Chapter 172 Otherwise, isn't Tiancheng coming in vain?

At the Jianniang Headquarters in Yongyang City, District K, the company drove its car slowly to the parking space.

Tiancheng opened the car door and got down, sighing, "It's really changed a lot, it's completely different from what I remember."

"Your memory is from decades ago, and this place has been renovated several times." Enterprise got out of the car and said with a smile.

The company has always had a regular relationship with Tiancheng and the others, so it is natural to know that these heavy cherry ship girls have also visited the ship girl headquarters in K area.

In fact, most of the sisters in the past migrated in coastal cities, stopping and stopping along the way, and staying for a while when they encountered suitable places.

If you are not satisfied, go further afield.

"I remember it was being renovated when I first came here." Enterprise said, walking along a small road, Tiancheng followed her, "After I became a deputy minister, the current minister also suggested renovation, that is A few buildings on the side."

She said while pointing in a direction.

"There is also a commercial street. I almost watched it develop. The commercial street was far from being so big when I came here just now."

Tiancheng just listened silently, and smiled from time to time. The two walked briskly, chatting while chatting, and soon arrived at the office building.

He skillfully walked to the office door of the logistics department, looked at the familiar office door and the number on the side, but the list of office personnel on the side was no longer his name.

Even a company felt a little emotional for a while, calmed down, knocked on the door, and said, "Hello."

"Enterprise?" There was a doubtful voice from the door, and then the door opened, and the silver-haired and red-eyed Colorado poked out in surprise, "It really is you, this is a long time behind the plan, I thought you couldn't see The money for going to that small building."

"Ha, how is it possible, every penny of me now belongs to the port area, I don't count it if I say it."

"This is Colorado, the current Minister of Logistics."

"Hello." Amagi nodded in greeting.

"Hello." Colorado also nodded, and suddenly sighed, "Your port area is really powerful, Tiancheng is a very powerful battle cruiser, right? There are so many aircraft carriers such as York City, and Haman and other expulsions. There are more than 12 ships, it is the real port area."

Although the general commanders like and are liked to be called the commander of the port area, according to the regulations of the ship mother headquarters, only commanders with more than 12 ship mothers can take over the port area.

Hearing Colorado's words, even Amagi and Enterprise didn't know how to respond.

Can you tell her that there are more people living in nursing homes than your current staff?

Colorado didn't feel the slightest problem, shook his head, and looked at the company with a complicated expression, "To be honest, sometimes I really can't believe that such a powerful minister of the company joined the port area and became the ship's daughter of the port area. "

"It's not to join the port area." The enterprise smiled, "It's to return to the port area. I was originally a ship girl in the port area."

"What's the difference?" Colorado shrugged. "I won't join the port area anyway—at least I won't think about it until I become a minister. Wait a minute, I'll find out where the things are."

She walked to her desk, took out a paper cup, and gave Tiancheng and Enterprise a glass of water, "The conditions are poor, you know it, don't you care?"

"Where." Enterprise shook his head, took the paper cup, and watched Colorado rummage through the bookshelf behind him.

"I remember it was put here..." Colorado searched for a long time, and finally found a file bag in one corner, "Speak, if you don't come again, I really can't find this thing."

The company took the file bag without opening it, just holding it in its hand.

"The contract is all here, and the transfer slip is also in it, and the rest can go directly to the financial office." Colorado was a little puzzled.

Enterprise shook his head, "Not this."

How could it be possible to come here with Tiancheng just to deal with such a simple matter as Xiaolou?Otherwise, wouldn't Tiancheng come in vain?

"Oh, anything else?" Colorado felt a little curious.

The enterprise suddenly showed a smile, "I remember, there is a small cruise ship in the inventory of our ship mother headquarters?"


"My wife, is what you said true?"

On the quiet path, a group of girls with different hair colors are really hurrying along. These girls may be tall or short, but you can feel their touching beauty just by looking at them.

Those with a little bit of knowledge naturally know that these are the ship girls.

Those who are more knowledgeable can notice the long and furry ears of the girls, and even know that these are probably Shige Sakura's ship girls.

Walking in the front was a girl with long black hair, her hair hanging down softly, wearing a white shirt with lace, a black vest, a white pleated skirt, and black pantyhose underneath.

Even if her footsteps are in a hurry, it does not affect her virtuous and gentle temperament at all.

And beside her was a petite silver-haired girl with wings-like ears standing on her head.

Perhaps because of her petite stature, it was a bit difficult to follow the black-haired girl, and she even started to run in small steps.

But still excited and shocked.

"I listened to what Jean Barr and the others said." The black-haired woman seemed a little helpless, "Northern Wind is coming soon, so you can ask Jean Barr and the others later?"

"This is the commander!" Beifeng was still shocked, his green eyes were full of disbelief, "And why didn't my wife tell you earlier, why did you wait until after dinner?"

"After all, it's useless to be anxious." My wife still said gently, "Jean Barr and the others have been waiting for more than half a month, and they still haven't heard from Dunkirk."

"If I had said it earlier, you might have come here without eating breakfast, right?"

"But no matter how anxious they are, there is nothing they can do. But today they plan to send a fax to District K directly, hoping to have some news."

