"Hmm." Princeton came back to his senses and asked in surprise, "What's the matter?"

"What's the matter? I still want to ask you what's wrong? What did you say just now?"

"Where is it? I was distracted just now, did I say something strange?"

"Anyway, don't talk in the future." Independence seemed to have made up his mind, and patted the girl on the head. The latter shrank his neck, and stared at her cautiously when she turned around, and when she turned around, Showing a smiling face, "Miss Independence..."

Independence didn't say anything, and leaned closer to Huang Chen, "She was distracted just now, she probably thought of something in a book."

"Really..." Huang Chen nodded, noncommittal.Distracted?Wasn't Princeton's state just now just casually speaking?

Doesn't that mean that what she said was also from the heart?

Huang Chen waved his hand, feeling a little heavy in his heart.

"Commander!" Independence said with a little dissatisfaction.

Huang Chen came back to his senses, looked at the two of them and said with a smile, "It's nothing, let's go, let's go, hurry up, or the bookstore you are going to will be closed by then."

As he spoke, he quickened his pace.

Princeton also nodded in agreement, and quickly caught up.Independence seemed a little helpless, he waved his hand and wanted to say something, but in the end he followed Huang Chen's pace.

He just muttered silently, "Why are you walking so fast? Walking is much more interesting than going to a bookstore."

Nothing happened the rest of the way.

None of them were ordinary people. Even though they were traveling at a speed of nearly 20 yards along the way, they didn't feel tired.

Arriving at the edge of the city, Huang Chen left with a feeling of familiarity, everything around him was so familiar, but in fact he hadn't been to these places many times.

"Then, let's go to your bookstore now, where is the bookstore?" Huang Chen asked casually.

Princeton shook his head, "I don't know, actually, I just wanted to visit the city to see if there are any related books. I read them at the ship's mother headquarters yesterday, and there were none."

"Is that so." Huang Chen lowered his head and thought.

"Does the commander know that there are places where those ship girls gather near here?" Independence asked.

Although Silk has the headquarters of the ship girls, not every ship girl likes to live in the headquarters, and there are also many ship girls who live in the city.

But it's not like living in the city randomly like ordinary people, there will be gathering places, for example, there will be more people near a certain street.

For example, in her dessert shop in Dunkirk, there are many ship girls living nearby, and there are also many ship girls who often go shopping.

In such a place, there will also be some things related to Jianniang, such as Jianniang dolls, or toys, stationery, magazines, etc. related to Jianniang.

"If it's nearby..." Huang Chen looked around, it was actually quite far from Baihua Road, and he didn't know the situation nearby, but there seemed to be a large comprehensive shopping center in a street far away.

"There must be a bookstore inside me." Huang Chen said casually, and walked over there.

And Princeton is already ahead, and going faster and faster.

The shopping center was about 500 meters away from Huang Chen and the others. Huang Chen and Independence only walked 200 meters, and saw that Princeton had already reached the entrance of the shopping center, and then walked in without waiting for the two of them.

When the two of them also walked to the door, they saw Princeton walking out regretfully.

"I didn't see it." She shook her head, "It's a pity to say that there is already a big bookstore inside, but there is still no one."

"What exactly do you want to buy?" Huang Chen suddenly became interested. He just heard that it was Xiao Jiajia's photo album.

Although it is difficult to understand the existence of such a thing, but... wouldn't it be easy to confirm that a magazine is not updated?Is it necessary to go to such trouble to find it?

And I can't find it in the bookstore in the headquarters of Jianniang, so I have to look for it outside.

"That's right." Princeton explained, "It's actually an unofficial magazine, so the update time is uncertain, and the update may not be available for purchase."

"Is that so. Unofficial?" Huang Chen felt extremely interesting, "What about the circulation? Unofficially, it can't be distributed in large quantities, right? It can't be distributed across regions, right?"

Huang Chen also reads magazines. He didn't buy them himself, but the company bought them. She would buy a lot of magazines, and usually put them in the cab, so he read them too.

Although I read casual books, I have read a lot, and I also know that the only magazine in the world that can be sold across regions at the same time is a magazine about the popular science knowledge of Jianniang issued by the headquarters of Jianniang.

The main target is ordinary people, to be precise, ordinary people in the inland, the main purpose is to let more people know and understand Jianniang.

A lot of Huang Chen's knowledge about Jianniang comes from that magazine. Apart from that magazine, there are very few publications that can be distributed across domains, and some publications are even published only in one city.

It has been a long time since Princeton and the others came to Silke last time, so she must have seen the magazine elsewhere, but she was looking for it in Silke's bookstore.

I have to say it's a bit strange.

"Commander, you also find it very strange?" Princeton suddenly showed an excited smile, "This is the strange thing about that magazine, it is not published in a fixed place!"

She said excitedly, as if she had found a like-minded Taoist friend, and the independence on the side showed a helpless expression.

"When I was in the shipping company, sometimes I would go to different cities. At first I just wanted to see if there were any unique local magazines."

"Then I found a series of magazines, updated in different places!" Her pink eyes were full of strange expressions, "Maybe in this city, maybe in that city, although I have never been here, but that set Magazines might be here too!"

"And!" After she finished speaking, she seemed to have more to say, and continued, "That set of photos is a series of magazines, each time about one or two different senior Sarah will be invited as the protagonist, and there are many other Sarah Pull the senior's photo."

