"Lexus, I..."

Lei Dian really turned into a little girl, not daring to look down at Ye Bufan.

"You two go play with Chi Tong for a while!"

"Fuyun arranges a room for Samina"

"Really come with me"

Ye Bufan put down Qi Qi and Xiao Yazhong, and after making arrangements, he walked into his room with Lei Dianzhen.


Ye Bufan looked at Lei Dianzhen seriously and said.

"Well, you say"

Thunder said a little shyly.

"There's something I have to tell you"

Ye Bufan decided to tell the truth about his inheritance of Lexus.


Lei Dian really plucked up the courage to raise his head, looked at Ye Bufan seriously and said.

"Actually, my real name is Ye Bufan."

Ye Bufan said seriously.

"I know acridine"

Lei Dianzhen looked at Ye Bufan with a puzzled expression and said.

Ye Bufan's eyes widened, looking at Lei Dianzhen in disbelief.

In an instant, there was a super storm in the mind.

who am I?

Am I Lexus or Ye Bufan?

What the hell is going on?

How much memory is missing in Lexus?

Or how much less memory do you have?

"what happened?"

Lei Dian really looked at Ye Bufan seriously and said.

"Ah, I should be missing some memory"

Ye Bufan asked this question seriously.

"Ah, it seems that you still have sequelae after being resurrected this time."

Lei Dian really stepped forward to hug Ye Bufan, and hugged him tightly with both hands.


Ye Bufan felt this fiery tenderness, it was so fragrant and soft, and he had a familiar feeling.

But I can't remember how.

"I forgive you"

Lei Dianzhen whispered in Ye Bufan's ear.

"Forgive me for what?"

Ye Bufan asked with a puzzled expression.

"Forgive you for bringing that woman back, but Ying and I must be big friends"

The sound of thunder and lightning is getting smaller and smaller.

But he spoke right next to Ye Bufan's ear.

This caused Ye Bufan to be hit critically and critically again.

Is this accepting that I have other women?

And what happened to Ying?

"Well, I haven't thought about marrying someone else."

Ye Bufan didn't understand what was going on, so he said seriously.


Lei Dian was really surprised by this sentence, and felt very comfortable for a while, holding Ye Bufan tighter and tighter.

"I want to be a generous woman in the future, I can't be so stingy anymore"

Thunder said seriously.

Because of some of her own problems, Ying had no choice but to fall in love with Lexus secretly, and today, because of her wild thoughts, she caused trouble for Ye Bufan.

"Are you still a little girl?"

Ye Bufan touched Lei Dianzhen's head and said with a smile, no matter what, he will definitely take responsibility.

"Hee hee, I feel much more comfortable after talking."

Thunderbolt said happily.

"Okay, okay, let's be normal in front of outsiders from now on."

Ye Bufan looked dotingly at Lei Dianzhen in his arms and said.


Raiden really realized it too.

The dignified Thunder God is actually jealous everywhere, and he is suspicious of Qiqi, and he also doubts the end, and also doubts Samina.

"Then let's go out!"

"Call Zhongli and Ruo Tuo together today, let's get together"

Ye Bufan is no longer struggling with who he is at this time, let nature take its course, and one day the truth will come to light.

The two walked out of the room hand in hand.

After all, I envy the real name system, Lei Dian really succeeded, what about me?

Samina also watched cheerfully, because Thor, maybe she had such a slight chance.

Both Qi Qi and Xiao Yazhong looked at Ye Bufan and Lei Dianzhen happily.

Fuyun and Chunyan, Xia Qing also realized that this is the mistress of the mansion.

"Let me introduce, Dao Wife's Thunder God Raiden, my woman"

Ye Bufan announced domineeringly.

At this time, Lei Dianzhen is full of queen fan, looking at everyone with a dignified manner, and he is two completely different people from the previous performance.

Chapter 63 Planning for the Future

"Hee hee, Lord Thor has succeeded."

Xiao Yazhong held Qiqi's hand and jumped up and down.

"Whoa whoa"

Qiqi happily jumped along, although she didn't understand, she was right to be happy.

“What a magical couple”

The Stove King said with a look of envy.

"Don't worry, I'll find you a partner someday, haha"

"Oh, by the way, there is also your red pupil, be mentally prepared"

Ye Bufan finally remembered that there were two bachelors in the family.


Both Chi Tong and Stove Lord Rice Cracker were stunned. Is there such an arrangement?

Is it bad to be single?

Want to eat, want to drink, want to sleep, want to play.

But the attitude of Mr. Lexus doesn't look like a joke!

"I think the elves are pretty good"

"Samina writes down both of them, and when Ruo Tuo comes back, arrange a blind date together"

Ye Bufan looked at the two cheerfully.

Anyway, they are also demon gods. One knows how to fight and kill, and the other only knows how to cook and sleep. How can this work? Someone needs to take care of them.

"Yes, my lord"

Samina was trembling with laughter.

If this blind date is successful, then the elves and the forest of elves will not have to worry about foreign enemies invading.

Chi Tong looked helpless.

The Stove Lord Cracker looked at Samina, maybe the elves are not bad!Now Liyue doesn't need to take care of her specially, let's try it!

At this time, the ground trembled slightly, and the mansion experienced a magnitude [-] earthquake.

"I don't know what's going on today, there will be some small vibrations from time to time"

Fu Yun said immediately.

"That should be Zhongli and Ruotuo cleaning up the inner earth world, don't worry"

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