Beifeng was speechless for a while, puffed up his mouth angrily, quickened his pace and wanted to walk in front of my wife, but failed due to his short legs.

Turning another street corner, I finally saw the dessert shop in the distance. A girl with light dark hair and short hair suddenly sighed, "We came to this dessert shop on the first day we came to Silk, right? Unexpectedly It really opened in Dunkirk in our port area, and I didn’t expect to get clues from the commander because of it.”

She looked at the dessert shop not far away on the corner of the street, which looked ordinary on the outside, and suddenly felt a little sigh in her heart. If my wife said before, we would have come to this city a few days earlier.

Is it possible to meet the commander directly?

It's really raglan!

"Hurry up, Liangyue, hurry up!" A girl with a big indigo ponytail turned her head and waved her hands.

"Ah, here we come, Xiaoyue!" Liangyue was startled, shook her head, and hurriedly followed.

PS: Modify a mid-sized yacht to a small cruise ship

Chapter 173 - Take down the small cruise ship

Time flies, through the epic cooperation of Shirataka and Sakura, and the concerted efforts of Enterprise and Amagi.

They finally got the small cruise ship at a very affordable price.

The Office of the Minister of the Headquarters Office Building of K District Ship Niang.

The head of the headquarters, the battleship Washington, was a little emotional, "Enterprise, I didn't expect that you have already resigned, and you can still come to toss me. Why do you buy such a big ship?"

A small cruise ship is a big asset even for the ship's mother headquarters here, and if it wants to sell it, it must not be decided by the logistics minister alone.

In fact, in the current minister's office, in addition to the minister and the logistics minister, there is also the director of the financial office.

"Where, this can be regarded as the final contribution to the headquarters, and the yacht is actually useless, isn't it?" The enterprise continued to chuckle.

Yachting is really useless.

Theoretically, this is true. For the ship girls at the ship girl headquarters, they usually don't travel on weekdays.

For small-scale travel, such as providing supplies to the port area and tutelary mansion in the area, there are small yachts.

For large-scale travel, such as official exchanges with Area C or commanders going to the Commander Academy of Area C for further study, there are official ships available.

Although small cruise ships are called small cruise ships, they are not actually small.

It was used by a shipping company to pay off debts. After all, ship girls provide routes for human merchants and guard the sea area. These are not free, right?

The ship's mother itself is stateless, the ship's headquarters is also an organization that transcends national boundaries, and the commander is generally believed to be stateless.

The ship girl itself has no obligation to protect humans, and the ship girl is not a vassal of humans.

It would be better to say that the human beings on the coast survived only by relying on the ship mother.

They fight sirens only out of instinct.

The shipping company was in arrears for the route fee for a long time, and finally found a small cruise ship out of service from the warehouse to pay off the debt.

At that time, the ship's mother headquarters didn't want it. After all, it was really useless, but on the other hand, the cost of the small cruise ship was much more than the debt, and it was indeed worth the money, so it was accepted.

Of course, there was another reason. At that time, Minister Washington always felt that he could keep the yacht and raise enough money later.

Just buy it, and gather a group of like-minded guys to explore the world together.

So at that time, the case was taken, and the cruise ship was also well maintained, but due to various reasons, it has never sailed. For the ship mother headquarters, it is probably considered a negative asset.

Although Washington has always wanted to buy it, she has never been able to save money in the first place.

Second, the kindred spirits she wanted to find hadn't been found.

In the end, she didn't want to leave so early.

For various reasons, the yacht is empty anyway, and now it is cheaper for Enterprise and Huang Chen.

"Indeed." The director of the financial office laughed, "I've long wanted to sell this small cruise ship, but I haven't found someone as generous as the company."

Colorado, the logistics minister, also had a smile on his face. She looked at this thing as indeed useless, so it would be good if it was sold.

It can be said that the only person in the room who is somewhat reluctant is Minister Washington.

Of course, in the current situation, her opinion is no longer important.

"Since it's agreed, let's do it like this." Washington sighed and realized the reality. "Is the yacht under the name of your port area? Have you brought the commander's certificate! Or come back tomorrow to apply for it?"

"This...let's hang it under my name first, and apply for the certificate now." The company paused.

"Is it under your name? It's fine, it doesn't make any difference." Washington shook his head nonchalantly, and began to rummage through the ID form to register.

And the company naturally took out the passbook and prepared to pay.

Of course, it is not so simple for ordinary people to buy yachts.

As a ship's wife and commander, she is naturally different from ordinary people.

Ordinary people who want to buy a cruise ship, or even a small yacht, need a lot of documents and approval from many departments.

First of all, to buy this yacht, you need to go through a series of licensing, ship inspection, navigation, and insurance at the maritime authority.

If you want to sail in a sea area, you also need to go through maritime procedures such as "ownership certificate", "ship inspection certificate" (seaworthiness certificate), "nationality certificate" and "ship visa book" with the maritime authority of the local sea area.

At the same time, you need to go to the ship mother headquarters in the local area for relevant registration.

If you want to sail across regions, you not only need to apply for a human country in a different region, but most importantly, you need to apply for a route permit at the ship's mother headquarters.

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