Looking over Huang Chen's shoulder, he saw the little girl lying in Huang Chen's arms, her nose moved slightly, her eyes were tightly closed, she was smiling, and she was soundly asleep.

Chapter 279 In order to prevent accidents

The girl fell asleep a little suddenly, even though she was very excited half a minute ago, she fell asleep in the blink of an eye.

Enterprise nodded: "Probably the commander's arms are indeed too comfortable."

Huang Chen said: "Enough, it's already so late, it's normal for her to fall asleep."

The silver-haired girl chuckled, but said nothing.

Finding a clean room on the Yingfeng, and gently placing the little girl on the bed, Huang Chen noticed that Liangyue looked a little dusty.

The girl's delicate body was almost buried in Huang Chen's arms before, so he couldn't see clearly.

The clothes are shabby, the hair is a bit messy, and there seems to be some black ink stains on the fair little face.

Even as a ship's mother, she is naturally beautiful and hard to give up, but it has to be said that she is a bit casual.

Huang Chen sighed a little: "It seems that she was indeed in too much of a hurry. In fact, I still want to know how she missed the Windward."

"Maybe she didn't take this route." The enterprise thought for a while, "Maybe she went to other places for a while, and finally went to the place where she stood guard."

"It's not important." Huang Chen shook his head, looked at the girl who was sleeping soundly on the bed, and said quite casually.

Then the room fell silent for a moment.

"Commander, it's time to sleep."


"Liang Yue hasn't changed her clothes yet."

"Oh, that's true. I'm not suitable. Please excuse me." Huang Chen said seriously, standing motionless in a corner of the room.

"Commander?" Enterprise frowned slightly, showing a kind and puzzled smile.

"Cough cough." Huang Chen coughed lightly, as if he finally remembered something, and quickly exited the room, "I'm leaving first, go to bed early."

He nodded towards the enterprise, who also greeted him, and then walked quickly towards his room.

After opening the door, there was no one in the room, and the quiet atmosphere made Huang Chen, who was used to being accompanied, a little uncomfortable.

But he still took a quick shower, and then lay on the bed ready to go to sleep, and had to get up early tomorrow morning.

Time passed by, and Huang Chen, who was full of sleepiness, couldn't fall asleep. His mind was in a mess, but he had nowhere to go.

The air became more and more quiet, so quiet that he could hear his heartbeat and breathing, one after another, and even made him a little irritable, but in order to maintain a good energy, he was still trying his best to empty his mind and body.


Suddenly he straightened up and sat up straight, a look of doubt flashed across his face, one after another?

He subconsciously looked at the closet beside him, and there was another sound of breathing and heartbeat coming from there.

He got out of bed and walked towards the closet. Just as he was about to open the closet, a thought suddenly occurred to him. He quietly opened the door of the closet by a corner, and looked inside through the gap.

I saw a girl with long brown hair sleeping in a corner, with only a thin pajamas on her body, and some clothes were hanging disheveledly on her delicate body at this moment, exposing her soft and fragrant shoulders.

Huang Chen looked at it expressionlessly. Although he was puzzled in his heart, he didn't have the intention to ask what happened at the moment.

He slowly closed the closet door again, took out a wooden stick from the side and stuck it on the handle of the door, in order to prevent accidents, he tiptoedly searched the room for a long time to find a roll of hemp rope, and firmly locked the door tie on.

Immediately lying on the bed, I don't know why, the body and mind feel comfortable for a moment, and I fell asleep directly.

In the early morning of the next day, Huang Chen almost regained consciousness, sat up, the sky outside the window was only hazy, it had been more than half a month, and he hadn't gotten up so early, but even so, he only felt refreshed and relaxed , The whole body seems to have inexhaustible strength.

Immediately after getting up to take a shower, I seemed to hear a strange sound in the closet, but I pretended that I couldn't hear it, and left the room quickly.


As soon as I opened the door, I heard Tiancheng's voice from the side. The girl was wearing a red uniform today, which was simple and elegant. Huang Chen looked at it in surprise, "My lord got up earlier than expected, and said I'll call the commander later." Woolen cloth."

Huang Chen showed a smile on his face, "Didn't you agree to play with Xiaoyue and the others for a while today? It's inappropriate to wake up late."

"Let's talk." He paused, then continued, "In the plan, how long will Silke stay?"

"Two days, the original plan was yesterday and today."

"Then we'll leave tomorrow." Huang Chen thought for a while, "Is there enough time for Jean Barr and the others to pack their luggage?"

"Yes, it will be enough in one day." Tiancheng said.

"Okay." Huang Chen rubbed his chin, and said suddenly, "Well, take a look at my room today and don't let others in."

Amagi thought for a while, but didn't say anything, just nodded.

The two walked to the cafeteria. It was too early today, and the cafeteria was not fully prepared, but there were already people eating in silence. The Kitchen God and the others were a little surprised when they saw Huang Chen at 7 o'clock.

Randomly looking for some ready-made food, Huang Chen was eating, when he suddenly heard hurried footsteps approaching, looking up, it was Algeria walking over in a hurry.

The girl was still dressed in the same outfit as last night, she seemed to be too anxious to get up, she didn't even care about it, she looked messy.


"Hmm." Huang Chen raised his brows, and asked in surprise.

"Commander, I'm sorry, I fell asleep yesterday." Algeria stood aside, tidied up his clothes a little, and then looked at Huang Chen shyly.

"It's nothing, let's eat first." Huang Chen shook his head, and then told Algeria that he had gone to see Jean Barr and others last night.

