Faber said respectfully.

Immediately, Ye Bufan took Samina into the carriage.

And Fu Bo was very happy in his heart. This time, there are many benefits and benefits in Mond. He didn't expect to have the opportunity to cooperate with the elves, so he set off with a happy mood.

Ye Bufan was resting on the carriage, and Samina began to massage Ye Bufan.

This made Ye Bufan enjoy it very much, and he didn't know how to treat Samina in the future.

When the fleet of Feiyun Chamber of Commerce left Mond.

Earth-shaking changes have taken place in Mond City.

The wind god Barbatos is here, and he will lead the Zephyr Knights to clean up the monsters and lawless elements in the territory of Mond.

Twenty kilometers in front of Feiyun Chamber of Commerce, Demon God Andreus kept a safe distance from Feiyun Chamber of Commerce and escorted them ahead.

At this time, Liyue received a visit from a god.

Chapter 61 Raiden Really Loves Brain

Lei Dianzhen and Ying and Huzhai Palace had nothing to do in Daozuma, playing all day long.

Until the keeper of the law of heaven came to the door and notified the destruction of Kanria.

Lei Dianzhen and Ying had been frowning all the time, and Huzhai Palace was also preoccupied.

Finally, when it was learned that there was a true martial emperor, Uchiha Madara, in Liyue, Husai Palace knew that this was Lord Lexus.

So after discussing with Raiden, I decided to let Raiden find Lord Lexus and Lord Morax to discuss Kanria.

According to the reminder from Huzhai Palace, Lei Dianzhen in disguise found Feiyun Chamber of Commerce and came to Ye Bufan's mansion.

Lei Dianzhen knocked on the door of Ye Mansion with excitement.

"็ Hello Who are you?"

Fu Yun looked at Lei Dianzhen in surprise, he had never seen this beauty before!

"I'm looking for Uchiha Madara"

Thunder said seriously.

"Looking for Mr. Madara, please come in"

"It's just that Mr. Madara has gone to Mond and hasn't come back yet. I wonder if the girl has something important to do?"

Fu Yun opened the door to invite Lei Dianzhen to enter the mansion, and asked respectfully.

"To Mond?"

"Then I'll wait for him here"

Thunder really said.


Fu Yun didn't dare to call the shots, and was a little hesitant.

"Qiqi, you lost, hee hee"

Xiao Yae held a toy terminal machine and chased Qiqi and shot fiercely, and the two ran to the front yard together.

Fortunately, the arrow above was soft and did no harm.

Chi Tong watched the two play from behind.

"Oh, did you go to Qiqi to play?"

As Qi Qi said, she was going to take the toy in Xiao Yazhong's hand and return it to the terminal.


"Master Thor"

Xiao Yazhong looked at Raiden Zhen in disguise, and took a few glances before shouting.

After handing the toy end machine to Qiqi.

Little Yae jumped into Leidenzhen's arms and buried his head in his chest. Yes, this is a familiar smell.

"Are you Yae?"

Leiden really looked into Yae's ear and asked with some doubts.

"Hee hee, Lord Thunder God really recognized the nest."

"Yae is a pretty girl too"

Xiao Yae looked up at Raiden Zhen, and said happily.

Fuyun is still calm at this time, as expected Mr. Madara's friends are not ordinary people.

"Beautiful big sister"

Qiqi looked at Lei Dianzhen with the toy terminal and said.

"Hey, this cute little sister is"

Lei Dian really fell in love and had a brain attack. He looked at Qiqi in a daze for a while, this could not be the daughter of Lexus outside!Then he asked.

"Qiqi is the big brother's little princess"

Qiqi raised the toy terminal and shouted loudly.

Lei Dian really seemed to be struck by lightning, and he opened his mouth wide in disbelief.

"Hey, Lord Thunder God, what's wrong with you?"

Xiao Yae looked at Raiden Shin's surprised expression and said.

"I'm fine, I'm fine"

Lei Dianzhen shook his head, feeling a little disappointed, the first time Lexus was given to someone else, woooo x﹏x.

"Who are you"

Lei Dianzhen suddenly looked at Chitong next to him, and immediately shouted vigilantly.

"I am Akahito, Mr. Madara's servant"

Chi Tong said calmly.

"Hey, real sister, it really is you"

Finally heard the movement came to the front yard.

"Ah, after all, sister, it's actually you"

Lei Dianzhen was hit hard for a while, but he didn't expect that the one who was with Lexus was actually the end.

"What am I?"

After all, he said with a puzzled look on his face.

"How long have you been with him"

Lei Dian really lacked confidence, and asked in a weak tone.


"Thousands of years!"

After all, there are some embarrassing words.

At this time, Lei Dianzhen seemed to be struck by a hundred thousand thunderbolts, and his brain was in chaos.

Could it be that I am the third party.

Then I go?

No, I want to find out from him, maybe he loves me.

ah!It was the custom before Liyue to marry several wives, so maybe I have to be a little girl.

No, no, it's my responsibility to be the big one.


"What's wrong with my sister?"

After all, looking at the silent Lei Dianzhen, he couldn't help asking.


"I'm fine, your daughter is so cute"

Lei Dian pointed at Qi Qi in embarrassment and said.

Looking at Qiqi feels uncomfortable, maybe she should be a little one.


"Qiqi is not my daughter"

"What's going on in your head?"

After all, they were all amused, and when they came to Lei Dianzhen, they stretched out their fingers and tapped Lei Dianzhen's forehead.

"Then who is Qiqi's mother?"

Lei Dianzhen asked in a daze.

"Qiqi's mother?"

Qi Qi fell into deep thought when she heard this question.

"If you have to say it, Qiqi is your daughter now."

After all, with a grinning face, he said in a mischievous tone.


Lei Dianzhen's face flushed, smoke came out of his head, and he exclaimed loudly.

At this time, it was like being struck by lightning.

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