This kind of ancient ancient miracle, just looking at it, makes people feel a little chilly all over.

The bronze rhizome in front of him reminded Li Wenjie of the sacred tree of the Qinling Mountains buried deep in the deep mountains of the Qinling Mountains. In the volume of the small notebook "The Divine Tree of the Qinling Mountains", it can be said that it is the most grandiose scene and the most trembling one. roll.

If it is the bronze sacred tree buried deep in the Qinling Mountains.

If its roots have spread here, it is hard to imagine what the whole picture of this bronze sacred tree will be like.

"What the hell is this?" Fatty asked suspiciously and wanted to go up to have a look.

But Li Wenjie grabbed him.

"Don't move around." Li Wenjie said.

He knows that once this kind of bronze sacred tree is touched, it will gain a special power, that is, the less you want any creature to appear in your subconscious, it will often appear.

For example, you just watched a ghost movie.

When you are afraid of ghosts and thinking wildly, this ghost just happens to appear in front of you.

This is sour!

That's why Li Wenjie didn't let the fat man touch it. Otherwise, who knows, they would think about something messy, and the difficulty of going to the grave would be greatly increased.

not to mention.

Like this kind of ancient ruins, I'm afraid that the backside is likely to represent the existence of an ancient god-level power.

Like the bottomless ghost cave in the sacred mountain of Zagrama, there are traces of the ancient snake god.

So what about this sacred bronze tree that surpasses the power of nature.


Li Wenjie turned his head to look at the silent brother. If he remembered correctly, there was a mysterious giant bronze gate at the bottom of Changbai Mountain, which buried the 'ultimate' secret.

The patriarchs of the Zhang family have to guard the secrets in the bronze gate.

Even my little brother is no exception.

Behind such an ancient miracle as the Bronze Gate, is there an existence of an ancient god like a snake god?

Think about it.

Li Wenjie felt that his current thinking was too chaotic.

Then this thought was stopped.

This ancient bronze civilization is really too mysterious. In the ancient history of China, there are actually countless such ancient miracles.

For example, the origin of the human ancestor Fuxi.

Back then, it was the Huaxu family who stepped on a huge footprint in Lei Ze, and that's how Fuxi came into being.

Golden Eye!

Li Wenjie planned to use the golden pupil to see if he could get any information.

But to Li Wenjie's pity, even Jin Tong looked at the huge bronze rhizome in front of him, but no valuable information emerged.

"Let's go, let's get out of here." After walking around, I saw that there was nothing I needed in this sacrificial place, only this huge bronze rhizome of unknown origin.

Li Wenjie didn't stay here any longer.

Just then.

Suddenly, a large group of militiamen came down from the entrance of the Madauda coffin shop. The leader was an old man in overalls, and beside him was a foreign girl with a high nose and a high ponytail. Wearing a white shirt.

It also adorns her figure just right.

Many people (De Li Zhao) looked at this beautiful woman with a hint of greed in their eyes.

Only Li Wenjie was taken aback.

Shirley Young?

Why are you here at this time.

Shouldn't it be in the lighthouse country?

"Ma Bold, we have received many reports. You may be related to the persecution of antique dealers from other places. Come with us!" Several militiamen, as well as village cadres, turned away Ma Bold and others, and left here.

"Let me introduce, this is Sun Xuewu, Professor Sun, who specializes in the tortoise shell secret text on the Dragon Bone Book."

Xue Liyang smiled, and continued: "I didn't find you, Lao Hu, and Fatty in Beijing. I found out after asking Yingzi that you went to Gulan County. Later, we found out that Ma Daudao from Gulan County is a Helping a gang that robbed antique dealers, they found the local village committee and settled the matter."

"Oh." Li Wenjie nodded upon hearing that.

Then she looked at Shirley Yang, wearing a pair of presbyopic glasses and gray overalls, dressed very plainly, not like an old professor, but a bit like a farmer, the dusty Professor Sun, Sun Xuewu.

Only Li Wenjie knew.

This Professor Sun has another identity.

That is the mortal enemy of the four sects. During the Hongwu period of the Ming Dynasty, the official tomb robber who supervised the construction of the emperor's mausoleum was appointed by Emperor Hongwu himself.

——Da Ming, Guanshan Taibao order!


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Professor Sun, this is Li Wenjie, the team leader when we went to Jingjue Ancient City." Shirley Yang introduced.

"Hi, my name is Sun Xuewu." Professor Sun is different from Professor Chen.

This Sun Xuewu looks relatively simple, but in fact he is a cunning and sophisticated character. He belongs to the Taibao of the Great Ming Guanshan, the only remaining descendant at present, and the Fengshiqi lineage.

Speaking of it.

We have to talk more about Guanshan Fengjia.

Guanshan Taibao originated from Wuxia Coffin Mountain in the land of Bashu. Different from the other four sects, they robbed tombs by relying on Guanshan Zhimi Fu to find the tombs, and then stole the alchemy artifacts from the tombs, using them as their means.

And the Bashu generation.

Witchcraft prevailed.

