"You've worked hard on patrol." Huang Chen smiled, poured out a glass of water and handed it over.

The girl took it with both hands, greeted everyone in the cabin, and then continued, "Commander, do you know how much we have built?"

"Could it be finished?" Huang Chen said with a look of shock. It's just that she hasn't come back for nearly a month. Did the ship's wife work so fast?

"Ah, that road doesn't..." Baltimore scratched his head, and then smiled, "But building houses is enough for everyone to live in now, and some anxious ones have already moved there."

"Ah, then don't we want to live on an empty boat!" Ning Hai puffed up and said.

In the previous planning of the port area, where the dormitories of Donghuang warship girls will go has been determined. Temporarily stranded down.

"Is that true? Most people still live on the Windward, because the construction noise on the island during the day is too loud!" Baltimore laughed.

The girl sat and chatted for a while, and soon the situation of the wharf and the port was clearly visible. There were many containers piled up on the wharf, and the company and Essex were waiting on the shore.

The berth was relatively clean, and the previous cargo ships could not be seen, but the Yingfeng was moved aside for some reason.

Huang Chen was suddenly a little curious, "Have all the things we sent before arrived?"

"It's all here, I arrived a few days ago."

"Where is that tree? An osmanthus tree, which was mailed on the day of departure."

"That should still be on the way." Baltimore raised his eyebrows, "The speed of logistics is slower than that of you directly sailing over. I see that the date of the previous goods is mostly four or five days."

Huang Chen nodded, watching the No. [-] machine gradually stop, he took the lead to go down, and said hello to the company and Jiaozi.

Secretary Jian nodded and smiled, calling everyone to take a break. Although there was an extra yacht, the girl was not surprised. Her eyes were calm. It was not until she saw Miyuki coming down from the new boat that she finally became quite dazed.

Ruoyue knew it a long time ago, the commander's telegram explained it when he set off, but this girl...

The company's eyes were full of doubts. Could it be that this person was picked up from the sea on the road?Why is there another one all of a sudden?

Chapter 658 Huang Chen dares to take a ride

The enterprise looked strange, and finally said nothing.

After all, the commander went out in person this time, but it's been so long, and there are two more friends, which is normal, very normal.

Thinking of this, the girl immediately showed a smiling face, calling everyone to take a rest in the hall of Yingfeng, and at the same time leaned to Huang Chen's side wondering, "Who is that new sister?"

"Who? Ruoyue? Yixian should have sent a telegram before, right?"

Enterprise shook his head, leaned sideways and pointed to the side unobtrusively, "Another girl with gray and white long hair who looks a bit weak..."

"Ah, hi! She's Shenxue, she's on a ride." Huang Chen smiled, and then explained the girl's situation.

Enterprise listened silently, and nodded calmly, but looked at Miyuki even more strangely than before.

Take a ride?Is Huang Chen's sailboat so easy to ride?

The girl silently glanced at Shenxue again, guessing in her heart how long it would take for her to stay.

Everyone soon arrived at the hall of Yingfeng. Because of the construction on the island, there was a lot of noise and dust in many places. Instead, the hall of Yingfeng became one of the few places to rest.

Everyone rested for a while, and more girls knew that Huang Chen and Yixian had returned, and ran over from the room or the play area excitedly to greet everyone.

At the beginning, there were not many people, Huang Chen could still chat with the girls, but the crowd gradually filled the hall, and the girls who arrived first were unwilling to just leave, so it was crowded with people.

The company had no choice but to force everyone to calm down first, and then left Essex to arrange Yixian and the others' rooms, luggage, etc., and took the commander to the office first.

Huang Chen scratched his head, "Fortunately, Dafeng and Chicheng don't know that I'm back, otherwise they might not be able to escape."

"It's not a coincidence." Enterprise shook his head, "Chicheng is under the control of Tiancheng, and Dafeng used to watch the commander on the Yingfeng every day, but after receiving the telegram two days ago, he found other people in advance to transfer her. gone."

"Uh..." Huang Chen was taken aback, "Okay, I thought these two guys could calm down a bit."

"But it doesn't matter, the commander will rest in the office for a while, and they should calm down after lunch," Enterprise explained.

