Afra put her legs together and clamped Karen, who was doing bad things, and said, "That's not what your body says."

"This is a natural reaction. My wife is so beautiful. It would be a heinous crime if I didn't react at all."

Karen's hands wandered restlessly over her body, like flexible green snakes.


Aphra bit her moist red lips to keep herself from making strange noises. For some reason, her body became extremely sensitive under Karen's touch.

Just lightly rubbing her, you have to bend your toes and straighten your body. The feeling is indescribable, as if something is about to come out.

"I didn't expect Sister Afra to be so sensitive. It seems that you can't last a whole night." Karen said, biting her earlobe lightly.

"Don't call me sister, okay, I'm your wife now."

Hearing Karen call her sister, Aphra felt a sense of immorality in her heart.

Coupled with Karen's intimate touch, she felt that her body became more and more strange.

"Okay, but you have to call me brother or master first." Karen continued to lick Aphra's ear with her tongue.

He likes Aphra very much, likes her pure emotion, likes her perfect delicate body, likes her cold and shy appearance.

Wanting to turn her into his own shape, wanting to monopolize her warmth and tenderness, wanting to do bad things in her arms to his heart's content.

If Karen can show his vulnerable side, it must be Aphra who sees his side.

As his spiritual sustenance in the previous life, she has won too many.


In order not to let Karen continue to bully her, Afra endured her shame and shouted out.

Her voice was very small, if Karen hadn't been close to her body, maybe she wouldn't have been able to hear it.

"You're so good. I like the obedient sister Aphra the most." Hearing her call out her familiar nickname, Karen couldn't help but hugged her tightly again.

"But I'm a greedy person, I want to hear you scream again, this time you can't disappear from my presence."

Karen eased her tension with words, while silently invading her body.

A little closer, constantly wandering, probing each other, and trying a little bit.

There is no horseshoe after a little taste.

"I won't leave, even if you drive me away...I don't want to leave either." Afra raised her head and breathed heavily.

She sank in Karen's arms, as if she had fallen into the deep sea step by step, and gradually lost herself under his guidance.

Squinting her eyes and looking at the silver moonlight in the bathroom, her body gradually relaxed.

"I'm not afraid of pain, so you can do whatever you want." After a long time, she blew a hot breath on Karen who was hesitant, teasing his last rationality.

Like a warrior hearing the horn of attack, like a cloud responding to the thunder, Karen shattered her perfection in one go.

"Um~" She turned her head and bit Karen's shoulder in retaliation for his ruthlessness.

The clear bathtub was a little red, and her delicate body was trembling constantly.

It is obviously a lie to say that she is not afraid of pain, Karen's shoulder was bitten by her teeth.

Karen said intoxicatedly: "Will you stay with me like this from now on, I can't lose you anymore."

"Bad guys~"

The weak Aphra gave Karen a blank look, she turned around and sat in his arms facing each other.

She hugged Karen's head tenderly and kissed it selflessly. Accompanied by her kiss, there was the constant sound of splashing water. This was her willingness to satisfy Karen's desire while enduring the pain.

Whatever Karen wants, she will give.

She has always been like this.

From the bathroom to the balcony to the bed, it was three o'clock in the morning when everything was over.

Obviously she has good physical strength, but her body is too sensitive when facing Karen, so that she can't last long at all.

Maybe next time I have to call Anna and Ella to help.

Holding the perfect Aphra in her arms, Karen curled her head against the softness of her chest and fell asleep.

The sunrise of the second day came as expected. As a powerful knight, Aphra had almost recovered. After taking the initiative to change Karen's clothes, they went to wash and eat together. Everything was so natural and skillful.

The difference from yesterday was that both of them had satisfied smiles on their faces.

After breakfast, Karen took Afra to find Vivienne and Isabella and went to the palace together.

It's time for a new liquidation. I don't know if the ministers are ready.


"Your Highness, are you hungry?" Winnie, who was squatting by the iron fence, looked at Hilna across from her and asked.

The latter touched his stomach and forced a smile: "Fortunately, I'm not hungry at all."

"Is that so? As expected, Her Highness the Princess doesn't feel hungry even if she doesn't eat for a day." Winnie sighed, she looked at Hilna expectantly and asked, "Will someone come to rescue Her Highness the Princess?

If we stay any longer, we will definitely starve to death. I want to go out and tell my family to let them escape the kingdom of Xiya as soon as possible. This is a magic lair. "

"Probably, she said she would come to save me." Hilna sighed.

