Miyuki nodded, as soon as senior reminded her, she immediately remembered.

It is true that she has accepted such a commission, but it sounds dangerous to say that she is going to the front line, but in fact she didn't even meet the Siren, and she mainly did some material escort work and it was over.

Even simpler than entrusting some safe sea areas.

Mikasa recognized the direction, and continued driving in the boat: "Fanniang's headquarters is always like this. When the front line is a little tight, they call in people from the rear, but in fact they are not needed at all."

Miyuki nodded, still looking at the cruise ship, but suddenly met a blonde long-haired ship lady on the deck.

The little guy retracted his head subconsciously.


On the deck of the cruise ship, the blond-haired lady was a little puzzled, "I seem to see a former companion."

"Who is it?" asked the ship's lady who was wearing a plate armor.

"She avoided it, maybe she misread it." The blond ship lady shook her head, "Let's land in a while and send a letter to Jean Bart, and the matter here will be dealt with immediately."

Chapter 698 Benefactor, why are you here?

When Huang Chen closed his eyes, it was daytime, and when he opened his eyes, it was also daytime.

He thought he hadn't slept for long, but when he saw that Musashi had disappeared, even the tables, chairs and benches had been taken away.

Looking at the time, I realized that it was already the next morning.

It could almost be said that he slept for another day and night, for so long that Huang Chen felt that the so-called loss of mental power was not unreasonable.

It was clear outside the window, and there were a few crisp birdsong from time to time. There was a bento on the bedside table. From the crimped note below, it could be seen that it was brought from New Jersey yesterday.

After eating the bento and replenishing the emptiness in his stomach, he was thinking about whether to continue recording resonance images or preparing to leave the hospital for class, when he heard footsteps approaching in the corridor outside.

Huang Chen raised his head, just in time to see the door of the ward was opened, and a girl with long silver hair pushed the door in, "Commander is awake?"

"En." Huang Chen nodded, a little surprised, "Enterprise? Why are you here?"

"Actually, I arrived last night. I saw that the commander was still resting, so I didn't bother." Enterprise chuckled, and came in with a thermos. "This is breakfast, but it looks like the commander has already eaten."

Huang Chen nodded, remembering that New Jersey did say that she notified the port area.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help thinking a little bit divergently. He was only in a coma for a day, and the company hurried over.If he slept for ten days and half a month, he suspected that those girls might occupy the college.

He shook his head, put away all kinds of random thoughts in his mind, turned his gaze to the thermos in the enterprise's hand, and suddenly laughed lightly, "It's just that I'm not full yet."

Inside the thermos is a relatively light noodle soup. Although it is bland, it is better than hot.

Enterprise sat aside, watching with a smile.

Soon, Huang Chen ended the battle, probably because he ate some hot food, his whole body was quite energetic, and his thinking became more active.

"Enterprise, do you know the thing about the reverberation of memory? It is said that the picture that the commander saw when he built it is the history of warships in the old world."

"Well, there is indeed such a saying." The enterprise thought for a moment, then nodded, "There are further conjectures, such as construction is consuming history. Once it is consumed, it will not be able to continue construction."

Huang Chen felt a little curious, "Then why haven't I heard from you?"

"Uh... what's the point of saying this kind of thing?" The company blinked, slightly puzzled, "It's all just speculation."

"But isn't the most frequently built ship girl constantly changing?" Huang Chen asked, "is this evidence?"

"There are changes, but there are also things that don't change. The success rate of many warships has been maintained at a high level and has never declined. Doesn't this overturn that statement?" the company said.

"Another example is the free ship girl, who was born directly from the sea, but she was born with knowledge to understand some basic common sense, but did not reduce the so-called historical stock at all. Doesn't this overturn that statement again?"

Huang Chen frowned and nodded slightly.

The company concluded, "So that's just a guess, it can't be proven, and it doesn't make much sense."

"Then the success of the construction will lead to the birth of humanoid sirens on the front line?"

"It's true, but the reason is unknown." The company nodded, seeing Huang Chen's brows furrowed, and continued, "Don't worry, Commander, the humanoid sirens born in this way are very low-level, and they are not good for the front line." What a threat."

"I understand." Huang Chen nodded slightly, probably understanding the company's thinking.

What Musashi said, although it sounds lofty and related to the essence of construction and the essence of sirens, is not very helpful to real life.

Just like the so-called conjectures and discussions about the universe in his hometown.

Singularity explosions, parallel universes, space-time tunnels, curvature engines, etc., sound high-end, fascinating and fascinating.

But it is meaningless to ordinary people. Whether they know it or not, it does not affect the average person's need to eat three meals a day.

The same is true of the so-called 'memory reverberation' theory.

Whether you know it or not, it doesn't affect the commander's suppression of the sirens. If you know it, you will only increase your troubles, thinking that you have wasted a construction opportunity or something.

Of course, it's not that this kind of conjecture is meaningless, but it doesn't make much sense to Huang Chen.

When the sky fell, there was a tall man standing on top of it. Huang Chen thought that he was not tall in this kind of matter, only those front-line researchers could be considered tall.