The two walked towards the office all the way, and the company also introduced the current situation of the port area along the way, how much the port area has been built during the commander's departure, whether some infrastructure has been added, and so on.

The most important thing is of course the construction of the port area. Due to the Mid-Autumn Festival holiday, the construction period was delayed by about five days, but the foundation construction and some buildings in the residential areas of several major camps have also been completed.

It is estimated that the construction of all residential buildings will be completed within ten days, and the stage of environmental rectification and interior decoration will be entered.

In addition, there are two special buildings, one is the dining hall, and the other is the office building, both of which have been completed.

Among them, the cafeteria has already been put into use, and the office building has not yet been moved in, but the decoration has only been completed, because they are waiting for Huang Chen to come back for the ribbon-cutting ceremony.

In addition to these hard infrastructure constructions, some soft infrastructure constructions in the port area are on the right track. The first is the point system, which has been relatively complete and implemented in the port area.

As expected at the beginning, the points are equivalent to currency. The currency in the port area can be stored, traded, purchased items, exchanged for materials, etc.

First of all, for every girl in the port area, the basic living security does not require points, such as daily necessities that are normally consumed, such as oil and supplies for assault operations, such as three meals and suppers in the cafeteria, such as the lecture hall of the dormitory club, such as Library movie room and more.

But if it is beyond these basics, such as wanting to see the comics that were updated in Ningyang City yesterday, movies that are not included in the movie room, more oil and supplies, or even want to open a small shop by yourself, Points are required for redemption.

Every girl has a certain amount of basic points every month, not many, but enough for them to complete some not-too-excessive ideas.

And beyond that, to earn points, you need to work.

Any job is fine, all jobs in the basic system, such as cafeteria, lecture hall, patrol, on duty, etc., can get points.

To some extent, this is almost equivalent to a small ship mother headquarters, but the commission has been replaced with various jobs.

But unlike the ship girl headquarters, the ship girl headquarters will not send money to the free ship girl every month, and will not help the free ship girl to break through and strengthen.

In the port area, as long as a girl wants to, and has met the requirements for breakthrough and strengthening, she can apply in the lecture hall, and then make a breakthrough.

Yes, the breakthrough and strengthening of the ship girl is managed by the lecture hall.

This is the second soft infrastructure in the port area during this period, the department system under the office system, and now under the office composed of the secretary ship and the commander, there are various departments.

Now it temporarily includes the lecture hall, logistics, combat, canteen, and scientific research departments. At the same time, the club as a whole can be regarded as a department.These departments have greatly relieved the pressure on the office.

Otherwise, the company may not be able to find time to pick up Huang Chen and the others today.

Although the changes were big, under the company's explanation, Huang Chen understood the changes in a few words. He nodded in satisfaction, "Everyone in the office will be free now."

With such a plan, the work Tiancheng and the others need to do in the enterprise is the same as Huang Chen's before, and more of them are audits. Unless there is something important, they don't need to stay up all night like in the past.

Originally, some jobs were like this. If one person could do it, he would never be able to finish it. However, after being assigned, each person should do a little bit, which seemed insignificant.

"Our work is easy, but the commander's work is not easy." Enterprise smiled slightly, then pushed open the door first, and walked into the office.

"My job? No way, what else do I have to do?" Huang Chen scratched his head and followed the company into the room.

The cab was still the same, and it hadn't changed much for nearly a month. Amagi and Nagato were sitting behind the long table, and they greeted him in surprise when they saw him come in.

Although I saw the No. [-] aircraft docking before, I didn't expect the commander to come up so soon.

Huang Chen also responded excitedly, but then he spotted a strange girl sitting behind the desk.

Her long silver-white hair, lake-blue eyes and long pointed elf-like ears make her look quite dreamy, and the frugal white dress also has a sense of etherealness.

She stretched out her hand and smiled lightly, "Hello, Commander Huang Chen, I'm from Ningyang Headquarters, just call me Albion."

Chapter 659

"Ah, hello hello!"

Huang Chen was taken aback, and shook hands with the girl. Tiancheng explained from the side, "My lord, Miss Albion came here for the training of commanders, and she was the one who conducted the review task of the port area before. It was also her."