So far, Hilna can only pin her hopes on Shirley.


At this moment, the door of the prison was suddenly opened, and a tall figure sneaked in.

Shirley's eyes lit up when she saw Hilna locked in the room: "I'm here to save you, Your Highness Princess!"

"Shirley?!" Seeing that Shirley really came to save her, Hilna's eyes lit up.

But then she quickly asked, "How did you get in?"

"I came to Karen this morning to discuss important matters, but his maid told me that Karen had gone out and asked me to wait under the small building.

Later, I found an excuse to go to the bathroom and sneaked away. Finally, I kidnapped a maid and knocked you unconscious to ask where you were hiding. "

Shirley explained with great pride that she has finally played a key role now.

A strong uneasiness welled up in Hilna's heart: "Is it really that simple?"

"Don't worry, Your Highness, this subordinate will rescue you right away."

Xue Li took out the saber at her waist and slashed at the iron fence. With the crisp sound of gold and iron intersecting, the iron fence remained unscathed.

"Shirley, run!" Hilna, who realized something was wrong, hurriedly warned.


As soon as the words fell, a purple lightning shot out from the iron fence and climbed onto Xue Li's body along the long sword.


In less than half a second, the latter fell straight to the ground and twitched continuously.

Sherna: "..."

Winnie: "..."

While the two were silent, Carol and Phils, who were dressed in maid outfits, came in one after the other, dragged Shirley's legs, and stuffed her into a cage half the height of a person.

After locking the cage, the two left the underground prison directly, and the whole process was extremely coherent as if it had been planned in advance.

"His Royal Highness, was that person your reinforcement just now?"

It took a long time before Winnie couldn't help asking.

Hilna turned her head in embarrassment: "...No, what you saw just now is Shirley's personal behavior and has nothing to do with me."


In the main hall of Wangcheng Palace, many ministers rushed over early.

It's just that there are obviously a lot fewer people this morning, and at a glance, it seems that there are more than ten people missing.

It was already past eight o'clock in the morning, and the ministers did not see the person in charge appearing for a long time.

Before the king was ill, such a morning meeting was naturally held by the king. After the king fell ill, the task of the morning meeting fell to the eldest princess.

In this royal competition, most of them were on the side of the eldest princess, but yesterday at noon something happened that no one expected, that is, the eldest princess lost the battle.

Today's morning meeting was held in the name of the little princess Vivienne. In order not to offend the existence who might become the queen, the ministers rushed to the hall early.

"Mitchell, do you feel that there are a lot fewer colleagues today." The chunky minister Nick sneaked up to the old Mitchell and asked.

Mitchell looked around again and said: "It is indeed a lot less, they don't want to use this method to protest the little princess?"

"The eldest princess should have been put under house arrest by the little princess's people, and the current actual controller of the royal city has become the little princess, I don't think they should be so irrational.

I have a bad guess, maybe we slipped away before the morning meeting started. ' Nick suggested.

It was precisely because he knew what kind of guy he was that he was worried that he would be liquidated by the little princess, and now that his familiar colleagues were gone, he was even more panicked.

Mitchell felt that what Nick said was reasonable, so he nodded and said, "Let's go now, and go directly to His Royal Highness the Second Prince."

As they spoke, the two slipped out of the main hall, but as soon as they reached the door, they bumped into Karen and his group walking in front of them.

"Where do you guys want to go, why don't you take me with you?"

Karen walked in the front, and Afra and Vivian stood half a step behind him on the left and right sides respectively.

Behind them was the butler Rawden and a little girl wrapped in a tight robe.

After recognizing Karen, they trembled and almost fell to their knees. Nick wiped the cold sweat from his brow and explained: "Master Karen, you misunderstood. We just want to go out for convenience and come back soon."

Karen nodded to express her understanding: "Oh, I just want to make it easier, so let's solve it on the spot. No one is allowed to leave here until the end of today's morning meeting."

Nick: "This..."

"It's okay, we've already held back, and it doesn't matter about small problems." Mitchell explained quickly.

Showing a kind smile to the two, Karen walked to the front seat and sat down on the throne.

Vivienne and Aphra stood on both sides of him, and the butler Rawdon blocked the gate of the palace.

"Since everyone is here, let's start today's morning meeting." Karen crossed her legs and leaned on the throne very casually.

His behavior was arrogant and disrespectful which can only be described as brutal.

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