However, Uncle He—now the master—adopted her regardless of past suspicions, caring for her to eat and drink well, eat well and dress warmly, have at least one egg every day, and often have meat.The teacher taught her to read and write, and later the master accepted her as an apprentice...

Not to mention, when young people are called on to go to the countryside, Master even helped her find a job without asking her for a penny.

She bought vegetables to cook, and brought food home from the cafeteria. Master even gave her money!

She has food, shelter, and good food and drink at Master's house. For so many years, Master has not asked for anything in return.

As for helping with housework and babysitting—that's her job!Even if you follow your parents, you have to do it!

It is no exaggeration to say that even her own parents could not treat her better than her master.

She didn't forget that she was abandoned by her own grandma!

Whether it's Lin Yuzhu himself or his colleagues in the unit, when it comes to He Yudong's adoption of Lin Yuzhu, they all praise him, saying that he is benevolent and righteous.

But in He Yudong's view, he just did something worthy of his conscience.

Lin Yuzhu was adopted at the beginning because the family really needed a trustworthy person to help.Everyone has been brought back, so you can't eat in two pots with your own family, right?That wasn't troublesome enough.

As for the care of Lin Yuzhu later, it was also because of watching the child with conscience. In short, this is a process of giving to each other.

And to be honest, as far as Lin Yuzhu's salary of ten yuan was concerned, He Yudong still didn't like it, so he let the little girl take the flowers by herself.

After all, she is a big girl, and she always has to buy two beautiful clothes and skirts, and buy some oil and powder to smear her face.

As a result, the little girl went to the supply and marketing cooperative to buy a bottle of cream for Ran Qiuye when she got her salary in the first month, but she still used clam oil herself.

Ran Qiuye said privately that even if she had a biological daughter, that's all.

Shazhu's family has been relatively quiet in the past two years.

The deaf old lady passed away years ago, she fell asleep at night and never woke up again. When Yi Zhonghai went to see her in the morning, she was already hardened.

Fortunately, people walked more peacefully and did not suffer much.

It's just that people are hard, and it is very troublesome to change clothes.Qin Huairu helped the aunt to scrub the body of the deaf old lady, and put on new clothes with great difficulty. After busying herself, she managed to restore her reputation in the courtyard.

Afterwards, Sha Zhu and Yi Zhonghai discussed and held the funeral of the deaf old lady, and left the house of the deaf old lady to Sha Zhu.

The deaf old lady really regarded Shazhu as her grandson.Once she left like this, there would be no one who had a sincere heart for Sha Zhu.

He Yudong also came over to give a salute, which was just polite.

The deaf old lady always disliked him. Before he transmigrated, she looked down on the original body, thinking that he was dragging Shazhu down; Come and get on good terms with him.

It can only be said that he does not fit the eyes of the deaf old lady, and he does not have a good impression of this old lady who is relying on the old.

He is not as naive as Shazhu, he has to bear all the responsibilities on himself, and he still feels that he is very great.

He only cared about his own small family, and he was only willing to take care of his relatives.

Silly Zhu and Qin Huairu have never had a second child, and He Yudong suspects that Qin Huairu probably won't be able to have another child.It's no wonder that she abused her body so much, and she is getting older, so it's normal that she can't conceive naturally.

With the current level of technology, Qin Huairu can only dream of having a baby by herself.

In the past two years, Shazhu has kept his promise and never let He Yudong see Qin Huairu.In other words, Qin Huairu has never been out of the compound, and if there is anything he can't do, he sends Xiaodang out to do it.

For example, come to He Yudong's house to announce the funeral of the deaf old lady.

Time is like water, the years are like a shuttle, and the days go on so plainly, without any waves.

Until 1977.

A thunderbolt!

The college entrance examination has resumed!

Chapter 171

The news was astonishing as an explosion.

The college entrance examination has been suspended for nearly ten years.

Ten years, how many decades are there in a person's life?

Now many students go to school, very confused.What can I do in school?What's the use of reading so many books now that you can't go to university anymore?The teachers in the school are also very sloppy in teaching.

But now, once the college entrance examination resumes, everything makes sense.

There are also those young people who went to the mountains to go to the countryside—they regretted it a long time ago, but they just couldn’t come back—now they finally see the hope of coming back.

"Little Zhuzi, have you ever thought about going to university?"

Back home, at the dining table, He Yudong asked Lin Yuzhu this question.

Lin Yuzhu raised his head in surprise.

