Essex was taken aback, "Is this okay?"

"The commander didn't say no, did he?" Enterprise smiled slyly. Suddenly she blinked and said in a strange tone, "I saw..."

"I saw that too," said Essex, too.

Independence is a little surprised, the two carrier-based planes that you two are flying are not in the same direction, right?Have you found the humanoid sirens?

Seeing the company laughing, "I saw the girls from the ship girl headquarters coming."

Independence suddenly chuckled, and then looked at Essex suspiciously, then what did you see?

The latter also hesitated, "I seem to see... a humanoid siren?"

Chapter 317 I Got It, Are You Back To Find Commander Huang Chen's Ship Girl?

Elbin held a small lace umbrella and walked slowly in the strong wind and rainstorm. The outside of the umbrella was black, but the inner lining was red. The matching style of the color was very similar to Elbin's dress style. alike.

The skeleton of the umbrella looks a bit slender, more like a sunshade than an umbrella used on a sunny day, but even under the attack of thunder-like rain, the seemingly slender umbrella still firmly blocks all the rain .

Like grass swaying in strong winds and rainstorms, it looks fragile, but it is tough.

But the reason for all this is just because this is Elbin's ship outfit. As part of the ship outfit, it has a scene similar to the ship girl. It looks soft and cute on the outside, but its inside is tough and powerful.

Elbin just walked along the pier with his small umbrella, his habitual worry on his face.

"There isn't a single person... how can we find any clues?"

She muttered to herself, she had already walked along the pier countless times, but the staff at the face pier had already left here.How can there be people in those small boats that are constantly rocking with the waves?

Since there is no one, how can we find relevant clues?

Holding a small umbrella, she quickly left the shore, escaped a wave attack, and muttered to herself, "Sure enough, Elbin still can't do it... If the other sisters came over, they must have found the clue .”

She stood blankly in the rain, looking at the empty pier, the water splashed everywhere, and the crackling sound of the rain hitting the ground or the goods piled up on the shore was disturbing.

Although the small umbrella on the ship is very strong, after staying in the heavy rain for a long time, there are still a lot of irregular splashes hitting the corners of the clothes.

Elbin felt that the corners of her clothes were already wet, and the stockings wrapped around her legs seemed to be stuck to her legs because of the rain, and some rainwater even ran into the shoes through the gaps in her boots. She felt that her feet seemed to be wet. Coolness, like stepping in water.

Because she doesn't have enough training, she can't skillfully use the power of the ship to deal with rainwater. Of course, she might not know how to do it even if she can. Oil is very expensive, and she is reluctant to use it in such a place.Summoning the ship-mounted umbrella has made her struggle for a long time.

However, without using the power of the ship suit, she is no different from an ordinary girl.

"Or go to that big ship and have a look." Elbin searched carefully along the pier again, but couldn't find any clues, and finally looked at the big ship again.

"It's just that there was no one just now..., and now there will be no one in the past, right?" Elbin said, but he still walked to the front of the big ship and looked into the ship.

But suddenly, the lights in the hall were turned off.Someone turned off the lights in the hall!

Elbin couldn't believe it, "Is there really someone... But can Elbin really visit..."

She held up the small umbrella again and crossed the boarding bridge to the edge of the gate.

The guardrail and steel gate are still the same as before.However, the hall, which was quite bright just now, is now completely sunk in darkness.

For some reason, Elbin always felt that the chairs and tables hiding in the shadows were a little scary.

"Is anyone there... Elbing from the ship mother's headquarters is here to visit..." Elbing paused, and still shouted in a voice that he thought was very loud.

The room was still silent, and no one answered.

Elbin puffed his mouth, as if he wanted to give up habitually, but the next moment, a more violent storm broke out, and the ships docked at the dock were shaking greatly, and even the Windward appeared. Shaking like a magnitude 5 earthquake.


The sudden shaking made Elbin hastily grasp the side railing, but the next moment, he heard the creaking sound from the boarding bridge.

