But under Li Wenjie's men, the two Hu Pang brothers are definitely flower lottery players.

There is also Li Wenjie, who is even more powerful.

can not imagine.

"Get lost!" the fat man yelled, and these guys were scared to death, and hurried back to the Pear Garden to find Old Chen Pi to settle the matter.

"Li Wenjie, if you offend Fourth Master, you will not have a good life." Monk Hua said fiercely from the side.

But then Li Wenjie was asked to teach him how to be a man.

"You can call Li Wenjie too? Call me Master Can."

The Hua monk just sneered, but he was not talking.

Right now, Monk Hua was in Li Wenjie's hands, and after waiting for about ten minutes, a black car arrived downstairs in the hotel soon.

Followed by.

I saw an old man in a black cloth jacket, spinning two iron marbles in his hands, and two people beside him were Lang Feng and Ye Cheng, who quickly came to the hotel with their support.

"You did a good job." Turning the iron marble, Old Chen Pi slowly stepped into the house, looking at Li Wenjie and the others with a pair of calm and blind eyes.

"Besides my master Er Yuehong, you are the only one who can make this old man come to see you in person." Old Chen Pi said slowly.

There is still a sinister smile in his mouth.

"It's just... I don't know if I can afford it."

The voice just fell.

"call out!"

I saw two iron bullets flying out directly, and almost pulled out an afterimage in the void, and the two brothers Hu Fat beside them hadn't recovered yet.


The two brothers screamed.

The gun in his hand fell directly to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, a sneer appeared on the old Chen Pi's gloomy face, and another nine-clawed hook appeared from his hand at some point.

"call out!"

The nine-claw hook is like a poisonous snake.

In this instant, he directly took Li Wenjie's cheek, this series of movements can be described as flowing.

It is extremely difficult for ordinary people to react in this instant.

The reason why this old tangerine peel was able to gain a foothold in Changshaping's four schools back then, and even the Great Buddha Zhang had to avoid him at his peak was because of his iron marbles and nine-claw hooks.

Take human life.

Between moments.

Rao is over 70 years old, but his kung fu is still extremely sophisticated, and his moves are deadly, so that he can sit firmly in the Liyuan Walk and become Changsha's iron chopsticks.


Li Wenjie is by no means an ordinary person.

He stretched out his hand and grabbed at the nine-claw hook.

Seeing this scene, Old Chen Pi showed a sneer.

His nine-claw hook is extremely sharp, even if he can react, if he has an arm or palm to resist, it will penetrate directly, and then he can take the enemy's head in an instant with a flick.

It can be said that all attacks are invincible.

But Li Wenjie's palms, which seemed to be made of iron, were actually firmly grasping the nine claws in his hands.

But don't forget.

Li Wenjie was in the midst of this successive devouring.

Its body is like a golden armor, which is difficult to penetrate even with firearms, let alone this mere nine-claw hook.

"々' Little thing, old Chen Pi, is this your method of suppressing the bottom of the box?" Li Wenjie sneered, regardless of the other party's changing expression.

"Crack!" He directly squeezed the nine-claw hook into a pile of scrap iron in his hands.

Followed by a sharp tug.

Even the old Chen Pi stumbled, almost being dragged to the ground by him.

"Four grandpas!" Many people behind him immediately shouted in panic.

But the two Hu fat brothers who came back to their senses had already grabbed the submachine gun again, and then the two brothers stepped forward and put the muzzle of the gun directly on the old blind man's forehead.

The fat man also cursed and said: "Damn, this old blind man really let him get away with it. My hand still hurts from beating the fat man."

As he spoke, he used the butt of the gun and gave Old Chen Pi a hard blow.

This is the solution to hatred.

Li Wenjie threw the nine-claw hook that had been crushed into scrap iron aside.

"What do you want?" Monk Hua saw that even the fourth grandpa fell down by Li Wenjie's hands, and a look of disbelief appeared in his eyes.

Li Wenjie sneered.

Immediately afterwards, he said: "Fourth Master, I will call you Fourth Master for your sake."

Asked Hu Pang and the two brothers to retract their guns, and then Li Wenjie exhaled a smoke ring from a cigarette in his mouth and said, "I came to Changsha this time, not to trouble you."

