After each carrier-based aircraft is released, the deck must be cleaned and the next batch of aircraft must be assembled before a new flight can be carried out.Of course, as a ship girl, you don't need to actually clean up the deck. What is shown is that it takes a certain amount of time to buffer, just like a skill CD.

Therefore, after the fighter jets were released for the first time, it took a while before the bombers could be released.

And this time the points are calculated based on the sinking. If the company chose to release the bomber when it was first released, it may have achieved certain results now, right?

"That's not the case." Badan shook his head and said, "If we don't fly fighters for the first time and gain air superiority, our bombers will also be shot down by local fighters, right?"

"But I still feel that the other ship girls have taken advantage of it." Huang Chen shook his head.

"This is where the responsibilities of different ship girls lie. The aircraft carrier has the ability to fight beyond visual range and can strike distant enemies. Naturally, the aircraft carriers of both sides in the battle need to decide the outcome first."

Huang Chen nodded, and suddenly understood, this seems to be the relationship between power and obligation, if it is said that it is power to be able to fly carrier-based aircraft and fight beyond visual range.Then it is an obligation to obtain air supremacy at the beginning of the battle.

As a ship girl, you can't enjoy the right to fight far from the battlefield and ignore the clothes that should be fulfilled.

If ordinary people have the ability of a ship girl, they may really be able to do such a thing. However, a ship girl, as a manifestation of human fantasy, will not do such a thing.

Badan looked at Huang Chen and nodded, with a gentle smile on his face, "Also, even so, the aircraft carriers can achieve the results before others. Now the bombers of Enterprise and the others have already taken off, but Veneto and Dun Kirke and the others still have about 10 minutes to reach the combat range. Eugen and Ayanami also need about ten or twenty kinds."

Sure enough, following Badan's words, Princeton began to write quickly in his notebook. The girl had written the names of the ship girls in advance, and now quickly wrote the numbers behind the names.

Huang Chen looked at it, and in just a moment, the company's sinking data had already reached double digits.

Such a result made his brows twitch. If he waited a little longer, those sirens might be suppressed by the company, right?

After all, those guys are just friends with one gun for the company, and there is no difficulty at all.

But soon, he realized that it would take a long time for the bomber to reload, which was even longer than the reloading of the battleship's shells.

So other people still have a chance.

Huang Chen nodded secretly.

Badan picked up his notebook and began to write vigorously, "Commander, I also want to record a copy, and compare it later to see if there are any mistakes."

"Okay, I get it, I won't bother you anymore." Huang Chen nodded and walked aside.

Little Akagi ran to his side with some excitement, and seemed to be a little excited to say, "Servant, servant, sister Akagi just sank fourteen sirens!"

Xiaoxie was originally standing aside with eyes closed, as if he was controlling the carrier-based aircraft, but when he heard this, he suddenly opened his eyes, was stunned for a moment, and quickly ran to Huang Chen, "Commander, Sister Enterprise also sank Killed a lot of Sirens, and sank fifteen ships, and the York City sister and the Hornet sister also sank eleven or twelve ships."

"Okay, okay!" Huang Chen stretched out his hand and pressed the heads of the two little guys, and at the same time pressed the little Chicheng who wanted to continue speaking.

Who knows how these two guys are compared, and then said, "So, how about you two recording the sinking numbers of Chicheng and Enterprise respectively, which can be regarded as helping Princeton and Bataan?"

The two little guys nodded immediately.

Huang Chen smiled, and walked back to the sofa, but seemed to hear the empire muttering to himself, "Sister Venetto is going to sink the siren soon, and she's about to reach the shelling range."


"It's about to reach the shelling range." Veneto was sailing on the vast sea.

The destroyers and cruisers were moving fast, and they had already sailed to the front. The aircraft carrier had already stopped behind and started a large-scale attack.

So there are only a few people around her, Dunkirk, Jean Bart, Gascogne, Kaga BB, Tosa and Amagi.

