Jakia sighed, "We can only defend our beliefs in our own way."

After the words fell, it rushed to Ariel first.


Accompanied by the deep dragon chant, it was at full strength.


Ariel smiled contemptuously, "With an ability value of only [-] to [-], you want to stop me?"


However, at the next moment, many high-ranking earth dragons joined forces to cast the barrier of the dragon god, imprisoning Ariel in the barrier.

"Do you want to be exterminated?!" Ariel asked sternly.

"In order to protect our faith, we are willing to fight to the death!"

"This is the last dignity of the earth dragons!"

The earth dragons are tough.

They do not allow any vandals to trample on their beliefs!

Some things, even if you sacrifice your life, you will never compromise!

This is their will, a will that nothing can destroy.

Ariel felt very upset when she saw the stubbornness of the earth dragons.

Her eyes darkened, "Stupid earth dragon."

Judging from the words and deeds of the other party, Ariel has already seen the purpose of the earth dragons.

The older the creature, the more skills it has, which means it has a huge "soul energy".

Gargia already had a plan in mind to return to the embrace of the system.

Give your soul to fix this broken world.

However, the way it chose to return was to die in an all-out battle, vigorously, and die like a hero!

And it can also buy time for the two outside to become stronger.

Simply sparsi!

"I will complete you."

Ariel grinned grimly, and the power belonging to the Demon King soared, directly tearing apart the barrier of the Dragon God.


The sound of the dragon's chant resounded through the maze, and a more powerful barrier unfolded.

A battle between the earth dragon and the devil started in the depths of the maze.

No one knows what happened in the deepest part of the maze.

Only the powerful airflow constantly spreading out showed the brutality of the battle.


"La~ la la~ huh~ huh huh~"

The breeze in the forest blows slowly with the rustling sound of leaves.

The air is fresh, the birds and insects are singing, and the scenery is pleasant.

Feeling the cool wind blowing against his face, Bai Zhi narrowed his eyes to enjoy it.

Walking in the jungle, the two even hummed a song comfortably, but they didn't know that the earth dragons carried everything for them.

But even if you know, it won't be like this.

They seem to be unable to intervene in such a terrifying battle.

As the two gradually approached the town, traces of human activities could already be detected around them.

They did not hide their tracks, after all, their purpose was to contact humans and learn the human language.

It's just that most people's first reaction when they see a monster is to run for their lives.

"We are obviously cute and kind monster spiders, what is going on with these guys?"

Looking at the group of caravans that escaped again, Bai Zhi couldn't help complaining.

"Well~ don't care, at least we have learned 'help', 'it's a monster' and 'run away', these human languages ​​are not without gain." Bai Ze said with a shrug.

Bai Zhi rolled his eyes.

According to this progress, only in the Year of the Monkey can they learn the human language.

At this moment, a woman holding a seven or eight-year-old child appeared in front of the two spiders.

She cried and begged, looking at the two spiders as if she saw hope.

"**Big*, ***save******?"

Her child has cancer, and the medical methods in this world can't effectively treat it, and it seems that he will die soon.

As a result, today in the square of the town, I saw the leaflets distributed by the countess.

It is said that there is an envoy sent by the goddess in the mountain, the god beast.

Holding her belief in the Goddess and the last glimmer of hope, she really brought her child to the mountain by accident, praying to meet the God Beast to save her child.

He is only 8 years old, he hasn't seen the world well, and he can't just die like this.

The church that Sariela believes in is the Goddess Cult, and spiders are the beasts believed in by the Goddess Cult.

In fact, it is Sariel, the goddess of the system, and her student Ariel.

As a devout Christian, she is not afraid of spiders.

"Ace, what should we do?"

Judging from each other's few words, the two guessed each other's intentions.

"Save me, you can swipe your favorability, so that we can learn the language later."

"But healing magic shouldn't be able to cure a disease like lung cancer."

Cancer cells want to bring human beings to live forever, but as a result, human beings themselves are useless and do not belong to the category of harm.

"Then we can only do surgery, remove the cancer cells in the lungs, and then use regenerative magic to repair the body."

"This... are you sure this is okay?"

Bai Zhi expressed concern.

Bai Ze pondered for a while, "It shouldn't be a problem, you use miracle magic to hang his life, and I'll handle it."

Thus, the first medical surgery in another world was performed in the forest.

Seeing her child being disemboweled, the woman was stunned.

Jay White Zee the Ripper

Chapter 52 Mysterious Beast, God Loves the World

After some physical therapy, the little boy's lung was removed by Bai Ze.

Afterwards, Bai Zhi immediately arranged a miracle magic, the wound healed in an instant, and a new lung grew again.

The woman was stupid again.

Bai Ze nodded calmly, "Your child is fine."

"...Thank you, may I ask, are you the envoys sent by the goddess?"

The woman finally came to her senses.


The two looked at each other, not understanding.

But nodding anyway.

"Ah yes yes yes!"

The woman was ecstatic, and knelt down in front of the two of them and kowtowed.

"Thank you! Thank you for saving my child!"

"Ah yes yes yes!"

The two are in sync again.


In this way, the woman led the lively little boy and walked quickly towards the town.

She wants to tell everyone about the brilliance of Lord Divine Beast, so that everyone, like her, will be grateful to these two messengers!

Bai Zhi and Bai Ze followed each other silently, but they had a bad premonition in their hearts...

"Where are we going next?"

Do a good deed every day, merit +10.

After doing a good deed, Baizhi was in a happy mood.

"Why don't you... go to town?" Bai Ze suggested.

With this incident as a foreshadowing, they shouldn't have any problem going to town.


Bai Zhi hesitated.

Seeing this, Bai Ze slapped his head.

Almost forgot.

This guy is highly socially phobic and dare not go to crowded places.

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