The few people have already arrived at the land of Longling. What is common in front of them is the upright high slope of loess. Here, the wind is the carving knife in the hands of the creator of nature, carving the topography and landforms into various shapes.

Standing on a hill.

Looking down.

I saw the loess hilly terrain below, as if someone had squeezed it, with folds and folds, spreading in all directions.

There are still a lot of soil shells on the ground, which will sink if you step on it a little bit, and fall into the maze.

But compared to the desert known as the sea of ​​death in the ancient city of Jingjue, it is still much better.


Everyone has already arrived at the place where the Fishbone Temple was built.

I saw a temple that had been abandoned for many years in the barren mountains and mountains, standing in the mountains, and there were built altars, stone ladders and so on.

Looking at the fish bone temple built in the mountains.

Hu Bayi took out a compass from the treasure bag, then looked at the Fishbone Temple in front of him and said: "Master Can, any place where temples are built must be in a place of openness, but this Fishbone Temple is actually It was built in such poor mountains and rivers, in remote countryside."

"I think it's fake to build a temple, and it's true to hide people's eyes and ears. I'm afraid that the fishbone temple built by the former friend that Blind Chen said is the one in front of me, and the tomb where Li Chunfeng is buried must be here."

The fat man was a little puzzled, and couldn't help but asked: "Old Hu, how do you need a Feng Shui level to build a temple? I think there are mountains and trees here. Isn't that good?"

"You fat kid know a lot."

When Hu Bayi talked about his field, he expressed a little bit of meaning: "Building temples is different from building tombs, but the Fengshui acupoints where temples are located must be bright and upright places. Piercing the heart but not standing in the form."

"Old Hu, from what you can see, the tomb under the Fishbone Temple could be a large tomb given the unfavorable mountainous location here?" Li Wenjie asked.

Hu Ba pondered for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, he said: "Master Can, according to the geomantic omen in the "Burial Sutra", the terrain here is open, unobstructed and unprotected, and the surrounding mountains are extremely barren. It’s not even considered an excellent geomantic treasure.”

"However, there are clouds and neon hidden on the top of the sky, and there are those lying far below, but it is like a finishing touch. The mountain soars and transforms into a dragon. Lord Can, from my point of view, the Fengshui position of this place is even higher than that of Niuxin Mountain before. One chip."

"There are princes buried, more than enough."

Li Wenjie nodded when he heard the words, and touched Jin Xiaowei Hu Bayi. Although he was only half-baked, he was quite proficient in Fengshui, Xunlong and acupuncture because of the "Sixteen-Character Yin-Yang Fengshui Secret Technique" handed down in his family.

Then he looked back at the silent brother.

Seeing that the other party remained silent, he opened his mouth and said, "Come on, let's go first to the Fishbone Temple."

There is a saying in Feng Shui: "Looking for the dragon for three years, acupuncture for ten years."

The so-called finding the dragon veins is easy, but it takes hard work to spot the treasure eye, which is also the part of the main tomb in the tomb. It is rumored that Zhang Sanlianzi's second apprentice Jin Abacus.

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What is used is the abacus made of pure gold in the hand, which can calculate the heavenly stems and earthly branches, feng shui yin and yang.

Find out the longan, dig down, and the error of the main Hades is no more than ten centimeters.

It is also said that there were strange people in ancient times who could dig the robbery hole directly under the coffin of the tomb owner. Therefore, when many tomb robbers finally found the coffin after a lot of hard work, when they opened the lower hole, all the treasures were taken away. .

But such strange people are not common after all.

Now that there is a ready-made robbery hole for the golden abacus back then, there is no need to make any more precious eyes.

Now a few people stepped into the fish bone temple, the fish bone temple was exposed to the wind and rain, and it was already dying. The temple in front of them was already decayed, and there was a clay elephant of the Dragon King in the middle, and the head had already been lost.

Already read the original.

Li Wenjie didn't guess where the robber's hole was, and directly asked the two brothers Hu Fat to move the altar of the Dragon Lord in front of him, only to see that there was a baffle behind the altar, and behind it was a robber who had already dug through. Hole.

"Grandma, it's really a robbery." After the fat man saw this, a look of joy appeared on his face.

"Master Can, let's go down and take a look." The fat man said, took out the engineering shovel and other equipment from his body, and was about to poke down.


"Wait." But Li Wenjie grabbed him: "The tomb is not ventilated all the year round, so avoid miasma and the like. Wear this."

With that said, Li Wenjie took out the gas mask from the space.

It covered the fat man's face.

"Okay!" The fat man nodded in a muffled voice, then twisted his big buttocks, and asked Li Wenjie for a Soviet-style AK. With a searchlight on his head, he stepped into the robbery cave to explore the way.

Immediately afterwards, Hu Bayi, Zhang Qiling, Xue Liyang and others also put on gas masks and equipment and stepped inside.

Da Jinya has congenital asthma.

This kid doesn't have much combat power, so as not to feed the big spider after going down, Li Wenjie threw a walkie-talkie to the other party and asked him to watch the wind from above. If there was anything wrong, he would keep in touch.

Da Jinya seemed to be wishing for it, so he nodded quickly.

At the back of the palace, Li Wenjie finally put on the gas mask and the Seven Star Longyuan Sword on his back, and then he got into the robbery hole.

