Li Wenjie held the Seven Star Longyuan Sword, and stepped forward and backward with one stride.


I saw his foot on the ground.

The ground sank in an instant, and a footprint with faint flames appeared.


I saw that Li Wenjie had jumped into the mid-air, and the seven-star Longyuan sword in his hand was surrounded by a large group of flames, and the giant red dragon quickly poured into the seven-star Longyuan sword.


The sword slammed into the head of the giant spider monster, directly piercing through the black carapace and penetrating into it.


This giant giant ancestor spider saw its entire body, with its two huge front legs spread out, its body slightly upwards, and it let out a scream.

"Old Hu, fat man, it's now, throw it away!" Li Wenjie shouted... 0

"Big spider monster, eat my big baby!" the fat man yelled, and saw the melon grenade in his hand, tied with a detonator and explosives, and threw it into the big spider's mouth.


There was a loud muffled sound.

The air wave directly sent several people flying upside down.

I saw the big spider screamed at the end, and then fell to the ground with fatigue. Its huge body fell to the ground and was completely dead.


Li Wenjie spat out the dust in his mouth.

Immediately afterwards, he stood up again, looking at the huge red dragon that had been blown to death in front of him, and a look of joy appeared on his face.

A few quick steps came to the side of the giant ancestor spider.

Immediately afterwards, I saw the head of the red dragon entrenched on its body gradually extended out, and then slowly opened its mouth, and gradually began to suck the flesh and blood essence of the giant spider monster in front of it.

The giant spider monster in front of him has quite a lot of flesh and blood essence.

Unlike those little spiders before, after Chilong ate it, he didn't even feel the gap between his teeth.

I saw it in the process of devouring.

Gradually, the soul of a small black human-faced spider emerged. The soul of this small human-faced spider seemed to be formed from the essence of flesh and blood.

At this time, let Chilong suck it out.

Still want to escape.

But after the red dragon spewed out a mouthful of flames, it directly wrapped it up, causing it to scream.

About a quarter of an hour.

It wasn't until there were no screams in the flames that the red dragon opened its mouth wide and sucked it into its mouth in one gulp.

Immediately afterwards, he smashed his mouth in satisfaction.

After devouring the giant ancestor spider, the size of the red dragon gradually became larger, and the scales on its body seemed to be burning like a raging fire, and its aura surged again.

Li Wenjie could also sense it.

His control over the flames became even more handy.

If he allowed himself to face this giant spider monster again, I'm afraid the current Li Wenjie would be more comfortable dealing with it.

At the same time, a phantom appeared on the surface of the red dragon.

This phantom.

As if stepping through the prehistoric era and coming gradually, even the red dragon couldn't help trembling and crawling with such momentum.

To worship.

Rao was Li Wenjie, who was also in a state of turmoil, and it turned out that he had some urge to pay homage to him.

this urge.

Only when he faced one of the twelve ancestral witches under the cave of snake gods and ghosts, the ancient god Zhu Jiuyin, would he emerge.

"...Zhu... Rong!" The ancient characters almost made people unable to understand the meaning.

This phantom has two horns on its head, a human face and a beast body, and its feet are on a red dragon, looking at it vertically and horizontally.

One of the twelve ancestor witches, the ancestor witch in charge of the power of fire, the ancient Zhurong.

One said it was Zhuanxu Emperor, Red Emperor.

Rumor has it that he is the heir of the Huohuang Suiren family. He also has a more famous son named Gonggong, who is also one of the Twelve Ancestral Witches and is in charge of the power of the flood.

In a fit of rage, it was this one who smashed Buzhou Mountain into pieces.

"Twelve ancestor witches..." Li Wenjie said to himself.

This phantom came quickly, and disappeared even faster, and soon disappeared in the void, and then this pressure also dissipated.


Li Wenjie noticed it.

On his back, apart from the swimming red dragon tattoo, there was actually a giant spider, entrenched on his back!


Chapter 110 Four, one of the three nails and four armors that have been lost for many years, Ziwei town corpse nail! [Seek full order, please customize! 】

Except for the red dragon tattoo entrenched on the red dragon suit.

Li Wenjie could clearly sense that on his smooth back, a large spider with a long beard and hair appeared on his back, with a wide mouth and fangs, extremely fierce.

And the bone armor under his skin.


Just like the Giant Ancestral Spider before, with this kind of defense, even a semi-automatic rifle like the Su-style AK might not be able to cause fatal damage to him.

Li Wenjie tried spinning silk for a while.

"call out!"

I saw the white spider silk flying out, and then sticking to the wall.

Spiderman? ? ?

This ability to spit out spider silk did not attract Li Wenjie.

However, it is a good thing to have one more tattoo. My current first tattoo has gradually evolved into a red dragon, evolving in the direction of the ancestor witch.

Almost reaching its limit.

During this period of time, it is naturally a good thing to cultivate the next one safely.


Li Wenjie glanced at Brother Hu Fat and Shirley Yang. The three of them are now his orthodox migrant workers.

Perhaps this particular tattoo powers.

After I research and understand it, I can also equip the three of them.

after all.

Whether it is the intricate forces of all parties in Kyoto, or "it" forces, including the Wang family, etc., the challenges they may face next will be even greater.

I need a stronger combat team.

After finishing dealing with the Giant Ancestral Spider, Li Wenjie came to the huge corpse of the Giant Ancestor Spider, and then pulled out the Seven Star Longyuan Sword inserted into it from the corpse.

This seven-star Longyuan sword is one of the top ten famous swords.

It is still very powerful among cold weapons.

Immediately afterwards, with the 30 swords of Qixing Longyuan, slowly cut open the carapace of the huge spider monster in front of him, including the back of its corpse.

Li Wenjie completely dissected these hard carapaces, and then put them into his own space.

This carapace.

It's so hard that even bullets can't penetrate it.

If you can make armor, it will definitely be of great benefit to yourself.

After putting away these black carapaces, Li Wenjie slowly cut off the guy's pair of big black fangs, that is, his fangs.

The body of this millennium monster is full of treasures.

If this is placed in a fairy tale novel, it will be a proper material for refining weapons.

Immediately afterwards, Li Wenjie gradually discovered other things in the belly of the big black spider.

There was only one body inside.

The whole body of this corpse is almost rotten, but the upper body is not rotten. It is wearing a special black armor, but this black armor is almost corroded.

It seems that the reason why the upper body can remain.

Still thanks to the black armor.

Moreover, the shape of this black armor is very special, there are some hundreds of seeds hanging upside down on it, and its material seems to be made of soil shark skin.

There is also a treasure bag next to it.

Looking at the black dress on the corpse in front of her, Xueli Yang said in surprise, "This is actually a Digger's Pangolin!"

The fat man saw Shirley Yang's surprised look.

I thought there was something precious in the stomach of this big spider monster.

In the end, it turned out to be a black rag, and he couldn't help but taunted him: "What kind of treasure was I then? It turned out to be a black rag."

"What do you know?" Shirley Yang Bai glanced at the other party and said, "This digger climbing armor is something inherited from my ancestors. This senior should also be a Taoist who moved mountains."


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