The inner lining is a red skirt with a white one-piece, and the outside is a longer black coat. The boots on the legs reach the knees. The boots and skirt can be seen in the pattern of black knee socks, which are quite elastic. The soft texture of the thigh slightly strangles the soft meat.

Her long silver hair was draped behind her back, but there was another strand of hair beside her ears, with a lace hair accessory.

Everything is so just right.

"The luggage and boxes have all been brought back." La

"Is the commander going out?" Bumblebee asked.

"Yes, so many people are leaving, they have to say hello to the headquarters of the ship's mother." Huang Chen nodded.

"This is what it should be. The commander should also go to the headquarters of the ship's mother." Essex nodded, "Do you need me to accompany you?"

"Dunkirk and I are fine." Huang Chen said with a smile, "We cleaned up a few rooms just now, you can ask Tartu for details."

Huang Chen is still considered a normal person, of course he knows the reason why Dunkirk specially asked him to go to the ship's mother's headquarters at this time.When he saw a few people coming back, he also saw Dunkirk's slight stiffness for a moment.

Naturally know how to answer.

As for the dumplings...let's talk about it when we get back, the rice should be eaten bite by bite.

"Okay." Essex nodded without saying anything, and Bumblebee followed behind her.

La Galissonier waved at Huang Chen, but didn't say anything.

"Let's go, I don't know the way." Huang Chen looked towards Dunkirk.

"The commander must follow me!" Dunkirk smiled gently.

Silk is the largest city in District J. There is a port area, a ship mother headquarters, and a Blue Maritime Bureau.

Although there are many free ship girls living here, it is still a human city after all, so the ship girl headquarters and the port area are some distance away from the bustling places in the city.

But the city is not big, or the cities in this world are not big. After taking a taxi and turning around a few streets, I soon feel that my vision has broadened.

Driving on the road near the sea, the farmland is on the right, and the endless sea beyond the sidewalk is on the left.

You can already see the outline of the pier not far away, and there are many ships docked, many small and medium-sized ones.

Sometimes you can also see small figures sailing on the sea, which is naturally the ship's mother.

Huang Chen was fascinated by the scenery, while Dunkirk sat gently beside him, "If it's summer, there is a special berry, I have tried baking pies with it, it is very delicious."

"Dunkirk is said to be delicious, so I'm looking forward to it." Huang Chen turned his head and looked at the gentle smile of the girl sitting beside him, "Will Dunkirk cook? The cuisine of the Holy See of Iris."

"In terms of cooking skills, I can make some homely cooking." Dunkirk nodded, "but the taste is just the same, at the level of ordinary people."

"Dunkirk's desserts are so delicious, the cooking is not bad!"

"Cooking is cooking, dessert is dessert, the two should not be confused." Dunkirk smiled, "Commander, do you want to eat? Is it not guaranteed to be delicious?"

"Hmm... Try it tomorrow? To be honest, I haven't seen the headquarters of Jianniang yet." Huang Chen shook his head, Fengcheng no longer has the headquarters of Jianniang, there is only a small branch, and even the branch will be disbanded in a few years .

There is no relevant information in the obtained memory.In other words, there is no information at all in the obtained memory, it is just a collection of some picture fragments.

"Well, the commander just happened to visit. The main reason is that when we first came here, the ship mother headquarters provided a lot of help. Now that we are gone, we still have to say hello to them." Dunkirk said.

Huang Chen looked at the buildings getting closer and closer outside the window, but didn't speak.

I was in a hurry before leaving tomorrow, but now I want to say hello again?

But he didn't say it out, and it was obvious that the girl in front of him had thoughts about him.But he didn't care, although to him it was just a pretty girl he just met, but she wasn't evasive enough to accept even a little overture.

And he also knew in his heart that this was his ship's wife, and the relationship between the commander and the ship's wife was very close.

Emotions in the world are complicated. I have heard of parents abandoning their children, children abandoning their parents, and husbands and wives flying apart when they are in trouble. Not to mention brothers turning against each other, friends hurting each other, there are too many.

There have even been occasions when the inappropriate commander of the scum betrayed his own ship's wife.

But no ship girl has ever murdered the commander.

Even if his commander's temperament has changed drastically-being a commander means that he was once a good person, but people will change-treating himself extremely badly.

Then the ship girl who was extremely sad just left silently.

If the commander can turn over a new leaf and impress Jian Niang again with sincerity, Jian Niang is willing to give him another chance.

Huang Chen disappeared for so long, but when he came back, Jian Niang was somewhat complained or slightly angry, but in the end it all turned into joy.Then call the commander.

It is true that he has no memory with them, but it does not mean that he will reject their kindness because of this.

Because you like me, I dare not be with you, and even avoid you or something.

Please, this is not some teenage romance novel.

Of course, if Dunkirk suddenly said that he would sleep in a room at night and other radical suggestions, he would definitely not agree, but it was just the two of them coming out, and he would not refuse.

Chapter 027 Gossip

The taxi stopped on the side of the road, got off two customers, and left.

Huang Chen looked at the building in front of him, but felt that it was different from what he thought.