"Probably half a minute." Tiancheng said silently at the side, and she looked up at the sky while speaking, "Is that the carrier-based aircraft of the Empire?"

Veneto looked in the direction of Tiancheng's line of sight with some embarrassment on his face, "Yes, I hope she won't be shot down again this time."

Hearing the explanation, everyone here smiled, even Kaga BB, who was usually expressionless, had a cold smile on his face.

Of course, there may be some excitement brought about by the upcoming battle.

"It's almost there." Jean Bart squinted his red eyes, and in the distance, the figures of some sirens were already looming.

Beside her, the huge naval gun moved slowly but surely, the turret raised at a subtle angle in its rotation.

The girl squinted her eyes and said nothing.

The next moment, there was a deafening roar, a trace of flame flashed at the muzzle, and the shells drew several arcs in the sky, hitting a siren warship that was venting its firepower.

Then, deafening cannons sounded one after another.

The game officially started.

Chapter 314 Where's the Siren's Carrier Aircraft?

The firepower of a battleship is unimaginable to ordinary people.

Its huge naval guns can even make people feel the fear of a giant, and the size of its shells is almost the size of a person.The vibrating sound when it is launched is like thunder, the permeating gunpowder smoke fills the nose and fogs the eyes, and the hard outline has a rough and mechanical beauty.

When such a giant lies across the sea, its artillery fire roars.The sailors on the ship will feel a kind of shock from the heart, just like the shock when an insect walking through the forest path sees a giant for the first time, it comes from the blood, from the trembling of the soul.

Compared with the real naval gun, the naval gun of the ship girl seems a little small. Although the fort is still hideous and terrifying, it also has some elegance that belongs to the ship girl.

For example, Jean Bart's naval gun has a strange fusiform shield structure, and the black metal is inlaid with golden decorative patterns. It has a unique atmosphere and looks more like a work of art than a naval gun.

However, the firepower released in it is not inferior to that of real naval guns.

The gun barrel looks thin, but the energy contained in it is eye-catching, even frightening.


Another salvo of naval guns fired, and the water spray gathered on the turret was shaken. Kaga BB didn't even look at the direction of the naval guns' attack. Like a figure skater, he skilfully slid in a semicircle on the sea surface, avoiding several times. Point the cannon fire falling from the sky.

Then he raised his head and looked into the distance and said, "There are only seven ships."

She squinted her eyes, as if she was a little dissatisfied with her round of salvo.

"You can't shoot in volley, it's a bit of a disadvantage compared to this." Tosa sailed in the distance, raised his hand and greeted here.

It was raining heavily and the distance between the two sides was very far, but Kaga could still hear clearly.

She stood on the water, and the naval gun raised a barrel, sparks flew the next moment, and then a battleship in the distance slowly fell silent in the flames.

"There are also those small ships that can use the secondary guns. The secondary guns can be reloaded quickly." Tosa continued, the firepower of the secondary guns was released during the words, several streamers of light streaked across the sky, and several sirens sank in response.

Kaga BB narrowed his eyes, raised the naval gun beside him, and pointed it in the direction of the sirens.

Tosa nodded, "That's it. The main artillery strikes accurately, and the secondary artillery covers the strike. This time, the siren level is very low. If it is not fast, it will not be able to hit anything."

The sisters who attacked this time were all above level 100, but there were also levels 120 and 125 everywhere. These sirens who attacked were pure children in front of them, without the slightest ability to challenge.

Even the expulsion, which looks soft and soft on weekdays, is unparalleled after killing the siren group. You don't even need torpedo bombing, you just need to hold the small naval gun in your hand and keep shooting to get one after another. .

And the siren bombardment is almost as good as nothing for them.The small siren guns can't pose a threat to them at all, but the large siren guns can't even aim at them.It can be said that what prevents them from increasing their number of kills is the relatively long distance between the sirens.

