Holding a loudspeaker.

"Today, our pickles and sauce factory opened together. From then on, we are people who work together!"

There was crackling applause.

Lou Xiaoe looked up at the sky above the factory.

Lou Xiaoe thinks.

That's how she was on her way back.

Dream sky bar.

Sky for all.

So the sun can shine everywhere.

on everyone.

Everyone can be happy.

"We'll be happy."

She whispered something.

Ran Qiuye heard it.

He whispered back.

"Of course."

Then smile at her.

Both of them had good smiles.

A small factory with an assembly line.

It can only produce hundreds of bottles of pickles a day.

Lin Yuzhu is sold in restaurants.

Almost everyone at the table took a bottle away.

In the end too many people bought it.

Lin Yuzhu had no choice but to tell the people below.

"After one table... I can only buy one bottle."

"Huh? Boss, the guests will be angry."

"I can't help it. Apart from our restaurant, many restaurants sell this pickle. They are all asking for sister Xiao'e. I can't make so many in one day."

Xiao Li in the lobby bit his lips and said in embarrassment.

"Boss, you should think of a way, many customers can't buy it and don't let us go."

"I know, I know."

Lin Yuzhu went to the factory with the key.

"Sister Xiao'e. It's really not enough. The guests are clamoring for it."

Lou Xiaoe said sullenly.

With a smile on his face.

"It's not the fault of He Yudong. I said to buy a big machine. He insisted on buying a small one, saying that it is not easy to operate. Look, now you can only make so much in a day, and you are all rushing for it. Even I can't eat it myself. "

"What should I do then."

"Be patient. Another factory is about to open."

"Another one? So fast."


Lou Xiaoe pointed outside.

"It's over there. I thought, I will run all the restaurants in that one. The restaurant in the south gets the goods from there, and the restaurant in the north gets the goods from here. Isn't it separated like this? There are more restaurants in the south and one in the north." Less. Just right."

"Sister Xiao'e...I'm so happy for you..."

Lin Yuzhu smiled brightly.

"What are you happy for me?"

"Maybe I think, Sister Xiao'e, you are really happy now, you can really be yourself, you don't need to rely on anyone, you don't have to be afraid of anything, and you don't need a man anymore. That's great. I take back your so much in Hong Kong City. Why haven’t you found someone who will accompany you for the rest of your life for so many years.”

Lou Xiaoe scratched Lin Yuzhu's nose with a smile.

Chapter 264 He Yejia's departure

"Xiaozhu, how about you manage this factory?"

"Me? Miss Xiao'e, don't you care?"

"Look at this factory, it's already managed pretty well, and everyone is doing things step by step. And you should be the most in charge. This is the pickle made by your restaurant. You know best how to sell it and who to sell it to."

"how about you?"


Lou Xiaoe smiled brightly.

"I can do whatever I want."

Lin Yuzhu thought for a while

"Of course I can, it's completely under control here."

As Lou Xiaoe thought.

Business here doesn't need much running at all.

Everyone flocks to it.

Businesses come one after another.

The main reason is that there is no such product on the market.

Everyone naturally accepted it.

Not even a few months.

Pickles have become a dish on the dining table of many people in Beicheng.


Convenient and delicious.

Everyone has a bottle of this at home.

Rich people eat it as a side dish.

People who are not rich can also eat it directly.

That's all for one meal.

Save a lot of time.

He Yudong thought that everyone couldn't accept it for a while.

However, the factory business continued.

He also became a hands-off shopkeeper with peace of mind.

Fortunately, Lin Yuzhu is very handy with these management matters.

Do what you like and do well.

Lou Xiaoe is exactly as she hoped.

Live a free and romantic life in a place of peace of mind.

Even He Yudong admired him extremely.

Like chasing a sunset.

Watch a heavy snow.

Smell the fragrance of a flower.

Anything is a reason for her to go.

But he was really happy for her.

Time passed like running water.

In a flash.

The children also have their own journey.

Life takes all kinds of different trajectories.

He Yejia has been steady and introverted since she was a child.

He Yudong and Ran Qiuye worried the least about him.

But Ran Qiuye in recent years.

But worried about him.

"Brother Dong, Xiao Jia is too withdrawn, I'm afraid he will be bullied when he goes out."

He Yudong disagrees.

"Boy, being bullied is also a growth. Besides, it's not wrong to be lonely. We need to let him know this. Otherwise, it's wrong to forcefully change your personality to cater to everyone."

"But... I am always a mother. Of course I hope that my children are kind, cheerful and lovable. Nowhere will I be without friends and support. Like Xiaozhu, how wonderful..."

Ran Qiuye lowered his head.

Embarrassed and said seriously.

"Children and grandchildren have their own blessings."

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