Along the way, New Jersey kept introducing Huang Chen to the buildings and facilities along the way, and she even gave a brief introduction to the passers-by.

As Huang Chen listened, he felt more and more that this is not a simple academy.

In addition to the academy and the ship girls who are teaching, there are also many free ship girls living on the island.It's like the forest tea coffee where a few people ate ice cream just now, it was opened by a free ship lady.

If I had to say it, it was a bit like Academy City with only one school.

Within 10 minutes, the two walked to the office building, with New Jersey walking in front, "The Academic Affairs Office is on the second floor."

Huang Chen nodded, and casually glanced at the passerby who just passed by. Although she was a girl, she didn't look like a ship's lady. She should be the commander who came to train like him.

When he reached the second floor, he saw a red-haired girl Jian Niang standing at the door of an office in front of him from a distance, and soon a commander muttered, "It's too much to not provide a boarding house."

The red-haired ship lady lowered her head and pulled the hem of her clothes in embarrassment.

Huang Chen frowned, and went into the office without saying a word.

Sitting behind the table was a green-haired ship lady. She casually glanced at Huang Chen, then took a registration form, "Fill it out."

"Oh." Huang Chen nodded and wrote one by one.

Name: Huang Chen.

Sex: Male.

Age: Leave it blank for now.

Accommodation requirements: unified arrangement...

"and many more!"

New Jersey stretched out her hand and blocked Huang Chen's wrist, "honey, just fill in the self-care here!"

Chapter 671 Just leave it to the company

Enterprise drove the No. [-] machine and finally returned to Ningyang before lunch.

He casually found a restaurant for lunch, then hurried to the headquarters of the ship's mother.

The order has been placed for a long time, but the company still has no idea when it will get the helicopter.

Although as a ship girl, buying a helicopter does not require those complicated and cumbersome steps, no driver's license, no review, no need.

But things like helicopters cannot be produced and sold like radishes.

They all wait until someone places an order and then assemble it in the final assembly plant.Ning Yang has a factory here, not only have to wait for assembly, but also have to wait in line.

The company hurried to the logistics department, walked in along the stairs, and made a quick inquiry.

Nothing out of the ordinary, maybe a week or so.

She had expected to wait a long time, and left the office building without any surprise

Then I went to the telegraph office to see if I had received a telegram recently.

The telegraph office is a new thing, similar to the post office. After receiving the message, it will be sent to the given address. The previous telegram was not so convenient.

But for some places that are far away, such as Confluence Island, this process is relatively long.

Fortunately, Ningyang's telegraph office also provides a search function. As long as you give the address, they can help you see if you have received a telegram recently.

The enterprise leans in front of the counter, and the staff inside are jumping on a board as if they are dancing with fast fingers.

Then an instrument like a TV flickered quickly, then stabilized, revealing a clearly visible picture.

When the company came for the first time, I asked the staff and knew that this thing was called a computer.

At the same time, she also remembered that the commander seemed to be very interested in this kind of thing, but it was a pity that she couldn't buy it. In fact, she really wanted to buy one as a gift for the commander.

The staff looked at the screen expressionlessly, "The latest telegram is on the 16th, and it was sent from Shishui City, C2 District."

"I've seen that." The company waved his hand.

The staff continued, "Then there is no more."

"Okay." The enterprise paused, "Then I will send two telegrams now."

The staff still had no expression on their faces, but their hands moved quickly, and another interface was called up.

The enterprise reported the addresses of Benson and Bismarck, quickly sent a telegram to pay the money, then left the telegraph office and walked to the pier.

She has a fast pace, in fact, except when she is with the Commander, she is always fast.

She only walked for 5 minutes from the telegraph office to the pier, but just as she was about to board the No. [-] plane, an unexpected figure suddenly appeared in her sight.

"St. Louis!"

The company stepped forward to say hello in surprise, of course it was not St. Louis in its own port area, but that old friend

The blue long-haired ship lady turned her head when she heard the words, hesitated for a moment, and then showed a look of surprise, "Enterprise?"

"It's me." The enterprise paused, not knowing what to say for a while.

Although it has been asking St. Louis for help for a long time, but it has been so long since arriving in C1 area, the company has never met St. Louis.

Of course this is mainly because the businesses are on the island most of the time.On the rare occasions when he came to Ningyang, he failed to meet St. Louis due to various chances and coincidences.

"What a coincidence! The Grim Reaper has gotten fat. How long has it been since we met this time?" St. Louis was silent for a moment, and quickly recovered from that dazed state, typing curiously.

Sometimes it’s like this, when you meet an old friend you haven’t seen for a long time on the street, you don’t know what to say, as if there is an invisible barrier between the two.

However, the two didn't really break contact, they were just stunned briefly, and the atmosphere quickly became harmonious.

"Reaper..." Enterprise turned his head to look, then suddenly shook his hand, and let Reaper out. He didn't feel it normally, but after being reminded by St. Louis, he realized that this guy had become a little chubby at some point .

St. Louis smiled and continued to ask, "What are you doing in Ningyang today?"

