Does this need an explanation?

He just waved his hand, "I see, I'll just wait here for her."

But Bumblebee didn't intend to leave, and continued to invite, "Anyway, Miss Enterprise hasn't come up yet, why don't the commander come over to play for a while?"

"No!" Huang Chen waved his hands to refuse, and even stood in front of the console, pretending to look at the vast ocean outside.

I am a decent person.

Unexpectedly, I heard Bumblebee's giggle again, "Commander is really not going?"

"No!" Huang Chen waved his hand impatiently.

But I heard Bumblebee laughing more presumptuously, "Then why is the commander standing there?"

"Where?" Huang Chen was taken aback, and turned his gaze away from the sea, only to realize that the position he was standing at could be described as having a unique view.

Looking down, you can have a panoramic view of the open-air swimming pool not far away, and all the beautiful scenery is close at hand!

Huang Chen suddenly puffed up his eyes, slowly turned his stiff neck, and looked at Bumblebee, "I didn't see what I was going to say, do you believe it?"

Bumblebee didn't speak, but showed a 'smile that you know', and everything was said in silence.

Huang Chen smiled with difficulty, and then became angry from embarrassment, "You're doomed!"

But Bumblebee was keenly aware of the danger when his face changed, and got away, leaving only a burst of joyful laughter.

There are so many ship girls in the port area, and there are not a few of them who belong to Pipi shrimp, and Bumblebee is one of the best.

It can be said that he is proficient in the secret of the word 'skin', and he has entered the third step in the word 'skin', and at the same time, he is full of attribute points in the observation of words and expressions that specialize in commanders.

Always dancing on the tip of the knife, but never showing off.

Huang Chen pretended to chase after a few steps, then retreated.

After all, she is my own mother-in-law, so the so-called anger from embarrassment is just a joke, how can she be really angry?After Bumblebee left the room, Huang Chen wandered around the cab rather bored by himself.

After a few minutes, he saw the figure of the company appearing on the top deck. Huang Chen greeted her through the glass, but the latter did not respond, which reminded him that the cab was a one-way glass.

After another minute or two, I finally heard the company's footsteps coming from the corridor outside.

Before the girl came in, she heard her clear voice, "Commander, I happened to need you for something."

Huang Chen nodded in embarrassment, "I heard from Bumblebee just now."

The company didn't bother with the question of why the commander didn't get up in the morning, and went directly to the topic, "Actually, it's not a big deal, the main thing is that you need to look over a few tasks."

"First of all, it's about the route," the company explained, and then found a file on the console, and handed it to Huang Chen, "This is the currently planned route. Today is May 5th, about five days later, which is 30." On the 6rd, you can reach Area J, and the rest of the plan is as shown in the table."

Huang Chen nodded, took it over and looked at it, it was a timetable, made certain plans for various matters in the middle, and arranged the time.

Of course, it is not accurate to a certain day, but it is also a time range within five days. After all, how long it will take to meet Jean Barr, Elizabeth, and Nagato is still uncertain.

Seeing that the commander looked at the timetable and did not ask any questions, the company took out another document, which was much thicker than the timetable just now, and could almost be regarded as a thick book.

Huang Chen took it in a little surprise, grinned, and flipped through it casually, "What is this?"

"This is the wish list of the sisters, and the last page is the summary statistics." The company explained.

Huang Chen still didn't understand, and muttered to himself, "Wish... Oh, so it's this!"

It is the question about the construction of some functional rooms on the Yingfeng that I thought of when I went up the stairs. I asked everyone for their opinions before, and now I have returned your opinions.

"Thank you, let me take a look!" Huang Chen said, flipping through the documents in his hand casually. He didn't even bother to take a closer look at such a thick mess of documents. It must be very hard for the company to sort it out.

"Why don't we add another secretary ship?" He said suddenly.

"Commander, you can decide." Enterprise said casually.

