He paused, but still reached out to take it. While eating, he looked at Musashi curiously, "What's going on with that construction meeting?"

Before today, this construction conference only ranked No.2 in the queue of interest in his mind, and No.1 was the training itself.

But the experience this morning had to be said to be a bit boring, and then he lost some interest in the training, and transferred to the construction conference.

Musashi talked about it in class, but he only briefly mentioned it.

"Commander Huang Chen intends to participate?" Musashi chuckled, and then explained, "The construction meeting is held in the construction room. There are a total of [-] construction rooms, and a total of [-] commanders can build together."

"One hundred? Does the academy only recruit so few new students every year?" Huang Chen asked suspiciously.

"Of course not." New Jersey interjected, "After all, it doesn't take a day to build. The average construction time is less than an hour, and most of them are only a few 10 minutes. Everyone goes in and builds according to their student number, and they come out when they're done."

"It's like this." Musashi chuckled, "The training commander is arranged after the trainees. According to past experience, it probably won't be until the afternoon?"

"There will be no training on the day of the construction conference. Commander Huang Chen can hang out with New Jersey in the academy and go later in the afternoon."

New Jersey shook his head, "There is no other place where the construction conference is interesting, honey, I will reserve a good seat for you in advance!"

Huang Chen nodded, but he didn't refuse, after all, it's so much fun to watch.

He finished eating the ice cream in the cup slowly, looked at the time again, and said after deliberation, "It's almost time, thank you Mr. Musashi for your hospitality today..."

Before he finished his polite words, New Jersey couldn't help laughing from the sidelines, "Okay, honey, just say a word, we'll go back first."

"Okay, slow down, I'll wait a little longer." Musashi didn't care at all, he sat on his seat and waved goodbye, then silently watched Huang Chen and New Jersey leave the izakaya.

She sat and waited for a while, and suddenly waved to the waiter, "Please tidy up these, and serve another tempura platter, a jug of sake, and two glasses."

After everything was ready, she didn't move her chopsticks. Instead, she put one hand on the table and tapped lightly with her fingers.

After a while, he suddenly turned his gaze aside, "What are you waiting for, Dean?"

Chapter 680 A Scary Thought

"Ahaha, I just thought about it too much."

In the corner of the izakaya, a woman with long silver hair stood up unsteadily. She seemed to have been sitting there for a long time, but it was hard to notice before she spoke, like a passerby like a background board.

But really, as one of the few customers in the store, she should be conspicuous anyway.

Musashi slightly raised his head and glanced at the dean, then looked away, picked up his wine glass and took a sip, "Then what is your conclusion?"

Although the words seemed to have no beginning and no end, the two people present understood the meaning, and they were asking the head of the academy about Commander Huang Chen's conclusion.

In fact, part of the reason why I came here to eat at noon is also the reason of the head of the college.

"Why don't you tell me your opinion first?" The dean didn't answer, sitting opposite Musashi and asked.

"My opinion." Musashi put down his wine glass and thought for a moment, "Ordinary, reserved and clear, no different from the previous few days."

"That's how I see it too." The dean tapped his fingers on the table, looking very tangled and puzzled, "Actually, I also went to see it when you were in class this morning, and I still didn't notice anything unusual."

Musashi nodded, but didn't talk to her. She knew that according to the habit of the head of the academy, she hadn't finished speaking.

However, what was unexpected was that the dean didn't seem to want to continue. She picked up the chopsticks, picked up a few tempura and ate them, then waved her hands and got up to leave, "That's it Bar."

"Wait." Musashi reached out his hand to stop the headmaster, his golden eyes just staring at her silently.

Half a minute later, the dean seemed to feel a little oppressed, smiled slyly, sat back on the chair, scratched his head and laughed dryly, "Actually, this matter is mainly because it is not easy to explain, and it is not suitable for too many people to know .”

"I won't tell anyone else." Musashi said simply.

The head of the academy shrugged, noncommittal, "Let's put it this way, some time ago, you should have an impression of the siren riots that occurred in some C areas and K, J, and S areas?"

Musashi nodded. Although she spent most of her time in the academy, it was about the Siren, and every ship girl would pay more or less attention to it.

From April to June of this year, unexplained siren riots often occurred in the areas radiating from the K and J areas to the two sides, and even affected the normal air routes for several months.

But such riots gradually subsided around June. The last recorded riot was probably the siren wave reported in C14 area, and there might be some sporadic ones after that, most of which were no different from ordinary siren attacks.

"What if the riots of those sirens were not aimless?" The dean raised his head, his purple eyes showed a trace of seriousness and earnestness, "If they are searching for something with a purpose?"

"What, what?" Musashi was stunned for a moment, a little stunned.

Generally speaking, even if it is a humanoid siren, the consensus of the ship mother headquarters is that the other party does not have the ability to think. Only a few special sirens marked and named by the headquarters are considered to have complete thinking.

The siren attacks have never found any traces of overall planning and scheduling. They are more like a natural phenomenon. The sirens outside the front line will spontaneously gather towards the three gathering points, and the sirens in other sea areas will gather together. Spontaneously gather in places with large populations.

This is also the key to the fact that the headquarters of the ship mother can resist the sirens with a few front-line bases.

If the siren's attack was purposeful, conscious, and planned, it would make one's scalp tingle just thinking about it.

Since he is conscious, will he take the initiative to explore the weakness of the defense line of the ship's mother headquarters?For example, avoiding the most critical fortress bases on the front line, and gathering large troops to capture unguarded places?

Would they even pretend to be ordinary people and hide in the city in order to exert the greatest harm at critical moments?

Musashi just diverged his thoughts a little bit, and the things he thought of made his scalp tingle, "It should, it should be impossible..."