"Send the commander to training." The company paused and waved its hands. "Then I did some chores and was preparing to return to the port area... How about you? Busy person? Today is the day off?"

"How can I be on vacation?" St. Louis shook his head, suddenly his eyes lit up, and then he looked around furtively, as if confirming that no one had noticed this way, and then whispered something in the ear of the company.

The latter frowned, and hurriedly took a step back, "If there is something hidden, don't tell me."

"It's okay, it's nothing important." St. Louis waved his hand and laughed, "You should have heard of the recent pirate incident, right?"

The enterprise nodded and did not speak.

"The command sent four fleets, and finally found her in the early hours of this morning. Then immediately added a tactical support team from Ningyang." St. Louis continued.

Enterprise nodded, thinking of the scene he saw when he passed by the office building in the morning, but he felt a little strange in his heart, "There will be no accidents in this case, right?"

"Otherwise, why is it called an accident? In short, the pirate ran away again." St. Louis shrugged, "But this time we got more information, such as confirming that the so-called pirate should be a ship's wife."

"Boss?" The company was really surprised by this.

"Well, ship girl. The type and name of the ship are still unclear. It doesn't seem to be a member of the known ship girl. The ship outfit is very weird, it seems to be... octopus tentacles."

Enterprise still listened carefully, but couldn't help frowning. This description sounds more like a humanoid siren?

As we all know, human-shaped sirens have some obvious characteristics of marine animals, and the observers entrenched in the sea area of ​​​​Zone O have many iconic tentacles on their ships.

"That's right. When the fleet first found her, they were really taken aback. They thought there was a new type of humanoid siren, but they immediately confirmed that she was a ship girl—the siren radar didn't respond, and if it was really a siren. , is too weak."

"Weak?" Enterprise raised her eyebrows. Some things are difficult to say clearly. If she is weak, can she let her run away?

"Although it's weak, it seems to have a unique way of I want to ask me to check it out now." St. Louis said helplessly, "SG radar. But I don't know if I can find it."

The girl paused, then patted Enterprise on the shoulder suddenly, and said expectantly, "However, since Enterprise is here, there must be no problem, right? As long as Death flies into the sky, she can find any ship girl .”

Enterprise pursed its lips, but in the end it was defeated by the eyes of its old friend, and he shook his head helplessly, "I knew it..."

Chapter 672

The words have reached this point, and the company can't refuse.

In fact, she didn't even think about refusing.

In other words, she was already a little used to being asked to do work by St. Louis. When she didn't go to K area a long time ago, she was often called to help.

The girl shook her head helplessly, and followed St. Louis to the pier, "Go on my boat, and I can only take a look at it, two hours at most."

"Enough is enough, the company is so powerful, how can it take two hours?" St. Louis smiled, followed the company to the No. It’s completely different from what I imagined.”

The company was walking to the bridge and was about to sit down. He paused for a moment, and then asked calmly, "Why is it different? What do you think yachts in our port area look like?"

"I remember..." St. Louis opened his mouth subconsciously, but he had to stop halfway through.

The girl frowned slightly, with doubts in her eyes, and looked around strangely, as if she had fallen into a state of confusion.

Enterprise was still sitting in the driver's seat, just silently watching her from the corner of his eye.Soon there was such an expression on his face, and then he smiled and said, "Shouldn't it be bigger and look tougher?"

"Well! That's right! Just be bigger and tougher!" St. Louis agreed, then shook his head and sighed, "I'm getting older, and I don't remember many things."

"The ship girl doesn't have the concept of age." The company didn't say anything, and started the second machine skillfully.

St.Louis also sat down at the U-shaped table, and even lay on his face lazily, with his hands stretched forward, and his hair loose, it could be said that he had no image, "Even so, I have existed for too long."

"Maybe you can consider giving yourself a vacation," says the business.

"Holiday..." St. Louis laughed, and suddenly sat upright again, "By the way, where is your port area rebuilt? I must visit when I am free."

"If you don't want to come, just tell me, when you are free, do you have any free time?" The company smiled disdainfully.

St. Louis scratched his head in embarrassment, then laughed out loud too.

The No. [-] aircraft drove at high speed and broke a white mark on the sea surface. The two talked and laughed all the way, and unknowingly approached the sea area where the incident occurred.

"It's almost there, the company can let the god of death take a look first."

"It has been released." The enterprise said, and stopped the No. [-] machine at the same time, "I saw a few ship girls coming here, probably from the ship girl headquarters, please explain to them."

"Okay!" St. Louis nodded, and soon noticed a few small black spots in his sight.

She got up and walked towards the flying bridge of the No. [-] aircraft, and those black dots became clear very quickly. The one in the front was a red-haired ship lady, who looked quite fierce.

The distance is still far away, and she has already greeted loudly, "The ship ahead, don't stay for a long time, there is danger in the nearby sea!"

"Maryland, it's me!" St. Louis waved and smiled.

The ship's wife named Maryland sailed on the sea for a while, and then laughed, "So it's St. Louis, is this a new official ship? Why haven't I seen it before?"

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