Chapter 293 You Came at the Right Time


Huang Chen froze immediately, seeing that the girl didn't know what to say, the words were stuck in his throat and he couldn't come out.

"What's wrong? Commander? Is there something wrong with what I said?" Li Zi was a little puzzled, and asked back, "If something is not clearly stated, how can others know?"

"No." Huang Chen shook his head, is the problem still here?Not anymore.

"No, what's not." Independent frowned more tightly than before, "Is it okay to not say such a thing? Commander, let's say it."

"But..." Huang Chen felt a little anxious, you said that you like me, can the focus of the topic now go back to the previous ones?

"There's nothing wrong with it." Independent said firmly, and suddenly frowned, a trace of hesitation flashed across his face, "Could it be that the commander doesn't want to tell me?"

She fell silent in astonishment, looked down at Huang Chen and said nothing.

"I see, I won't ask again."

Huang Chen sighed, and looked at her a little bit dumbfounded, "Where did you go?"

"Isn't that what the commander meant?"

"Of course not." Huang Chen shook his head, and expressed his worries, "I was just a little worried just now. I was worried that even though you didn't say it verbally, you still had prejudice against me disappearing for so long."

Although before speaking, he was quite hesitant in his heart, because in his opinion, these words were meaningless at all.

There are only two possibilities, mind or don't mind, it's okay if you don't mind, do you mind?Could it be that I can be eloquent with my tongue, and then make the girl not mind?

So he never said anything, but decided to use actions to improve.

But after the words were spoken, he felt a bit of peace, as if all the dust had fallen to the ground

"Huh?" Independence frowned, looking at the commander a little strangely, "It's just this?"

"What do you mean just this?" Huang Chen was a little dissatisfied, "I've been troubled by this for a long time."

He walked to the shade of a tree beside him, and Li Zi followed suit.

Princeton kept looking at the magazine in his hand and was still walking in the sun, but no one paid attention to her, so no one reminded her.

"There is no need to worry about such things at all." Independence shook his head and said, "The commander has returned, and the rest is not important."

"Sure enough." Huang Chen said, "Sure enough, other things are not important, that is to say, I still care about it, right? I can just let it go temporarily."

"Well... you can also say that." Independence nodded.

However, Huang Chen felt a little surprised, a little dissatisfied, "You just admitted it like that? Shouldn't you comfort me? Are you saying that you don't care at all?"

"Comfort? Does the Commander need comfort?" Independence said doubtfully, "And, that's what I think. The Commander has been gone for so long, and sometimes I feel a little unhappy in my heart, but now that the Commander is back, I don't care. gone."

Huang Chen is silent, independent is a girl who talks about everything, serious, sincere, and rigorous, these are also her good qualities.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have been gone for so long."

"It's okay, the commander is back." Li Zi said seriously, "Look, wouldn't it be good to say these words?"

After finishing speaking, she smiled at Huang Chen.

Her short black hair was draped over her shoulders, and a long strand of hair fluttered behind her. The pink hairpin made her look cute and cute. Even when she smiled, she was quite serious.

Huang Chen couldn't help laughing, "Actually, you don't need to be so serious."

"Is there?" I don't know why.

"Of course there is, but it's not important. It's better to say this." Huang Chen also laughed.

"Is that good?" Zi Zi frowned again and looked at Huang Chen, "Didn't you say it? Commander, I'm not good at guessing other people's meaning, so what exactly does Commander mean?"

"That's what I mean." Huang Chen stopped making progress, turned around and looked at the girl.

The latter didn't expect this unexpected turn around, and almost bumped into Huang Chen, and then looked at him strangely.

On the other hand, Princeton didn't expect that the two of them had stopped at all, and was still walking along the road with his magazine in his arms. He passed the two of them and walked to the front without knowing it.

"I happen to like your serious look." Huang Chen looked into the girl's eyes and said solemnly.

"Huh?" The girl was trembling all over, almost jumping up. Even a serious person like her couldn't control her emotions for a while after hearing Huang Chen's words.

A trace of panic flashed in the red eyes.

But after panicking for a moment, he regained his composure and looked at Huang Chen calmly.It's just that the eyes that look at him from time to time reveal that she is not at peace.

"Yeah. I get it, I get it."

"What? Didn't you ask me to say it?" Huang Chen's mouth curled into a smile.

"Ah, that, yes." Independence nodded, looked at a street light not far ahead, and said quite seriously, "Now I also know that the commander likes me, and I will remember it."

Huang Chen smiled, looked at the girl's serious look, and wanted to say something.

But it was suddenly interrupted by a voice from behind, "It's too much! Commander, sister Lili, don't tell me when you stop!"

Huang Chen turned his head, and Princeton was furious, standing behind him with his hips crossed, his face full of looks like he wanted to say something.

However, when her gaze swept over Li Zi's cheek, she was startled suddenly, and said a little embarrassedly, "Did I come at the wrong time?"

"You came at just the right time!" Huang Chen said.

Li Zi on the side suddenly looked at Huang Chen strangely, even Princeton couldn't understand Huang Chen's words.

