Qin Yang pushed the door open and entered.

"Yo! Qin Gong is here, please sit down."

Director Yang said politely.

"Director Yang, Yang Weimin's letter of introduction has been completed, and I will have someone deliver it to his street in the next two days."

"There is one more thing I want to ask you about."

Qin Yang sat down opposite Director Yang, first reported the situation, and then went straight to the topic.

"You said."

Director Yang put down his pen and listened to Qin Yang's application.

Qin Yang thought about it and said:

"It's like this. Last week, due to work reasons, I invited the leaders of the Qianmen No. [-] Commercial Bureau to have a meal in our factory."

"Director Xie from the Ershang Sub-bureau dislikes the bad taste of our Xiaozao's dishes."

"Actually, no one needs to tell you about this. We know it ourselves. The chefs in the cafeterias are fine with cooking big pots of rice, but the small stoves are indeed not too hot."

Director Yang nodded and said:

"You're right, since Sha Zhu was fired, the quality of this small stove has been deteriorating day by day."

"I don't even want to bring them to our cafeteria when I treat them now. It's really hard to satisfy the guests."

The difference between a big pot of rice and a small stove is not so big.

The chef in the rolling mill cooks big pot dishes, he is also a spoonful of salt, and he is also two spoonfuls of salt.

Anyway, the workers are not picky eaters, they are all the same whether they are salty or light.

The better the big pot is, the more difficult it is to cook small stoves.

"Director Yang, you are so right. If it wasn't for Shazhu's serious mistakes, I would have applied to you to call him back."

"I've been looking for good cooks for small stoves these days, but such cooks are basically casual workers."

"The ones who do wedding banquets don't have employment status, so they don't meet our factory's employment standards."

"Until yesterday, I finally met a Xiaozao talent who is better than Shazhu."

"However, he is now the canteen chef of the Hongqi Commune Branch of the Machinery Factory, and he is across the unit from us."

"I asked his opinion yesterday, and he is willing to come, the only condition is that he also transfers his partner."

"So I came to you today just to hear your opinion."

In officialdom, you have to be polite.

Although it seems to be asking for instructions, in fact, as long as it is not too much, the leader will approve it.

Rolling mills do have fewer cooks.

Qin Yang wanted to hire a skilled cook from outside. This was also for the sake of the rolling mill, and it was within his duties as the director of the political value department.

Of course, Director Yang must raise his hands in favor.

After leaving Factory Manager Yang's office, Qin Yang asked his subordinates to handle the job transfer of Nanyi and Ding Qiunan.

At the same time, they also asked people to apply for letters of introduction from He Yushui and Yu Haitang.

Although Yu Haitang hasn't started yet, it will be a matter of time.

Only those who are not confident will use letters of introduction to manipulate each other.

A man of such quality as Qin Yang doesn't need to be so promiscuous.


"Grandma, I'm hot, I want to blow on the electric fan."

Siheyuan, Jia family.

The stick is lying on the window sill, looking at He Yushui's room, the curtains inside are fluttering in the wind, it looks very cool.

Jia Zhang also wanted to blow a fan.

She is so fat and sweats more than others.

This summer, it is too hot to sleep.

"Good grandson, grandma has a way. I can borrow the electric fans of those two little bastards, but you have to perform better."

Jia Zhang quickly had an idea.

"Grandma, what can you do?"

Stick stem stared at his small eyes and asked.

Jia Zhang lay beside his ear and whispered the plan again.

After listening to the stick stem, he nodded again and again.

At this moment, He Yushui and Yu Haitang were lying in the nest, blowing a fan and listening to the radio.

This radio was brought from Qin Yang.

Qin Yang has everything there, and he has bought everything as soon as the three turns ring.

However, there are no good programs on the current broadcasting station. Most of the time it is to teach people to learn thinking. Qin Yang listened to it a few times and then put it aside.

Today, a piano piece was playing on the radio. He Yushui and Yu Haitang lay side by side on the mat.

While listening to the music leisurely, suddenly Jia Zhang's screams sounded in the yard.

"Come on, my dear grandson is suffering from heat stroke."

"Help me quickly."

It was Jia Zhang who shouted at He Yushui's house.

Yu Haitang has only lived in for two days, and she doesn't know the people in the yard.

Hearing someone yelling for help, he suddenly became nervous.

"Rain, someone has heatstroke, let's go and have a look."

He Yushui grabbed her.

"Don't mind your own business."

Yu Haitang didn't dare to believe it:

"Yu Shui, how can you say that, your neighbor is suffering from heatstroke, it's fine if you don't help, how can this be considered nosy."

He Yushui rolled his eyes and said:

"Then you can go, that family will not deal with brother Yangyang, I won't help them anyway."

Yu Haitang originally wanted to argue a few words, but when He Yushui mentioned Qin Yang, she immediately stopped talking.

Although she has a kind personality, she is not the kind of stupid and kind person who will help everyone.

People outside have conflicts with Qin Yang, that must not be a good thing.

It's not her fault that this kind of person died.

"But they're noisy."

Yu Haitang frowned.

It's hot in summer.

It gets even hotter when people make you feel irritable.

"These two little bastards, it's really heartless to not come out to take a look after hearing that my dear grandson has a heat stroke."

Jiazhang saw that He Yushui could not come out, so he walked over and smashed the door.

Bang Bang Bang ~

"Help, my stick is suffering from heat stroke."

"Hurry up and save someone."

Jia Zhang shouted loudly while knocking on the door.

He Yushui couldn't take it anymore.

It was all blocking the door, and she couldn't pretend not to hear it anymore.

She put on her sandals and walked aggressively to the door.

Opening the door, he asked with a straight face:

"Jia Zhang, what are you calling? You went to the street clinic for heat stroke, why are you smashing my door?"

Jia Zhang pretended to be pitiful and said:

"Yu Shui, please take pity on us. It's a hot day, and I haven't even walked to the bathroom yet. Maybe I've got heat stroke too."

"I saw you bought a fan last night, right? Can you lend me a 440 stick to blow on for a while?"

"I'll return it to you when he recovers."

He Yuyu rolled his eyes.

Qin Yang just bought him an electric fan last night, and he suffered from heatstroke today.

Why is this grandson so good at it?

"No loan."

He Yushui directly refused, and planned to close the door after speaking.

Seeing that the door was about to be closed, Jia Zhang suddenly stretched out a leg and inserted it into the door.

"What are you doing? Take your feet off."

He Yushui shouted angrily.

"I won't take it."

Jia Zhang's face was also directly torn, and she put her hands on her hips like a shrew and shouted:

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