"Forget it, keep your voice low, after all, with such a small body, it's abnormal to make a loud voice, right?" Huang Chen stopped Ping Hai from continuing to move.He pinched Dabao and placed it on the girl's head, "If you don't help, Ning Hai will get angry."

"I see." Ping Hai nodded, turned around and continued to help Ning Hai.

Huang Chen watched from the sidelines for a while, and it was actually quite interesting to watch people work, but they needed people who could work quickly, and a few African workers were needed, and one person's work could be divided into five stations, which would kill people's anger.

After watching for a while, Huang Chen greeted the girl and left. After all, he couldn't help, so it was inappropriate to stand by and watch others work like a supervisor.

I'm afraid not many people like to be watched by someone next to them when they are working, even if this person is a commander.

After leaving Pinghai and Ninghai, Huang Chen didn't go out of the kitchen, but went to other stoves to say hello to the girls and casually see what everyone was doing.

The kitchen was in full swing, but apart from the London sisters, there were no other royal girls in sight, all of whom were former chefs on the Windward.

Huang Chen walked all the way to have a look, and found that the girls were cooking the dishes they were good at.

For example, Pinghai and Ninghai are steaming buns over there, Haitian and Haiqi are baking fish here, Goddess Ma is leading Marani to make a kind of barbecue, Kumano and Suzuya are preparing stews, etc...

Huang Chen turned around and walked to the door. Hood was already standing there waiting for him, "The commander came out? I thought the commander would stay in the kitchen until the banquet started."

"How come?" Huang Chen shook his head, "I just talked a few more words with everyone. By the way, aren't the dishes prepared by everyone a little strange?"

He raised his doubts, let alone steamed buns, even barbecue, baked fish, stews, etc., are not suitable, right?

Originally, he was a little nervous when he heard Hood talking about welcoming everyone to the long-lost reunion dinner, and even specifically told him to change into some formal clothes.

But now looking at the cuisines in the kitchen, he suddenly relaxed. With these dishes, how formal can they be?It's not appropriate to wear a suit and eat a big bun, right?

Hood also looked a little helpless, "If only the maid team is allowed to come, dessert and black tea will definitely be fine, but other aspects..."

Huang Chen nodded to show his understanding, "It's better to eat strangely than not to eat. Even if it's steamed stuffed bun, you can still go to the banquet if you dress up a little."

Hood chuckled, "The company also said so."

"Enterprise?" Huang Chen was surprised, when did he and TTK have such a tacit understanding?

"Hmm...not exactly the same, but roughly the same meaning." Hood thought for a while, "As long as you can eat enough, the commander doesn't really care. That's probably the case, right?"

Huang Chen pursed his lips and didn't want to speak, am I just a worthless person in your hearts?

Sirius stared at Huang Chen seriously, so it's like this?

Huang Chen didn't say much, and walked towards his room, followed by Hood and Sirius.

Walking into the elevator, he subconsciously introduced it to the two of them, "This elevator can go all the way to the top deck, but the place below the guest area can't go down. You have to take the stairs over there. But apart from Torricelli Nobody lives down there."

The elevator stopped on the fifth floor, and Huang Chen walked ahead and continued to introduce, "This is the functional area, and further inside are the rooms. There are 24 rooms in total on the fifth floor, twelve at the front and twelve at the back. They were originally suites, but they were separated at the back." It's open, but it's full now, you guys..."

As he spoke, he froze for a moment before reacting.It has been decided to build the port area on a small island, so there is no need to sail around in the Windward.

If we find the girls again in the future, we don't need to tell them about the layout on the Yingfeng, and let them choose a room they like on the Yingfeng.

Looking at the aisle ahead where only two people walked side by side, he suddenly realized that the mission of the Windward is coming to an end?

"Commander?" Hood called softly.

"Ah, it's nothing, I just didn't expect the port area to be established so soon." He smiled and walked towards his room.

Hood followed behind with a chuckle, "Is the commander already impatient? If you hurry up, go to the ship's mother headquarters now, and you can officially take the title of commander tomorrow."

"That's not necessary." Huang Chen said with a smile, he was just in a daze for a while, and he didn't feel melancholy about it, after all, the establishment of the port area is a good thing.

Yingfeng stopped at this point, which can be regarded as an honorable retirement, so why should I be so entangled?I can't introduce Yingfeng, so why not introduce the Dagang District in the future?

He strode to the door of the room, pushed the door and entered, but suddenly stood at the door and froze.

"Commander?" Hood was a little puzzled. Fortunately, she was a step behind the commander, otherwise she might hit the commander, which would be too inconsistent with the etiquette of a lady.

"No, it's nothing." Huang Chen grinned, and slowly closed the door, his heart racing, what's going on, is my way of opening the door wrong?

Chapter 505 Indomitable

"What's wrong?" Hood asked strangely when he saw the commander suddenly stop.

"No, it's nothing." Huang Chen waved his hand, then pushed the door open a gap as if he didn't believe in evil, and looked inside.

I read it right, there was a plump black-haired girl lying on the bed, sleeping soundly, standing at the door, I could even hear the girl's slight and even breathing.

He closed the door expressionlessly, looked back at Hood and Sirius, and said hesitantly, "I thought about it carefully, and Hood, your previous suggestion is actually quite reliable."

"Before?" Hood was a little amused, "Do you mean the suggestion to change my clothes?"

"That's it." Huang Chen said seriously, "Thinking about it, it's still strange to wear a T-shirt, right? Even a black one is a bit inappropriate."

I have already come here, but I suddenly changed my mind. Is it because the room is too messy and you are embarrassed to let me in?

Hood shook his head, trying to say it's okay, I don't care.But after thinking about it, since the commander is embarrassed, there is no need to force it, right?