The latter nodded, then took some breakfast, sat down on a chair beside him, and listened silently.

After the explanation, Huang Chen continued to eat breakfast. Although he got up very early today, there are many girls in the port area who like to get up early. It's more surprising that they like to sleep late.

Eating and eating, the number of people in the cafeteria gradually increased, and more and more people realized that the ship was docked at the port of Silk, and some people noticed Algeria where the cafeteria was eating, so they naturally knew the situation.

After all, everyone knows that Jean Bart, my wife and others are in Silk, and everyone knows that the ship will go to find them. The only thing they don't know is that they may not know the exact time.

"Sister Algeria!" Suddenly, a pink-haired girl staring at the long bayonet hair appeared, and rushed towards the silver-haired girl beside her.

Algeria responded with a smile, "Little Vaukran!"

The latter immediately threw himself into the girl's arms with a smile. Although the little girl was too naughty most of the time, she was quite cute when she was lying peacefully in Algeria's arms.

Huang Chen thought about it casually, and suddenly heard another crisp shout, "General!"

Looking down, I saw Jifeng standing aside at some point with his hips crossed, "Have you heard that the Qiuyue-class sisters have returned to the port area? I want to play with them."

And behind her, more little girls explained with shining eyes, looking at Huang Chen expectantly.

Chapter 280 The Commander Can't Hear

In the early morning of the Jianniang headquarters, the morning light is faint, and the weak sunlight shines on the streets and walls, expelling the darkness of the night and bringing the vitality of the day.

Although it is still very early, there are already early-rising ship girls moving around, exercising, leisure, and playing in the morning, so the ship girls work hard, accept the mission and start sailing, open the shop to welcome customers, and start packing. Practice sailing, combat, sorties, skills and more.

Vitality began to appear everywhere, appearing in Silk's small ship mother headquarters, appearing in a weak but continuous trend, just like the rising sun, climbing forward step by step.

The Jianniang who lives here seems to have gotten used to such a peaceful and ordinary morning.


A torrent of Lolita suddenly appeared broke all the peace.

The ship lady who was eating in the store put down her fork in surprise, "Boss, I seem to be dazzled, I saw a lot of destroyers, are the nearby commanders all here for a meeting?"

The girl behind the counter went to the door in doubt. Hearing the noise and yelling outside, the chirping made people feel a little headache, "I don't know, maybe they came from the branch? Hmm..."

As the girl spoke, she stopped speaking suddenly, and a strange expression flashed across her face, "Why do I still see a man?"

"Boss, I saw it too."

"The ship girl in the port area? So many? All expulsion? One commander?"

The two looked at each other, explaining that they didn't know whether the commander had a deep background or bad luck.

There are already many destroyers of Sakura who have returned to the port area. My wife and sister are very happy to be back, but the happiest thing is that there are many more friends who can play happily together.

There are also many children of Baiying. Although the relationship between the two adults is not very good, the children still often play together. There are more partners in the port area, and they are clamoring to go and have a look.

haven't had breakfast yet

Huang Chen greeted everyone to eat, during which some little guys who were dawdling ran to the cafeteria. Knowing about this, they became a little excited.

So when Huang Chen left the Yingfeng, he was already followed by a mighty torrent of lolita, but this torrent seemed a little disobedient.

I also want to play with all kinds of strange things I saw along the way, the mud on the roadside seems to be very interesting, and all kinds of snacks sold on the street are indispensable.

When Huang Chen originally went out, he swore that he could do it alone, so he rejected the company's counterparts, and he regretted it halfway.

But it's useless to regret, the little loli has a pitiful expression, Huang Chen can't learn to refuse no matter what, blinking and pulling at the corner of his clothes to ask you to buy a candy, no one will be tempted by such a little loli ?

Anyway, by the time Huang Chen reached the hotel where Jean Bart and the others were staying, a lot of time had passed.

Fu Xi leaned against the door and didn't know what he was thinking. Seeing the majestic loli, he was startled at first, and then seeing Huang Chen's eyes lit up, he said helplessly, "Commander, what are you doing?"

"What are you talking about?" Huang Chen held two loli in his hands, and the soft words of the little loli Yingying Yanyan could be heard in his ears. He could only see Fuxi's mouth opening one by one, but he didn't know What is she talking about.

"I said, Commander, what are you doing?" Fu Xi shouted helplessly.

"What are you talking about, speak louder, I can't hear you." Huang Chen still only saw Fu Xi's mouth move.

Fuxi was quite helpless, and was about to mobilize the power of the ship, but suddenly heard the voice of a little girl chattering from a place very close to her.

Looking up, Xiaoyue and Huayue stood aside at some point, "Commander, good morning!"

Huang Chen also greeted loudly, "Good morning."

Then came Chunyue's voice, "Your Highness! Good morning, Your Highness!"

Chunyue, who looked like a goddess in white and white, was standing aside, her long black hair hung behind her, and it was only tied into two separate braids at the very end.

"Good morning Chunyue, do you want to go out together?" Huang Chen waved his hands and replied loudly.

"Yeah, Commander, can Xinyue go too...?"

Crescent Moon with long golden hair was also standing aside, her long and furry ears seemed restless on her body, and her aqua blue eyes matched the kimono on her body.

Hiding beside Chunyue weakly, she looked a little scared and timid, and her voice was soft and weak. Even if Fuxi was standing beside her, she could barely hear what she was saying.

"Okay, of course Xinyue can go."

Huang Chen among the loli group said loudly.

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