"Well, let the two immortals have a meal together!"

Ye Bufan spoke to Ping'er and True Monarch Liuyun Borrowing the Wind.

"Thank you Mr.

Ping'er and Liuyun said to Ye Bufan politely by borrowing Feng Zhenjun.

Chapter 33 Magma Demon God Scarlet Beast

"Can you two snacks still eat?"

Ye Bufan looked at Qiqi and Xiao Yazhong and asked, the little belly seems to be much smaller.

“Qiqi should be able to drink coconut milk”

Qi Qi touched her belly and said.

“Wo is in charge of fried tofu and fried skewers”

Xiao Yae happily ran to the dining table.

The pleasant meal time is coming to an end soon.

"After all, I'm at home looking at these two cuties, I'm going out for a while"

Ye Bufan stretched out his hand to caress the little heads of Qi Qi and Xiao Yazhong.

"Well, don't worry, leave it to me!"

After all, he happily promised Ye Bufan.

"Qiqi will obediently wait for big brother to come back"

Qiqi nodded seriously and said.

"Okay, okay~_~"

Xiao Yae pulled his face, really wanting to watch the excitement.

Ye Bufan walked out of the mansion with the Uchiha Uchiha fan and headed straight for Tianheng Mountain.

I came to the entrance of a cave, where blood was soaring, corpses were scattered all over the field, surrounded by strands of black devilish energy and karma.

"Fu She, are you guarding here?"

Ye Bufan looked at the floating house guarding the entrance of the cave. At this time, the floating house was still covered in blood, and beside him were the corpses of monsters.

"Oh, it's Mr. Madara. I'm indeed guarding this place. I don't know why Mr. Madara came here."

Fu She looked at Ye Bufan in surprise, this is not a good place.

"I was entrusted by the end to see the situation of the Magma Demon God"

Ye Bufan moved out after all.

"Ah, I didn't expect Mr. Madara to come. I thank Mr. Madara on behalf of the people of Liyue."

Fu She looked at Ye Bufan with unbelievable eyes, and said to Ye Bufan with gratitude.

If it is said that Ba Zhi and Sea Beast met in a rough situation and drew their swords to help each other, then this time they will stand up and be a hero. If they can calm down the Magma Demon God this time, then they really have to change their name to Emperor Zhenwu in the future.

"You have worked hard, go back and rest for a while! I will go first"

When Ye Bufan walked to Fushe's side, he patted Fushe's shoulder, feeling a sense of sympathy between heroes.

"Haha, I'm going to wait here for good news from Mr. Madara"

Fushe's heroic spirit was dry, and his bold laughter drove away the demonic energy and karma surrounding the entrance of the cave.

"Hahahaha, then I have to speed up."

Ye Bufan imitated Ban Ye's domineering smile and said, a force gushed out of his body, and the acting speed was achieved again.

He walked into the cave with his head held high and his chest held high.

"It's true Martial Emperor, I'm not as good as this"

Looking at Ye Bufan's back, Fu She couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

The passages in the cave are full of broken corpses of monsters, and the stench made Ye Bufan speed up his pace.

When we came to the end of the passage, what we saw was an empty field, with the bones of monsters everywhere, and a passage leading to the inner world in the middle.




The roar of monsters came from the passage.

"Hey, there is"

Ye Bufan came to the front of the channel, laughed and used the shadow clone technique. In order to ensure the effect, this time the shadow clone has 50.00% of the body's chakra.

"You know me"

Ye Bufan looked at his shadow clone with a smile.

"Of course I understand you"

The shadow clone and Ye Bufan looked at each other and smiled, and used the transformation technique.

"Mama Hasilah"

Ye Bufan yelled at the shadow clone seriously.

"Mad Spicy"

The shadow clone looked exactly like Senju Hashirama, and shouted at Ye Bufan, Uchiha Madara.

"Mama Hasilah, let's see who kills the most!"

Ye Bufan seriously raised the challenge, and already felt the strength in his body gushing out.

"Hahaha, of course, I believe you will lose this time, Madara"

Qianshou Zhujian laughed foolishly, and accepted the challenge.

Then the two jumped into the passage.

"Wood Escape Wood Dragon Art"

The shadow clone of Qianshou Zhujian used the powerful fire to extinguish the monster, but it was Mu Dun of Qianshouzhujian who called.

Ye Bufan looked at his shadow avatar and extended his hand to give a thumbs up, you really know how to play.

"Uchiha Rebound"

Ye Bufan deflected a monster's attack with the Uchiha fan in his hand, but the monster was directly blown away by the shock wave.

"Dragon Flame Sings"

"Fire Tornado"

Ye Bufan released a set of combo skills.

The fire tornado blows towards a group of monsters, the wind helps the fire, this flame tornado has been blowing towards the depths, leaving only ashes wherever it goes.

"Madala, look at my wood escape and wood man technique"

The shadow clone in Qianshouzhujian clapped the same hands, and the huge blue wooden figure enveloped the shadow clone.

"You bullshit, nonsense you No.1"

Ye Bufan was speechless for a while, the blue wooden man's art is really good, and then he opened the Susanoo and moved towards the depths of the earth.

A blue giant Susanoo and a blue wooden dummy, all four lightsabers crazily kill monsters.

With the large-scale attack of Uchiha Madara and Senjujuma, the monsters and strange beasts in the earth core world were awakened.

And Ye Bufan, according to the memory of the war demon Lexus, moved towards the heart of the earth.

Relying on Susano to sweep all the way, it took less than 10 minutes to reach the edge of the fire vein.

What caught the eye was the fiery red land on the edge of the magma, and 200 meters ahead was the scalding hot magma.

"Immortal Method: Wooden Escape True Thousands of Hands"

Senshou Bashirama's shadow clone directly activates the full body of Susano.

The magma facing the fire veins in the earth's core was dozens of knife qi, which directly cut out dozens of cracks hundreds of meters deep in the fire veins in the earth's core.

"Isn't it a bit too much? If there are thousands of hands of Immortal Wood Dungeon, I guess the fire veins in the heart of the earth will be destroyed."

Ye Bufan covered half of his face with his hands in embarrassment, did you hide from the show?

"Tch, madara, don't slander me, I'm Hasilah's mother"

The shadow clone of Qianshou Zhujian crossed his hands on his chest, with an expression of a dead pig not afraid of boiling water.


Several giant lava beasts ten meters tall and 20 meters long crawled out from the depths of the fire veins in the center of the earth, and rushed towards the shadow clone, the thousand-handed pillar.

"I need to maintain my strength, and I will leave these thin dogs to you."

Ye Bufan canceled Susano and almost retreated behind the shadow clone.

"Madah, you can't do it anymore, hahaha"

The shadow clone of Senshou Bashirama began to taunt Ye Bufan, controlling the complete body of Susano to rush towards these giant lava beasts.

And Ye Bufan directly entered the memory of the war demon Lexus.

The magma demon red beast born in the fire vein in the center of the earth is like a huge hell dog. In ancient times, it would bite whoever it saw and destroy the environment everywhere.

At that time, the strength of the Magma Demon God had reached the strength of the quasi-six realms, and in the fire veins of the earth core, it could reach the strength of the initial stage of the six realms.

It's a pity that this guy met Lexus, the war demon, and was directly beheaded by Lexus in the heart of the earth.

The first revived magma demon's strength was only at the peak of Chaoying, and he was killed by Morax Zhongli before he started to make a fuss.

Now it is the second recovery, and Ye Bufan has not fully recovered yet, so Ye Bufan took the initiative to find him.

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