She thought for a while and looked at Huang Chen, "Commander, I feel a little stuffy. If I want to go to the terrace outside to get some fresh air, it may take 10 minutes. It may take a while to help the commander choose clothes."

As he spoke, he waved to Sirius and wanted to go outside.

10 minutes should be enough for the commander to clean up the room, right?

"Oh, wait, forget it." Huang Chen sighed, and waved the two of them back.

I am not afraid of the slanting shadow, and it is not a big deal, isn't it just that a girl I don't know appears on my bed?Isn't it that Hood is his wife?

Is it a big deal for my wife to find out that there is an unknown girl lying on my bed?Does it count?

Of course, it's still a big deal.

But because of this, the bigger the matter, the more it needs to be pointed out openly.Concealment and concealment are prone to misunderstandings.

After all, he, Huang, was also a victim!

"Look." Huang Chen opened the door.

Hood chuckled, and leaned over to look into the room, "Actually, the Commander, even if the room is a bit messy...huh? Don't scratch it?"

"Huh?" Huang Chen was taken aback, then blinked and looked at the girl lying on the bed, she just didn't scratch?With long black hair and a white dress, it was obviously afternoon, but she was lying lazily on the bed and sleeping soundly.

Huang Chen thought he saw a big vicious one.

But the eyes swept over the plump figure of the girl, and the thick armor plate told everyone that this was indeed a glorious sister.

"It's just not scratching, it's just why she is in the commander's room..." Hood glanced at Huang Chen, with a strange expression on his face.

"You know, I was on the small island before." Huang Chen shook his head immediately, "And it's the first time Budao and I have met. If you don't tell me, I don't even know her name."

"It seems to be the case." Hood nodded and walked to the room. He didn't care about lying on the bed, but looked at the room with interest, "The commander's room is very clean."

Sirius followed Hood's example and looked around, "Is this the standard for cleaning the room? I remember it, my proud master."

"Actually, I'm not the only one who cleans up." Huang Chen explained embarrassingly, girls would often come to help him clean up the room, arrange clothes and other things.

If he was alone, the room wouldn't be so messy, but it certainly wouldn't be so clean and tidy. He used to pile up the clothes he often wears in the corner of the bed instead of in the closet.Clothes that have been worn once and don't want to be washed for special reasons are draped over the back of the chair.

"I know." Hu De chuckled, walked to Huang Chen's bedside, and looked helplessly at the sleepy Indomitable, "It's still just as lazy."

Huang Chen stretched out his hand and gestured in the air, "Why don't we wake her up, it's really strange...and why is she in my room?"

"Wake up? There's no need." Hood shook his head and said, "It's okay for Butou to sleep here. With her personality, she definitely won't run around by herself. Someone should bring her here."

Huang Chen nodded, but looked at the girl lying on the bed who opened her eyes at some point, the dark yellow eyes were calm and peaceful.

It stands to reason that normal people would be horrified when they suddenly found a stranger in front of them when they woke up.But Bubu still looked at Huang Chen calmly, his motionless appearance even made one wonder if she was sleeping with her eyes open.

"Well, hello." Huang Chen thought for a while and greeted.

"Well, hello." Indomitable said softly, and then yawned, "I'm a little tired, can you let me sleep for a while?"

Huang Chen blinked, not knowing what to say for a while.

Girl, you are too nervous, right?

"Budiao, did you come here with your sister?" Hood said standing behind Bu Tiu lying on his side.

"Ah, it's Hood..." Butou was a little surprised, as if he wanted to sit up, but he gave up after struggling, "Forget it, I'm so tired, I just came here. I'm with Sister Guanghui."

When Huang Chen heard this, he understood a little bit. Indomitable was brought here by Guanghui, but he didn't know why Guanghui had disappeared now.

Thinking of this, he felt a little helpless. He still remembered that when she reunited with Guanghui in area C5, she persevered in introducing Huang Chen, her words were quite fierce, and she even had the idea of ​​asking Huang Chen to give out a ring in the air.

I didn't expect to send people directly to the room now.

He paused, looked at the girl, "Sleep if you're tired, it's okay."

"En." Nodding his head, he lay down slowly and opened his eyes to stare at Huang Chen, "Are you the commander my sisters mentioned?"

It is only at this time that I started to think about this question.

Huang Chen shook his head, "It's me, Huang Chen, welcome to my port area."

"Yeah." Indomitable looked at Huang Chen silently, "The fourth ship of the Guanghui class, the armored aircraft carrier Indomitable... I'm so tired, or just leave it like this."

"Then let's do that." Huang Chen stood up, this is a big vicious guy, even more than vicious.

Hood pointed to Huang Chen's closet, "Commander, don't you mind if I open it?"

"It's okay." Huang Chen waved his hand, after all he didn't hide anything in the closet.

Hood got permission, opened the closet, and was a little surprised, "The commander has quite a lot of clothes."

"I'm surprised too." Huang Chen himself hasn't bought clothes for a long time, and these clothes are all bought by girls.

Hood was noncommittal. After picking for a while, he found a few solid-color t-shirts and a few casual-style shirts. "Actually, it's okay. I thought the problem would be more difficult."

Huang Chen chuckled, but suddenly heard footsteps coming from the door, and a childish laugh, "Is the commander really back? Sister Unicorn?"

Chapter 506 Can the Commander Dance?

Unicorn... sister?

Huang Chen really didn't expect these two words to be connected together, so he looked towards the door curiously.

After a while, I saw a little guy with short silver hair running ahead with a look of joy.

Then came the crisp voice of the unicorn, "Slow down, little Guanghui, brother probably hasn't come back yet."

"I see." Xiao Guanghui smiled, but still bounced to the door of the room.

Immediately, he saw Huang Chen who was smiling at her.

The little guy was taken aback for a moment, and then opened his mouth.

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