"Latecomer, you have a very good business talent, and I look forward to your achievements."

Normal Attack·Thousand Gold Throw: Launch gems created by rock elements, causing damage to rock elements, when hit, give Condensed Light a star.When a heavy hit consumes stamina, a giant gemstone is launched, causing rock elemental damage. If you have a star Swirl, when you cast a heavy hit, all the star Swirls will be launched together, causing additional damage.

Elemental Combat Technique: Xuanji Screen: With the power of rock elements, create a rock elemental creation, Xuanji Screen, which cannot be climbed and can block flying props and skills. The upper limit of blocking is determined by the spell power and mana consumption.

Elemental Explosion·Tianquan Bengyu: The gems created by condensing many rock elements around the body will automatically search for enemies and attack the surrounding enemies in an instant, causing large-scale rock element damage.When casting Tianquan Bengyu, if there is a Xuanji screen nearby, the Xuanji screen will launch additional gem missiles to coordinate the attack.

Inherent Talent Star Shift: When you have Star Swirl, heavy hits will not consume stamina.

Inherent Talent: Save a Thousand Days, Use It for a Moment: When the Xuanji Screen exists, it will receive a rock element damage bonus.

"The stars are scattered all over the place, and the Xuanji is on the screen; the stars collapse and the jade is scattered, and all the ugliness are wiped out."

"This is my inheritance. For those who come after me, I hope you can carry forward this power and live up to the name of the leader of the Seven Stars."

After Xi Shi received the huge amount of information, she slowly opened her eyes and looked at Zhong Fei in front of her. A trace of doubt flashed in her eyes, obviously a little confused by the huge amount of information.

Fortunately, she recovered quickly, lay down next to Zhong Fei again, pestered him and asked, "Zhong Fei, is that Tian Quan Ningguang from another world?"

"That's right! She is the person in charge of Liyue under Emperor Yanwang, she is a remarkable person!" Zhong Fei nodded and praised.

"Her ability can actually condense gemstones, so amazing! This person must be very rich!" Xi Shi's eyes seemed to be twinkling with little stars.

"It's not an exaggeration to say 'wealth can rival a country'." Zhong Fei replied.

Moreover, in Tivat, what Ningguang threw was a real gem, not a fake like Xi Shi created with rock elements.

So Shih Tzu's skill is probably...

Tianquan Concentrating Light·The Poor Ghost Adaptation Version of the King's Continent?

Chapter 169

After Xi Shi got the power of condensing light, she happily went out to play.

Zhong Fei walked out of the room slowly and saw Haiyue waiting in the yard.

"I can feel that you have an aura similar to that of Lord Dijun." Haiyue sipped her tea and said lightly, "You...are you already a god?"

Zhong Fei touched his head, and smiled a little embarrassedly: "Accidentally broke through a few days ago, isn't it amazing?"

Haiyue took a deep look at Zhong Fei, and said meaningfully: "Wanting to reach the level of the gods cannot be explained by saying 'careless'."

Zhong Fei felt a little dizzy from Haiyue's gaze, but he couldn't just tell her "I have a system", so he laughed awkwardly and didn't answer the conversation.

Fortunately, Haiyue didn't seem to intend to get to the bottom of it. She just looked at Xi Shi who ran to the side to play with gems, and said, "I found that there is a new power in the mirror and Xi Shi's body."

"That power is very strange. Even based on my thousand years of experience, I have never seen it before. It seems... a power that does not belong to this world."

"Do you have any idea about this?" Haiyue glanced at Zhong Fei and asked.

"That's right, I gave them to them." Seeing that Haiyue had already found out, Zhong Fei simply admitted, "Why, can't it?"

"It's not impossible," Haiyue replied, still sipping her tea lightly, "I'm just curious about those powers."

"I want it too. Do you want to hold the 'introduction ceremony' like them first?"

"What's the 'introduction ceremony', don't talk nonsense!" Zhong Fei remembered Haiyue's weird way of thinking, and hurriedly interrupted her: "It made me look like some kind of strange sorghum who used his strength to lure little girls."

Haiyue stared at him so bluntly that she almost wrote the words "Isn't it?" on her face.

"It's because I used to be Lord Dijun's priest, so you don't believe me?" Haiyue stopped worrying about this question, and instead guessed: "It's understandable."

