Immediately he nodded, "So, these places are quite suitable."

"Indeed." The enterprise nodded, "But these places are the assets of the ship's mother headquarters, and they are already half-abandoned."

"If the commander really wants to buy the island completely by himself and rebuild a port area, he needs to think again."

"It's not necessary, it's not necessary." Huang Chen shook his head, "Renovation can save a lot of money. Even if the dormitory and other buildings need to be rebuilt, at least the playground can be a lot more convenient."

As he said that, he suddenly became puzzled, "It's just that you said that this is the property of the ship's mother's headquarters..."

"It can be bought, even with the help of St. Louis, it will be much cheaper." The company laughed.

"That's good." Huang Chen nodded, "Then which place do you think is suitable?"

Chapter 169 Minato District Ah Minato District

Generally speaking, port areas in safe sea areas are located on land along the coast, while port areas in ordinary sea areas are located on islands.

Only some rather special places will set up port areas in dangerous seas.

The sites suggested by St. Louis are all on the island.

"It depends on what the commander means." Enterprise shook her head, she had no objection.

"I feel." Huang Chen thought for a while, and crossed out a few on the map, "Don't be too remote, it's better to be close to the city. It's convenient to buy something."

"But don't be too close. If you are close to the city, some things will be very troublesome. I think this port area is almost together with the county seat, which is not good."

Then crossed out a few more.

"This one is too close to dangerous waters. Not good." Crossed out another one.

"There are only two left. Do you have any detailed information about these two places?" Huang Chen asked.

The enterprise looked down, and then found a few pieces of printing paper, "There are only a few simple materials now."

But after Huang Chen picked it up and looked it over, he was not very satisfied, "The construction of this building is a bit too little, almost equivalent to a complete construction."

"This last place, the location is also suitable, and the existing buildings are also suitable, that's a problem." Huang Chen pointed to the two words on the information, "What does this 'problem area' mean?"

"Let me take a look?" The enterprise leaned over. "This question means that the previous commander of this place had some conflicts with the nearby residents."

"There is a conflict? What is the situation?"

"I don't know the specifics." The company shook his head. "However, marking the problem area generally means that the residents of this place are a bit messy and so on. It is recommended that ordinary commanders not go there."

"This..." Huang Chen gasped, "This port area is a bit different from what I thought."

Immediately, he frowned a little, "Is my request too high? Or let's take a look again?"

But after scanning up and down the map for a long time, I still couldn't find a suitable place, so I finally picked up a pencil and drew a circle on a certain area on the map, "Is there any suitable port area in this area?"

The enterprise shook his head, "There are only so many port areas suggested by St. Louis."

Huang Chen frowned, and thought about it for a long time. This is the port area, where he will live for the rest of his life. He really doesn't want to deal with it casually, "Or find an island in this area and buy it."

The company has no objection, "That's fine. Then I'll discuss it with St. Louis."

Although a decision has been made, Huang Chen is still entangled, how much does it cost to buy a small island?That is probably money that he will never earn in his life.

After a while, he put it down, "I didn't expect that St. Louis was still in the headquarters of the ship girl. Last time I heard from Tiancheng that most of the ship girls worked in the headquarters of the ship girl for at most ten years."

The ship girl itself is a kind of life that loves freedom. Even if she is the minister of a regional ship girl headquarters, she may suddenly leave her job and take a trip as soon as she wants.

It is also possible that on the way, I suddenly met a commander, joined the port area, and became the ship girl of the port area.

This is also why, as a kind of life that is almost not old or dead, Jianniang itself rarely appears with hundreds of years old Jianniang.

Of course, 70 years ago, ship girls themselves were relatively rare, which is also part of the reason.

"Yes." Hearing this, Enterprise smiled, "Compared with ordinary ship girls, St. Louis has indeed been working for a long time. Maybe she likes these."

The two chatted for a while, and the company left.

Huang Chen sat alone in the mess office for a while, feeling bored, so he walked to the yard.

At this time, the courtyard was quite lively, and it could even be said that it was so lively that it was about to explode. Now there are more than 80 ship girls in the port area.

Whether it is in terms of quantity or energy, it is incomprehensible to most port areas in the world.

Perhaps only the joint port area stationed on the front line or in dangerous seas can compare with it.

So many people huddled in a small nursing home, it was too crowded no matter what.

Adults can hide in the room to read books and do something they like, but children who like to play around can really feel the crampedness of nursing homes.

This narrow courtyard is now full of lolita.

"I'm looking forward to the company's surprise." Huang Chen muttered to himself, then walked into the courtyard, picked up a loli in his arms, and started having fun with everyone.


District J, Silke, opposite to the department store on Baihua Road, a dessert shop with bright lights.

The silver long-haired ship lady in a fiery red dress pushed open the door, "I have received a reply from Richelieu and the others, but there is still no letter from Dunkirk and the others."

As she spoke, she put a letter on the table.