He thought that the headquarters of Jianniang would be a huge building complex, with various high-rise buildings or magnificent buildings inside.But in fact, what is in front of me is just a small house number stone, engraved with the words "Jianniang Headquarters", that's all.

There is no fence, and there is a two-lane road after crossing the house number stone, which winds forward. Not far away, you can see a building with no more than two or three floors.

"Commander a little disappointed?" Dunkirk asked.

"It's not disappointment, it's just..." Huang Chen smacked his lips, "It's just a little different from what I thought."

"This is the back door of the ship's mother's headquarters. It looks a bit desolate. It's much better to walk to the gate." Dunkirk walked beside Huang Chen and said.

"Back door? Why did the taxi take us to the back door? Isn't the gate bad?"

"Probably because he couldn't open the gate?" Dunkirk smiled. "Has the commander seen the pier before?"

"I see, it's quite big." Huang Chen nodded.

"The gate is on the pier side, but it's not actually called a gate. It's just the commander's report, visits to the headquarters of the ship mothers in other areas, and the visits of the free ship mothers. Most of them come from the pier."

"Oh!" Huang Chen suddenly realized that it was his habitual thinking that misled him.

That's right, the main mode of transportation at the ship's headquarters is naturally sailing, so naturally the pier is used a lot.

"Did the commander see a lot of small and medium-sized yachts? Those are the commanders who came to report on their duties. Large yachts usually have official duties." Dunkirk explained.

"That's it!" Huang Chen sighed.

The two chatted while walking, and within a few minutes, they reached the three-story building. Dunkirk walked in front, shuttling with ease, and explained as they walked, "This is the office building of the ship's mother's headquarters. The offices of the ministers of the Mother Headquarters and the deputy ministers are all here."

Huang Chen followed behind and nodded.

The surrounding air was cold and silent, exactly the same as the office building in his impression.

"Here we are." Dunkirk stopped in front of an office and rang the office at the same time.

Huang Chen looked at the introduction on the wall, this is the minister's office.

'Boom boom boom! '

'Boom boom boom! '

Dunkirk knocked patiently several times, but there was no response.

"Aren't they going to work today?" Huang Chen guessed, the main reason is that it's only four o'clock, so it's too early to get off work, right?

"Hmm...I'll think about it." Dunkirk pursed his lips and looked at Huang Chen nervously, "The minister here is the battleship Pennsylvania. If she's not in the office, she's in the entrustment center, right? Commander, let's look for it." .”

"Entrustment center?" Huang Chen looked at the door of the office, then at Dunkirk, who was a little nervous, and suddenly felt a little funny, "Let's go."

"What is the commander laughing at?"

"It's nothing, I thought of something happy, let's go." Huang Chen urged.

Dunkirk turned around, blushing a little, she was sure the commander must have found out what she was thinking, but why didn't he say it?Does the Commander also want to stay with me?

Huang Chen followed behind with a smile on his lips.

He has a deep impression on Dunkirk. After all, he liked it very much when he played games. If he had turned into Lord of the Rings earlier at that time, then Dunkirk would have worn the ring long ago.

So he naturally knew that Dunkirk undoubtedly had the character of a paladin.

Humble, honest, confident and strong, gentle and beautiful, loves to share homemade desserts with others, and also loves to pursue beautiful things.

When facing the one you love, you will also frankly reveal your weak side.

Bumblebee is always very jumpy, and being with her will make people happy, like playing with playmates on the side of the road in childhood.

Essex is very serious, but her heart is actually pure and innocent, and you need to be cared for carefully.

And Dunkirk loves you like a gentle big sister, you don't have to do anything, she will naturally arrange everything.

Now watching the gentle big sister fooling herself clumsily, she couldn't even conceal the slight panic and nervousness on her face.

Undoubtedly, the image of Dunkirk suddenly became real and delicate in front of Huang Chen.How can a living ship girl be introduced with short lines?

How much can the language in the game show the ship girl?

Gentle and confident, but also nervous because he is worried that his little tricks will be seen through.

Even if they only got together for one afternoon, Huang Chen felt a lot of goodwill in his heart.

In the end it was a paladin. Although he was shy, it didn't affect the battle. After a while, Dunkirk slowly walked to Huang Chen's side, and the two moved forward at a similar speed.

The two talked while walking, and the topics were all over the place, but they were actually just small things.

It's nothing more than the price of pears rising one day, and the sirens appear there again one day. The local commander can't solve it, so the ship mother headquarters sent a support team.

As they talked, the topic of the two of them approached the ship's wife and the commander.

The latter showed no expression, just nodded. "Then what?"

"That warship is dedicated to funerals, just like the former soldiers covered the national flag on the coffin, it is a very high honor."

"I found out later that he was the commander of the Silk Port area. At that time, it was not the United Port area. He himself was also very powerful. I heard that he was already a colonel when he was only in his 30s."

"Is it for better development in the future? I went to the front line and was stationed for more than ten years. When I came back, I was already a major general. But I didn't continue to take over the silk port area, but went to the tutelary mansion."

"It's almost the equivalent of retirement."

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