"I see, then you will be responsible." Huang Chen nodded and said.

Algeria smiled, and suddenly stretched out his hand to pull Huang Chen into his arms again, "Commander, you are really cute! You are actually troubled by such a problem!"

She pressed her face against Huang Chen's cheek, rubbed it against it again, and then let out a soft snort.

However, Huang Chen was a little embarrassed by the girl's operation. After a while, he pushed Algeria away, "It's still outside."

He looked aside, even the old driver was a little shy and blushed. For some reason, he always felt that Algeria's actions just now seemed a bit like sucking a cat.

"Commander, are you shy?" The girl brushed the silver hair by her ears, and poked Huang Chen's cheek with her fingers.

The latter waved it open, and then silently walked in the direction of the Windward.

It was already mid-afternoon, and the sun was no longer as hot as it was in the afternoon, but the two of them still walked under the shade of the trees, listening to the sparse insects in the bushes around them.

There is this pedestrian on the side of the road, maybe it is the commander nearby, or it may be the free ship girl living in the ship girl headquarters, everyone laughed and chatted, walked along the road silently, and then arrived at the place I wanted to go, so Ended up with a short journey of peers.

Soon, Huang Chen and Algeria returned to the port area, and Algeria returned to the room. He went to the cab to find Enterprise and Tiancheng, told the two about the computer, and then handed over the matter to Algeria as well. Tell the two.

"Almost." Huang Chen nodded, "There are some in the office hall of the ship's mother headquarters here, you can go and have a look when the time comes."

"Let's go and have a look tonight." Enterprise said, "Then...Pennsylvania will come over after dinner, right? When the time comes to discuss, you can call Kaohsiung... Atago, they used to be in District A, maybe they know something about this."

"There are also Akashi and Shiranui." Amagi who was on the side added, "These two children are still very talented in buying and selling things."

Everyone laughed.

Huang Chen found a stool and sat down, "Then I don't have to go then, right? You can discuss it."

"Aren't you going? If you don't go, you won't buy it." The enterprise smiled from the side, "Why don't you go for what you want to buy?"

Huang Chen was just talking casually, after all he was the one who wanted to buy it, how could he really not go, he leaned on the chair and looked at the clock hanging on the wall, "It's almost time for dinner, then let's go..."

"Oh, that's right." Before Huang Chen could finish speaking, he was interrupted by the company, who took out a stack of documents and put them in front of Huang Chen, "This is the application form for the past two days. Not signed."

"What is it..." Huang Chen looked through the stack of documents with a frown, and found that most of them were applications for the expansion of the function room, and some applications for the purchase of appliances, "Haven't you already approved all of these? I remember those Everything has been bought."

"But the commander's signature is still required. This is the procedure." Enterprise smiled, stood up, and greeted his own death to fly to his shoulders, "Then commander, I'll go to eat first."

"My lord, I'm going ahead." Tian Cheng also got up and said.

Huang Chen was just in front of the chair, flipping through the thick documents, and said sullenly, "Let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go!"

However, he wasn't angry either. It could be said that he was almost just playing these two days, but Enterprise and Tiancheng were obviously too busy to touch the ground.

The application for these function rooms is only a part of the work. What materials are purchased, stored, and related plans, coordinated with the docks and merchants, these troublesome things have been handled by the girls, so what can he do now that he is being bullied a little ?

Huang Chen leaned on the chair, watched Tiancheng and Enterprise leave, casually flipped through the folder, made sure there was nothing too important, and put it aside.

After all, he is the commander. Whatever the rules are, he is the rule in the port area.

Leaving the driver's cab and heading towards the cafeteria, there were still some girls concentrating on their games along the way, but not many called the commander to play together. Everyone has experience, the commander is on the way to cook, no matter how Also called immobile.

Coming to the cafeteria, it was no different from the past, but Huang Chen still remembered the surprise that Dunkirk said before.

He walked straight to the counter, but only halfway there, he smelled a familiar aroma, which was fried pork with green peppers, followed by fish-flavored shredded pork and sweet and sour pork.

Donghuang Cuisine!It must be Donghuang Cuisine!

Why is there Donghuang Cuisine in the cafeteria?But Huang Chen didn't have time to wonder. He opened his eyes and walked quickly to the counter. As expected, there were Donghuang cuisine that he had been looking forward to for a long time on the plates.

"Commander." Behind the counter, Atago was wearing a chef uniform, holding a big spoon in his hand, "What do you want to eat, Commander?"

