Chapter 382 The Unicorn of the Unicorn

The market is very lively and full of people.Maybe it just happened that the heavy rain stopped, so everyone who hadn't come out to buy vegetables before came out.

Huang Chen and Cleveland walked among the crowd, as inconspicuous as water drops thrown into the ocean.Huang Chen was a little afraid of being scattered by the crowd, so he kept holding the girl's hand.

"Don't worry, Commander, I'm sure I can't get lost." Cleveland said helplessly, but he still held Huang Chen's hand and didn't let go.

The two bought vegetables and meat according to the requirements on the list, but because there is no refrigerator in the shrine, they can't buy too much fresh meat, and they can't put it away if they can't finish it.

Instead, I bought a lot of eggs and some meat that can be stored for a long time, such as bacon. Although the taste is not as good as fresh meat, the focus is on long-term storage and its unique flavor.

Besides, Huang Chen also wanted to buy a few live chickens and ducks to see if they could be raised in the shrine, but he didn't find any after searching around.

The only place that sells chickens and ducks only sells processed chickens and ducks, which have been plucked, gutted, and placed on the chopping board.

I asked a passer-by, and there is a sale in another market, but it takes more than half an hour away.

Huang Chen thought about it for a second, even if he bought live chickens and ducks, he might not be able to feed them if he brought them back to the shrine, and he would not be able to feed them for a few days, so he gave up in the end.

When everything was almost bought, the two left the market with big and small bags.

"These things are much more than I imagined." Huang Chen put the things in the trunk of the car and said, "Is there anything else to buy? It's still early, so you can look around."

Cleveland blinked when he heard the words, and looked at what he had bought in the trunk, "I just bought the snacks yesterday, and I haven't eaten the watermelon I bought yesterday, um... there is nothing to buy."

"Then let's go, go back to make lunch early, maybe I can play a little bit at noon today." Huang Chen laughed, and the co-pilot who walked skillfully sat down, only to realize that Cleveland hadn't followed.

Looking over suspiciously, the girl was looking aside.

"What are you looking at..." Huang Chen looked over suspiciously, and saw a lot of street vendors surrounded by children not far away, and they couldn't see the content clearly.

He looked at it suspiciously for a while, and then saw some children happily leaving with yellow little ones in their arms.

"Chicken seller." Huang Chen was a little surprised. In his memory, he seemed to have seen such a scene when he was a child, but he never saw it again when he grew up.Did not expect to meet here.

"Want to buy it?" He moved closer to the girl and asked aloud.

"Ah..." Cleveland exclaimed, and then came back to his senses, "Commander... I don't want to buy it, but I'm just curious."

"Curiosity." Huang Chen nodded, hugged his chest and said, "Actually, I bought it before, and it was a dyed chick back then."

"Dye it?" Cleveland asked curiously.

Huang Chen smiled and explained, "It's just simple dyeing. There are red ones and green ones. They look so novel. Then I bought a few."

"Others say that such a chick can't grow up, but I still raise it. The chick is very troublesome, and it needs a large open space for it to run. And pay attention to various strange places."

"I remember raising five at the beginning, and two of them died after a few days. I don't know why, but later I found out that the buttocks were covered with feces. Just use a bamboo stick to pick them apart." Huang Chen Talking and laughing.

"And then." Cleveland asked with sparkling eyes.

"Then the chicken grew up, but it was finally eaten by the dog next door." Huang Chen shook his head regretfully, "But even if it is not eaten by the dog, it will be eaten by the family."

Cleveland chuckled.

"Then let's raise a few more." Huang Chen looked at the girl's smiling face, said, and walked towards the booth.

Cleveland hurriedly grabbed Huang Chen's hand, "Forget it, I'm just looking a little curious... and I can't keep it on the Windward."

Huang Chen nodded when he heard the words, it was true that he couldn't raise it on the Yingfeng.Although there are already many pets in the port area, such as York City and their eagles and so on.

But these are essentially ship outfits, not the same as real pets.

If you raise chickens and run around and shit everywhere, the scene is scary to think about.

