Purple Potato Pudding Purple Potato Pudding Purple Potato Pudding

Purple Potato Pudding Purple Potato Pudding Purple Potato Pudding

Purple Potato Pudding Purple Potato Pudding Purple Potato Pudding

Purple Potato Pudding Purple Potato Pudding Purple Potato Pudding

Purple Potato Pudding Purple Potato Pudding Purple Potato Pudding

Purple Potato Pudding Purple Potato Pudding Purple Potato Pudding

Chapter 629

Miyuki sat kneeling in the corner of the room, with her head buried low, her big fluffy tail coiled together, not daring to look at the people in the room.

Now she only regrets it, really regrets it.

At the same time, I also have some doubts: How did things develop like this?

She is a warm-hearted and good girl—of course, there is no such insidious and cunning girl in the ship, and they are all good people in nature.

But there are many kinds of good people, and some are helpful. If you don’t go to the road to help the old lady cross the street for a day, it’s like life has lost its meaning.

Some are more subtle, not showing the mountains and not revealing the water, but giving you a hand at the critical moment, which is a kind of quiet kindness.

And she belongs to the latter category.

She has always known that Yubari's life is difficult, and she also knows that the other party may not be able to pay the rent on time this time. She originally planned to come over for a chat and see if she could help.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I arrived at the shop, I saw a shocking scene: the messy bicycle shop in the past was neatly tidied up, and there were several tall and low figures against the windows upstairs.

The little girl was frightened immediately.

Why would it look brand new in the store?Why is there a strange figure looming on the windows on the second floor?

She cautiously looked into the shop, and many possibilities flashed through her mind.

Could it be that Yubari really couldn't come up with enough money, so he planned to sell his bicycle or something?No, although Yubari is lazy, he is not such a person and would not do such a thing.

Or was it simply a friend who came to visit her?But where does Yubari have friends?

Miyuki could only hide behind the haystack, thinking vigilantly whether to seek help from the gendarmerie.

But at this moment, she saw the shop's half-hidden door being opened, and a tall young man walked out expressionlessly, her gaze casually swept across the door, and she almost subconsciously avoided his gaze. .

No, why is there a commander?

She suddenly felt bad, her mind was in a mess, and she just wanted to leave quietly, but she saw the man glaring at him fiercely.

At that time, she only felt that a certain string in her mind was broken, and she only felt that she was really doomed this time.

But now looking at this commander named Huang Chen, he is actually not so vicious.

She secretly looked up at the expressionless Huang Chen, then lowered her head in shame, and said with a deep apology, "I'm sorry..."

"Actually, you don't need to be so... so guilty." Huang Chen had a straight face, mainly because he didn't know what expression to make at this time.

This was just a misunderstanding from beginning to end, and the guy who received the most shock during the whole process might be the guy who was apologizing.

Of course, Huang Chen also had a bit of an atmosphere, after all, the experience of being treated as a terrorist was not easy, but he suspected that if he behaved more viciously, the landlord named Shenxue might not be able to hold his head up even more.

"I'm really sorry, I, I didn't expect that Yubari's commander would suddenly appear..." Miyuki said in a low voice.

Harbin shook his head aside, with a trace of self-doubt on his face, "Even if you see Lao Huang being scared, you won't be afraid of seeing me too? Do I look like a bad person...Wait, Lao Huang, take a look at me What do you mean?"

Huang Chen didn't speak, but his eyes were already very clear.

Do you seem to want to be a bad guy, don't you have no AC in your heart?

She is careless every day, and her clothes and hair are always messy. For a girl like Miyuki, she is quite a bad woman, right?

"Okay, although a lot of things have happened, but since everyone has explained it clearly, it will stop here."

He looked at everyone, intending to put an end to the incident.

However, Shenxue raised her head, with a hint of timidity and doubts, "Is this okay? Just now, I misunderstood you just now, can I just apologize?"