"Then Tiancheng... Wait, I remember that Nagato is also a secretary ship?" Huang Chen recalled, hesitated for a moment, then shook his head, "It doesn't matter, let's go to Tiancheng, let's talk when Nagato comes back. I'll see everyone's wishes ..."

He directly turned the file to the last page, which was the form that the company had already sorted out, but his brows were suddenly knit together, "The amusement park is the first place, is it the children who voted? I can understand."

"Others, expanding the reading room and sauna room, and adding a large bathroom, I can understand all of these, but..." He looked at the company with surprise in his eyes.

"What does this Commander's Memorial mean? I'm still alive!"

"This... Dafeng's wish." The enterprise explained, "She said that she needs a special room to place things related to the commander. At first it was called the commander experience room..."

"Rejected! Don't think about it, and... what about the zoo and aquarium? Windward still needs these functions?"

"That's... Bai Xue and Pu Bo's suggestion. I want to raise some small animals and fish. Actually, I feel good about it." The enterprise said.

"Okay..." Huang Chen hesitated, and continued to ask, "What about this? The psychological consultation room..."

"Bremerton's wishes, she is actually good at this after all..."

"Okay, I understand, why do we need a bar? Don't we already have one?"

"BB Kaga thinks that the bar is full of foreign alcohol, and wants a more heavy cherry style."

"Well, let's put this on hold for now. Forget it, let's put it in the plan. What about this, the store? Akashi's wish?"


"Store on hold, whose wish is this metalworking room?"

"It's also Akashi, not only these two, she also has a naval equipment research room, a resource oil processing room, and a mental cube research room."

Huang Chen raised his brows, "Good guy, I understand, this guy has a complete industrial chain! From processing to production to sales, she really has her. Suspend! Suspend everything!"

He shook his head and continued to read, but suddenly raised his head as if thinking of something, "Enterprise, Mind Rubik's Cube Research Laboratory..."

The company showed a slight smile, and took out another document from the side, "This was originally the next topic. Akashi came back this time and submitted many resources to the Minato District, including the Rubik's Cube."

Chapter 222 Are You Sure This Is A Diamond?Not any other currency!

Mind Rubik's Cube, also known as Dementia Rubik's Cube.

It can be said that it is one of the most important materials in Tianqing Lane. At the same time, in this dreamlike world of ship girls, the Rubik's Cube of Mind is also an extremely precious existence.

Only after defeating the Siren fleet can it be obtained from the materials dropped by it. The probability of obtaining it is about 10%, that is, after defeating ten Siren fleet attacks, it is possible to obtain a Rubik's Cube.

Of course, it is also related to the number of Siren fleets. If there is a large-scale attack by the Siren fleet, it is not impossible to get multiple Rubik's Cubes in one go.

But this kind of situation is beyond the range that a port area can handle, and usually needs to be dealt with by a joint large fleet. Even if the number of Rubik's Cubes seems to increase, there are still too many monks and too few porridge.

All in all, for ordinary commanders, the Rubik's Cube is an extremely precious material. Generally, the port area guarding ordinary sea areas will have one or two small-scale battles a week.

If you are lucky, you can save one Rubik's Cube in a month. This world only needs one Rubik's Cube for one construction, and you can get an average of ten Rubik's Cubes a year.

Huang Chen's port area used to have many Rubik's Cubes. Of course, it's a piece of cake compared to some big bosses, but in general, it still maintains a number of more than 600 Rubik's Cubes. In this world, they can be regarded as big bosses no matter what.

After all, at the rate of ten per year in the general port area, six hundred is enough for them to work from graduation to retirement.

But so many Rubik's Cubes disappeared with the disintegration of the port area. Of course he knew about these things, and the company and other ship girls had already told him.

Although the company once said that if Akashi is found, small profiteers may know the whereabouts of equipment, supplies, etc. in the port area.

But Huang Chen never had any expectations. After all, so much time had passed and the situation was still so chaotic. At first, all the ship girls spent a lot of resources searching for the commander, and all the supplies might have already been used up.

But unexpectedly, after Akashi came back, there was a surprise.