As she spoke, she couldn't help circling around Huang Chen, "It's a pity that I didn't bring it today, otherwise I must show the commander."

"I suspect that set of magazines is also published by a Princeton, otherwise how could it be so good!" Her eyes lit up.

"That's it." Huang Chen waved his hand, how good can a magazine with Xiao Jiajia as the main model be?

It's not that he despises the aviation deck...he just despises the aviation deck. If it belongs to her sister, Mrs. Lexington, he must keep it.

"That's right." Princeton didn't wrinkle suddenly, as if thinking of something, "I remember seeing Senior Sara from our port area in a magazine."

"What?" Huang Chen's eyes widened suddenly, did he even go out to take pictures on the Sara Deck in the port area?He can't accept it.

Princeton continued, "It's just an ordinary photo, and it seems to be a photo of her when she was an idol. It's just that when the magazine was published, Senior Sara hadn't been an idol for a long time, and it appeared in many magazines, so I doubt that. The publisher of the magazine probably knows our old Saras in Docklands."

"Know? Don't you suspect that the publisher is also a Princeton?"

"This is where I struggled. At the beginning, I was always afraid that my Sarah senior would be taken away by other Princetons."

Huang Chen was speechless for a while, is that your senior Sara?That'smine.

"But it never appeared in that magazine again." Princeton showed a relaxed and happy smile again, "I probably left."

Huang Chen nodded and didn't say anything. At this time, Princeton had also recovered from the frantic state just now. Although he still looked a little excited, at least he wouldn't be too excited to walk.

"Let's go, Commander, let's go and have a look at other places." Li Zi took Huang Chen's hand and walked outside.

Huang Chen was a little surprised by this behavior, she didn't just clearly...

But he also walked out quickly, and Princeton followed behind him.

Independence slowed down his pace, keeping pace with Huang Chen, and said in a low voice, "Commander, I actually suggest that you don't put too much thought into that magazine that Princeton said, although there is Senior Sara on it, it's too..."

"I know!" Huang Chen immediately stopped her from continuing to speak.I secretly thought in my heart that you don't need to say anything at all.

Sarah Deck didn't have any appeal to him, let alone the magazine described by Princeton before was a metaphysics!

The time of issue is uncertain, and the place of issue is uncertain.

Finding something like this is a stroke of luck, right?

He shook his head nonchalantly, then whispered, "Then where are we going next?"

After thinking about it independently, he said blankly, "Let's go to the dessert shop in Dunkirk."

"Her dessert shop has been closed for a long time." Huang Chen said with a smile, but suddenly thought of the troubled Omaha back then, and didn't know how the girl was doing now.

"It's going to the nearby Donghuang restaurant." Li Zi said helplessly.

"Oh." Huang Chen suddenly realized, and then nodded, "Then let's walk over slowly, and we can also look at the nearby bookstores along the way, right? Princeton, eh? Princeton?"

Huang Chen turned around, only to realize that the girl had gone nowhere.

"Disappeared?" Li Zi was also surprised, just now he was only talking to the commander, completely forgetting that there was a younger sister behind him.

"It doesn't matter, she is the ship's wife, maybe she just walked slowly and fell behind." Huang Chen was covered in cold sweat and said calmly.

"Commander, don't worry." Li Zi seemed to be amused by Huang Chen's state, but she actually had a serious look when she laughed.

The two walked back along the road they came from, and soon Zi Zi exclaimed, "I see, it's there!"

"Huh?" Huang Chen immediately looked over, and then said in surprise, "I didn't expect there to be a bookstore here."

He walked over quickly, and saw a bookstore at the corner of the street. The lintel was not big, but it was not small when looking inside. Princeton was standing there blankly, motionless.

"What are you doing?" Huang Chen frowned and walked over.

The girl heard her commander's voice, turned her head, her complexion was a little pale, "Commander, run away."

"What ran away?"

"Senior Sara." The girl's voice became more bitter, "Senior Sara ran away with that unknown Princeton!"

PS: Little Cheshire is so cute (*?▽?*)!How can there be such a cute ship girl!

Chapter 292 Wait For A Fart (4K)

"What?" Huang Chen raised his brows, thinking that he had heard wrongly, the news from Sara's deck has not been heard yet, so she can run away with others?

Li Zi also came forward, and said helplessly, "Princeton is talking nonsense again."

The girl walked to Huang Chen's side and continued to explain, "She used to be like this, always saying that Senior Sara doesn't want her anymore."

"There is such a thing?" Huang Chen was a little surprised, looking at the pink-haired girl who was still shocked.

"This...the cause is also more complicated." Independence hesitated for a moment, as if he was struggling to say whether to say it, but finally said, "In the beginning, Princeton actually walked with Senior Sara and the others. Later... Later, it was probably me I lost it. So I have been thinking about this since then."


"Princeton just went out when we moved, and everyone didn't notice. Then..." Independence spread his hands.

"I see." Huang Chen rubbed his chin, and became even more surprised. He didn't expect such a story to exist here.

Just went out?This is probably to save a little face for the girl. I'm afraid he chose to move when she went out, right?

I didn't expect that little Gaga could do such a thing.But I'm afraid there are some reasons of Princeton's own, and not everyone accepts that they have an extra little girl.

Especially a guy like Princeton, who is no longer just a little girl, but probably a bit of a brain fan.

Abandoned by his idol, no wonder he never forgets.

So... What about being killed by your own commander?

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