Huang Chen nodded, but suddenly felt a little strange, what does it mean to come here for commander training?Didn't that mean that you can wait until he finishes dealing with the girls' affairs before going?

He turned his head to look at the enterprise, and before he could speak, the girl seemed to understand his thoughts, and then explained.

"That's right. Commander, do you still remember the pirate rumors some time ago?"

"Pirates?" Huang Chen nodded. When the company returned from looking for the construction team in C1 area, it had mentioned some rumors about pirates, but it was just a rumor at that time.

Later, he went to the C2 area and never heard of it again, so he didn't pay attention to it.

After all, there are actually quite a lot of strange rumors on the sea. Compared with human beings, the ship girl has extraordinary power, but compared to the vast sea, she is actually quite weak.

Sirens are not the only threat. Storms, tsunamis, and loneliness without communication for a long time are extremely dangerous.

Therefore, all kinds of strange rumors have a very important position among people who like ghost stories and supernatural novels, and it is normal to have any kind of rumors.

During the previous voyages, Huang Chen had also heard many times about sirens disguised as commanders, who could not get out of the sea after entering, oil wells that gushed out oil inexplicably at night, and even ghost port areas that appeared in the mist some type of.

In comparison, rumors of pirates seem unremarkable, but it seems that there is something to be said about the company?

"A week ago, the official ship that came from the C3 area to send candidates for the exam was attacked." The enterprise paused.

"Attack?" Huang Chen was taken aback, was this done by pirates?That's the official ship of the ship's mother's headquarters, and it's not an ordinary ship. Is it just a pirate who can do this kind of thing?I'm afraid this has to be called One Piece, right?

"It's not accurate to say that the attack was true. The official ship did not receive any attack or damage, and the examinees and the ship's wife on board were not injured either... The specific loss is the loss of meat products, desserts, cheese, beer and fruit wine stored on the official ship. more than 50.00%." ​​The company explained with raised eyebrows.

"Meat products?" Huang Chen was taken aback.

Albion immediately added, "It's mainly meat products like sausage and bacon that are easy to store at room temperature."

"Ah, I didn't mean to talk about this..." Huang Chen waved his hands, his expression strange, "Then what about the specific process? Could it be that a pirate ship stopped the official ship and left with some messy food?"

Albion continued, "The process... There is no process. It happened at night. When the kitchen staff entered the warehouse the next morning, they found something wrong and immediately reported it. The escort of the official ship conducted a preliminary search and found no clues. .”

"It was mentioned that strange shadows were witnessed under the surface of the sea."

"Based on this investigation, the guards found nothing. Fortunately, no similar incidents occurred in the follow-up. After the official ship arrived in Ningyang City, the officer directly reported it to the headquarters. The latter attached great importance to it and dispatched expert-level military police investigation."

"But until now, the only certainty is that the underwater shadow witnessed that night is very similar to the previous pirate rumors."

The elf girl said seriously.

Huang Chen also listened seriously, and then raised his own doubts, "Then what does this commander training have to do with it?"

"First of all, this matter is very dangerous." Tiancheng said from the side, "The incident happened on an official ship. Although there were no casualties, the headquarters of the ship mother cannot rely on the kindness of the enemy. If there is another incident, the thief will not only steal food. , how dangerous is it?"

Huang Chen nodded. Although there was no danger this time, the whole process was actually quite scary.

Before anyone knew it, the food in the warehouse disappeared.Since the food can disappear, what about some jewelry and other valuables that people carry with them?

Albion continued, "So the command sent four fleets to conduct searches in the sea area where the incident occurred, and at the same time controlled the route."

Huang Chen frowned, "But it doesn't seem to have anything to do with commander training."

"Hmm." Albion nodded. "This incident had nothing to do with commander training, until the headquarters discovered that the sea area where the incident occurred was actually under the jurisdiction of a self-built port commander."


Huang Chen suddenly had nothing to say, such a big incident happened in the jurisdiction, and he didn't show up from the beginning to the end, so that the headquarters could find out.

Albion was also a little helpless, the girl shook her head and continued, "Of course this incident was unexpected, and theoretically it is not within the scope of the commander's responsibility, but this incident still made the headquarters decide to rethink the self-built port. Therefore, the review of the self-built port area and commander training has been temporarily suspended.”

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