Elbin's eyes widened immediately, and the red and blue pupils looked extremely cute, but the boarding bridge didn't give her any face, and then it slowly broke under the girl's shocked eyes.

"The boarding bridge... is gone. Is it because Elbin wants to go back? Sure enough, it's because of this?"

She stood at the gate of the Windward, which was on the deck without any decorations.At the beginning, there were many decorations, but later they were removed by Huang Chen, and now it looks a bit empty.

There was also no shelter from the rain, except for shelter under the eaves near the gate.

Elbin held up the small umbrella, walked to the gate, and shouted again, "Is anyone... is there anyone..."

Half a day later, there was still no response.

"Could it be that he left the big ship just after turning off the lights... No, since Elbin thought so, then he must still be in the big ship..."

She hesitated for a moment, then directly opened the door, walked in, and shouted as she walked, "Is anyone...? The ship's mother's headquarters in Elbin..."

It's just that the more the girl walked inside, the voice became smaller and smaller, and finally it was almost equivalent to whispering to herself.

After passing through the gate, we soon came to the hall that can be seen from the outside. However, the hall is wider than previously imagined, occupying almost half of the space on the first floor.

At the end of the hall is a bar, not sure what it's for.After crossing the bar, the line of sight suddenly widened, and some light was projected from above. Elbin looked up and saw only overlapping spiral stairs and elevators, as well as layer after layer of guardrails.

Some floors have lights to look at, some don't.

Elbin held the umbrella and slowly shouted upwards, "Is there anyone...Erbin, the mother of the ship..."

Behind the elevator and stairs is another spacious room with a lot of seats. On the wall next to the door of the room there is a notice board with some documents pasted on it.

Elbin hesitated for a while, then slowly paced over and looked over the notice board.

There were not many documents, and Elbin saw a document at a glance that said, "Lecture Hall Plan Announcement", which probably stated that a large lecture hall was planned to be set up in the port area for combat and skill learning.

"Shouldn't these be the responsibility of the ship's mother headquarters..." Elbin was a little puzzled.

Then there are some documents next to it. After a cursory look, many of them are strange recruitments. For example, the kendo room requires two staff members.The Commissary needs a staff member.

Elbin's eyes were almost circled like mosquito coils. What are these things?

There is also a kendo room and a canteen on board?Isn't this a commander's ship?Is that what they said when they came here?

How did it become like this?Sure enough, it was because of Elbin...

"who are you?"

Elbin was taken aback, and jumped to the point where he was about to unfold his suit. When he turned around, he saw a short-haired girl holding a lantern and looking at her suspiciously, her eyes suddenly lit up.

"I see, you are coming back to look for Commander Huang Chen's ship wife!"

Chapter 318 There is a surprise, a big surprise

With a wave of Bristol's hand, the lantern he was carrying disappeared without a trace, and then he adjusted the beret on his head, "My name is Bristol, and I'm staying here temporarily, but this place is indeed directed by Huang Chen. The official port area."

Elbin nodded, "I, my name is Elbin..."

"Hmm..." Bristol frowned suddenly, as if she was a little confused, but she actually thought it was Aoba or Gridley, because she seemed to have heard Commander Huang Chen chanting these two names for the past two days.

However, it is Elbin, whom he does not know. Bristol was born not long ago, and has been running around with Eugen, and he has never seen the ship girl named Elbin.

However, Commander Huang Chen's port area is very strange, and he has never heard of this small enterprise and small Chicheng before.Thinking about it this way, isn't it normal to have a ship girl I don't know?

Bristol paused, and shouted sweetly, "Sister Elbin, but it's not the time for you to come back. Now everyone in the port area is attacking, and the rest are driving..."

"Ah, no need..." Before Bristol could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Elbin.

I saw the girl staring at her feet, with obvious hesitation and lack of confidence on her face, "Don't call me sister, just call me Elbin..."