"Forget it." Huang Chen nodded, looked at the girl, and suddenly thought that in the game, the girl's outfit is accompanied by a pet, a very cute puppy, who can even carry a ship on her back. It's just that I didn't buy that set of clothes.

If I bought that outfit change, maybe Ke Da would have an extra pet, right?

He suddenly thought of Nagato again, he vaguely remembered that she should have a litter of white foxes, but up to now Huang Chen hasn't seen any of them, maybe they are all hiding in the mountains, he can ask her when he goes back later.

Huang Chen thought about it strangely, but suddenly he was taken aback, his eyes looked straight in one direction.

Cleveland walked back to the driver's seat, "And the chick is only cute when it's young, but it's not cute when it grows up...Commander?"

The girl froze for a moment, but found that the commander was standing outside the car and did not come in.

"Cleveland, I seem to be hallucinating." Huang Chen frowned and said slowly.

Not knowing why, Cleveland walked up to the commander suspiciously, only to find a small white strange creature hitting Huang Chen's calf.

"This kind of creature, I thought it could only appear in mythology." Huang Chen looked at the little creature twitching at his feet with tangled eyes.

The whole body is white, and it looks like a foal, but it has a pair of small wings, a pointed horn, and a purple mane.Although the unicorn is pointy, it doesn't hurt when it touches the leg, it's just like a massage.

" a unicorn, right?" Huang Chen hesitated.

"It's a unicorn." Cleveland walked over in surprise, squatted beside the unicorn, and stroked the little thing's hair curiously, "Maybe it's a unicorn's unicorn?"

"Hmm...?" Huang Chen was taken aback subconsciously, unicorn, unicorn, why are these words so convoluted?But he understood in an instant.

This is the construction pet unicorn of Shipgirl Unicorn.

Immediately, he smiled heartily, squatted down, and teased the little guy with Cleveland.

"Maybe it's a passing unicorn." Huang Chen smiled, and silently rubbed the sharp horn of the unicorn, feeling strange in his hand, and the little guy bounced up and down, rubbing against his palm.

"This guy seems to like me very much. Could it be a unicorn in our port area, haha." Huang Chen laughed loudly, but didn't take it to heart, just stroking the unicorn's hair silently.

Suddenly the little guy shook his wings, and the next moment he flew into the air, Huang Chen followed the little guy's gaze, and saw the unicorn flying into the arms of a purple-haired girl.

"Brother?" The girl tilted her head and asked in a low voice with some doubts.

Chapter 383 Gui'an, Commander

The little purple-haired girl was standing beside the small car, only three to five meters away. If she walked two more steps, she would reach Huang Chen's side.

She hugged the dreamlike unicorn, blocking it in front of her chest like a shield, tilting her head with doubts on her face.

As if seeing something unbelievable, Huang Chen raised his head after a long time, the two eyes intertwined, and the girl asked suspiciously, "Brother?"

Huang Chen was stunned for a moment, and then realized, "Unicorn?"

"It's really brother!" The doubt on the girl's face instantly dissolved, and she ran to Huang Chen in a few steps, with her head raised and her face full of joy.

Huang Chen lowered his head, the girl's hair was purple, but it was different from the purple hair of Dumpling. The girl's hair was lighter in color and looked softer. She was dressed in a pure white dress, which looked plain, but even more quiet.

For a while, he thought of a lot in his mind.

Unicorn, cute little sister, even the cutest little sister in the world, is also said to be one of the hidden members of the Royal Sanjia.

Although it looks like a little lolita, she acts as a nanny in the game, and she is the mainstay of the fleet's maps before the heroines, dragons and phoenixes, and sky eagles have not appeared on the scene.

Huang Chen was naturally very impressed with such a girl, and he liked it quite a lot. Naturally, he gave out the ring early in the game.

Although it is still the elder brother who is calling, but in fact it has already become a marriage ship.

The unicorn's face was full of joy, but after being watched, it gradually turned into doubt. He tugged at the clothes on his body, "Brother, is the unicorn's clothes strange?"

"Ah!" Huang Chen shook his head, "No, no, it's just that I was a little surprised to meet you again so suddenly."

