After Essex finished speaking, he stared at Huang Chen for a long time, until the latter couldn't help but turn his head, and then said, "Commander, you won't leave this time, right?"

"Why don't you leave or not? I'm here. Where can I go?" Huang Chen didn't know how to answer, what kind of commander, what kind of ship girl, suddenly appeared like this, it was too dreamy.

"Why don't you go and see where I live?" Inexplicably, he said suddenly.


Along the dilapidated streets towards the rented place,

Essex followed, her amber eyes sparkling with life.

The girl looked around, and passed many low and dilapidated buildings along the way, all of which had been abandoned for a long time.Weeds have grown into the house.

Continue along the path, and come to an alley, with dilapidated brick walls on both sides. There may have been pictures in the past, but now there are only some colors that have not faded.

Huang Chen walked in front, and it was difficult to calm down in his heart.

I thought that inexplicable time travel was the most fantastic thing, but now I told him that not only I came here, but also the hundreds of girls in the mobile phone in my previous life came here.

No one can calm down.

As for why there were decades of errors in the middle, even the tomb was erected...

After all, it is time travel, and any miraculous things can happen!

It's just a little jet lag.

But even if he knew that these were his wives, it would be difficult for him to just accept it and become the commander with peace of mind.

He understood what Essex meant, and wanted him to go back to be a commander, but how to put it this way, there are many reasons why he didn't become this commander.

First of all, I can't accept it in my heart, as I said before.

For these girls, he is the commander who gets along day and night, but for him, this is just a game?

How is the girl in front of me different from a stranger?

Although I was quite sad when I heard Essex talk about the past of the port area just now, it is more a kind of embarrassment from the lucky people to the unfortunate people.

More like someone else's story, without any personal experience.

Secondly, although he, Huang Chen, is not a very good person, he still has a basic moral bottom line.

Such a lovely and perfect person appeared out of nowhere and suddenly called you Commander, did you just accept it?

You are wrong!

At least Huang Chen couldn't, let alone being hypocritical, the education he received in the past didn't allow him to do such a thing of taking advantage of others' danger.

The last thing is ability.

This is a port area with more than 400 people!

To put it simply, more than 400 people eat, drink, and scatter, and they don't have any skills. Can they manage it?

In addition, what kind of attack, missions, resources, ship girl training, acting, equipment distribution, ship outfit modification...

Just think about it, okay?

When playing games in the previous life, he was a salty fish party. He was completely confused about scientific research, fleet technology, and command meow. Now ask him to be a commander?

Anyway, he thought he had no such ability.

Although I have heard about the good life of the commander, but you asked him to take up the post so suddenly, he still refused.

Wei Wei looked back, Essex followed quietly, expressionless, but couldn't hide the curiosity and joy in his eyes.

Tell him to say to such a cute girl, 'I don't want to be a commander anymore, you go! ' and so on, there is still some unbearable.

Let's take a step by step.

"We're almost there, turn left at the big banyan tree in front."

Walking forward, turning a corner, a low bungalow came into view. It was very dilapidated, but it was still intact.

Huang Chen stepped forward, skillfully opened the door, and invited Essex to enter.

Entering the door is the living room, a chair and table, an electric lamp, and nothing else.

"Does the commander live in this kind of place now?" Essex looked around and asked in surprise. Anyway, this is not a good place.

"I don't have any money, so I can only afford to live in a place like this." Huang Chen explained.

"How can the commander have no money?" Essex was very surprised. "You know so many things, how can you not make money?"

"...But, I plan to move today, do you drink water?" Huang Chen asked, going into the kitchen to boil water.

"Moving? Where is the commander moving to?"

"A place a little closer to the company."

"Company? Commander? You..." Essex followed in and asked in surprise, "Aren't you going to rebuild the port area?"

Chapter 004

"To be honest, I haven't made up my mind yet." Huang Chen planned to tell the truth, if it was someone like Chicheng Ron in front of him, then he wouldn't dare to say it like that, but isn't this Essex?

"Commander or something, it's too far away."

"What is far? Aren't you the commander?"

