Abruzzi's expression on the side changed, but there is no need to ask such a question!The answer is already obvious!

And whatever happens, the Empire has come, and something dangerous has happened.

At the same time, the Empire also had a strange encounter with the Commander.

From this point of view, this should be a good thing.

Those strange reasons don't fit their noble status at all, so don't discuss it any more!Especially don't say these things in front of the commander.

However, she couldn't stop all of this. Everyone looked at the empire sitting in the middle with curiosity, especially Huang Chen, the curiosity on his face was overflowing.

He was really curious, he was talking in Abruzzi 5 minutes ago, the empire stayed in the S12 area, and he even wondered if the empire left under this excuse.

Who knew that the empire would teleport to his eyes after 5 minutes, and he still called him the commander!

The empire didn't have any thoughts about the complicated thoughts of the people around him, and obediently responded to his sister's question, "There is no food at home, so I ran out."

Huang Chen's face became weird, even with his knowledge, he was a little confused.

Skyhawk on the side only thought that it was so, only Abruzzi had a look of regret, "The glory of the empire..."

Because a person staying at home can't cook and can't eat, no matter how much glory the empire has had in the past, it can't continue to be strong now.

But she still holds a kind of hope in her heart, let's stop here!Don't keep asking.

Naturally, Veneto couldn't hear her voice, and was still puzzled, "Is there any at home? Isn't there a restaurant not far from the door?"

"Hotel?" The empire was taken aback, as if a little stunned.

Everyone is also extremely surprised, isn't it?How could the empire not even know what's on the doorstep?

After the empire was stunned, he touched his pocket immediately, "But I don't have any money with me?"

Duke Abruzzi on the side suddenly had some bad premonitions.

Veneto felt incredible, "No money? How is it possible? Didn't Littorio give it to you? I remember telling her..."

As she spoke, she suddenly fell silent.

Empire shook his head blankly.

The surrounding air suddenly fell into silence.

Even Southwest Wind and Dareko, who were playing carefree at the side, felt a bit of solemn atmosphere.

Only Abruzzi looked like that, "The glory of Lord Veneto..."

With no money and no food at home, she was content to travel thousands of miles to find her sister alone and hungry.

If it weren't for the ship's mother, she would definitely not be able to do such a feat.

Huang Chen sat at the side, although he didn't speak, a feeling of admiration suddenly rose in his heart, that he was able to carry it all the way from S12 area to here hungry.

It is really not to be underestimated!

After a moment of silence, even Veneto did not continue to ask. He reached out and touched the empire's head, and asked instead, "How did the empire recognize the commander?"

"The commander is the commander!" the empire replied, although it was strange why sister Veneto changed the subject.

Obviously I have a lot to say.For example, if I don’t have money, I can’t take a cruise ship, so I can only sail all the way here by myself, and I can’t buy food. I’ve been hungry for a long time.

Fortunately, I met that friend and ate a little something, otherwise I must have starved to death.

She finished talking a little dullly, but puffed up her mouth, seeming a little unhappy.

Everyone present immediately understood what the girl meant, the commander was the commander, and there was a unique connection between the ship girl and the commander.

Even if we haven't seen each other for many years, even if the commander has changed his appearance, he can still be recognized in the crowd at a glance.

Thinking about it this way, it's not so strange that Huang Chen can recognize Huang Chen even if he has never met the commander before... What the hell!

Anyone who hears this kind of thing will be shocked, right?

The relationship between the ship's mother and the commander is not about buying vegetables and eating, how can it be so easy to determine?

Let alone this kind of person who has never met before.

So Veneto, you are brainwashing the empire after all!

Everyone's eyes focused on the round-faced girl with long silver hair, but Veneto didn't notice it at all, but continued to rub the hair of the empire, and then comforted, "It's been hard work!"

"The great empire is very powerful!" The empire was no longer angry, he smiled, and suddenly seemed to think of something, "I met a friend before."

"Friends?" Everyone was taken aback, and Duke Abruzzi was even more horrified. Although it was disrespectful to think so, the empire could still find other friends.

"Yes, we met on the sea, small, with green cat ears, very cute, and treated me to a little navy curry!" The empire said excitedly, "Unfortunately, she already has a commander, Otherwise, you can let her join our port area, right?"

Huang Chen didn't speak at the side, but he liked the empire very much in his heart. This girl wanted to help him get a boat before he even met him. It's really amazing!

However, after hearing these words, the company's expression became a little weird. It opened its mouth, hesitating, and finally asked, "Empire, are you sure you are 'inviting' you to eat?"

Everyone's faces became a little weird, and Abruzzi's voice trembled, "Enterprise, what do you mean..."

"According to the description of the empire, the ship girl she met should be Akashi, Sakura's repair ship, but generally speaking, Akashi can't do the act of inviting a 'friend' she just met..."

The enterprise said with some earnestness.

Chapter 210 A new tour is about to start again

Akashi, the stingy proprietress, can even change the purple box into a gold box to buy it.

