Chu Jian and Sa Dipeng have recovered slightly.

On the contrary, Ye Yixin, this soft and weak little white flower, was exhausted to the extreme long before entering the ancient city.

At this time, Shirley Yang supported her, and she barely stood in the burial pit.

Li Wenjie looked at these gold coins from the ancient Western Regions, and there were many pottery figurines on the ground. The size of these gold coins in front of him was probably equivalent to a small sand dune.

His Qiankun bag should be enough to take away.

Some other scattered pearls and agates are not as good as these gold coins, so I don't see much of them.

As for the curse of the queen

Anyway, this trip came here to lift the coffin lid of the chick from the Western Regions, so I'm not afraid of any curses or anything like that.

If he really dared to come, he would let this demon girl learn Pan Jiayuan Can master's methods.

thought here.

Li Wenjie arranged the desert marching ants in the Qiankun bag carefully into several columns, and then slowly sneaked into the golden mountain formed by these gold coins.


Chapter 74 The Burial Place of the Snake God, the Power of the God of Space and Time 】


The desert marching ants in the Qiankun bag have all hibernated under the pile of gold coins, waiting for Li Wenjie's order, and will move these gold coins into the Qiankun bag one by one.

the other side.

Professor Chen and others probably also recorded the situation in the burial pit here.

Behind the burial pit, there is also a small door opening. Behind the door opening is an extended black suspension bridge-like building, which is structured in the form of a tomb.

Behind this burial pit is the main mausoleum of Queen Jingjue.

Its coffin must also be in it.

After Professor Chen and others finished recording, they immediately called Xiao Chu, Xiao Sa and others, and they were already preparing to go to the main mausoleum of Queen Jingjue.

When I think about it, I will be able to see that mysterious and unpredictable generation of witches next.

In the depths of the desert, there are countless mysterious legends about this quintessential queen, and for a while, everyone's sense of anticipation has been pulled to the peak.

And at the same time.

Xue Liyang was holding a flashlight at this time, and after looking around, she raised her crescent eyebrows and said, "Lao Li, don't you think this place is very weird?"

"Oh?" Li Wenjie looked at Shirley Yang, wanting to hear what she had to say.

Xue Liyang held the flashlight at this time, frowned and said: "Look, when we came here before, the Broken Dragon Stone was half-opened. It is impossible not to consider this when sealing the tomb."

"One one three" "What's more, the ancient city buried in this black desert has attracted countless western explorers, and the corpses we saw before are also one of them."

"But the gold and silver treasures here are still intact."


Shirley Yang shined a flashlight on the side of the burial pit, and saw that there were still many ladders on the side, which had become dilapidated with the passage of time.

Obviously back then, they were not the only ones who found the tomb of this exquisite queen.

After saying this, Shirley Yang said in a deep voice: "I remembered that in "The Western Regions of the Tang Dynasty", it was recorded that there was an extremely ancient curse in an ancient city in the Western Regions. Something terrible happened."

Li Wenjie looked at Shirley Yang in front of him.

She didn't expect Shirley Yang to figure it out so quickly, the clue that the gold coins and treasures in front of her were all stained with the queen's curse.

After all, it was Staff Officer Yang.

"So..." Shirley Yang looked at Li Wenjie and said, "I hope you guys better not mess with these things, especially your fat partner!"

Shirley Yang's words.

Of course it was the fat man.

Li Wenjie was about to say that they would not touch these things.

"Comrade Xiao Wang, what are you doing!" Professor Chen on the side suddenly shouted, seeing the fat man, he couldn't help stretching out his hand to a jade jug.

...Well, this fat man let himself be slapped too quickly.

"I...Master Can, I don't know what's going on with my hand, so you can't control it." The fat man said with a sad face.

"Put it back quickly." Li Wenjie said quickly.

Only then did the fat man put the jade jug back.

Seeing that the property had been returned to its original owner, Professor Chen calmed down a bit and said, "Comrade Xiao Wang, you young people will all make mistakes, but as long as you know your mistakes and correct them, it is a good thing."

Then he said: "There is nothing to study here, let's go to the Queen's tomb to have a look."

Said to have already stepped into it.

Li Wenjie, Brother Hu Fat, including Shirley Yang and others also entered the small door behind the funeral pit.

Follow a narrow tomb passage and pass through the stone gate.

There are a large number of black mountain walls in front of him, which is an extremely huge space, and it looks like he has come to the mountainside of the sacred mountain Zagrama.

Where everyone is standing now.

It should be a platform, and below it is a huge abyss cave, with no end in sight.

Below is a circle of spiral stairs, which seem to lead to the deepest space. Professor Chen said excitedly, "I once read a document."