Huang Chen also realized that he had accidentally made a complaint, so he hurriedly said, "It's nothing, it's nothing."

Independence didn't care, looked at Princeton and said, "Excuse me, let's go now."

The latter nodded, and several people continued to walk along the street.

Although there are still three people, although the street is still the same, and although the destination has not changed, when the three of them are walking on the road, the atmosphere is somewhat different.

Princeton may not have noticed, but she was obsessed with her magazine.

However, Huang Chen had a strange feeling that when he walked with Li Zi, he would unconsciously feel the distance between himself and the girl, whether it was a little far away, or whether it was a little close.

The two of them walked for a while in silence, and he also wondered if it was too silent, and if it would be better to say a few words.

Independence seems to have the same feeling, and he is a little absent-minded when speaking.

The three of them quickly walked to the dessert shop in Dunkirk, making circles here one after another, but they still didn't go into any shop.

Chapter 294 Gossip

Until it was close to noon, the sun was hanging high, and Princeton felt hungry, so it was a little strange to find out why he was still on the street.

She turned around suspiciously, only to see the commander and the independence walking side by side on the side of the street, neither speaking nor communicating with each other, just walking like this, not knowing where they were going.

"Commander! Sister Independence!"

The girl yelled twice, but no one responded to her, so she stepped forward anxiously and grabbed the arms of the two. Only then did the two stop, but they still looked at her strangely.

"Princeton? What's wrong?" Huang Chen said.

"Really?" Independence said.

"What's the matter?" Princeton snorted, pointed at the sun in the sky and said loudly, "What's the matter, didn't we agree to go to Donghuang Restaurant!? What are we doing now?"

Huang Chen was taken aback, and looked around, only to realize that he had gone nowhere, and then scratched his head a little embarrassedly, "Sorry, I seemed to be distracted just now."

Independence on the side also nodded, "It seems to be true."

Princeton said helplessly, "Then we can go eat first? I'm already very hungry."

"Okay, right away!" Huang Chen said, looked around, but frowned, "I seem to..."

"What's wrong?" Princeton's heart tightened, and he looked at Huang Chen eagerly, "Could it be that the commander doesn't know the way?"

The latter smiled shyly, "Princeton, you are really a roundworm in my stomach! I know such things."

The girl stared at Huang Chen angrily and let out a long sigh of relief, she couldn't even say anything for a moment.

Huang Chen waved his hand, went to the storefront to ask the boss, and then walked back with a gloomy expression, "It seems to be a bit far away, it's about one or two kilometers away from Baihua Road."

"So far?" Princeton frowned, "Why don't we run over quickly?"

One or two kilometers is about half an hour for ordinary people, but for these three supermen, it is no different from one or two hundred meters.

Independence was a little hesitant, "This is a city after all, wouldn't it be bad if you run too fast?"

"Yes." Princeton lowered his head.

Huang Chen thought for a while, "Let's walk over now, walk to Baihua Road, if we hurry up, it will take about ten minutes to twenty minutes, and then go to that Donghuang restaurant, I don't know how long it will take, I haven't been there before, what? I can't find it for an hour."

"Then what should we do?" Princeton pressed his stomach, and he was indeed very hungry.

"Why don't you just find a restaurant nearby? Actually, it's pretty much the same." Huang Chen looked around, and said casually, "It's fine to eat at any one."

"Is it possible?" Independence said, "I remember that the commander really wants to eat Donghuang's food."

"But isn't it too late now?" Huang Chen said casually, "It's the same for dinner, so let's find a restaurant to eat now."

As Huang Chen said, he walked along the street, trying to find a restaurant with more families.After all, if there are few people in the restaurant, I am afraid it will not be too delicious.

Walking along the street for about two streets, I probably saw a few Donghuang's restaurants, but the dine-in customers didn't see a few, and it probably didn't look very delicious.

On the contrary, it seems that there are quite a lot of people in a barbecue restaurant.

Huang Chen stood by the street, looked at the two girls behind him, "Why don't we go to this place?"

"This one?" Princeton looked at it, "Could Atago be there?"

Huang Chen recalled the address that Atago had told him before, and shook his head, "It's not here, her house is quite far from here, and I don't know how she found it."

Independence is still hesitating, "Commander, why don't you go to Donghuang Restaurant? Didn't you pass by a few just now?"

"There were no diners at those restaurants just now, I'm afraid the taste is not very good."

"How about going to other neighborhoods? What if there are also nearby?" Independence continued.

Although Princeton was so hungry that he couldn't wait, he still didn't speak. He looked at the two of them helplessly, waiting for the final result of the discussion.

"It's not necessary." Huang Chen said casually, but looked at the independent and serious eyes, and nodded, "Or else, I'll go take a look around? You two wait here?"

Hearing this, Li Zi immediately shook his head, "How can I let the commander see it? Princeton and I will go!"

After finishing speaking, without even giving Huang Chen time to react, he hurriedly dragged Princeton who was bewildered to the side and ran away.

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