"Miss Candice answered the question correctly?"

"It's a magical reward!"

"Miss Candice has been rewarded."

Candice found a good location, inserted the core into the ground, and immediately a ring of rocks appeared around it, forming a pool.

Spring water erupts from the core.

Isaac: "Wow, it's water, so clear!"

Khalil: "This? Can water appear on this ground? It's amazing."

Belkassam: "This is life, in the desert, this is life."

Fagana: "This cannot be judged by knowledge at all."

It can be seen that everyone in Aru Village is very happy, and this water can be directly used.

You must know that the groundwater in Aru Village requires sand that has been deposited for a long time, and it needs to be boiled.

[Candice: Great]

[Pimeng: The story continues, if there are more topics like this, Pimeng will also grab them]

【Arataki Ichidou: It belongs to me! 】

【Dadalia: I haven't opened yet】

【Kaya: If you think so, the next question may be difficult】

Ying: "In the hat?"

Wendy: "That's right, I remembered, as expected of Ying."

Wendy took out the invitation letter from the hat and resolved the misunderstanding.

Chapter 631 Who Is The Prisoner Of Shen Qiu Picking Up The Sword?

Abedo: "Editor Hirayama, I am Chalk who promised to meet you today."

Editor-in-Chief Hirayama: "I'm very sorry, this happened to you when you first arrived in Daozuma."

The editor-in-chief took out Wugexian's information and saw that it was all written.

Everyone in the live room can see it.

"Just use these and draw?"

"It feels so difficult!"

"That's how illustrators work."

"Looking forward to the painting of His Highness the Little Prince."

"Teacher Abedo is stable."

Abedo: "Let me see. As I guessed before, the names Cuiguang and Kui Zhiweng are not the real names of Wugexian. Although there have been many stories about Wugexian with different contents in the world, the Today, the specific content of these stories is no longer available. But at least we can still know that most of the stories of Wugexian are written in a similar format, which can be regarded as some gains."

Abedo: "It can indeed provide ideas, but I also admit that the most important inspiration is still lacking something."

Several people were talking.

Pingshan: "Then leave it to Teacher Baicha. In addition, everyone, there is one last thing I want to ask everyone. Tomorrow morning, Teacher Zhenyu, the author of Shen Qiu's Picking Up the Sword Record, will arrive at Daozao by boat. If you see him, please temporarily Don't mention the theft of the new book. No matter whether these books can be found in the end, Yaedo will find a way to ensure that the new issue will be held smoothly!"

Seeing the three nodding, Ping Shan left.

【Pimon: Son of God, will you be angry when you see it? 】

[Yae Miko: Oh, nothing can be absolutely smooth sailing, the most important thing is how to deal with the crisis, turn the danger into a breeze, and find a solution, right?]

Paimon: "Wendy, what are you doing there? We're leaving you alone!"

Wendy: "Ying, Abedo, can you come over here? Here is something interesting to show you."

Wendy held a piece of paper in her hand: "When I woke up in the warehouse in the morning, I saw it fell in the cargo box where I was sleeping. I didn't think much about it at the time, thinking it was a piece of scrap that fell into the box earlier. The paper, after a cursory glance, stuffed it around here. But now, I think you should also read the contents of this paper."

On the paper are written Cui Guangpian, Cui Guang and other names.

Wendy: "The story of this poem is roughly that: Song Xian Cuiguang was accidentally stolen from his side because of drunkenness. The poem that should be handed over to the general. I always feel like I have heard this plot recently...ˇ ..."

"Isn't that what happened to Lord Barbatos?"

"Hahaha, is Lord Barbatos testing little Paimon?"

Paimon: "I've never heard of it before, it's too similar to your experience yesterday!"

Ying: "It seems that it has something to do with the book loss incident."

Abedo: "However, why did he do it? Especially, if the other party was a witness, why didn't the theft be stopped at that time?"

Wendy wanted to ask everyone to go for another drink, but was crazily complained by little Paimon.

And Abedo said the inspiration has been found.

Abedo: "And if you want to draw the model into the work, you also need to pay the corresponding remuneration to the other party."

