After all, you came to attack at night. If I said it was late and it was time to go to bed, it was already a disguised rejection.

Nagato nodded.

Huang Chen also took advantage of the situation and lay down, and waved his hand by the way, "Go to bed early, if you didn't go to the city today, you can go tomorrow."

However, when he lay down, he found that Nagato had also lifted up a corner of the quilt, and then crawled in, lay on the side, and lay down quietly without moving.

"You... What are you doing?" Huang Chen asked suspiciously.

Nagato lay on his back on the bed. Although he was covered with the same quilt as Huang Chen, there was still some distance between them. She blinked and said suspiciously, "Ru, didn't you say sleep?"

"Huh?" Huang Chen turned over and looked at Nagato, could it be that this guy doesn't know what night attack means?Do you really think that the night attack is just to sleep?

Although the surroundings were pitch black, Nagato also felt stared at by a stare. After waiting for a long time, he did not move away when he got the realization, and finally couldn't help asking, "Commander, what, what's wrong?"

"What's wrong..." Huang Chen pursed his lips, "It's nothing, go to bed early."

After speaking, he lay there quietly.

Anyway, Nagato is also his own marriage ship, so it is not a big deal to sleep with him.Although it seems to have set a precedent, do you still have to stand up and shout angrily, you get out?

Time passed slowly, and Nagato beside him was also quiet, as if he had already fallen asleep.

Huang Chen was also a little dazed, he was good at sleeping, when he was in a good state and didn't fall asleep for more than 5 minutes, it was considered insomnia.

Even though I went to bed early today, after lying down for so long, sleepiness finally came.

He arched slightly under the quilt and changed into a comfortable position.

But suddenly he was taken aback, and realized that he had touched something with his hand.

Turning his head to look, he found that Nagato, who was still some distance away from him just now, had come to his side at some point.

"Commander, I, that..." Nagato also noticed Huang Chen's gaze, and shouted in a low voice.

The girl's eyes are very bright, even in the dark they are shining, the girl's face is very red, as if it is about to bleed, the girl's voice is very soft, soft as if scratching her heart.

Huang Chen squinted his eyes, feeling a little hot.

"You do understand, don't you?"

He also moved closer to the girl's place, and the two bodies pressed together.


Even after doing some exercise, Huang Chen still woke up very early the next day.

When he opened his eyes, Nagato was still lying in his arms, sleeping soundly.He didn't want to wake the girl up, and he didn't want to get up so early.

Just lying on the bed with eyes open, feeling the beauty of the morning.

But not long after, Nagato opened his eyes leisurely, and then seemed to remember what happened last night, his little face suddenly turned red again.

Huang Chen couldn't help poking it, and said with a smile, "You can even do such a feat as a night attack, and you still blush?"

Immediately, Nagato's face turned even redder, and he argued in a low voice, "I'm not, I'm not, it's Tiancheng who asked me to..."

"Tiancheng?" Huang Chen frowned, why do you need a military advisor for this kind of thing?

Nagato opened his mouth, and was about to say something, when he suddenly heard footsteps coming from the corridor outside the door.

Then came Mutsu's lively voice.

"Sister, sister, wake up!"

Huang Chen was startled, and looked down at the girl.

Nagato was a little anxious, "Sometimes Mutsu will come to me in the morning, in case she finds out..."

"If you know it, you will know it. What's the big deal?" Huang Chen asked back, you are my wedding ship, why is it so strange that the commander and the wedding ship sleep together?

"But, but..." Nagato's eyes widened, obviously still unwilling to accept.

Huang Chen smiled, and stopped bullying the girl, "It's okay, if Lu Ao can't find you, he will leave."

Nagato nodded anxiously.

"Huh? My sister is gone." Sure enough, Lutsu's doubtful voice sounded, Nagato hugged Huang Chen's arm tightly, and the latter also stroked the girl's hair to comfort her.

"It's strange, my sister wakes up so early..." Mutsu's doubtful voice came, but he had already reached the outside of the room, apparently leaving.

Nagato breathed a sigh of relief and sat up, "Commander, I'm going out."

Huang Chen nodded, but suddenly heard Lutsu's voice coming from the door, "Commander Commander, get up and play with me!"

Immediately, the girl's footsteps quickly approached the door of Huang Chen's room.

Now Huang Chen's cold sweat finally broke out.

Nagato also hesitated and hid under the blanket, asking in panic, "Commander, what should I do?"

In any case, the current situation is not suitable for a girl to come in. With Mutsu's character, he will definitely ask loudly why his sister is sleeping with the commander.

Then it will be known to everyone in the shrine in just a moment.

Although it is not something that needs to be concealed, nor is it something suitable for publicity.

