After the fat man on the side saw it, he couldn't help cursing: "Master Can, Lao Hu, Staff Officer Yang, this feudalism is really harmful, it's fine if you don't kill this kind of spider monster like grandma, but you even took the initiative Using human sacrifices is really ridiculous."

"Damn!" Li Wenjie also sighed beside him.

This kind of superstitious thinking was not uncommon in ancient times, such as offering virgins to gods of rivers, etc., which means that modern technology has developed, and people are not afraid of natural disasters such as floods as they were in ancient times.

"Let Fatty, let me pry open the coffin lid first, and see what this grandson looks like." The fat man said, and with his engineering shovel, he lit a candle in the southeast corner of the tomb.

Immediately after, holding the engineering shovel and Hu Ba beside him, they quickly removed the mortise and tenon joints on the stone coffin with their claws.

Li Wenjie was also observing the tomb in front of him.

He remembered that in the original book, there would be traps such as the Zhenlong chessboard, but they didn't appear at the moment. Could this be the butterfly effect?

Wait until the Hu fat brothers pry open the mortise and tenon joint.

Li Wenjie stepped forward.


With one kick, like a drawer, the coffin cover was lifted and flew out, and inside was a huge coffin inlaid with pearls and jade.

The so-called one coffin, two coffins.

The material of this coffin is made of purple gold, inlaid with pearls and jade, which is extremely luxurious and dazzling.

After prying open the coffin.

Inside was a wet corpse whose appearance was almost preserved, but after seeing the air, it soon gradually turned yellow and rotted.

Just looking at his clothes, including his appearance, he looks like Li Chunfeng, the Taishi Ling of the Tang Dynasty.

Li Wenjie saw the situation in the tomb.

He couldn't help but sneered.

This Li Chunfeng was good at playing, he buried the body in King Wen's coffin, the fat man carefully peeled off the jade nest on the coffin lid, and stuffed it into his backpack.

There are several fragments of yin and yang Fengshui scattered in the coffin.


There is also a chess piece with a gossip pattern drawn on it, and a seal beside it, which is square and about the size of a palm.

Information about these two things also appeared in Li Wenjie's eyes.

【Tai Chi Banner】

【Origin: King Wen Magical Artifact】

[Effects: 1. Guiding spirit: can draw aura; 2. Praying for blessings: praying for safety. 】


[Origin: Seal of King Wen (the magic weapon used by King Wen to order the world to surrender)]

[Special effect: Contains a trace of luck from the Western Zhou Dynasty. 】

These two things have gained a lot.

Li Wenjie stretched out his hand and held the Taiji flag in his hand. He didn't know if it was a psychological effect, but he could feel a special feeling in himself.


I don't know if it is the one I understand.


It is not the time to study this Taiji flag in the Qiankun bag.

Then came the seal.

In fact, this kind of seal of the Son of Heaven has existed in all dynasties, the most famous of which is the imperial jade seal in the hands of Qin Shihuang, which was carved from Heshibi. Eight characters.

It's just that when it was later passed on to the empress of the Southern Tang Dynasty, its whereabouts were unknown.

And the Seal of King Wen in his hand was carved out of bronze, with four squares in the shape of a small seal, engraved with the four ancient Chinese characters 'everything goes with the sky'.

It is very in line with the Taoist idea of ​​following the sky and responding to people.

The special effect of this kind of seal is that there is a hint of luck hidden, but it is also possible to think about it.

Like this kind of King Wen's seal.

It should be in the Western Zhou Dynasty, which was controlled by the emperors of Zhou Dynasty.


In that era, they were all people who shouldered great luck. Don't look at things like luck, which are so mysterious that they can't be seen or touched.

But in essence it is extremely useful.

For example, in the battle between Wang Mang and Liu Xiu, Liu Xiu almost relied on his own luck to move the big meteorite technique. This kind of person who shoulders the big luck will have unlimited achievements in the future.

Even if it's just luck.

But it's also amazing enough.

What's more, the value of this kind of King Wen's seal from the Western Zhou Dynasty is probably comparable to the jade seal of the Chuan Kingdom, including the artifact of King Yu's Jiuding.

Throw it into the Qiankun bag as well.


In Li Chunfeng's arms, one can notice that he is also holding a stone box.

When the fat man at the side was about to take out the stone box carelessly.


As if it caused some mechanism.

I saw a Zhenlong chessboard rising gradually from the ground beside the coffin, on which is a relatively famous endgame.


What is hidden in this stone box is the Dragon Bone Heavenly Book.

Only after breaking through this mess can the Dragon Bone Heavenly Book in the stone box be taken away.

"My God, Master Can, why is there still a game of chess?" The fat man asked suspiciously.

Li Wenjie sneered, and then said: "This Li Chunfeng is quite interesting. It should be for us local masters to break through the mess up here before we can take this stone box away."

"Grandma, what a mess, why don't you just chop off the old boy's hand and take it away with you." The fat man recklessly said.

"Don't be reckless." Li Wenjie said from the side.

"It's just an endgame. This kind of chess game may have been very difficult to crack the mechanism in Li Chunfeng's time."

"But it's different now. This kind of endgame has already been solved in the chess records." Li Wenjie said.

Immediately stepped forward.

He casually picked up a white piece.

After thinking about it for a while, he immediately placed the white piece on the spot.


Just after falling above this position.

I saw the chessboard in front of me slowly split open, and a stone box rose out of it.

This stone box is simple in shape.

The mechanism of the stone box in the chessboard is ingeniously shaped, somewhat resembling a lotus flower, and it was slowly opened at this time.

I saw it inside.

Quietly lay a simple tortoise shell inside,

The tortoise shell is engraved with special scripts.

It is the other half of the dragon bone book.

"々' The Dragon Bone Book is indeed here." Shirley Yang saw the Dragon Bone Book, her eyes lit up immediately, and then she carefully took the tortoise shell out of the stone box.

The two Hu Pang brothers on the side raised their thumbs when they saw this and said: "Master Can, I really didn't expect you to dabble in chess."

"Just understand a little bit." Li Wenjie said flatly.

Immediately afterwards, he raised his eyebrows and looked at the stone box that Li Chunfeng's corpse was holding.


Since the Dragon Bone Book is in the Zhenlong chessboard.

Then Li Chunfeng, what kind of treasure is hidden in the stone box in his hand?

Unexpectedly, such treasures as King Wen's Seal and Taiji Banner are not worthy for him to be placed in this stone box.

Then it can only explain one thing.

That is the thing in this stone box, which is even more precious and expensive.

This also aroused Li Wenjie's interest.

Whether the things in this stone box belonged to King Wen or Li Chunfeng himself, the things that he valued so much were definitely not simple.

Carefully took down the stone box that Li Chunfeng was holding.

I saw the combination lock of the heavenly stems and earthly branches engraved on the stone box.

This combination lock is somewhat like the special combination lock on the armillary sphere.

Since it is in Li Chunfeng's arms.

Li Wenjie reckoned that this special combination lock had a high probability to be related to the combination lock on the armillary sphere.

It should be the year when Li Chunfeng was promoted to Taishi Ling.

Zhenguan 22 years.

After entering the password now.

The stone box in his hand also opened with a 'click'.

(The one who won the king) I saw a simple bronze mirror lying in this simple stone box. The shape of the bronze mirror should be earlier than the pre-Qin period, and the pattern behind it is cast in bronze.

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