This is a living demon...

"Master...Master, the subordinates feel...not bad."

Ding Ning's voice trembled a little.

Fang Mo smiled slightly at Ding Ningxin's reaction, and stopped talking.

Looking at the chaos below and listening to the miserable wailing, Ding Ning's eyes changed from fear, remorse, and pain to cold and numbness.

There is even a tinge of excitement in my heart...

Could it be that there is a dark nature hidden in the depths of my heart?

At this moment, Ding Ning was confused.

On the other side, Xia Xiong's expression was also extremely shocked. Although he claimed to be a demon cultivator and had blood on his hands, he had never seen such a terrifying scene.

He glanced at Fang Mo in fear, and once again refreshed his fearful perception of Fang Mo.

The sacrifice below was coming to an end, and there were shriveled corpses everywhere in the city.

The smell of blood filled the sky.

And the bloody formation in the air has become extremely scarlet now, and the elixir above the formation has also been completely solidified, as scarlet as jade.

"Hiss... hiss..."

Xiaoxue propped up the snake body on Fang Mo's wrist, and there was a hint of longing in the bloody snake eyes.


Fang Mo said softly.


Xiaoxue arched Fang Mo's arm affectionately, and then jumped down.

Xiaoxue's body suddenly swelled in mid-air, turning into a huge monster more than five meters long.

Immediately afterwards, Xiaoxue suddenly opened his wings on his back. The blood-colored wings were a little narrow, obviously not long after they had grown, but they were enough for it to land smoothly.

Fang Mo stared at Xiaoxue's wings thoughtfully.

When he saw Xiaoxue start to feast in the city, Fang Mo withdrew his gaze and turned to look at the blood essence pill in the air.

He held it in the air, and the Blood Yuan Pill flew into Fang Mo's hand.

Looking carefully at the scarlet jade-like blood pill in his hand, Fang Mo's eyes showed excitement.

As expected of a elixir made by sacrificing a city, the blood qi emitted by this blood essence elixir made Fang Mo feel like his blood was boiling.

It can be seen how much blood is contained in it.

Ding Ningxin and the two on the side also stared at the scarlet pill in Fang Mo's hand in shock.

Is this the elixir refined by sacrificing a city?

Such a strong blood.

Suddenly the expressions of the two of them changed, and they hurriedly looked away, because they found that the blood in their bodies was showing signs of getting out of control.

What a terrible potion...

Fang Mo ignored the small movements of the two of them, only to see him gently pick up the blood essence pill and swallow it.

Chapter 142 The Fifth Level of the Primordial Realm


A terrifying blood burst out of Fang Mo's body and rushed in all directions.

Xia Xiong and Ding Ningxin's expressions changed slightly, and they jumped on their flying mounts in an instant, away from Fang Mo, and reacted very quickly.

The terrifying aura made their flying mounts tremble. They had no choice but to direct their mounts to stay away from Fang Mo.

At this time, Fang Mo's eyes were closed, and his whole body was shrouded in thick blood mist.

And his body was filled with an almost terrifying blood energy, and that blood energy was rampant in his body.

In the dantian, the immortal blood lotus slowly rotated.

In the next second, that terrifying blood energy swarmed towards the immortal blood lotus like a hundred rivers returning to the sea.

With the continuous injection of huge blood energy, the second lotus petal of the immortal blood lotus became more and more solid.


Outside, Ding Ningxin stared at the cloud of blood mist in horror from a distance. Even at such a distance, she could still feel a terrifying aura that made her heart tremble.

Now she finally knows Fang Mo's cultivation realm, the fourth level of Yuan Zhe realm!

As far as she knew, Fang Mo was only 20 years old.

A 20-year-old Yuan Zhe Realm fourth-level monk, this is unheard of, it is extremely terrifying, and no one will believe it if it spreads.

How could there be such a god-defying person?

Ding Ningxin stared closely at the cloud of blood mist.

In the Yueyang City below, a huge blood python was wrecking and devouring the corpses on the ground.

At this moment, Xiaoxue's python body reached a height of ten meters. Wherever it passed, houses collapsed, and smoke and dust rose everywhere.


After a stick of incense.

The blood mist outside Fang Mo's body suddenly shrank, and all of it returned to his body.

After a few breaths, Fang Mo suddenly opened his eyes, which were scarlet.

Killing, tyranny, cold blood...

Afterwards, behind Fang Mo, a scene of mountains of corpses and seas of blood appeared again.

The sea of ​​blood churned, and the bones floated up and down.

The vitality of heaven and earth rioted directly, and the terrifying coercion filled the sky.

Facing this terrifying coercion, Xia Xiong and Ding Ningxin both looked pale and struggled to support.

With the passage of time, the terrifying coercion has not weakened in the slightest.


Xia Xiong finally couldn't hold it anymore, spat out a mouthful of blood, and looked at Fang Mo in horror.

Just when Ding Ning was about to be unable to resist, the terrifying coercion suddenly dissipated and vanished into nothingness.

The scarlet color in Fang Mo's eyes faded away, and he felt joy in his face as he felt the vigorous vitality in his body.

Primordial realm fifth level!

One Blood Yuan Pill made him break through, this Wu Mo is simply a genius in alchemy, he could think of using the method of sacrifice to make alchemy.

"Congratulations, master, for breaking through the realm!"

Ding Ningxin's tone was respectful.

Fang Mo nodded slightly, then looked down at Yueyang City.

Xiaoxue's eating has come to an end, and countless corpses in the city have disappeared, leaving only rubble ruins all over the city, as if being ravaged by a strong wind, devastated everywhere.

Looking at Xiaoxue's ten-meter-long python body, Fang Mo raised his eyebrows.

At this time, Xiaoxue actually had the same aura as the phantom of the giant python that day, which made him feel palpitations.

"Hiss... roar..."

Xiaoxue roared in the sky, and then flew towards Fang Mo.

When it flew in front of Fang Mo, Xiaoxue had already turned into a small shape again, and climbed onto Fang Mo's shoulder.

"Hiss... hiss..."

Xiaoxue spat out the snake letter, and rubbed Mo's face affectionately.

Fang Mo stroked Xiaoxue lightly, and he found that Xiaoxue no longer needed to use dormancy to digest the corpse, and could digest it while swallowing.

It has to be said that Xiaoxue's blood talent is indeed powerful.

Ding Ningxin looked at the little blood on Fang Mo's shoulder with a strange look in his eyes.

What a beautiful monster.

His whole body was blood-colored and crystal-clear, and his eyes were like blood jade.

What kind of monster is this? I have never seen it before.

Just as Ding Ning was thinking hard, Xiaoxue turned to look at her.


Ding Ning's heart suffocated, the hairs on his body stood up, as if he was being stared at by an ancient beast, he felt a trace of fear...

Fang Mo comforted Xiaoxue, and Xiaoxue crouched down again.

Fang Mo glanced indifferently at the devastated Yueyang City, and said:

"Okay, we should leave."


Half a month later, Sky Sword Sect.

On the square, Fang Long was dressed in white and stood with his hands behind his back.

Disciples walked by from time to time, looking at Fang Long with envy in their eyes. Now almost everyone knows about Fang Long and Ding Ningxin.

Moreover, Fang Long came to the square every day to wait for Ding Ningxin's return these days, it was difficult for these disciples to know him or not.

Feeling the envious eyes around him, Fang Long felt a little bit of complacency in his heart again.

"Why haven't you come back?"

Fang Long looked at the distant sky and muttered to himself.

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