"How can you show that the entity appeared in the real space "[-]"?" Li Wenjie looked at the Jingjue Queen in front of him and asked suspiciously.

"There is nothing this queen can't do." Queen Jingjue walked to the side slowly and sat down.

A pair of extremely slender snow-white long legs, matched with black stockings, overlapped each other.

At this time, the high heels were half lifted on the right leg, and he stretched his hand aside.

A glass of shaken red wine.

It appeared out of thin air in the hands of the Queen Jingjue, and slowly swayed in her hands.

...has the ability to conjure up the great deeds of the ancient snake god to do this kind of thing.

This...was just too exciting.

...Is it because of the ten thousand year meat Ganoderma lucidum?

The Jingjue Queen didn't seem to have any intention of answering Li Wenjie. At this time, a pair of onion-like fingers slowly slid across the mouth of the wine glass.

"You can call me Queen in the future, or Your Lady Queen."

While talking, at the same time, the high-heeled shoes on the little black silk feet flickered on the toes, as if they were about to fall off at any moment.

"...You have a nosebleed." Queen Jingjue said, and then a tissue appeared out of thin air in her hand, and she threw it to Li Wenjie.

While wiping the nosebleed.

Li Wenjie cursed in his heart.

Then he said: "Don't learn to speak and do things in this style in the future."

"Don't you like it...brother."

...I can't stand it.

Li Wenjie changed the subject and said, "Tell me, what do you want to do with me this time?"

Queen Jingjue shook the red wine in her hand, then slowly took a sip from her mouth, and saw a wisp of red wine slowly flowing down the corner of her mouth.

"The eyes of the snake god."

"I want the eyes of the snake god, and the boundless demon pupils." Queen Jingjue said.

"Why do you want these?" Li Wenjie asked suspiciously.

"You shouldn't have inquired, don't inquire." Queen Jingjue said with a half-smile while wearing her high-heeled shoes.

"Let's just talk about the reward." Li Wenjie looked at the Jingjue Queen opposite. This cheapskate didn't look like a big spender.

I was going to break the curse anyway.

Going to Xianwang's Tomb, Daheitian Strikes Thunder Mountain, looking for the Eye of the Snake God and the Unbounded Demon Eye, it's just a matter of convenience.

But if you don't use this to blackmail a fortune.

That's not him, Li Wenjie.

"It's so realistic, brother." The Queen Jingjue said, and suddenly approached Li Wenjie, stepped on his leg with a clean little foot, and tugged at his collar: "What reward do you want?"

"Don't...don't do this, I can't stand it." Li Wenjie pushed the Jingjue Queen away.

Then he said: "1 gold coins."

"Deal." Queen Jingjue readily agreed this time.

"So refreshing?" Li Wenjie raised his eyebrows.

"I have only inherited part of the power of the snake god. If I can have the eyes of the snake god and the unbounded demon pupils of the first generation ghost mother, I may be able to inherit all the power of the snake god!" The eyes of snakes are like snakes, full of charm.

"When the time comes..." The Exquisite Queen licked her rosy lips and said, "I can continue to be my queen again."

"It's up to you." Li Wenjie shrugged.

"By the way, give me the reward first." Li Wenjie said.

"One thousand gold coins." Queen Jingjue took out a bag of gold coins: "Deposit."

"Okay!" Li Wenjie nodded, just as he was about to take the gold coin from Queen Jingjue.

"It's too late, little brother." The gold coin in Queen Jingjue's hand fell to the ground.

"Then kneel down and pick it up."

Li Wenjie: "???"

No, I have to find a way to steal the study materials back.




Four regret fast.

Wishing ushered in a mysterious guest. In his eyes, the things brought by the other party were all high-quality imitations of Xibei, which made him wonder whether the grandson was here to mess things up.

But after seeing the two big men behind each other, one fat and one thin.

Still honestly said: "Small shops have small profits, so I can't accept them."

"You see it's from Xibei?" Li Wenjie raised his eyebrows.

After hearing the words.

Wishing is even worse.

Co-author, you already knew that this is from the Northwest, so why don't you make fun of me?

At the moment, I don't even want to pay attention to Li Wenjie anymore.