"Maybe they stayed in Area K and forgot to post the letter." Jean Bart, with long flaxen-gray hair, shook his head, and his tall single ponytail swayed immediately.

She picked up the letter and opened it to read, "They're here. Maybe they're halfway there now."

"Jean Bart, Dunkirk will not be like this." Algeria laughed.

"Judgement, Algeria is right." Said the blue-haired girl with mechanical ears on the side.

And the blue-haired ship girl who was sitting on another table playing with the knife also nodded, her messy hair shook for a while, "I also think Algeria is right, but I also feel that it has been too long , it’s been more than a month.”

Then he got up and picked up the envelope that Jean Bart had just put down, looked at it, "Speaking of which, I'm lucky or not. I heard that the commander is back, and I thought I would see him soon."

"I was just joking." Jean Bart shrugged helplessly, "But it's been too long, why don't we send a letter to the company? Or just fax and ask the ship mother headquarters in K area, not the company Is it the deputy director of the Ship Girl Headquarters in District K?"

"I think it's okay." Algeria thought for a while and nodded.

"Judgment, good advice." Gascogne said the same.

Fuxi also temporarily got out of her own entanglement, "I think it's a good suggestion."

"Then go fax tomorrow." Jean Bart made up his mind.

Suddenly, a very gentle voice came from the door, which only made people feel like spring breeze and very comfortable.

"Excuse me, is Dunkirk back? Are you planning to open a store? When are you planning to reopen?"

Jean Bart and the others were taken aback for a moment, and then Fuxi immediately replied, "No, Dunkirk didn't come back."

As she spoke, she walked towards the door, "And the dessert shop won't be open..."

However, when she saw the black-haired girl standing there, she suddenly froze, and turned her head in surprise, "My wife?"

Algeria inside frowned upon hearing this, "Fuxi, what are you talking about?"

As she said that, she also walked towards the door, and was also very surprised when she saw the figure of the black-haired ship girl at the door, "My wife?"

Playing with the loli in the yard is very happy, so the time passes quickly.

Huang Chen was still quite unsatisfied, and it was time to sleep. Of course, as a commander, his power in the port area was almost unlimited, and he could sleep whenever he wanted.

But it's time for little Lolita to go to bed.

Asking him to play eagles and chickens alone in the yard was a bit boring, but Bumblebee suggested that he could also play badminton.

But Huang Chen refused the answer. After all, it was very late, and he didn't want to exercise. It was definitely not because he thought that Fengyun was still waiting for him.

Climbed to the fifth floor and returned to his room, there was already a small figure on the bed, Fengyun was relatively quiet, and went to bed early, Huang Chen didn't disturb her

After a night of silence, Huang Chen suddenly opened his eyes the next morning, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

There was something wrong with the dream last night.

First of all, there are memory fragments about Shangri-La and others. These are expected. After all, I have met so many ship girls again, and I am already proficient.

However, in addition to the memory of the ship's mother, there are many strange memories.

Some memories about the battlefield, the sea area, gunpowder smoke, naval guns hit the sea around me, shaking the water several meters high, and the propeller of the plane roaring.

In fact, this is not the first time these memories have appeared, and some incomplete fragments have appeared many times before.

But today, he even feels that these fragments seem to be connected with some fragments of the past to form a complete story, as if some truth hidden under the picture is about to break through the encirclement!

But at every critical moment, the memory suddenly disappears, and it is just a step away, but it can't be achieved no matter what!

It seems that some key information is missing.

Huang Chen opened his eyes, staring at the ceiling, his thoughts were complicated for a while.

These emerging memory fragments cannot be explained by simple recovery of memory!

What is the complete story that will be formed, the information hidden under these memory fragments?This made him feel a little worried.

I plan to ask the company and Amagi for their opinions.

He looked down at Fengyun in his arms, the little girl was still sleeping soundly, her cute appearance made him feel a bit of healing, and being in his arms was also comforting, and the worries in his heart disappeared a lot.

No matter what happens, I have my own ship girl to accompany me.

He couldn't help but poked the little Lolita's pink cheek, and then left the room before the kid was about to wake up.

Huang Chen got up very early, but there was Jian Niang who was earlier than him.

There are even some lively girls jogging in the small yard downstairs.

Walking slowly to the first floor, it was inevitable to say hello to all the ship girls who got up early along the way. Huang Chen immediately found the company and Tiancheng without even having breakfast, and told them about yesterday's strange dream.

However, the two ship girls had no clue.

"Maybe it's just a memory of a simple attack. It may be a memory of a relatively large siren attack, and a part of it is recovered each time." The enterprise thought for a while.

Tiancheng also nodded, "After all, the Lord often sent many fleets to attack when there were large-scale siren attacks. It is also possible to have a connection between these memories."

Huang Chen remained silent. This was indeed a possibility and could be used as an explanation.

But I always feel that the truth behind these memory fragments is not that simple.

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