The cave was dug just enough for one person to pass through. It saves a lot of effort. The place is dry all year round, so the cave is not humid. After walking for a while, I have already crawled out of the cave. .

This is just an open landform with a cave structure.

In the huge karst cave, a strange fragrance escaped, and the space inside was not small. Fatty and others climbed in first, and they had already taken off their gas masks and smoked beside them.

After seeing Li Wenjie crawling out of it.

The fat man hurried forward, and after meeting Li Wenjie, he said: "Master Can, we are in serious trouble, this place is not a tomb at all, and Lao Hu and I found a dead body next to it, it is likely to be that Senior Touching Gold, blind friend."

"Grandma, now we brothers have to divide the Jinding acupoint again." The fat man said dissatisfiedly.

Li Wenjie also took off the gas mask.

The air quality in the cave was not bad, so there was no need to be bored and uncomfortable all the time. Li Wenjie took a cigarette handed over by the fat man, and after Li Wenjie lit it, he held up a flashlight and came to the side to look.

Hu Bayi was cleaning up a corpse on the ground.

The death of this corpse is a bit miserable. There is a huge hole on the head, which seems to be poked open by something. The whole corpse maintains a kind of fear at the time of death, and the human skin is sucked into flesh. Lots of cobwebs and tiny spiders.

It was the golden abacus of the gold school lieutenant.


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Li Wenjie squatted down.

Next to the body of the golden abacus, there is a black stone, the source of the fragrance is this thing, it should be Wenxiangyu.


In the treasure bag next to Jin Suanan's corpse, after opening it, there were a lot of professional equipment of Captain Mo Jin.

Including a gold-touching talisman, water and fire shoes, red scorpion Miaoxin pill, flying tiger claw, black zhezi, Yin-exploring claw and other equipment.

Li Wenjie casually took out these things to have a look, and there was a diamond umbrella inside.

Water and fire shoes are of no use to Li Wenjie himself, so Li Wenjie threw them to the two Hu fat brothers and asked them to distribute them by themselves.

Touching the golden talisman was given to the fat man.

Now the three gold-touching talismans are already in the hands of Hu Bayi, Fatty, and Xue Liyang, and the gold-touching captain can be regarded as all in one.

It's a pity that you can't summon a dragon.

The Vajra Umbrella is made of refined steel mixed with rare metals. The whole body has steel frames and iron leaves. No matter how powerful the machine crossbow is, it cannot penetrate it. It is specially designed to prevent the mechanism pins in the tomb.

Li Wenjie tried it casually.

After opening the vajra umbrella, bullets from ordinary pistols can't penetrate the defense above it.

Whether it is crossbow arrows, sulfuric acid and other mechanisms in the tomb, most of them can be prevented from being outside the vajra umbrella, which is quite easy to use.

"Diamond Umbrella?" Shirley Yang couldn't help but see the Vajra Umbrella in Li Wenjie's hand, and said immediately.

"Do you recognize this "[-]" thing?" Li Wenjie said, shaking the vajra umbrella in his hand.

"It was recorded in my grandfather's diary that this vajra umbrella can protect against various crossbow arrows in the tomb, but it is a pity that my grandfather did not pass it down." Shirley Yang regretted.

"Then this diamond umbrella is for you." Li Wenjie stepped forward and said.

Things like the Vajra Umbrella are very useful, but to Li Wenjie, they are more like tasteless. In this way of devouring evolution, he has already strengthened his body to be as hard as hardwood.

Ordinary swords are difficult to cut through.

Even if there are mechanical crossbows and other pins in the tomb, they can't do any harm to him.

It's better to strengthen some Shirley Yang.

"Really? But this thing is so precious, don't you want it?" Shirley Yang asked.

"For me, it's not very useful." Li Wenjie said flatly, then put the vajra umbrella into the sword bag, and tied it to Shirley Yang's body.

When approaching Shirley Yang.

There was also a special fragrance on the other party's body, after a few strands of hair swept over Li Wenjie's body, it made him feel a little itchy.


One touch away.

For Li Wenjie's actions, Shirley Yang also developed a little affection. After the friendship between the two of them in Jingjue Gucheng before, their relationship has improved to a higher level.

"It's too much, Lao Li. If you have any financial problems in the future, you can tell me, and I will help you." Shirley Yang is carrying a diamond umbrella. It was tight leather pants, which looked very lean.

... a big dog, Li Wenjie muttered.

Then he turned around and said, "Old Hu, fat man, you guys should also dig a hole and bury this senior's body."

"Okay!" The two Hu fat brothers nodded, no matter how they say this golden abacus can be regarded as their predecessors, and they should let him go to the ground for peace and security.

The two brothers quickly dug out a simple tomb and buried Jin Suan's bones in it.

Li Wenjie played with the Wen Xiangyu in his hand.

After going out now, it can be regarded as an explanation to the blind man.

After letting Brother Hu Pang put the body of the golden abacus into the ground, Li Wenjie took Brother Hu Pang and others to go deeper along the cave.

This place is the land of dragon veins.

According to Lao Hu, the tomb should not be far away.

What's more, the karst cave here also obviously has traces of man-made excavation, and it must be close to the tomb.

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