"Donghuang cuisine specially prepared for the commander!" Dunkirk, who was also dressed in a chef's uniform, laughed beside Atago.

Chapter 302 Could it be brainwashing?

Donghuang cuisine, Donghuang cuisine, but there is no Donghuang in this world, or the world itself does not have the concept of a country. If there is a concept similar to this, it is probably a region.

Different regions have different customs and currencies, and they look like a country, but there is no region called Donghuang in this world.

Of course, some scholars believe that area C was the location of Donghuang in the history of the old world, but such a statement has not been confirmed.There is quite little information about the Old World, and some people even think that the Old World is just a rumor, just like myths and legends like Atlantis.

And the Donghuang cuisine in this world, most of the time refers to some local cuisines in region C.

However, not every region has Donghuang cuisine. Region C is very large and is divided into nearly [-] small regions. The cuisine in some regions is far from the so-called Donghuang cuisine.

Fortunately, when Huang Chen climbed up from the water, he was in area C11. The cuisine in that area can be regarded as Donghuang cuisine, but the style is mainly roasted, steamed, and stir-fried, and the ingredients are mostly local fish or Seasonal vegetables.

In fact, Huang Chen's taste is somewhat different from that of Huang Chen. He prefers stir-fried vegetables, and he likes spicy food.But the main purpose at that time was to live, and I didn't think about it that much.

Later, Essex came up and became a commander himself. Theoretically speaking, Huang Chen probably became a role like an emperor. What can he not eat?

However, he just didn't eat Donghuang cuisine. When he came to the cafeteria every day, it was Baiying's cuisine, Iris Holy See's cuisine, and Sakura's cuisine.

Sometimes I can't help it anymore, I do it myself, and I have enough food and clothing.The taste is generally not mentioned, as the dishes made by the commander himself, the status in the port area is about the same as that of holy objects. Every time, they will be enthusiastically praised by the ship girls, so he himself can't eat too much.

However, the dishes cooked by the girls are different now, the halo of the commander's handiwork has faded, and they are ordinary dishes in the eyes of other girls.

However, Huang Chen looked at the stir-fried pork with green peppers, then the shredded fish-flavored pork and sweet and sour pork in front of him, tears welled up in his eyes.

Before he had time to speak, he quickly picked up the dinner plate on the side, and also brought a large spoon, then picked up the bowl and chopsticks, filled a bowl full of rice, and ran to the side to eat.

These three dishes are all good at serving food, each with a large spoonful, and they only ate half of it, and the rice in the bowl was gone, but Huang Chen didn't feel it at all, he pursed his lips, and was about to get up.

"Here." Atang handed Huang Chen a bowl of rice.

The latter thanked him, and then continued to fight. This cycle was repeated six or seven times, and after eating about six or seven bowls of rice, Huang Chen felt that it was almost done, so he put the bowl aside with unsatisfied intentions, and rejected another meal that Atago handed over. Bowl of rice, exclaimed, "It's so comfortable!"

Frankly speaking, these dishes are not authentic, and the taste can only be regarded as quite satisfactory, even compared to Huang Chen's own works, they are indeed worthy of the status of going to the canteen and the big pot.

But...it feels comfortable to eat, and I only feel that the four bodies are transparent and the whole body is calm.

"Commander, are you ready?" Atago sat beside the table, resting his chin in one hand, and said with a smile.

There was a look of surprise in the girl's beautiful eyes. Although I heard about the Commander's desire to eat Donghuang cuisine in the morning, and then started preparing in the afternoon, but...the Commander's ability to eat so much was beyond expectations.

This is already twice the usual amount, didn't you see that the Vesta was already standing aside worriedly?

Fortunately, the commander finally put down the bowl.

"Okay, it's good, it's so comfortable." Huang Chen lay on the chair, touched his round belly and said, as if he had never been so full in his memory, "You made this? And Dunker gram?"

As he spoke, he looked aside, surrounded by a group of little girls in Dunkirk, who seemed to be explaining why there were fewer desserts today.

"Yes." Atago nodded, "Dunkirk helped a lot, otherwise I wouldn't know what to do, and she made this sweet and sour pork."

"That's it." Huang Chen was still lying on the chair, very leisurely, he even felt a little tired after eating and drinking, of course it was still early, so he shook his head and sat up a little.

But because I ate too much, I only sat up a little bit, and the whole person was still almost lying on the chair.

