"Will the commander come over?" Viciously asked with her head tilted. She was wearing a white and light pajamas, her silver hair was tied into a ball, and there seemed to be little stars in her blue eyes.

"The commander slept with Essex yesterday, it's my turn today."

"You..." Huang Chen felt a little funny, and sighed, "There's really nothing I can do about you."

So, she slept in Huang Chen's room that night. The little loli was very cute, and sleeping in her arms made people feel warm. Of course nothing happened, neither of them had such an idea yet.

I just don’t know why, but at night I always felt someone calling “Dunkirk” softly, which led to a dream about Dunkirk last night.

The next morning, after going to Pennsylvania with Dunkirk and Essex, I finally managed to get a list of all the sisters in the former port area.

It was unexpectedly fast, and he came back before lunch, leaving La Gallissonier, who was about to show off, no room to play.

Viciously mentioned again after lunch that Huang Chen would help her bring a few more notebooks, but of course he seriously refused.

There was nothing to do in the afternoon, and everyone chatted while packing up. Dunkirk and others have been here for a long time, and there are many inexplicable things in the warehouse or room.

In the afternoon, Vockland found another chess set, and then he hugged it to find someone to play with, but was brought back by the bumblebee who threw the trash halfway.

From time to time on the way, there are ship girls who come to buy desserts. After Dunkirk told them that they would close their business, they all looked regretful and shocked.

There are even ship girls who vowed to go with Dunkirk.

But after hearing that it was the commander who came back, he left embarrassingly.

Nothing to say at night, this night is sleeping in the Essex room.

The next day was to clean up the room again. There was nothing to say. At night, it was almost done. I cleaned up a lot of things this day. The sundry room or warehouse that was full before was also empty, and the rooms everywhere became deserted.

Some were given to the neighbors when they were usable, and the others were thrown away.

After a busy day, he was a little tired, Huang Chen lay down on the bed and fell asleep, this was the first time he had slept by himself for a long time.

But for some reason, I still heard that weird call at night.

Why not yesterday?

On the third day, Dunkirk woke up early and made so many desserts that it almost used up all the stock.

"Is this for the neighbors?" Huang Chen walked into the kitchen, looking at the many desserts, feeling a little puzzled.

"Give some to the neighbors, and give some to the guests who came to buy desserts. I was busy a few days ago and didn't prepare." Dunkirk said while busy, "And some friends, I plan to visit them today."

"Does the commander want to go too?"

"Ah. Let's go and have a look too." Huang Chen said, and then stepped forward to help, "I'll come too."

Although his level is nothing compared to Dunkirk, it can help a little.

"Ah, thank you so much, Commander." Dunkirk smiled as always, gentle and quiet, elegant and generous.

Huang Chen originally thought that he only had a few friends, but he didn't expect to visit with Dunkirk until the evening.

How many warships are there in this city?Huang Chen didn't know.

How many friends does Dunkirk have?Huang Chen didn't know either.

What about the bumble bee?What about Essex?What about La Gallissonier?What about Vocklands?What about Tartu?What about vicious?

...Malicious probably didn't.

When the two returned to the dessert shop, it was already late at night, everyone else had already fallen asleep, the city was plunged into darkness, and the street lamps were still on, providing a yellow halo of light.

Looking at the slender and graceful figure walking in front, Huang Chen felt that he wanted to say something, but he didn't know what to say.


"Huh? Commander?" Dunkirk turned around and looked over with some doubts.

She is wearing a khaki windbreaker today, with silver hair hanging behind her, and a white dress with an unknown pattern on it.

The round legs wrapped in black silk are hidden in the night, but their outlines can still be seen, melodious and beautiful.

She looked at Huang Chen suspiciously, her scarlet eyes were still so bright in the dark night.

Huang Chen opened his mouth, feeling as if there were thousands of words in his heart, but in the end it only became one sentence, "It's nothing, rest early."

"Commander should also take a good rest." Dunkirk chuckled, as if he was a little pleasantly surprised, but also a little bit regretful.

"Dunkirk!" Looking at Dunkirk who was about to go up the stairs, Huang Chen shouted again.


"I like you!"

Chapter 056 Whose Problem Is This?

"I like you!" Huang Chen took a step forward and gently hugged Dunkirk into his arms. The girl's body seemed to be shaking, or it might be his own body shaking.

"...Commander?" Dunkirk asked softly.

"Although it's a little out of place, it seems a little overwhelmed, but..." Huang Chen let go of his hand and looked at the girl in front of him.

She seemed a little puzzled, but more of a surprise.