"Sister Elbin?" Bristol tilted his head in doubt.

The latter still lowered his head and muttered to himself, with silver hair hanging down all around, "A ship girl like me is not qualified to be called a sister, even a destroyer is the same..."

I feel that this sister's personality is a bit strange... Bristol shrank her neck, but after thinking about it, Torricelli of the Sardinian Empire also has a strange personality.Probably there will be such a strange ship girl in a large port area.

Although Bristol has not seen many port areas, she has already realized that Commander Huang Chen's port area is unexpectedly large.

She pulled DATA-857 floating aside, murmured twice in her arms, then raised her head and said, "Commander Huang Chen is in the cab now, I'll take you there."

"Yeah." Elbin nodded, will he see the commander as soon as he arrives?It's a little strange, but Elbin's strangeness may seem normal to others, right?

Suddenly, as if thinking of something, "You said just now...all the ship girls in this port area are attacking?"

Could it be that those forty or fifty ship girls are really ship girls here?

"I didn't attack all of them, just those with a high level of training." Bristol said, with a look of envy on his face, "Those sisters are really good, and their training has exceeded level 100. If my If the training level is so high, I can go to many places..."

"One, one hundred?" Elbin on the side was startled, and looked at the little girl in front of him in disbelief. What was she talking about? Is the level she said and the level I understood the same thing?

"Yeah?" Bristol nodded, looked at Elbin again, and blinked, "Sister Elbin is also very skilled, right?"

"No, no, my training level is very low." Erbin shook his head hastily, sighing secretly in his heart, it's not that their training level is high, but my training level is too low, right?I'm afraid that the little girl in front of me is more practiced than I imagined?Such a thing should have been thought of earlier.

Bristol narrowed his eyes and suddenly understood.It seems that sister Elbin was not taken seriously in the port area before.

Although she just wanted to live with Sister Eugen, after staying in this port area for so long, she also understood some things.

For example, a ship girl with a very low level of practice is a ship girl who was not taken seriously before, and has never conducted sorties and exercises.It's not that if you have a high level of practice, you must be valued, but if you have a low level of practice, you must not always pay attention to it.

She secretly looked up and down Elbin Yifan, still couldn't help stretching out her hand, stood on tiptoe and patted the girl's shoulder, "It's okay, I heard from Sister Eugen that Commander Huang Chen has changed a lot now."

"Eugen... sister?" Elbin felt that the term was somewhat familiar.

"Sister Eugen, the heavy cruiser Prinz Eugen was probably quite popular in the port area before..." Bristol explained, feeling even more regretful.

Even Sister Eugen didn't know about it. When this sister was in the port area before, she probably only saw the commander when it was built?What a pity!

"Prince Eugen?" Elbin finally remembered. He had heard others say that he was also an iron-blooded ship girl. "That's a very powerful ship girl..."

Bristol nodded, more sure in his heart that this sister was probably the unwelcome part.Although obviously very beautiful.

She didn't say anything, she didn't walk slowly, and quickly walked to the side of the elevator.

Elbin followed behind her, secretly feeling a little strange, as if the girl in front was always secretly looking at me from behind.

Could it be that she found out about her low training level?Sure enough, such a weak Elbin would not be suitable to visit other people's Minato.

With the elevator running, the two soon came to the top deck, and even the melancholy Elbin couldn't help but look around.

Bristol was still secretly looking at Sister Elbin behind her, the melancholy and curiosity on the girl's face were completely imprinted in her eyes.

She suddenly wanted to help her, such a lovely young lady, how could she be ignored by Commander Huang Chen like this.

Bristol walked downstairs of the cab and stopped suddenly.

Elbin followed her and almost bumped into the little girl, and hurriedly apologized, "I'm sorry, Elbin didn't mean it."

Bristol didn't care, "I'll call Commander Huang Chen down."

Although Sister Elbin definitely wants to see her former sisters, she wants to see the Commander even more, right?Let them meet alone this time.

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