"How did you learn it? I remember that I have never cooked these dishes before." Huang Chen looked at the ceiling and asked silently, staring at a gap.

When he was thinking about starting a small stove, he made scrambled eggs with tomatoes and fried pork with green peppers, so the girl may have learned it after watching him do it.

As for the fish-flavored shredded pork and sweet and sour pork tenderloin, they are completely beyond his own culinary skills, and they are the type that he can't cook anyway. How did he learn it?

"I learned it at the Donghuang restaurant outside." Atago said, "The main reason is that there is not enough time. I only had time to learn a simple dish, and the taste is actually very ordinary, right? I have eaten it, and it is far from the level of the restaurant. "

"You can't say that, each has its own advantages." Huang Chen said quite seriously, but because he was lying on a chair, his belly bulged like a round ball, so no matter how serious he was, he still looked like a funny character.

"Each has its own advantages, that is to say, the commander also thinks that these dishes taste mediocre?"

"Isn't that obvious?"

"..." Atago looked at Huang Chen's serious face, and couldn't help but sigh, "Commander, fortunately you are the Commander, otherwise you might not be able to find a wife."

"Hehe." Huang Chen didn't argue, because for some reason, he felt that inexplicable tiredness getting stronger and stronger, so much so that he was obsessed with his eyes, and planned to take a little rest.

Atago looked at the commander who closed his eyes and looked like he was going to sleep, and shook his head helplessly, a look of disappointment seemed to flash across his face.

She has been cooking for the commander, but she hasn't eaten yet.


As the girl was walking, she suddenly heard Huang Chen's weak voice coming from behind her. It was probably the same as when a person is half asleep and half awake, speaking in a daze, and even a little slurred.

"The food is delicious, thank you for the hospitality."

After saying a word, Huang Chen's voice dropped again.

Atago's mouth curled into a smile.

On the other side, Dunkirk made a promise to make more fruit mousse that children like tomorrow, and finally escaped from the sea of ​​loli, walked over, and asked in surprise, "What is the commander talking about? "

"It's nothing, I just said that the dishes we cook are delicious." Atago replied simply.

Dunkirk nodded, walked over slowly, a little surprised, "The commander fell asleep."

"Keep your voice down, the general is already asleep, sister Dunkirk, please don't disturb the general!" Jifeng immediately said rather seriously.

"Okay." Dunkirk nodded, and then walked into the back kitchen rather strangely, "The commander fell asleep, and it's a pity that I didn't hear his personal comment."

"Very good, the commander said it was very good." Atago said, his eyes moved to the corner of the kitchen, and there was a touch of helplessness in his words, "It's just that I didn't expect that it was just very good, and there is a high probability that the commander is comforting me. "

"That's right." Dunkirk looked towards Atago's line of sight, and also showed a tangled look, "I didn't expect Donghuang cuisine to be so difficult."

In a corner of the kitchen, there is already a pile of "kitchen waste", all kinds of shredded meat, vegetables in strange colors, or samples that look decent but taste impressive.

Although neither of them is a novice in cooking, but this time they tried new dishes, and they did experiment many times before they got a more stable version.

The Kitchen Goddess, who had been packing up the kitchen utensils, raised her head immediately upon hearing this, a gleam of light flashed in her eyes, "Where is the new dish so simple? I also spent a lot of effort trying to make delicious white eagle dishes in the past." Yes. Still need more practice."

"Practice more." Dunkirk and Atago shook their heads and looked at the hill piled up in the corner of the kitchen, and couldn't help sighing.


"Commander, Commander, it's almost time, Pennsylvania is here."

In a daze, Huang Chen felt that someone was pushing him, but what he said was strange, what did Pennsylvania come, and what did Pennsylvania come have to do with him?

"Pennsylvania?" he said vaguely.

"Yes. Commander, get up quickly."

Huang Chen still squinted his eyes, unwilling to open them, but he was still thinking about this Pennsylvania, why did he come here when I was sleeping?

"Is it Pennsylvania's turn today?" He suddenly realized, yes, why is he sleeping alone today.But is it Pennsylvania today? "Shouldn't it be Akashi? I remember it was Akashi."

"Commander! Stop talking, get up quickly. The Minister of Pennsylvania is here." The voice seemed a little anxious and ashamed, and he pushed Huang Chen harder.

It was like an earthquake. No matter how powerful he was, he couldn't sleep anymore. He opened his eyes helplessly, but the halo around him still made him unable to see clearly.

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