The blue-haired girl was taken aback for a moment, watching her suddenly sit up from the bed, walking around the bed excitedly, not knowing why.

"No, no, it shouldn't be a coincidence, there is no such coincidence... this is a clue, this must be a clue!"

The black-haired girl was so excited that she couldn't stop, she took several breaths and still looked excited, holding the flyer in her hand like a treasure and looking at it repeatedly.

"Sister? What's going on?" The blue-haired girl became more and more confused. Her elder sister had a very gentle personality, and she could even be a little soft. She had never seen her lose her temper, and she had never seen her like this in memory.

The black-haired girl slowed down, raised her head, her gaze was still shining, and passed the leaflet in her hand, "Didn't my sister say that I used to be in a big port area?"

The blue-haired girl looked surprised again, and asked slowly, "Is that true? I always thought my sister was comforting me..."

"Really, of course it's true!" The black-haired fox puffed her mouth, but she didn't want to worry about these details now, she slid her chubby fingers on the flyer, "This, this is my commander's name! "

"Sister's commander's name?" The blue-haired girl tilted her head, seeming to understand, "So, is this a leaflet sent by my sister's former companion?"

"Of course it's not just a companion!" The black-haired girl pouted, "This must be a clue left by the master!"

While speaking, she held up the leaflet again, looked at the address on it and muttered to herself, "So it's in the C3 area? What a pity... No, the person who distributed the leaflet should still be in Shishui City!"

Thinking of this, she ran to the corner and put on her shoes and socks, then raised her head, "I'll go out and lie down."

Before the blue-haired girl could react, she raised her hand blankly and was about to say something when she saw her sister push open the door and run out.

She paused, and hurried to catch up, followed her sister all the way to the bulletin board, and saw four bright yellow billboards pasted together from a distance, especially conspicuous among the messy leaflets.

My sister was standing on the edge of the flower bed outside the crowd, looking in with her feet on her feet.

The blue-haired girl walked up quietly, "Sister?"

"Look, look, there's a new flyer, which means that the person who distributed the flyer is still in Stone Water City, maybe it's in the ship girl's headquarters!" The black-haired girl said happily.

It must be that the master came back, so he used this method to retrieve his past companions.

It's just that I don't know who is distributing the leaflets, it may be a former companion, but it may also be the owner!

The blue-haired girl nodded suspiciously, completely confused about the situation.

In the past, my sister was really a ship girl in Minato!

Although she heard her sister say it many times, she always thought that her sister was lying to her.

After all, my sister has such a high level of training, if she is really the ship's mother in the port area, then she must have a good relationship with the port commander, right?

And now that he is living outside, it must be because something happened to the owner of the port area, right?

But usually I can't see my sister's worried appearance at all. It's not that she is happy every day, but it's completely different from the imagined ship girl in the port area without a commander.

And why is my sister so excited?It's just that I saw the name of the past commander in the leaflet, but my sister said that it was the clue left by the master.

My sister's master should be her commander, right?Did something happen?How could it be possible to leave clues?Why is this ad for a job in a port area in C3?

The little girl lowered her head, feeling that she couldn't understand what was happening now.

There are many people crowded in front of the bulletin board, and the bright yellow advertisement board is also very conspicuous. Most people are discussing this.

"One hundred training, is this a big guy on the front line trying to get a boat?"

"Minato in Area C3, haven't you seen it?"

"It's fake, I'm only [-] degrees, is there really a ship girl who can reach [-] degrees?"

"Really, when I went to C1 to travel, I met a senior with a training speed of more than 90. It's amazing!"

"Maybe it's just a typo."

"No, I went to the entrustment hall just now, and I saw this entrustment inside.

"The entrustment hall!" The black-haired girl's eyes lit up, and she couldn't help pushing the blue-haired girl's shoulders, "Listen, you've still made an entrustment in the entrustment hall! It's entirely possible that they will stay at the ship's mother headquarters for a while !"

"Ah, that's it." The blue-haired girl said ignorantly.

Seeing this, the black-haired girl didn't know what to think of. She lowered her head and thought for a while, then calmed down, "Since the owner has returned, there is no point in renewing the lease or not."


"It doesn't matter. The money saved during this period will be used as travel expenses. We will stay here for a while and try to find them. If we can't find them, we will go directly to the C3 area."

"Sister." The blue-haired girl suddenly seemed a little flustered. Since she was born, she has been living with her sister, let alone going to other areas, and she hasn't even gone out to Stone Water City.

"It's okay, it's okay, it's sister Minato. And..." The black-haired girl didn't know what to think, "At that time, you will have two more sisters and three younger sisters."

"Ah, doesn't my sister have no brothers and sisters?" The blue-haired girl looked bewildered.

"I don't have one, but you do." The black-haired girl rubbed the girl's head, "Let's go, go back, there are no problems now. I can tell you a story about the master."

Her tone was brisk, with a burst of joy from the heart.

The master is really amazing, obviously only knowing the clues he left, all the current troubles suddenly become irrelevant.


Pedaling three rounds is a technical job.

Some people look down on tricycles, thinking that the difficulty is far different from that of bicycles. As long as they have long legs, who can not pedal tricycles?

But it is not.

As a freight vehicle, a tricycle has great inertia when it is fully loaded.