In fact, these high-quality imitations were all imported into Yipinxuan from Lao Chaofeng, and Li Wenjie specially tested the vision of this wishing.

See each other has two brushes.

Then he sat down and said: "Siguizhai, what a name, your Excellency must be the descendant of Xu Yicheng from Baimen."

"I don't know what you're talking about." Wishing was surprised for a moment, but then said calmly.

"You don't need to hide it from me, I know everything, including the empress Wu Zetian Jade Buddha case in the Republic of China."

Wishing blinked his eyes and said nothing.

"Come to Yipinxuan and help me look at the store." Li Wenjie said without going around the corner, straight to the point.

"Heh~" Wishing sneered, and then said: "Not interested."

"If I were to say that there was something else behind the Empress Wu Zetian's Jade Buddha case back then, and that your grandfather was wronged, would you be interested?" Li Wenjie continued.

After hearing the words.

Wishing for a moment, he looked at Li Wenjie, who was still enjoying his leisure time and was drinking tea.

I fell into deep thought.

"Let's be honest, I don't like going around in circles. Mingtang said there is another mastermind behind the Tianyu Buddha case, and now this mastermind is making a large number of fakes in an attempt to enter the antique market, such as the cholera industry."

"Don't you want to avenge your grandfather?"

"Come and help me, I can help you find out who is behind the scenes and avenge you." Li Wenjie's words seemed to have magic power.

"I'll give you time to think about it." Li Wenjie stood up and asked the fat man to throw a business card to the other party.

Only then did I leave Four Regrets.

Don't be too hasty.

Sooner or later the fish will take the bait.

After this wish comes to his Yipinxuan to sit in town, he can also free up his hands to clean up this old tangerine peel in Changsha.

After Shirley Yang came back from Gulan County.

I also have to make preparations, and go to the tomb of the King Xian in Yunnan. On the one hand, in order to break the curse, on the other hand, I will help Queen Jingjue get the Muchen Bead.

...The snake god is a great existence.

Next, it will gradually lift its mysterious veil.

Back to Yipinxuan.

Da Jinya is reporting to Li Wenjie about the work of this trip. There are not many things collected in Longling Miku this trip, Tang Sancai, including the tomb of a former Qing landlord daughter.

A total of more than [-] million were sold.

The Crescent Hotel took 40%, or [-].

I got 160 million by myself.

This amount of money is nothing to Li Wenjie now.

Then he threw the thousand gold coins thrown by Queen Jingjue to Da Jinya, and asked the boy to continue selling the thousand gold coins.

At least a few million can be exchanged.

Just going to expand.

In the 80s, the capital city was full of waste, and all walks of life were opportunities. As long as I had the capital, sooner or later, I would develop my power to the point where I could compete with the Crescent Hotel, Xie, and Huo.

Let Lao Jin buy the nearby antique shop first, and then the whole Panjiayuan will hang a golden signboard, all of which belong to the Li family.

"Master Can, it's easy to acquire. Now we have millions of dollars in liquidity. It's more than enough to acquire this street and even expand."

"However, many of these antique shops are centuries-old shops from the Qing Dynasty. Those bosses are hard-headed, and some are from the local forces of Xie and Huo. It is difficult for us to handle."

The fat man rolled up his 5.1 sleeves and said, "Master Can, let Lao Hu and I go, so you can see the blood."

"Fatty, you can't achieve great things if you do it recklessly." Li Wenjie said from the side: "Old Jin, there are shops nearby, and they are playing price wars. They charge one hundred, and we charge two hundred."

There will be too many price wars in later generations.

Even directly entering the game for free, such as a goose intestine, once it monopolizes, it is the time when it really sucks blood, which is not uncommon.

"Take these grandchildren down first and then talk about other things." Li Wenjie stood up and said, "Lao Jin, I'll leave it to you to take care of here in the capital, and the owner of Liulichang Sihuizhai may also come over in two days, and he can help you. "

"En!" Da Jinya nodded.

"By the way, Lord Can, the little brother in black is back too, he just came back last night, and he was still watching the sun in the yard, how did he arrange it?" Da Jinya asked.

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