"This is a specific list." The company handed a document to Huang Chen.

It listed in detail the supplies, equipment, etc. that Akashi handed over to the port area. Huang Chen looked at it and couldn't help but marvel, "So many?"

"It's quite a lot." The company also said in surprise.

Akashi has a unique ability to carry a large amount of materials and petroleum products related to the ship's equipment.

The table is full of these reserves, first of all, materials that can be used for construction. I have seen it at the rally in K area before. Akashi handed in the most critical metals in the materials, that is, Obtained from salvaged Old World warship hulls or by defeating Sirens.

I especially remember meeting a boss at that time, holding a piece of rusty metal and insisting that it was the deck of the Old World Enterprise.

The quantity is not large, probably around [-] units.

The second is the Rubik's Cube, with a total of 222 pieces. It is said that there were 654 pieces at the beginning, but they were consumed due to various reasons during the ensuing journey.

Huang Chen's opinion was that Akashi sold him out.

Then there is the equipment. In the past games, good equipment was always not enough. Every time I attack, I always move it around on the ships.

Naturally, what was left in the warehouse would not be a good thing, but... this is not a good thing, and it is only for Huang Chen.

Many overflowing mass-produced equipment, such as MK6, Jin Ougen, Jin Gaoping, Jin Yuanpan, Tianshan Kai, Hellcat, etc., were reluctant to be dismantled after early use, so they were put in the warehouse.

I don’t know how much it has piled up. Even after the collapse of the Minato District, Akashi still has a lot left over from his decades of selling goods.

For most of the commanders and ship girls in this world, some of Huang Chen's obsolete equipment is too expensive.

Then there are colored boxes and gold boxes and 'gold' boxes, and no other varieties.

The number is not too much, and it is difficult for the commanders in this world to obtain until they retire. The gold box is okay, but the colored box... For most commanders in this world, this is a legend.

The box, like the ship girl, also comes from the Rubik's Cube. The commander resonates with the Rubik's Cube. With the support of materials, the construction starts. If the construction is successful, the ship girl will be obtained, and if the construction fails, the box will be obtained.

Commanders with average luck have a high probability of failure in construction, and at the same time, there is a high probability of getting a white box. Blue boxes are not uncommon, and purple boxes are relatively common.

A normal commander, after accumulating ten Rubik's Cubes in one year and starting the tenth company, has the greatest probability of getting one purple box, three blue boxes, and six white boxes.

As for the gold chest, a little luck is needed.

However, the commanders who are generally lucky directly build it successfully, and it does not involve the next stage of what box.

Then there are equipment modification accessories, ship girl modification blueprints and other consumables, and many more.

In addition to the above materials, there are some strange things, such as the ingredients mentioned earlier, royal cuisine, and a full banquet of Han and Han.

Some invitations, commemorative medals, Valentine's Day gifts and other things that had been piled up in the warehouse for unknown purposes.

Huang Chen glanced through it carelessly, and put it aside, only to feel that many of the things on it were familiar and didn't know their purpose. Of course, he didn't need to know now, he just needed to know that there are so many things in the port area. Can.

"And then there's the most important thing, the last item." Seeing that Huang Chen didn't seem to notice, the company couldn't help reminding.

"The last item?" Huang Chen was a little surprised. Isn't the last item just those messy things?

I took the document in my hand again, and turned to the last line of the last page, but my jaw almost dropped in shock. The last row had a long string of numbers that I couldn’t even see at a glance. I thought it was a divider before.

Now that the company has reminded me, I realized that this is the diamond and currency that Akashi handed over to Minato!

He subconsciously swallowed a mouthful of saliva, stretched out his trembling hands and counted the digits of the currency one by one, "One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, almost nine digits..."

"Nine digits?" Huang Chen was startled, "Is this definitely a diamond? It's not some other currency!"

Enterprise also said in an unbelievable tone, "It is indeed a diamond. I didn't believe it at first, until I saw her take out so many diamonds..."

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