This inertia makes it difficult to control the driving of the vehicle. It is fine on flat roads, but when it comes to corners, if you don’t have professional skills and experience, you will end up overturning if you don’t pay attention.

Fortunately, there was no cargo on Huang Chen's tricycle, it was just a pile of cardboard boxes stacked together.

"Why don't you sit on it, Yixian? There's quite a lot of space in the cargo pocket." Huang Chen was riding a tricycle dangling along the path, looking at the girl walking on the path next to him and asked.

"That would crush the box." Yixian chuckled lightly, but didn't feel annoyed, it was fine to just walk back slowly like this.

Huang Chen scratched his head, and suddenly braked to a stop, then he rubbed his back and sat on the railing of the cargo pocket, "Come on, Yixian, come here."

"Huh?" Yixian walked over strangely, but was suddenly picked up by Huang Chen and placed on the seat.

Then he stretched out his hand again, holding the faucet of the car in a posture that held Yixian in his arms, "Isn't this still sitting down? So pedaling three wheels is a technical job."

There was a smile on Yixian's face, but he pursed his lips and said nothing, which seemed better than walking back slowly.

The tricycle continued to shake and move.

Chapter 609 She Believed, and Apprenticeed a Teacher on the Spot

The tricycle was driving unsteadily on the side of the road, but within ten minutes, it was already approaching the food street.

Huang Chen didn't stop all the way, instead of stopping at the entrance of the big restaurant, he turned a corner and drove to a deserted alley, and then stopped at the entrance of an ugly stone lion.

A girl with red and white hair tied in a double-snail bun poked her head out at the right time, "Welcome, there is a discount sale recently... Ah, it's Commander and Yixian?"

The girl said, but suddenly frowned. What kind of strange posture is this?

"En." Huang Chen nodded, let Yixian go down first, and then carefully stopped the tricycle against the wall. Although there are not many pedestrians on this small road, be careful not to hinder the traffic flow.

Zhao He stood at the door, his eyes flicked over the faces of Yixian and Commander strangely, hesitating to speak.

But Yixian didn't care, and turned to look at Huang Chen, "Let's put the box here now, and pick it up when I'm free in the afternoon."

"Alright." Huang Chen got out of the car and locked the three wheels, raised his head but saw Zhao He standing aside in a daze, "What's wrong?"

"I...well, what are these boxes?" The girl was taken aback, not knowing what to say.

"The logistics box, some luggage can be packed in the box, and the logistics will send it away in a few days, and the rest can be taken with you." Huang Chen explained, walking towards the inside of the store.

But after walking a few steps, I was still a little worried, and immediately turned back, "It's better to put it in the house, because I'm afraid that someone will take it outside."

"Oh, that's it." Zhaohe nodded, then shook his head suddenly, "No, that's not what I wanted to ask."

"What is that?" Huang Chen was a little puzzled, and stood beside the tricycle and picked up a stack of cardboard boxes, "Don't talk about that, come here and help."

"Oh." Zhaohe opened his mouth, and finally just nodded.

Huang Chen walked into the store with the cardboard box in his arms, and found an empty space to put it down. After a few days of tidying up, the jewelry store was completely different from the first time he visited it.

Many unnecessary things have been picked up and thrown away, and the rest are what the girls think is meaningful.

Of course, there are still some things that are not so meaningful and are not willing to just throw them away, so they plan to sell them in the past few days, but the battle situation is not very good, and few things have been sold after a few days of selling.

This jewelry store used to be like this, the store was open, but it was rare for customers to come in, Zhenhai and the others were not surprised.

However, Huang Chen thought that if those things were not thrown away but used as gifts, at least he could sell more things.

Yixian stood and watched for a while, and saw that the commander didn't need his help, so he walked up the stairs to the second floor, "Commander, I'll go to the kitchen first to see how the dishes are doing."

"Okay." Huang Chen nodded, and saw a few chairs piled together in the corner of the room, "Do you want to take these guys away too?"

"Yes, there are these and these. Including these two cabinets, these two cabinets are all made of nanmu." Zhaohe nodded and explained with gestures with one hand.

"No wonder, it's time to pile it into the container." Huang Chen shook his head and clicked his tongue.

He never knew exactly how much luggage was this time, but just now when he and Yixian went to ask about the logistics, the girl directly described that it could probably fit in a container.

At that time, his first reaction was that Yixian made a mistake, a container?How much does this cost?

Although he has no idea about containers, he still remembers a prefab house converted from containers, which is more common near the construction site.

Its size is more than enough for one person to live, and it is not impossible to even change two bunk beds into a four-person dormitory.

Could there be so much luggage this time?

But then he thought that it was impossible for Yixian not to know this, so he didn't ask any more questions.

Now seeing that Zhenhai and the others were going to take away the cabinet, they were not surprised at all.

He smiled, and suddenly looked towards the door, "Where's that ugly stone lion? Take it away too?"

"That's the Nian Beast."

Zhaohe laughed lowly when he heard the words, and then corrected him with a straight face.

"Okay, okay, will the Nian Beast be taken away?"

"According to Fushun, she does have this idea." Zhaohe thought for a while, "She said she wanted to stand this thing at the gate of the port area."

"Isn't this the Nian Beast? Why is it standing at the gate of the port area?"

"I do not know either."

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