Huang Chen felt that his breathing was a little short, and his heartbeat was also a little fast. It seemed that the "thump, bang, bang" in his ears was his own heartbeat, and he couldn't hear anything.

"It may be a bit abrupt, after all, we only met for a few days, but I still want to say, I like you." Huang Chen touched his pocket, as if looking for something, finally took out a banknote from his pocket, and folded it between his fingers .

"I may not know you well, and I may not be close to you, but I still want to say, I like you." Huang Chen felt a little incoherent, but his hands moved quickly.

"So..., so..., Dunkirk." Huang Chen took a few deep breaths, put the object made of banknotes in the palm of his hand, and slowly held it in front of Dunkirk.

It was a ring made of coins, with a small heart in the middle.

"Dunkirk, would you...will you?"


After a long silence, Huang Chen raised his head, only to see Dunkirk looking at the object in Huang Chen's hand, with a strange light shining in his eyes.

"If not..." Suddenly regretted, was it too sudden, too strange.

It was already late at night and quite tired, and even if Dunkirk liked it, wouldn't she expect a softer, more romantic scene?

This kind of thought made him flinch a little, and he also retracted his hand.

"I am willing!" Dunkirk grabbed Huang Chen's hand and took the ring, "Can the commander put it on for me?"

"Ah, good." Huang Chen's heart was pounding, he didn't even dare to look directly into Dunkirk's eyes, took the ring with one hand, supported the girl's little hand with the other, and gently put the ring on.

Huang Chen's workmanship is not good, and the girl's fingers are too slender, making it ridiculous to wear a paper ring on it.

But Dunkirk still smiled brightly, and his eyes sparkled, "Commander, from now on, can I stay by your side forever?"

Huang Chen didn't know what to say for a moment, he only knew that an inexplicable sweetness and satisfaction filled his heart.

A feeling that almost made him not know who he was suddenly came up.

It can be said that this is the first time in his two lives that he has been so brave.

Other marriage ships, such as Essex, such as Vicious, all use props in the game, a little lightly, without any sense of reality.

But now, he said the confession himself, and put the ring on her with his own hands. When he saw the shy girl in front of him, his feeling was indescribable.

Is this sudden?Maybe.

But is this random?No, I've always liked it, I really like Dunkirk.

If that weak but strong girl, that gentle and virtuous girl had transformed into Lord of the Rings earlier, then Dunkirk would have undoubtedly been a marriage ship.

And when everything came to fruition, when that beautiful and elegant girl appeared in front of him, Huang Chen found that he still liked her that much.

In the past few days, I have always thought of Dunkirk inexplicably. Maybe the call I heard at night is thinking day by day and dreaming at night?

This feeling is hard to describe in words, and even before I finally said that sentence, I was very confused and shaken.

But when I really said it, what I felt was not regret, but relief.

Dunkirk carefully looked at the ring in his hand, and what he had been thinking about every day finally came to his hand.

It was so sudden, so surprising.

When he was in the port area, the commander always liked to use a huge diamond ring, it was indeed glamorous and moving, no girl would not be tempted.

And the ring made of banknotes in front of him can be said to be quite rough and inferior.

But I still like it very much, or I like it more than the diamond ring.

As clumsy as it is, it's unique enough to be all the more valuable.

"... Rest early." Huang Chen looked at Dunkirk in front of him, and finally said.

Then he passed her and walked up the stairs, but suddenly saw another figure, what happened?Is anyone still awake at this time?

Huang Chen raised his head, only to see Bumblebee's expressionless face.


The Commander and Dunkirk confessed.

Right in front of me, it was not the kind of confession that was just a joke, but a serious confession that would be entrusted to the body and condense an eternal oath.

This is normal.

The commander was originally an LSP, and he had confessed his love to so many sisters in the port area, and Dunkirk was no different.

But why do you always feel so uncomfortable?

Obviously it was me first, whether it is good to meet Commander again, or fall in love with Commander... It seems that this is indeed a bit later than Dunkirk.

But why, obviously they are the unpopular part of the ship girls, why did Dunkirk suddenly get his own ring?

It's still a ring made of banknotes, so special, maybe the money was taken from me!

Bumblebee looked at the two people not far away, feeling very complicated.

Why is Dunkirk so fast?

Didn't I find the Commander first?

Isn't it that I interact more with the commander?

Didn’t Dunkirk go to the ship’s mother headquarters with the commander at the beginning, which is equivalent to a date, and then greet him every day, make desserts together, clean up the warehouse together, go to the ship’s mother’s headquarters together, and finally visit together Have you lost your former friends?

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