"Okay!" Huang Chen waved his hand, and said before the girl was about to speak, "If you want to say something about offering compensation, you should take it back first, or I'll be really angry!"

Shenxue shrank her neck, clasped her hands together, glanced at everyone, and suddenly showed a quite healing smile, even her tail became fluffy a lot, "Commander Huang Chen, you are really a good person!"

"Yeah." Huang Chen had no expression on his face, and changed the subject, "You said just now that you planned to talk about the rent with Yuzhang?"

To be honest, the girl who huddled together like a small animal in front of her was Yuzhang and the others' landlord, Huang Chen still felt quite strange about it.

This girl looks weaker than Ruoyue, facing some unreasonable tenants, can she really not suffer?

Of course, everyone is unfamiliar, and it's not easy for Huang Chen to ask, so let's just assume that this girl has a special method.

"Ah, yes, I originally thought so, because Yubari's business seems not to be very good in recent months, so I thought...but it doesn't make sense to say this now, right?" Miyuki nodded and said seriously.

"Yeah." Huang Chen nodded, now that Yuzhang is leaving soon, of course there is no need for renting a house or something, he wanted to say something else, when he suddenly saw the girl's timid expression, he immediately patted his head, "I suddenly Thinking of something, I might have to go out for a while, that... Yubari, you should talk to the landlord and solve the rental problem by the way."

"What's the matter, Master?" Yubari asked doubtfully, but obediently obeyed the commander's suggestion, looked at Miyuki and said softly, "Well, you happened to be here, or else let's see how to cancel the rent..."

Huang Chen didn't listen to the girls chatting, got up and walked to the first floor, Changchun immediately understood what the commander meant, took Fushun and Harbin and ran downstairs with him.

The saboteur in the port area was still at a loss, not knowing what he was doing down here, but Harbin had already realized it, and his eyes were surprised, "Old Huang, you actually left?"

"Why don't I go?" Huang Chen gave her a blank look, "If I stay any longer, that girl will probably start shaking from the ground."

So fear of this kind of thing is not so easy to solve.

Although all the misunderstandings have been resolved, Shenxue still trembles subconsciously when she sees him, then Huang Chen feels that there is no need for him to put pressure on others, so he asks Xizhang and Ruoyue to chat with her, they are both acquaintances There will be surprises.

"I can see this." Harbin said with an expression of course I knew it, "I just sigh, you gave up such a good opportunity to catch a boat. Although the child is scared now, he is also a little ashamed. At this time, you just Go up and say something nice..."

Huang Chen suddenly looked weird, "Harbin, are you really a ship girl? Why are you so proficient?"

Fushun listened blankly at the side, and finally realized at this moment, "Oh, it turns out that Miyuki is afraid of the commander!"

Chapter 630 Returning Funds

Huang Chen led the girl to wait downstairs for a long time, but didn't see Shen Xue and the others coming down, so he and Harbin went to ask about the logistics.

However, because of this sudden incident, he was not sure whether he would have time to pack his luggage at night, so Huang Chen was not too anxious, he just asked casually, as if he was leading a few guys shopping.

When I returned to the bicycle shop around noon, I saw Miyuki leaving.

"I'm afraid we won't be able to finish today." Huang Chen shook his head and sighed.

The logistics stopped receiving goods after 4:[-] p.m. If they were in a hurry, they would definitely have time to work overtime without lunch, but Huang Chen didn't think it was necessary.

"Forget it if it's too late, it will be the same tomorrow." Harbin said indifferently.

A few people walked into the store, but Yubari was still standing downstairs, "Ah, master!"

"What did she say?" Huang Chen asked, in fact, he wanted to say hello when he saw Shenxue from a distance just now, but when he thought that the girl was more afraid of him, it was fine.

"It's all settled." Yuzhang nodded, and ran to Huang Chen in a hurry, with an obedient appearance that he had put in a lot of effort.

Huang Chen smiled when he saw this, rubbed the girl's little head, but suddenly frowned, "By the way, I remember seeing the rental advertisement on the notice outside two days ago?"