Zhong Fei didn't speak, it's not that he didn't believe in Haiyue, after all he was already considered the "God of Contract" now, and it was impossible for Haiyue to break the contract with him.

He was simply afraid that after returning to Chang'an, Haiyue would run to kill Sikong Zhen while she was not paying attention.

It's hard to say which of the two is stronger now, but if Haiyue awakens the Eye of God, then Sikong Zhen will be really in danger!

"Well, when I get back to Chang'an, I'll introduce someone to you." Zhong Fei said helplessly, "I'll awaken the Eye of God for you after the problem between the two of you is resolved."

"So this kind of power is called 'God's Eye'? Is this name...is it really given by the gods?" Haiyue frowned and said, "But I am sure that no one I know in Chang'an will naturally There is no problem to solve.”

Zhong Fei shook his head and said: "Although there are no people you know there, there are still 'things' you know, and you will know when the time comes."

Haiyue nodded and didn't speak anymore, Zhong Fei's heart moved and said: "How about this, a faction I created recently is called 'Liyue', why don't you join it first?"

Anyway, besides myself and the "God's Eye", there are no secrets in "Liyue" now, so I just pull Haiyue in first, and then what's the "loyalty" in the system, "member management" Ah and other functions can be checked at any time!

Haiyue thought for a while and said, "Is joining your force a prerequisite for gaining power?"

Zhong Fei nodded and said, "That's right."

Haiyue was thoughtful, and then asked: "So you plan to build a harem power? Just like those mortal emperors?"

Zhong Fei was taken aback by Haiyue's remark, and hurriedly interrupted her: "No, of course not! You also went to Wanjuan Grotto to read 'that kind of book'?!"

"What kind of 'that kind of book' is it?" Haiyue frowned and asked, "It's normal, don't be ashamed to admit it."

"When I was under Lord Dijun, I recruited many mortal soldiers. This is one of their most common wishes."

"Isn't that one of your wishes?"

Zhong Fei rubbed his nose, and said shyly, "Well...why doesn't it count..."

Haiyue nodded, and said earnestly and kindly: "So, just admit it boldly, no one will laugh at you, isn't it just a harem force, I have seen more outrageous wishes than this!"

"Yes, to admit it boldly is...to admit a P, I don't want to build a harem power at all!" Zhong Fei was almost entangled by Haiyue, but he still reacted: "I also invited Yao to join Well, it can't be..."

Before the words fell, Zhong Fei saw Haiyue's slightly disgusted gaze, and she slowly said: "Your sex...whether it is now or 1000 years ago, it is quite explosive. of......."

Zhong Fei was almost driven mad by Haiyue's anger, and said, "I told you, I'm not trying to build a harem! I'm not interested in Yao either!"

It's a pity that Zhong Fei's voice was too loud and was heard by Xi Shi who was doing acrobatics with gems. She froze for a moment and missed the gems in the air, but she didn't pay any attention to the gems scattered on the ground. Turning his head to look at Zhong Fei, his big eyes were full of great doubts.

"I'm not, I'm not, listen to my explanation!" Zhong Fei heard the sound of the gem falling to the ground, and also realized that Xi Shi had heard the previous words, so he hurriedly wanted to explain.

"Yes, he is not interested in Yao now, I can testify!" Haiyue assisted from the side.

"That's right, Haiyue can testify, I'm now... I've never had it before!" Zhong Fei reacted, and said angrily.

Xi Shi also came over at this time, patted Zhong Fei on the shoulder, and said with a sigh: "It's okay, I can understand you, everyone has immaturity..."

"I don't have it!!!!" Zhong Fei couldn't explain it, but he immediately found a hint of cunning in Xi Shi's eyes, and then pointed at Xi Shi and suddenly said: "You already knew that I didn't have it!"

Xi Shi stuck out her tongue and said with a smile: "Of course I know! How could you, who wants to accept a beautiful woman, be interested in Yao? Besides, there are so many sisters around you. There can't be a problem, right?"

"Even if I don't have confidence in myself, there are sisters A Li and Wan'er! I didn't know that there are sisters Jia Luo and Jing, how could they be interested in Yao!"

"That weird sophomore boy... tsk tsk..."

Yao, who seemed to have heard his name just now, came out of the room:?

First off, I didn't mess with any of you.....

Chapter 170 Galo Awakening

"You...are you talking bad about me just now?" Yao looked at the three people in front of him and asked with some uncertainty.