"Although that's what you said, commander is not a job without threshold, right?" Huang Chen filled the pot with water, lit it, and then turned his head to look at Essex.

"Be responsible for the food and clothing of hundreds of people, coordinate attacks, exercises, commissions, coordinate scientific research, schools, resource acquisition, etc..."

"To be honest, I don't really know what to do."

"What do you mean I don't know what to do?" Essex looked at Huang Chen expressionlessly, seemingly cold, but for some reason, Huang Chen always felt a little dazed.

"That's right, I can't do it, I guess I can't do it."

"But you've never done this before?"

"Huh?" Huang Chen was stunned.

"These are all made by the secretary ship, such as food and clothing, scientific research and study. You are the one who commissioned the exercise, but..." Essex looked at Huang Chen, hesitating, not knowing whether to say it or not .

"But for those things, you just simply decide what to entrust every day. Exercises and the like are also the next order, and exercises with so-and-so, and the rest are done by the secretary ship."

"You must go to receive the resources, but it's just a simple signature. The specific transportation, storage and accounting are all done by the secretary ship."

"Eh? No way? If that's the case, what did I do as a commander?" Huang Chen asked in surprise.

"When we attack, we will be together and command us to fight. fact, you will not command many times. To be precise, you will only command us in the first few times in each sea area."

"Is there anything else?" Huang Chen's eyes widened, attacking or something, this is the most basic part of the game, of course you have to do it yourself, even if you can self-discipline yourself, you can go back and forth as often as you can.

It's about going to the front line together, that's the setting in Bilanli, and I don't know how to realize it.

"Other... nothing else?" Essex's amber eyes flicked around, "Maybe it's just sitting in the office every day doing nothing?"

"Tell us to wear strange clothes?"

"To make trouble in the dormitory?"

"Or is it poking at the secretary ship?"

"...Okay, I see." Huang Chen waved his hand and interrupted Essex's spellcasting, "It sounds like this, even if there is no commander, there is no problem, right?"

"It feels totally

"How can you say that?" Essex looked at Huang Chen incredulously, "How can there be no commander?"

"It was you who summoned us from the memory of steel, or freed us from the sirens."

"Even if the commander doesn't do anything, the commander can only add to the chaos. I have nothing to do all day, but no matter what, I can't live without the commander!"

"As long as I'm with the commander, the ship's wife won't feel lost and can do anything."

"Pfft—" In an instant, the hot water in the pot boiled, the lid was raised, and the flame was extinguished.

Huang Chen hurriedly turned around, turned off the fire and said, "But I really can't remember those memories of the port area."

As for what it is just a game, is it possible to say it?

"It doesn't matter, even if the commander can't remember anything, you are our commander! If the memories of the past are gone, let's create new good memories!"

"No matter how far you go, I will be by your side and continue to walk with you."

Huang Chen was stunned, the beautiful girl said a line that was almost a confession in front of you, can you still be so determined to refuse?But Commander Cricket, but rebuilding the port area, I can't do what others have done?

Why think so much?Looking forward and looking backward, fearful of hands and feet, and finally living a new life, is it another life of mediocrity?

Why can't I be a commander?

It's done!

What can't you do?

"In this case..." Huang Chen looked at the girl in front of him, his eyes contained firm expectations for the future, "Then let's start! Rebuild the port area!"

"But the first step is to go and see the bumblebee!" He thought, and said, "Get the companion back first!"

There was a little problem when segmenting. For some reason, this chapter only has more than 1000 words.

Chapter 005: Some Memories of the Bumblebee

Sometimes when I think about it, the port area at that time was really unbelievably large.

The afternoon sun was not so glaring, shining on the flag blown by the sea breeze.People walked under the shadow of the trees, discussing interesting topics and laughing from time to time.

In the pavilion in the garden, the royal ship's wife is serving black tea.

On the beach by the sea, there are destroyers laughing and adults playing.

Back at the dormitory, Miss York City must have cooked the meal, right?I don't know if Miss Enterprise has returned from her attack.

But this has long since become a memory, and even a memory that is about to disappear.

Traveling around, I have seen a lot of ports and tutelary forts, none of which can be compared with my own, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a small ship mother headquarters.

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