"The unicorn didn't even think of it." The unicorn said with a chuckle, and then raised the little guy in his hand, "Thanks to Youchan, I found my brother."

Huang Chen's face was weird, and some sand sculpture animations about unicorns suddenly appeared in his mind, such as Youjiang turning on the destruction mode and so on.

Shaking his head, he threw these messy thoughts out of his mind, looked at the little guy in the unicorn's arms again, and poked it with his hand, "Thank you, You-chan."

Cleveland asked curiously, "Is the unicorn here alone?"

Huang Chen also reacted, and looked at the girl in front of him curiously.

Luonan is just a small city, and it is an inland city some distance from the sea. There are not many ship girls living here.

And in this case, the unicorn that happened to be encountered, if it is just a coincidence, I am afraid that some explanation is not clear.

The unicorn raised its head, its purple eyes flickering, "Her Majesty Elizabeth asked us to invite Nagato and the others to attend the completion ceremony of the castle."

"Us?" Huang Chen frowned.

The girl nodded, and buried her little face in Yu-chan's mane, "There are sisters Guanghui, Newcastle and Edinburgh."

Radiance, as her name is, the four sisters have similar thick armored decks.In the game, Guanghui is also called a wife, and the girl does have a gentle and virtuous character like a wife.

Since Nagato was invited, it was naturally impossible for Unicorn to come alone, and it would be understandable if Guanghui also came.

Now that Guanghui and Unicorn are here, according to the royal habit, it is natural to follow the two members of the maid team.

In Newcastle, a girl with calm eyes emerged in Huang Chen's mind, the former captain of the Royal Maid Team, who can do well in both work and battle.

The other Edinburgh, um... Huang Chen remembered that she was a confused girl, and this situation made her come out. Is she taking care of Guanghui and the unicorn, or is the unicorn and Guanghui taking care of her?

Huang Chen briefly recalled the girls mentioned by the unicorn, and suddenly felt a little strange, "The inauguration ceremony of the castle hasn't started yet?"

"Ah, brother, do you know?" The unicorn suddenly asked strangely.

"I know..." Huang Chen grinned, and then described the situation of Veneto and Littorio in detail.

"Sister Littorio, who didn't expect to leave early, missed it with my brother." The unicorn sighed, then looked at Huang Chen and smiled, "Sister Littorio and the others arrived two weeks ago, and often I wonder why Sister Veneto and the others haven’t arrived yet, it turned out that they were with my brother.”

Cleveland on the side also laughed, "So sometimes, being slow is not necessarily a bad thing."

"I'm here to look for Nagato too..." Huang Chen smiled, and went over his current situation in detail.

The girl's eyes were bright, and Huang Chen who was listening finished speaking, "Brother, the unicorn is so lucky, I met my brother on the second day after I first came to Luonan."

Huang Chen smiled and rubbed the girl's head, but when he looked up, he saw a girl with brown hair standing in front of him at some point.

Dressed in a black and white maid outfit, her gray-blue eyes were quite calm, "It turns out that you are back, which is unexpected."

Huang Chen was taken aback for a moment, and then realized that this is Newcastle.

The girl bent down and bowed to God Huang Chen, then nodded to Cleveland, and finally looked at the unicorn with a smile, "Miss Unicorn, I haven't come back for so long, Miss Guanghui is already a little anxious."

"Ah." The unicorn suddenly panicked, "Meet my brother, I forgot..."

As he said that, he was about to run in one direction with Youjiang in his arms, but just as he was about to start, he remembered something, turned around and looked at Huang Chen, "Brother..."

"Let's go, let's go together." Huang Chen felt his heart skip a beat, and immediately walked forward, holding the hand of the unicorn.

Cleveland and Newcastle followed silently.

No one spoke along the way, and a few people quickly walked to a restaurant.The unicorn walked in front, holding Huang Chen's hand and quickly ran into a private room.

Pushing open the door, Huang Chen immediately saw the girl in white who was sitting at the table. Her long white hair was tied up casually, but two strands of hair were left beside her ears.

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