"No, no, how could it be, how could we say bad things about Captain Shining?" Xi Shi said awkwardly.

Haiyue who wanted to say something was directly covered by Zhong Fei, for fear that she would say something that would embarrass the three of them.

"But I just heard something about 'secondary school boy'..." Yao said uncertainly, rubbing his head.

"It's not about you, what we're talking about...is Zhong Fei, yes, he has become a bit of a second-year student recently!" Xi Shi hurriedly remedied.

Zhong Fei was taken aback for a moment, and after seeing Yao's suspicious gaze towards him, he gritted his teeth and admitted.

Yao heaved a sigh of relief, straightened his hair, and said, "I'll just say, how could I be a sophomore boy!"

"Even if you want to call me a middle school boy, you have to change 'two' to 'one'!"

After Zhong Fei, Xi Shi, and Hai Yue heard Yao's words, they couldn't help but collectively shuddered, and then they walked away quickly after laughing awkwardly.

Yao pursed his lips, and went back to the room to continue packing his things.

That night, Zhong Fei wanted to go to see Xi Shi, but Xi Shi ordered him to stop him, telling him to wait in his room with peace of mind.

Zhong Fei thought that Xi Shi was planning to come to his room, so he sent Haiyue who had been following him back early, and waited happily in the room.

Soon, there was a knock on the door, and a figure opened the door a little before Zhong Fei could react, and slipped in.

Zhong Fei hugged it without even looking at it, but suddenly found something wrong with the size when he got started.

Through the moonlight, Zhong Fei saw the figure in his arms clearly, and asked in surprise, "Jia Luo?"

"Did you recognize me as someone else?" Zhong Fei's words made Jia Luo look suspiciously over: "Is there anyone else coming to see you tonight?"

Although Jia Luo also knew about the relationship between Zhong Fei and Xi Shi, he still couldn't help asking. After all, it was Xi Shi who encouraged him to come here.

"No, no, how could it be!" Zhong Fei waved his hands and said, "By the way, what do you want me to do?"

Jia Luo didn't delve into it, but instead explained: "Sister Xi Shi told me that if you come to you to accept a ceremony, you can get the power of another world. Let me come to you before you return to Chang'an."

At this time, Haiyue who was next door murmured: "Sure enough, there is an 'entrance ceremony'..."

Looking back into Zhong Fei's room, Zhong Fei didn't expect that Xi Shi would tell Jia Luo the news, and he must have some lingering fears about the occasional demon species attacking the city in Yunzhong Modi.

In fact, Zhong Fei was also debating whether to awaken the Eye of God for Jia Luo. After all, the situation in Yunzhong Modi... Zhong Fei was also a little worried, after all, Jia Luo had already been booked by him.

"I can give you awakening power," Zhong Fei said slowly after thinking for a long time, "but there is a prerequisite, you need to join my power first."

"Although it will not affect your position in Thousand Cave City, you cannot use the resources I gave you to strengthen other people in Thousand Cave City."

"Even, you can't even tell other people about the news about my awakening power for you."

Jia Luo hardly thought much, and said directly: "Okay!"

"I know it's difficult for you to be the Lord of the Thousand Caves, but after all..." Zhong Fei thought he would be rejected by Jia Luo, but he didn't expect it to be like this: "You agreed?"

Jia Luo was a little strange: "Is there anything strange? It's normal for the power you awakened me to have some restrictions, and these conditions are just the most basic!"

Zhong Fei was a little surprised, and then said with black lines all over his head: "Well, maybe I should read less romance scripts... I thought you would definitely fight for some benefits for Thousand Cave City ..."

Jia Luo didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but he still said softly: "Will these be described in romance scripts?"

Zhong Fei nodded, and said solemnly: "That's right, this is called the overflow of the Virgin's heart, you can't learn it, Jia Luo!"

Jia Luo rolled his eyes at him, but didn't speak.

Knowing that he had misunderstood Jia Luo, Zhong Fei hurriedly took out a God's Eye from the system backpack, and started the God's Eye bestowing ceremony.

"As long as you don't lose your nobility, the whole world will be open to you." Zhong Fei's serious voice sounded, and Jia Luo seemed to feel something. He took the God's Eye in Zhong Fei's hand with both hands, held it on his chest, and closed it eyes.

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