"But that's the end of it."

"I'm going to give you two choices now. The first choice is that you can continue to be your Changsha iron chopsticks. The position is high and powerful, and life and death are the same. You are still the master of the land of Changsha."

Old Chen Pi didn't move his expression, but had a sneer on his face.

He knew that the other party must have conditions.

"Let's be honest, in the capital, the influence (getting the king is good) is deeply intertwined, and it is inconvenient to put more constraints on it. I am weak and difficult to achieve great things. I want to form an organization, or it can also be called an alliance. Like the nine gates of the Buddha, respect me as the Lord."

"On the bright side, the capital side is my Li family's face, and Changsha's side, you are the lizi."

What a role old Chen Pi is.

You can understand what's going on as soon as you hear it, and at this moment, he smiled sullenly and said: "If you want to learn from the Buddha, you are still young, boy, if you want the old man to help you wipe your ass and do dirty things, you are not good enough. "

"Hmph!" Li Wenjie sneered, stood up without any haste, and said, "Si Ye is naturally a hero who is not afraid of death, but what about Chen Wenjin?"

"This is about the second choice. If you don't agree, some people agree. Changsha Iron Chopsticks is not something you can do alone. I can let this monk Hua be my lining."

Li Wenjie said leisurely: "Old blind man, I will give you three seconds. I will only count for three seconds. After three seconds, you will die!"

The two brothers Hu Fat next to him were extremely indifferent, holding guns against Old Chen Pi's head.


"Click..." The sound of the bullet being loaded.

Old Chen Pi, who was used to seeing strong winds and waves, began to sweat coldly on his forehead.

"Second..." Li Wenjie looked at Chen Pi A Si, seeing that the other party hadn't moved yet, and was about to wave lightly to seduce him.

"Wait!" Chen Pi'a took a deep breath, and said immediately: "Since you want to engage in this underground business, you must make an order to convince me, the blind man!"


Chapter 120 The Nine Dragon Demon Tomb, the tomb of the ancient Miaojiang Gu King 】

In "Zhuangzi Qiushui", it is recorded that "the ancients paid attention to death as life." '

The ancients believed that death is not the end, but the starting point leading to another world.

It may be that the corpse is dissected into a fairy.

It may also lead to the underworld.

Therefore, when the ancients were buried, they often chose their geomantic treasures, buried them with a large number of rich funerary objects, and accompanied the owner of the tomb to another world.

And these cherished funeral objects.

It also attracted a large number of tomb robbers, attracted by their fame.


Old Chen Pi knelt on the ground at this time, gasping for breath, and said immediately: "Since you have to eat this bowl of rice underground, at least you should make a beautiful order, and let me wait to be convinced."

Li Wenjie looked at Chen Pi Asi.

I also know what the other party means.

They are all fighting against each other, no matter whether it is the Nine Schools of the Southern School or the Four Schools of the Northern School, everyone eats underground.

Make the other person want to be convinced.

You have to at least show your skills in the tomb.

Blindly tough will only be counterproductive, and it will be difficult to convince the public.

However, Li Wenjie was not afraid of seeing the real chapter in the tomb. The two gold captains under his command alone were enough to rob the tombs of ordinary princes and nobles.

In addition to myself, even the giant tombs of the imperial tombs and the palace of the Dragon Tower dare to go there.

He knelt down and said, "Okay, fourth master, if that's the case, I'll follow you. We will see the real chapter in the tomb. You can draw a path, and I will follow."

Chen Pi Asi gasped and stood up.

Then he looked at Li Wenjie.

Although he was blind and couldn't see for a long time, Li Wenjie's ruthless and sophisticated handling of things just now made him feel like he was really sweating profusely.

Even Zhang Dafo, the head of the nine admirals, hadn't given him this feeling yet.

...This kid is really not simple.

If the second generation of the Wu family were all ruthless people, the youngest Wu would be much inferior compared to the people in front of him.

Chen Pi'ah paused.

Then he opened his mouth and said: "Recently, we stepped on the plate in the nearby suburbs. We found a tomb in Jiulong Village, which is quite extraordinary."

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