"Eh? Is there?" Yuzhang suddenly seemed even more puzzled than Huang Chen.

Fushun raised his hand to echo, "I saw it too. I saw it this morning when I was sitting on the tricycle."

Huang Chen's face was expressionless, he only thought that you don't have to mention the tricycle.

Although it's fun to drive the girls around, especially when I'm at the headquarters of the ship's mother, when I look at the envious eyes of those commanders.

But after calming down, I still feel a little ashamed when I think about it.

But if there is a chance in the future, Huang Chen will do this again.

"Yes, it's right in front of the pile of bicycles, so I always thought that you bought this house yourself, otherwise why did you post a rental advertisement? It turns out it wasn't."

"Oh, oh, I remembered." Xizhang closed his eyes and thought for a while, suddenly realized, with a drawn-out tone, "I remembered, I remembered, that... is it still there?"

The little fox said, then lowered his head, looking a little embarrassed.

Changchun seemed to have discovered something interesting, and curiously leaned over and squatted and looked up at her from the side, "Hey, what's going on?"

"This..." Yuzhang was still a little embarrassed, and even his face was slightly red.

Seeing the girl like this, Huang Chen immediately became more curious, and blinked to signal Harbin who was beside him to speak, but the latter didn't understand, but suddenly heard footsteps on the stairs.

Ruoyue leaned on the armrest suspiciously, "Everyone?"

"We were talking about the rental advertisement outside." Huang Chen rubbed his chin, explained a little, and suddenly felt that the scene in front of him was inexplicably familiar.

I, Harbin, and Fushun Changchun surrounded a blushing little fox... It's not good to think about it...

"Ah, that." Ruoyue blinked, and started to giggle the next moment, "That was posted by my sister, because my sister said that we are leaving soon, but the contract is until the end of this month, so I want to save the rest Let it out for the next two weeks."

"Huh?" Huang Chen frowned, looking at the little fox squatting aside with surprise, do you have such a strong sense of business?

Fushun and Changchun also stared wide-eyed for a moment, and Harbin commented in a low voice, "This is even worse than Ninghai and Pinghai..."

"That can't be wasted." Yuzhang murmured rather dissatisfied.

At that time, she didn't know that she would meet the commander by such a coincidence. The port area in C3 area was so far away, and she had no money, so of course she had to do everything possible to raise travel expenses.

Huang Chen didn't know whether to laugh or cry at first, but he endured it after a while, and gave the little girl a firm thumbs-up, "It's very good, it's not embarrassing to return the funds."

"Okay, master, hurry up and pack your things." Yuzhang was a little annoyed, especially Ruoyue and Fushun's snickering expressions.

She puffed her mouth and waved her fleshy fists, and her fluffy ears trembled.

Huang Chen grabbed the little girl and said with a smile, "What else are you packing, go back to eat!"

I went back to the big restaurant for dinner, and I was not in a hurry after lunch. Everyone chatted and played around, and I returned to the bicycle shop at about three o'clock. After tidying up, it was almost six o'clock, and the day's work was over.

Although everything seemed a bit leisurely, by the morning of the next day, that is, when No. 14, these luggage were still taken care of.

As the small truck carrying a few large cardboard boxes disappeared at the end of the path, Huang Chen also let out a long sigh of relief. One thing was finally over. Although it was not complicated, the feeling of the dust settled was not bad.

"Will we not come back in the future?" Ruoyue looked a little melancholy, not knowing where she was thinking.

"Of course you can come back, the port area is not far from here, just treat it as a trip or go out to relax." Huang Chen rubbed the little girl's head, messed up her short blue hair, and smoothed it out.

"No, it's okay, as long as Ruoyue is with her sister and Your Excellency." The little girl shook her head and said firmly.

Huang Chen also raised the corners of his mouth, he didn't know if it was an illusion, he always felt that Ruoyue seemed to be very afraid of being alone, and often looked for Yubari in a panic.

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