole valley. They are too normal to be normal."

Hilna: "Then can we make an ambush based on this?"

Shirley pointed to the nearby man in black and said, "No, Karen has left a lot of people here to watch over us, so we can't hide from him what we want to do.

At present, the only thing we can do is to send people to monitor here to prevent him from using dirty methods. "

Hearing Shirley's words, Xierna pondered for a moment. Counting the Duke Stamp who arrived the day after tomorrow, no matter how she looked at it, she had an absolute advantage. She couldn't figure out Karen's hope of making a comeback.

According to her calculation, as long as Karen dared to appear here the day after tomorrow, she would definitely die.

But will it really be so smooth?

"Your Highness, there is news from the banquet that the poisoning of the body has been discovered." When Shirna looked up at the night sky, Shirley got bad news.

"It's okay. Poisoning the body is a trick to deceive the eyes. The real poison is put in the food. I don't know if they succeeded."

Sherna waved her hand, and this time she chose the traditional method.

However, she knew very well that these people generally would not eat the food at the banquet, and it would be more difficult for someone to check and poison the wine.

For Shirna, this was just a random attempt, and she didn't have much hope at all.

Shirley thought for a while and said, "Your Highness, there is one more thing I need to report to you."

Hilna looked at the big stone covered with blankets not far away and asked, "Tell me, is there any more bad news?"

Shirley: "The gossip about your collusion with Abyss has been circulating since tonight. This news is spreading wildly among the people. My subordinates feel that this will have a serious impact on your image. Do you want to deal with it?"

"Find all spreaders of rumors and arrest them all, and ask who is standing behind him.

There is a high probability that it is one of Karen and the second prince. If it is the latter, it will be troublesome. "

Thinking of the particularity of the Holy See of the Gods, Hilna has already realized something. She thinks that there is a [-]% probability that this matter was written by Ludis and Harry.

Since the poisoning failed, she has lost the means to restrain Harry, and she has no good countermeasures for a while in the face of the difficult Holy See.

Hilna: "Leave some guards to prevent Karen from doing anything. Let's go back. I'll trouble you to make me some tranquilizer later, otherwise I won't be able to fall asleep tonight."

"Your subordinate obeys." Seeing Shirna's tired expression, Shirley gritted her teeth.

She is praying to heaven that the plan in two days' time will go well.

As long as Karen, the big devil, can be solved, it doesn't matter if she pays her own life.

If the eldest princess falls into Karen's hands...she dare not think about the future, because it would be disrespectful to His Highness.


The sun rose as usual the next day, and Karen, who was standing by the window, comfortably drank the hot milk that Carol brought.

[Because of Ella's talent, your total attribute points will increase by [-]%. 】

[Currently, Ella still has hatred for you, she always likes you -65]

【Currently, Anna is very attached to your body, and she always likes you 65】

Because of taking the -100 Ella, Karen has obtained all of her future attribute points, which is close to the level of a fifth-level magician.

This kind of actual strength was nothing to Karen when he died, but now the attribute points provided by Ella alone far exceed other people.

Speaking of which, he still has to thank Anna, if it weren't for her, he might have failed.

For a moment, Karen couldn't even tell whether the talent of spiritual pollution was good or bad.

Feeling the surging power in her body, Karen felt that fighting all night would not have any effect.

With his current strength, it can only be said that he possesses the power to barely protect himself, even if he is still a long way from Rodden.

It's a pity that the old butler is not an important person related to the world, otherwise he would be able to prostitute a lot of attribute points for nothing, after all, the other party has always treated him as a relative.

Glancing at the two white bodies on the big bed, Karen put down the empty glass and covered them with a quilt. As for the stickiness all over their bodies, let's wait for them to clean up after waking up.

With this bad taste, Karen went to the bathroom alone to clean up.

"Master, an old woman outside the manor who claims to be the manager of the Loya Ball has something to ask you for."

As soon as Karen came out of the bedroom, she met Carol who was waiting at the door to report the situation. She was looking at Karen with complicated eyes.

Karen: "What are people from the Loya Ball looking for me for? I don't go shopping in flower houses."

"She seems to be talking about the antidote, does the master have any ideas?" Carroll immediately relaxed when he heard that Karen wasn't visiting Hualou.

Hearing this, Karen's complexion changed slightly: "Let the other maid take her to the living room, I'll be there in a while."

Things have changed unexpectedly. It stands to reason that the store manager of the Loya Ball should not know what he did in this matter.

For her own benefit, it is impossible for the eldest princess to tell the story, so what went wrong?

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