Wendy: "Hahaha, since this is the case, let's have some delicious appetizers!"

[Chongyun: The model Abedo mentioned, could it be Your Excellency Wendy? 】

【Yun Jin: I feel so】

[Zhongli: He already knows about it, and he is going to order some food and drinks]

"Please enjoy the artistic conception of the story drawn by Abedo, who broadcasts the lifeline"

The live broadcast screen switches, and an animation-like form appears.

In the picture is the castle tower——

Narrator: "One year, Cuiguang, the Immortal of Five Songs, went to the Tianshou Pavilion to have an audience. I presented the collection of poems to adults for appreciation."

In the picture, the young man in green presents a poem to the general.

Narration: "Unexpectedly, a page of the poem written by Kui Zhiweng was torn out. Cuiguang was interrogated because of this."

Next to it: "Cuiguang bowed his head to take the blame, and reported that he had drunk heavily in the wine shop last night."

Narrator: "While drinking in a trance, there seems to be a figure bullying me."

The live screen turns.

The first board of the five white boards has been drawn, and it is exactly the appearance of Cuiguang wine lying on the table.

Paimon: "As expected of Abedo, he really finished the first painting before the opening of the Rongcai Festival."

Wendy: "It's really good, not only very Inazuma style, but also in line with the aesthetics of modern people. Especially the me on the canvas, even when I am asleep, I look very personable."

Paimon: "Singer, don't get too complacent, you are just a model, the person in the painting is not you."

Abedo: "For example, according to the information, although there are five singers, the stories that have been circulated are all four in a series. It seems that in all the stories, there is no independent chapter of the black master."

Wendy: "There is an old saying in Mond: The wind brings the seeds of the story, and time germinates them."

Wendy: "Now, let us wait slowly together."

Liyue's fleet is coming the next day.

Ying and Paimon went to the port to wait on time.

Paimon: "Everyone came from Liyue to participate in the Rongcai Festival. We are the guides and we are responsible for taking everyone to the island."

On board was A Xu from the Feiyun Chamber of Commerce, as well as calligraphers, painters, and chess players who had organized chess games.

Paimon: "So, where is your second young master?"

"It should be the second lady!"

"Second miss!"


According to A Xu's eyes, he saw Xingqiu who was sleeping on the wooden box by the port.

Paimon: "Wow, Xingqiu actually fell asleep sitting up!"

Xingqiu: "Hey, it's Ying and Paimeng. You also came to visit Dao's wife? It seems that we are really destined."

Paimon: "' ‖We are not guests, but guides for Rongcai Festival."

Ying: "Xingqiu, are you okay?"

Xingqiu: "It's not a problem, it's just that I accidentally read a novel on the boat and fell in love, but when I came back to my senses, the sky was already bright."

When Xingqiu was picking up the invitation letter, he found a piece of paper pressed under the bag: "It's strange, it's obviously not there before!"

As a result, Paimon and Ying picked it up and saw that it was exactly the same as Wendy's paper itself.

Xingqiu: "The story you got before?"

Ying: "Ahem!"

Paimon: "Tibetan Poetry Contest! That's right, we have a friend who is drawing portraits of Wugexian for the Rongcai Festival on outlying islands, but the stories of Wugexian are hidden in various places! As long as you can find these stories, send them to He has the possibility of being drawn into the painting as a model!"

Xingqiu: "Could it mean that I can meet Teacher Baicha?"

Paimon: "Huh? Uh, yes, I should be able to say that."

"Little Paimon can't lie."

"So nervous!"

"Show your chicken feet!"

"Isn't it a horse's foot? Why is it a chicken's foot?"

"A human is a horse's feet, and the proportion of little Paimon's body is like a chicken's feet."

"It seems to make sense."

Xingqiu: "Really? That's great! I knew before that Teacher Baicha would come to participate in the Rongcai Festival, so I managed to get my father to agree to come to Daowife on the grounds of investigating the investment value of the organ chess story."

Xingqiu: "When I thought about how rare it was to come to Daozu with Mr. Baicha, but I didn't even have the chance to meet, I felt lost for a long time."

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