"Why did the commander suddenly ask about this?" Enterprise asked with some doubts.

Huang Chen thought for a while, and organized his words, "I successfully built Plymouth this time, the company should know about it?"

The girl nodded. Although she arrived at the academy in a hurry last night, she already had a fairly complete understanding of the events surrounding Huang Chen's construction.

"The problem is that the screen resonates during construction, which is rather weird." Huang Chen took out his notebook and described to the company what he saw at the time.

The latter listened silently, frowning tightly and remained silent for a long time, "It sounds somewhat similar to those strange dreams of the commander."

"I feel the same way, and I feel that the javelins I saw in the construction screen were my javelins." Huang Chen said with certainty.

The enterprise nodded and made a guess, "Is there such a possibility that this is actually the dream of the commander when he was in a coma?"

"Huh?" Huang Chen frowned, feeling that the company's argument made sense.

He has never experienced construction, but just like memory fragments will emerge when he finds the ship girl in the past, the construction of the ship girl will also have corresponding dreams?

Then why didn't there be any response when fishing the boat?

For example, Elbin and Harbin are mediocre.

"Maybe, we can find a chance and try again." Huang Chen boldly assumed.

Enterprise frowned slightly, "Until the problem of the commander's coma is resolved, I suggest the commander not to start new construction for the time being."

Suddenly there was another conversation and footsteps outside the door.

"Honey! Are you awake?"

New Jersey walked ahead, laughing and walking to the ward.After a good night's rest, the girl looked much more energetic than yesterday.

There was a kind of joy from the heart. Although the girl was smiling yesterday, it was more like a politeness.

Followed by Plymouth, the girl with light purple hair loose, and a light gauze tulle skirt with a sense of dream, nodded to Huang Chen, "Master Commander, I hope the meeting this morning will make you happy, what are you doing?" Is it something I can do?"

Huang Chen waved his hands, and before he could answer, he saw the brown-haired pirate lady walking in behind the two of them with her arms open.

It's just that before he could greet Huang Chen, he saw the company sitting on the side.

Immediately shocked, he stepped forward and said, "Senpai! Why are you here!"

Chapter 699 What is Fishing Boat?

"Royal wealth?"

The company was also quite shocked. She knew that the girl would be sent to Nanyang College to study, but she did not expect to meet her here.I didn't even expect this guy to come with a group from New Jersey.

But after thinking about it, this kind of thing is not incomprehensible, after all, it is the commander.

Huang Chen also opened his mouth in surprise, "The company knows her?"

"It's kind of acquaintance." The company nodded, "I helped that ship girl's headquarters search a little later."

The girl said it more implicitly, but Huang Chen still understood her meaning immediately.

She helped the ship's mother headquarters seize the royal wealth.

Although I don't know how the company got involved in these things, but... call the person who arrested him a benefactor?

Huang Chen looked at the Royal Fortune with a slight frown.

From a certain point of view, to seize the royal wealth before it causes greater losses is tantamount to helping it rein in the precipice, and it is naturally worthy of a benefactor.

But Miss Pirate's brain circuit is very strange, Huang Chen thinks that she probably didn't start from this consideration.

"Then... what happened to the benefactor?" He asked.

"Hmm... It's a bit complicated to say. Generally speaking, it was a coincidence that I did her a little favor." Enterprise said briefly.

Huang Chen expressed his incomprehension, he couldn't imagine how the company could help Royal Wealth.

Could it be that he helped her get a [-] to [-] weekend job with food and lodging included?

"That's not so busy! Miss Enterprise!" Royal Wealth was so grateful that he walked up to the enterprise excitedly, stretched out his hand to grab it in mid-air, and then retracted it embarrassingly.

"If it weren't for Miss Enterprise, I'm afraid I would have been insulted by that horrible guy."

As Royal Wealth said, it seemed that he remembered something terrifying, and a trace of fear flashed in his eyes.

"and many more!"

Huang Chen looked at the royal wealth in shock, didn't he arrest the pirate lady?How did she become a victim instead?

New Jersey on the side also cast a serious look, the ship's wife was harassed?This is no small matter!

Only Plymouth still looked at everyone with a chuckle.

Enterprise shook his head, feeling a little helpless, "That's actually the case. At that time, she was hiding in a port area, and was discovered by the commander of that port area."

"That commander, who belongs to the type of capital ship that has a strong desire, saw that there was an additional royal wealth in the port area, which looked like a capital ship, and he couldn't help it immediately, so he stepped forward and did some irrational behavior."

"If you have to say it's harassment, it's not impossible, but because it's for a female commander, and during the whole process, other than burying the royal wealth in your chest and holding the royal wealth's thigh, there are no more aggressive actions. ..."

Huang Chen frowned, looking at Miss Enterprise and Miss Pirate, he felt that what he just heard was a little hard to understand.

The expression on New Jersey's face also changed from serious to blank.

Only Plymouth still looked at everyone with a chuckle.

"So...how did the Royal Fortune get harassed by a female commander...well?"

Huang Chen organized his words, but found that this kind of description was so weird, like a toothpick stirring a water tank, quite beyond his control.

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