Therefore, Guanshan Taibao mastered a lot of witchcraft, such as manipulating paper figurines, spreading smoke to control insects, and so on.

Later, until the Hongwu period of the Ming Dynasty, Liu Bowen, the military adviser, recommended it to the Emperor Hongwu, that is, Zhu Yuanzhang. On the one hand, he helped supervise the construction of the imperial tomb, and on the other hand, he cleaned up the descendants of the four sects, so as to protect the tomb of the Ming Dynasty forever.

The so-called destroying the golden talisman is to refuse to touch the gold, to sell the seal of the hair mound to destroy the hair mound, to suppress the people of the mountain to destroy the mountain, to collect the world's elixir to refuse to move the mountain.


There are only three gold-touching talismans handed down in the world.

Send Qiu Yin, disappear in the world.

Let's continue talking.

The Ming Dynasty soon collapsed, and the Guanshan Feng family also returned to Wuxia Coffin Mountain. At this time, Feng Shigu and Feng Shiqi were in charge of the Feng family.

In this Wuxia coffin mountain, legend has it that a generation of great witches, the Wuyang King, is still buried!

According to the ancestors of the Feng family, never touch the tomb of the Great Wuyang King.

But this Feng Shigu didn't take it seriously, in order to seek the magic of immortality and immortality, he found the underground palace of the Wuyang King with the Fu of Guanshan Zhimi. At that time, the Wuyang King had already turned into a corpse fairy. All six of his subordinates died at the hands of the corpse fairy.

Feng Shigu used the rope to bind the corpse, and after the sword suppressed the fangs.

After suppressing the corpse of the black sheep king with a bronze cauldron with animal face and ears, he found a surprising thing, that is, after the corpse of the black sheep king was pierced by the sword, there was blood.

This discovery made Feng Shigu horrified, and at the same time, he believed that the records in the ancient books of achieving Taoism and becoming immortals were true.

Moreover, this Feng Shigu found out through Guanshan Zhimi Fu that the dragon vein in Wuxia Coffin Mountain is the Pangu vein, known as the ancestor of all dragons, and it is extremely expensive.

But there are only two real dragon lairs, the Coffin Mountain and the underground palace of the Black Sheep King.

The coffin mountain has long been dug up by the ancient witch clan, and the underground palace of the Wuyang King has long been occupied, and all the spiritual energy has disappeared.

But this person is very ambitious, he spread the way of Taoism and immortality among the Feng family, and even built an earth fairy village on the coffin mountain in Wuxia. Come to repair the Feng Shui of the Yangzhai in Dixian Village.

It can be described as very ambitious.

Immediately afterwards, he swallowed the living pill, stepped into the Dixian Village, and declared that as long as the Feng family's ancestral grave oozes blood, it will be the time when the immortals in the Dixian Village will come out!

In order to prevent anyone from disturbing the Feng family's attainment of Taoism and immortality.

Before Feng Shigu took Pangu corpse moss and stepped into the coffin, intending to achieve immortality, he set up the Nine Death Shocking Mausoleum Armor outside to prevent tomb robbers from spying on them and disturbing their immortality.

But in the process.

However, there is one person who has not yet stepped into Dixian Village. This is Feng Shiqi's lineage, which is also Sun Xuewu's lineage.

They thought that Feng Shigu had broken the family rules.

Therefore, he escaped from Wuxia Coffin Mountain, intending to accumulate strength and destroy the plan of Feng Shiqi in Dixian Village.

Until Sun Xuewu, that is, Feng Xuewu's generation, he had an older brother named Feng Xuewen, who finally found the Dixian Village "Chihiro First Start", and broke through the Nine Deaths Shocking Mausoleum, but unfortunately he was still trapped to death Before the Four Doors Gossip in Dixian Village.

This let Sun Xuewu know.

Based on their observation of the Taibao lineage alone, they wanted to find the mysterious Earth Immortal Village. Feng Shigu, who had turned into a corpse fairy, might not be able to do so, so they set their sights on Hu Jintao of Mojin's trio. Fat Brothers, Shirley Young et al.

But although this Feng Shiqi is in the same vein.

It was said that it was for the so-called breaking of family rules, but judging from the ambition shown by Sun Xuewu later, this guy clearly wanted to replace Feng Shigu and become the second Earth Immortal himself.

"Hello, Professor Feng." When Li Wenjie spoke, he deliberately pronounced the word "sun" as the word "feng".

The other side was stunned.

Then he smiled awkwardly, pushed his glasses and said, "Did you find anything inside?"

"It looks like a sacrificial place, but there is a piece of bronze in the depths, but it's very evil." Li Wenjie said.

"Hmm." Professor Sun pondered for a moment, then immediately communicated with the village party secretary next to him, and decided to apply to the higher authorities to develop and protect this place.

Don't talk complicated.

back to the ground.

Ma Bold and his party have already been handed over to the village committee, and the sacrificial place at the coffin shop below was surrounded by a group of militiamen. After a long wait, Professor Sun and Shirley Yang came from below come out.

"The shape of this bronze is very strange. Even I can't tell what age it is. It looks like a huge archaeological discovery." Professor Sun said aside.

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