"Who knows?" The dean paused, got up and walked out, "But at least so far, nothing worse has happened."

Musashi didn't speak, and silently watched the silver-haired figure walk to the door of the izakaya, and suddenly said, "But what does this have to do with Commander Huang Chen?"

As soon as the voice fell, she didn't wait for an answer before she reacted.

The siren riot in area C14 was finally quelled with the help of a passing commander, that commander was Huang Chen.

"it's him?"

Musashi suddenly realized, and the dean had quietly left the izakaya.


The courses in the next few days can be said to be mediocre, uneventful, uneven, and boring.

The content is quite basic, and basically the commanders who participated in the training were taught as ordinary people who knew nothing.

What are the types of ship girls, how to use the oil needed by ship girls, how to add and upgrade ship girls' equipment, ship girls' training and skills, etc. In addition, there are also how to be a commander, the commander's obligations, how to fight against Cyprus Ren, a type of siren.

There are even how to harvest loot, how to identify materials and exchange them at the headquarters of the ship girl, how to save Rubik's Cube, and so on.

Although it was basic, it was indeed a very detailed teaching, and Huang Chen did learn a lot, such as how to use the Rubik's Cube to build.

Soon, a week passed, and the five-day training was over, followed by two days of vacation.

Although Huang Chen was surprised that this kind of training was held on weekends, he enjoyed it so much. First of all, he and New Jersey went to the amusement park that they failed to go to last time for a day.

The school started soon, and those students came back one after another. At least the passenger ships or small yachts on the pier never stopped. They drove into the pier one after another, and the flow of people poured into other parts of the college.

Huang Chen and New Jersey didn't have to queue up for anything they wanted to play in the playground in the morning, but in the afternoon they would have to queue for ten, twenty, or ten minutes.

It just so happened that the two of them had a similar time together, so they planned to go out and find a restaurant.

The two leaned together arm in arm, looking from a distance, they didn't look like the commander and the ship's wife, but like two buddies.

It's just that when I walked to the entrance of the playground, I was taken aback by the lively crowd. It didn't matter if there were too many people in the playground, but there were so many people outside, and there were so many stalls.

Huang Chen raised his eyebrows and looked around, and found that the best business was selling dolls, there was more than one, many of them were selling dolls, and there was a long queue in front of the shop.

He was suddenly puzzled, "What's the matter?"

New Jersey glanced, "Construction Conference, they're doing metaphysics."

Chapter 681

"Metaphysics, metaphysics, even if you know that the construction will be successful tomorrow, you will still think about how to build a powerful ship girl." New Jersey said mysteriously.

Huang Chen was also curious, and took the girl to a street vendor to watch from a distance.

The dolls were all ordinary cloth dolls, about ten centimeters long, stuffed with cotton. He had seen them in other places before, but it was rare for merchants to prepare so many at one time.

At a glance, it is probably an aircraft carrier, a battleship or something like that, because it is too small, I only see colorful hair and clothes, but I can't tell what kind of ship it is, so I can only rely on those ship outfits Distinguish whether it is an aircraft carrier or a battle column.

"What does this have to do with metaphysics?"

He stood there, watching a rookie-looking commander go up to buy a black-haired doll.

The newcomer didn't communicate with the boss at all. He locked his eyes on one of the many dolls, locked it as if he knew what he wanted to buy from the beginning, and then took the stuff, paid for it, and left.

But in Huang Chen's view, that doll is no different from other dolls.

"Honey, just buy one and you'll know." New Jersey laughed.

Huang Chen raised his eyebrows, "Do you have any suggestions?"

"My suggestion is that you must buy honey according to your own ideas, and it is completely forbidden to ask for other people's suggestions." New Jersey said.

Huang Chen nodded, walked to the vendors in line, imitated other buyers without saying a word, chose a random doll from among the densely packed dolls, and then directly paid for it.

He took New Jersey to an open space next to him, then lowered his head to study the doll in his hand.

A battleship with black hair, two small furry ears, and a red dress, which looks a bit like Nagato. He held it in his hand and studied it for a while, and suddenly found that there seemed to be a zipper on the doll.

Pulling it open, there was a note inside.

"Wait." New Jersey pressed Huang Chen's hand, "Honey, think about it first, which ship girl's name do you think will be on this note?"

"Oh, so the metaphysics is here." Huang Chen suddenly realized, looked at the doll in his hand, and then blurted out two words, "Nagato."

"Nagato..." New Jersey let go.

Huang Chen picked up the note and looked at it. Sure enough, the word Nagato was written on it in a twisted and twisted manner. In terms of neatness, the boss probably wrote it himself to save money.

"Does this mean that I can build another Nagato tomorrow?"

He chuckled while holding the note, but it is impossible to build a second Nagato. Once there is a certain ship girl in the port area, it is impossible to build it again.

Not even just building, not even fishing boats.

Compared with those messy ways to increase the success rate, this is the real metaphysics.

No one knows why, but it is like a natural law that cannot be violated and cannot be bypassed.Of course, ordinary people can't think about this kind of problem-there are not many ship girls in the first place, so naturally they don't have to think about what is called repetition.

"That's not what it means. Honey guessed it right. It means that if you are lucky, the construction will be successful tomorrow, but it doesn't have to be Nagato." New Jersey explained with a smile.

Huang Chen was puzzled, "Then it's useless for me to guess Nagato?"

"Hmm... to guess the name, there must be a target, right?" New Jersey spread his hands and explained.

Huang Chen looked at the note and the doll in his hand again, he was a little dumbfounded for a while, but he understood a lot.

There were only a few types of dolls on the vendor, and there were at least a dozen or so that looked like Nagato in his hands. Now he suspected that all the notes inside said Nagato, and a normal person could guess right.

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