Their killing efficiency far surpassed those of the battleships. After all, these sirens were really vulnerable to Huang Chen's ship wife, which also caused the battleships' damage to overflow.

Kaga BB didn't speak, and was silent for a moment, seeming to think that what Tosa said made sense.

There was a smile on the latter's face. My sister is good at everything, but sometimes she really likes fighting too much, and she gets a little excited when it comes to fighting.


The deafening roar sounded again, and the Kaga BB's gun muzzle was flickering with flames, and another round of main gun salvo was fired.

"As for the secondary artillery, it's too weak. Even if it's just such an opponent, it needs to use the main artillery to fight."

Tosa's expression seemed a little stiff, and he nodded while looking at his sister, "That's fine. Just as long as you like it."

Kaga BB didn't speak, the water splashed under his feet, and then a white wave broke through the sea surface, heading deeper into the siren group.

This time, there are at least [-] siren waves, maybe [-] or [-] ships, spreading over the sea, covering a range of hundreds of miles, surrounded by strong winds and heavy rains, heading towards the shore aggressively .

Such arrogance and arrogance are a heavy blow to the ship girls and commanders along the coast. As commanders in a safe sea area, have they ever seen such a scene?

They even wondered if there was an error in the intelligence of the ship's mother headquarters. How could there be such a large-scale siren wave?

However, after realizing that this was a real disaster and not a drill or a joke, all commanders decided to attack without hesitation.

One after another, the ship girls disappeared at the intersection of sky and water, their figures blurred in the heavy rain, one after another commanders walked into the study room, silent and praying in depression.

"Yutan Port Fleet, a total of 14 ships are all dispatched."

"South Beach tutelary mansion, three ship girls."

"Quyun is guarding the mansion, and there are 2 ship maidens."


Squads and squads of fleets silently assembled on the way of sailing, slowly forming a large fleet, heading towards the direction of the siren tide.

The team is getting bigger and bigger, everyone is silent, but they are going in that direction firmly.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute!"

The already huge team turned around, and saw a distant ship girl waving her arms, "Wait a minute, all of you, for this attack, the ship girls below level 30 should go back."

It was the captain of the tactical support unit of the Baiyucheng Fleet Girl Headquarters, and she rushed over in a hurry, and once again solemnly repeated, "Those who are less than level 30 cannot attack."

However, the huge team was silent and motionless.

The captain looked at the team in front of her, a touch of emotion flashed in her eyes, but the next moment, she yelled loudly, "Didn't you hear that? Those below level 30, go back! Those below level 30, go out this time!" Send to death!"

"I am willing." A short girl standing in front of her raised her head.

The captain suddenly ran out of words, she didn't know what to say, she just put her hand on the shoulder of the ship girl in front of her, and murmured in an almost pleading voice, "Go back, go back, and protect the people in the C14 area, they I need you too."

The short ship's wife was silent for a moment, then left the team with her head down. She sailed slowly on the sea as if in a daze, but her movements became faster and faster, and disappeared into the sky the next moment.

Next, one after another, the ship girls left the team and headed for the distance. Soon, there were less than 20 people left in the huge team.

The captain showed a stiff smile, "Let's go."

So the team of hundreds of people set sail again, the captain accelerated the speed, and quickly walked to the front of the team, "Attention everyone, be careful of the siren bombers. The expulsion ahead should not run too far, and don't get out of the big team."

She said this subconsciously, but she was a little strange in her heart.

Why haven't you seen the Siren's carrier aircraft for so long?

What about the Siren's carrier aircraft?

Chapter 315 What a Strange Ship

What about the Siren's carrier aircraft?With such doubts in mind, the captain headed towards Siren Chao.

But it's weird, really weird.

The captain was sailing in the middle of the attack team, calling for the team girls to cooperate with each other, and at the same time trying his best to divide the ship girls into teams.

If conditions permit, it is best to cover fire.The so-called poor tactics interspersed, rich fire coverage.

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