Huang Chen opened his mouth, and was about to say something to stabilize Lu Ao, at least not let her in.Just at this time, Newcastle's voice suddenly came, "Miss Mutsu, Miss Fuso and the others are back."

"Eh? Fuso and the others are back?" Mutsu said unexpectedly, then nodded, "Commander, and my sister, well, Newcastle, do you know where my sister is?"

"Didn't see it," Newcastle said.

"It doesn't matter, I'll go first." Mutsu said excitedly.

Then there was the sound of distant footsteps.

The two people in the room breathed a sigh of relief.

Newcastle, my superman... Huang Chen shook his head, rubbed Nagato's head, then rolled over and climbed out of bed.

However expected

It was Newcastle's voice, coming from the door.

"Haven't you gotten up yet?" The girl whispered, and at the same time there was the sound of the door shaking, as if she was about to open the door and enter in the next moment.

"Get up!" Huang Chen immediately shouted, "Come out immediately."

"I see." Newcastle withdrew his hand, "I'll go prepare hot water for you right away."

Then came the sound of distant footsteps.

Huang Chen finally breathed a sigh of relief, "It's really a twists and turns."

Nagato also quietly walked to his side, and said seriously, "I'm going back. Fusang and the others are back, I have to meet them."

Huang Chen nodded, walked to the door and opened it, "I have to go too, I didn't expect them to come back so early."

Nagato poked his head out for a look, and after confirming that there was no danger, he ran back to his room at a trot.

That needs to be so scary... Huang Chen thought about it, but when he turned his head, he found that Newcastle was coming over with hot water.

So... did she see it?

Chapter 405 Maid

Newcastle walked over step by step carrying hot water and towels.

Huang Chen stared at the girl intently until she came close to him.

"What's the matter, Commander? Is my attire a bit inappropriate today?"

The girl asked with some doubts.

Huang Chen was stunned for a moment, only to realize that what Newcastle was wearing today was not a maid's outfit, but casual clothes, a red top and a white long skirt, with fabric folds on the corners. In short, Newcastle yesterday was completely different style.

The brown hair was not covered, but was tied into a braid and hung behind her head.

"Isn't it still okay? It's true that it's not appropriate to wear such clothes at work, but my maid outfit was soiled this morning, but I've cleaned it and I can change it in the afternoon , I hope you can be patient."

Seeing that Huang Chen didn't speak, the girl added.

"Ah." Huang Chen came back to his senses and shook his head, "No, no. It's just... I'm a little surprised that you suddenly dressed like this today. In fact, you can wear anything, and your outfit is very good, very beautiful .”

After all, the girl said she was a maid, but that was just out of interest.

They are all ship girls in the port area. Could it be that Newcastle and Belfar are born to be one level lower than Elizabeth, and they are born to take care of them?

Of course not, but out of interest.Or it's just a habit of taking care of people.

Naturally, it is impossible to wear maid outfits all the time like a real maid.

"It's fine if you like it." Newcastle smiled slightly, then walked into the room, put down the washbasin, took out a towel, wet it in hot water and wrung it dry, took it in his hand, and pulled out the chair beside him, "Please Sit here and close your eyes."

Huang Chen was a little confused, so he reached out to pick up the towel in the girl's hand.

The girl shook her head, still smiling slightly, "Just close your eyes, and let me serve you."

Now Huang Chen finally understood what the girl meant, he hesitated for a moment, "I'll just do it myself."

It's a bit embarrassing to ask the maid to wash my face or something.

However, Newcastle was unexpectedly stubborn, patting the back of the chair with one hand, "Just sit here."

Huang Chen no longer struggled, sat down slowly, and closed his eyes.

Then, a warm feeling rushed over Huang Chen's face.

Through the towel, you can feel a soft little hand carefully wiping Huang Chen's face, the tip of his nose, the sockets of his eyes, and the corners of his mouth.

Finally, brushed it lightly on the face.

Huang Chen lay leisurely, the girl's movements were gentle, which made him feel very comfortable.This kind of experience really made him feel like he has become a young master.

"The commander's beard is a bit long, do you need me to trim it for you?" Newcastle asked softly.

"Is it very long?" Huang Chen rubbed his chin, there were indeed some thin beards. When he went out, he shaved once on the Windward, and it disappeared in the past two days. It's normal for some to grow back.

"You can trim it, or you can keep it," the girl said.

"Forget it, didn't you just say that Fusang and the others are back? Let's talk about it later. I'll go and see them first." Huang Chen sat up, and Newcastle nodded, "I'll leave first."

Speaking of walking towards the door with hot water, Huang Chen couldn't help but said, "Actually, there's no need for you to be so polite, after all, you're not a real maid."

"But I am?" Newcastle seemed a little puzzled, "It is necessary to maintain the necessary etiquette when talking with you."

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