"The people who said that the people of the Jingjue Kingdom are also called the Ghost Cave Clan is because in their tribe, there is an extremely huge ghost cave that leads to another mysterious space. I didn't expect this legend to be true. of."

"Teacher, look where!" Chu Jian shouted from the side.

On the sides of several people, a narrow beam stretched out to the center of the ghost cave. On this beam, a huge coffin was tied with iron chains.

In front of the coffin, there is also a huge demon flower with extremely colorful colors.

This demonic flower is extremely bright in color, about as tall as a person, almost demonic, and there are dense ghost cave characters engraved on the beam, which seems to describe something.

...the coffin of the exquisite queen.

Hu Bayi on the side also looked a little excited at this time: "Master Can, this wood is an extremely rare Kunlun sacred wood. My God, this kind of wood actually exists in the world."

"Old Hu, explain more clearly, what is the Kunlun Shenmu?" The fat man was confused, but now he just looked at the coffin tied to the beam, but he knew it was extraordinary.

Back then, the 36 countries in the Western Regions were ruled, the most mysterious and rich Jingjue ancient city, and the coffin of the almost evil Queen Jingjue was right in front of your eyes, making your breathing a little heavy.

Hu Bayi explained from the side: "According to the wood of the buried coffin, the most precious one should be made of the heart of the gloomy wood, but there is also a legend that there is a kind of top-quality wood in the ancient Kunlun Mountains. , is the Kunlun Sacred Tree, who can use the heart of this Kunlun Sacred Tree to make a coffin, which can keep the corpse from rot and decay for thousands of years."

"I didn't expect that this legend turned out to be true."

Shirley Yang said excitedly, "I've also heard about this legend. It is said that the Kunlun sacred tree is even older than Kunlun Mountain. Back then, Qin Shihuang hadn't even found this legendary wood to build his own coffin. "

"I didn't expect that the Queen of Absolute Essence was able to find this kind of sacred tree. It's really surprising." Xue Liyang said.

Professor Chen on the side couldn't help breathing a little short of breath.

Li Wenjie didn't look at the burial of the exquisite queen, he left the Qiankun bag in the burial pit behind him, and now the army ants are carrying the gold coins step by step, so there is no need to control them.


Li Wenjie looked at the huge abyss and ghost hole under his feet at this time. Just by looking at it, people felt an inexplicable trembling feeling, as if their souls were about to be taken away.

"Xue Li, throw a firework stick down." Li Wenjie said to Xue Li Yang beside him.

Xue Liyang came back to her senses, calmed down her excitement, then took out the cold fireworks from her pocket, slapped them and threw them towards the abyss of the ghost cave.

Leng Yanhuo kept falling towards the bottom.

But there is no end in sight.

until it disappears completely.

It was like disappearing into another mysterious space.

This unbelievable scene, even Professor Chen beside him, didn't know how to explain it.

Li Wenjie came to some conclusions at this time.

Judging from the ancient god snake god, who was Zhu Jiuyin among the twelve ancestral witches in the prehistoric era, Zhu Jiuyin was the ancient god who was in charge of the power of time and space.

According to the settings in myths and legends... 0

Anyone who can open up space is always a character who has cultivated to a very strong level, and the great gods in ancient times often have many magic tools or spells such as opened up space.

For example, Nuwa's map of mountains, rivers and communities is a world of its own.

The huge ghost hole in the abyss in front of him is a huge space opened up when the snake god died, a space independent of this world.

Let's call it the imaginary number space.

This independent space is a similar small world created by the snake god.

Originally, before coming to this ancient city of Jingjue in the desert, Li Wenjie wanted to see what existed under this ghost cave space.

Among some mysterious legends in the Demon Kingdom.

This snake god is recorded.

Legend has it that his bones were buried in the ghost cave space, and his soul was stored in the eye of the snake god, which is the Muchen Bead.

Originally, I wanted to see the bones of the ancient snake god.

But for now.

Forget it.

The space opened up by the ancestral witch mighty, if I go down rashly, I don't know why I died, and I guess there will be no dregs left.

So right now, I still set my sights on the coffin of Queen Jingjue.

Let's play the idea of ​​this exquisite queen.

over the beam.

At this moment, Professor Chen said earnestly: "Xiao Chu, Xiao Sa, you two must be careful, be careful, be careful, the ghost cave texts recorded here must be very precious information, and it is very likely that they can help us Decipher the origin of this bottomless ghost hole below."

"Understood, teacher!" In the voice of Professor Chen, Chu Jian and Sa Dipeng had already stepped on the beam.

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