"Master, have I already worked?"

"Yes, but after taking the university entrance examination, you will have a way out in the future."

He Yudong looked serious.

"Look, you're doing a great job, right?"


"But do you think it's different from you if someone else does it?"

He Yudong put down his chopsticks. .

"Think about it carefully, even if someone else does it, it's not as good as yours, but how much worse can it be?"

"Policies are changing, and society is also changing. Although the jobs in the establishment are iron rice bowls, nothing is static."

"Even if you want to hold an iron job, you have to hold someone who no one can replace."

Lin Yuzhu thought for a while, then turned his head sideways.

"Just like you, Master? Unless the institute doesn't do it, no one can replace you?"

"That's it."

He Yudong nodded.

"So, my suggestion is, you'd better try to take the exam, even if you can't get into a university, how about a junior college? After all, you have a degree, which is equivalent to getting a golden body."

Lin Yuzhu bowed his head in thought.

The current life is very comfortable, it can be said that it is her comfort zone.

It's not easy to get out of your comfort zone now.

But what He Yudong said was very reasonable, so she couldn't help but not think about it.

Seeing this, He Yudong didn't rush.

We will soon enter the 80s, the golden age everywhere.

In this day and age, no matter what you do, you can get rich.In the tuyere, pigs can fly.

However, some people are willing to take risks, while others like to be comfortable. Individual pursuits are different, and He Yudong can't force them.

If Lin Yuzhu likes a comfortable life, he still hopes that she can get into a good school.

Now you are admitted to the university and you will be assigned.No matter which university you are admitted to, which unit you are assigned to, after 20 years, as long as you have not been expelled or encountered such unlucky things as the unit closing down, you can always sit in a management position with good benefits.

In this way, life will pass smoothly.

If Lin Yuzhu wants to pursue a challenge...he can also invest in her.

In short, he can hold his own.

And He Yudong himself...

He is also 41 years old.

Don't be confused by the age.

I'm afraid it won't work to make him work day and night, but it's not a problem to make some investments.

Moreover, he has accumulated a lot of money in the black market and ghost market these years.Even if you use this money to buy a house now, if nothing else, just buy two or three courtyard houses, you can become a billionaire after 30 years.But at that time he was also 70 years old, and even being a billionaire was meaningless.

With the resumption of the college entrance examination, opening up is just around the corner.Immediately, the performance of state-owned enterprises took a sharp turn for the worse, and the market ushered in a huge change.

what to do...

He Yudong didn't have any ideas for a moment.

Maybe... open a restaurant?

However, that's all for the future, and the work at hand still has to be done seriously.

If Lin Yuzhu was going to take the college entrance examination, Ran Qiuye could give her some tutoring—she was a college graduate—and He Yudong could get some teaching materials back.

He Yejia and He Yejing are four and a half years old, and He Yerong is three years old. The three children are not much different in age, and they play together very harmoniously.

However, He Yejia and He Yerong are both boys, and they have the same preferences. They prefer war games and attack each other with wooden pistols all day long.

He Yejing liked to play house more. Ran Qiuye made her a doll out of rags. She liked it very much. She slept with her in her arms all day long, chatted with the doll in whispers, and wrapped the doll in various floral cloths and silk scarves. body as clothes.

Of course, the three children will inevitably fight and fight.

Girls develop faster. When He Yejia and He Yerong were still jumping out a few words while talking, He Yejing was already talking like a little jumping bean.

He Yejing grew up fast, and was a little taller than her elder brother and younger brother. Every time she got into a fight, she could push her brother and younger brother somersaults.He Yejia and He Yerong couldn't beat her, so they pulled her hair, and two or three children rolled on the ground, covered in dirt.

Ran Qiuye didn't care when he saw it.

Let the children solve the children's affairs by themselves, and adults will only add to the chaos if they intervene.

Especially between brothers and sisters, no matter who the adults scold, they will not accept it, which hurts the relationship between the children for no reason.

Sometimes, what seems trivial to adults is a big deal to children.If we give justice to the children every time, that day will not be over.

Or let them figure it out on their own.

At most, when washing the children's clothes, they scolded them regardless of each other.

Good clothes, all rolled dirty!There are also frayed ones!

If He Yudong hadn't the ability to get the fabric, Ran Qiuye wouldn't have let them do what they did.

He Yudong counted the points in his hand, it was already a lot.

According to this amount, if the food and daily necessities of the family are bought with points, he will live another 60 years and have ten children.

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