There are so many Akashi in the world, and every Akashi has the same stingy look.

Such a guy would treat the empire to navy curry?Although the empire says it's just a little bit of navy curry, it's still kind of weird.

Everyone looked at the empire suspiciously.

And Veneto's face became serious, and he subconsciously asked, "Imperial, really treat you to eat?"

"Of course! She said that she can eat it by the way!" The Empire said confidently.

Although Abruzzi didn't speak at the side, he had a bitter expression on his face. He was actually discussing this kind of thing, which really hurt the glory of the empire!

"Ah! Is this what it is? Since you can eat it casually, there's nothing you can do about it." Veneto breathed a sigh of relief.

But Huang Chen was keenly aware that the words of the empire might not be as simple as it appeared on the surface, he hesitated, "Where is that Akashi now? Aren't you friends?"

The empire thought for a while, "It's gone, it suddenly disappeared when it was about to get here."

"Here? Area K? Shipgirl Headquarters?"

"The ship's mother's headquarters!" said the empire, "She told me that I can find my sister at the ship's mother's headquarters, and I found it!"

"She told you?" Huang Chen frowned suspiciously. Could it be that Mingshi, whom he didn't know, had a talent for fortune-telling?

"Yeah! She told me that my sister must be in the headquarters of Jianniang! And there are a lot of food here!" The Empire nodded, "She is really amazing! Know everything! It is almost half as powerful as the Great Empire! "

After finishing speaking, he lowered his head with some regret, "It's a pity that I got separated from her before, and I don't know where she went."

Huang Chen squinted his eyes, feeling that the empire might have misunderstood the meaning of that Akashi, hesitated for a moment, and felt that there was no need to discuss it further, "Maybe we met a more generous Akashi."

Kind of set the tone for this.

In any case, it is always a good thing that the empire is coming.

Everyone chatted for a while, and then found Torricelli who had been hiding from a corner, and everyone carried their luggage and walked towards the back door of the ship's mother's headquarters.

And not long after everyone left, a little green-haired girl in a red and black Lolita-style dress walked along the side of the road and muttered, "I didn't find meow, that guy really It's not as stupid as it looks, meow!"

A trace of peace of mind flashed in the little girl's golden eyes, and then she subconsciously looked at her storage warehouse, where there was a pile of navy curry piled up like a hill and there was not much left.

You must know that these are all supplies brought out from the port area!

If it weren't for her special ability, she could carry a lot of things related to the ship's mother, how could it be her turn to have those things in the warehouse in the port area at that time?

But now there is not much left, and the last navy curry was eaten by the strange guy I met before.

Thinking of this, Akashi's teeth itch with anger. It was the navy curry that Shiranui couldn't take away from her, but that strange guy ate all of it.

There is nothing to do, I can only sell some more boxes.

The little girl looked around, walked towards the more lively place in front, took out a rag and put it on the ground, put out five golden boxes, and then yelled at the passing ship girls and commanders.

"Pass by, don't miss it, the port area closed down, the commander ran away, the gold box was sold cheap..."


Although the enterprise drives a car, it is obvious that a car cannot accommodate so many people.

I wanted her to take a few people back first, but it turned out that it was not appropriate for anyone to take the car after the discussion.

In fact, it's not a question of who is not, the main thing is Huang Chen.

If Huang Chen wanted to take the car, everyone else wanted to take the car, and if Huang Chen didn't want to take the car, the others would also yell not to take the car.

In the end, Enterprise could only drive back to the nursing home by himself.

And Huang Chen and the others took the bus back.

Naturally, the bus is not as fast as the small car. By the time Huang Chen and the others returned to the nursing home, everyone already knew the news of Veneto's return.

And of course the key character, the pop-up Empire.

For this girl who just joined, everyone showed strong curiosity. When she walked into the gate of the nursing home, all eyes stared at her.

The little girl listened to the friends on the side saying that a new sister had arrived, while looking at the yawning figure in the yard who was still staggering towards the cafeteria.

His eyes flickered, not knowing what he was thinking.

And on the third floor of the nursing home, in Xianghe Ruihe's room, Ruihe saw Veneto and Tianying downstairs, and turned his head to show his sister a firm expression, "Sister, another strong enemy has appeared."

Xianghe didn't say anything, but looked solemnly.

Although he had already eaten snacks shared by several people outside the coffee shop of Jianniang headquarters, it did not affect the strong appetite of the empire in the slightest.

When everyone came back just at lunch time, the empire showed an amazing talent in cooking and ate another big meal.

After eating, I started clamoring for a room to take a shower and sleep.

Naturally, there are no extra rooms in the nursing home, and taking a bath is naturally not a problem, but if you want to sleep at night, you have to make room for it, which is unnecessary.

After all, it was out of the plan, and they were going to move to the Windward ship tomorrow.

So the company negotiated with Veneto, and they went directly to the Windward, where many rooms were ready.

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